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COVID-19 Pediatric

Holly Neale, BSa,b, Elena B. Hawryluk, MD, PhDa,c,d,*

 MIS-C  Pediatric dermatology  COVID-19 children  Perniosis  Pernio-like lesions

 The robust immune system in younger individuals may be protective from traditional respiratory
symptoms of COVID-19 but also may underlie cutaneous responses like those seen in multisystem
inflammatory syndrome and pernio-like lesions.
 Cutaneous manifestations reported in children are diverse and include (but are not limited to) mac-
ular, papular, morbilliform, vesicular, urticarial, and vascular morphologies.
 The prognosis of pediatric patients who manifest COVID-19 cutaneously is excellent and usually

INTRODUCTION inherent protections likely aid in preventing the

serious respiratory sequelae of COVID-19 in
During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) most children,13 robust immune mechanisms
pandemic, people of all ages are susceptive to also might contribute to alternate manifestations
infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome observed, such as cutaneous eruptions.
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Diagnoses in more Lack of traditional or severe signs can heighten
than 3 million children beginning in the neonatal attention to nontraditional presentations, making
period have been made as of April 2021.1,2 When dermatologic manifestations particularly relevant
compared with adults, however, pediatric patients in children. Cutaneous signs sometimes are the
manifest with less severe respiratory sequelae and predominant or only clue toward pediatric
higher frequencies of no, mild, or atypical COVID-19 infection.14,15 One of the earliest exem-
symptoms.3–6 plifications of pediatric dermatoses related to the
Reasons behind the contrasting presentation of pandemic is the acral skin eruption, known as
COVID-19 in youth compared with aged individ- COVID toes.16 Many children and adolescents
uals are multifactorial.7 Children are less likely to since have presented with various acral and non-
have predisposing factors for severe disease, acral skin findings in connection to SARS-CoV-2
such as underlying medical comorbidities8 or infection; cutaneous manifestations are recog-
damaged endothelium.9 Moreover, young people nized as the seventh most common extrapulmo-
demonstrate differing antibody responses to nary COVID-19 association in children.17 Greater
SARS-CoV-2 infection10 and possess stronger than 8% of hospitalized COVID-19 positive pediat-
antiviral innate and adaptive immunity compared ric patients have a cutaneous eruption,18 and
with older adults (including more cytokines, dermatologic manifestations may be a component
increased production of interferons,11 increased of a serious, systemic pediatric presentation, such
CD41/CD81 T cells, and a more vigorous CD81 as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
T-cell response to new antigens).12 Although these (MIS-C). Thus, although cutaneous signs of

The authors have no conflicts of interest of funding sources to disclose.

Department of Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; b University of Massachu-
setts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA; c Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; d Boston Children’s
Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
* Corresponding author. Department of Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.
E-mail address:

Dermatol Clin 39 (2021) 505–519
0733-8635/21/Ó 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
506 Neale & Hawryluk

COVID-19 infection often are a form of mild dis- slight male predominance, and minority races/eth-
ease in children, it also is necessary to consider nicities are affected by MIS-C more commonly
the possibility of more serious complications. than non-Hispanic white children.19,24
Herein, the clinical presentation, demographic
trends, pathophysiologic theories, implications,
and management strategies for dermatologic pre-
sentations of COVID-19 are addressed with Due to temporal emergence of MIS-C with the
respect to MIS-C, acral eruptions, and various pandemic in addition to confirmed laboratory evi-
vascular, inflammatory, and nonspecific skin find- dence of SARS-Co-V-2 infection in 99% of
ings. Through descriptions of COVID-19 pediatric cases,23 it is highly suggestive that MIS-C indeed
cutaneous manifestations, this article demon- is a consequence of COVID-19 infection. Specif-
strates the role of the dermatologist and impor- ically, it is thought that MIS-C is a late or postviral
tance of prompt recognition. complication due to trends revealing a higher likeli-
hood of SARS-CoV-2 antibody positivity
MULTISYSTEM INFLAMMATORY SYNDROME compared with viral RNA detection.27–30 Children
who report milder viral symptoms before MIS-C
 MIS-C is a serious and sometimes life- onset support the notion of MIS-C being a later
threatening response to COVID-19 infection sequelae; the median time to onset has been re-
in children, leading to organ dysfunction, ported at 25 days.24
shock, and often the need for intensive care Although the exact mechanisms are not yet un-
and circulatory support. derstood, MIS-C is described as the result of a
 Skin and/or mucous membrane changes may cytokine storm in response to COVID-19 infec-
be present in more than half of children tion.31 Pathogenesis theories include the role of
affected by MIS-C and appear with various an overly robust pediatric innate and/or cellular im-
morphologies and distributions. mune response,27 superantigen region on the
 Although most require intensive care, patients SARS-CoV-2 spike protein,32,33 and immune-
with MIS-C carry a good prognosis, with mor- complex development from viral antigens (type III
tality estimated at 2%. hypersensitivity)34 inciting strong cytokine
cascade. A pediatric biorepository has been
Definition established with one main goal to better under-
stand the complex immunologic mechanisms un-
To date, one of the most severe pediatric conse- derpinning MIS-C.35
quences of COVID-19 infection is MIS-C. Initially
recognized approximately 1 month after the first
COVID-19 pandemic surge,19 MIS-C is a hyperin- Cutaneous Presentation
flammatory response to SARS-CoV-2 infection in MIS-C demonstrates a wide spectrum of cuta-
pediatric patients that leads to dysfunction in neous associations (Fig. 2). Mucocutaneous find-
several organs. The Centers for Disease Control ings are a component of MIS-C in 50% to 83%
and Prevention (CDC) has defined MIS-C as an in- of children,19,24,29,36,37 which are variable and
dividual under 21 years old with current or recent polymorphic (Table 1). Purpuric, targetoid,
SARS-CoV-2 infection (or exposure), a fever last- erythematous, retiform, reticular, livedoid, urticar-
ing greater than 24 hours, laboratory inflammatory ial, scarlatiniform, papular, macular, maculopapu-
marker evidence, and the presence of severe lar, desquamative, erythema multiforme (EM)-like,
illness involving greater than 2 organs (cardiac, and morbilliform exanthems have been
respiratory, gastrointestinal, dermatologic, renal, described.37–41 Eruptions may be generalized or
hematologic, or neurologic), requiring hospital localized, such as to the trunk, face, periorbital
admission that cannot be explained by other area, extremities, or diaper area.29,38,40,41 In 1 se-
illness (Fig. 1).20,21 ries of 7 MIS-C patients with cutaneous findings,
57% had lesions described as urticarial-like pla-
ques, all had involvement of the lower extremities,
Since the earliest reported cases in England,22 and 29% experienced mild pruritis.37
more than 3000 children have been affected by The hands and feet frequently are a site of cuta-
MIS-C, as of April 2021.23 A majority of children neous symptoms; findings include erythema,
who develop MIS-C previously were healthy.24 swelling (edema), and desquamation.28,38–40
Cases have been reported as young as 1 month Mucositis in the forms of papillitis of the tongue
old25 to 20 years old,26 with median age estimated (strawberry tongue),29,41 cheilitis (lips appearing
between 5 years and 11.5 years old.20 There is a erythematous, swollen, dry, or cracked/
COVID-19 Pediatric Dermatology 507

Fig. 1. CDC diagnostic criteria for MIS-C. An individual aged less than 21 with SARS-CoV-2 (confirmed or sus-
pected within prior 4 weeks), a fever for greater than or equal to 24 hours, involvement of at least 2 organ sys-
tems (1gastrointestinal, hematologic, neurologic, dermatologic, respiratory, cardiovascular, or renal), laboratory
evidence of inflammation, severity requiring hospitalization, and no other explanation must be present.21 (*Lab-
oratory markers of inflammation include but are not limited to elevations in fibrinogen, ferritin, D-dimer, eryth-
rocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, interleukin-6, neutrophils, lactic acid
dehydrogenase, and/or low albumin or lymphocytes21; examples of hepatobiliary markers: AST/ALT119; examples
of hematologic markers: neutrophil, lymphocytes, platelets, hemoglobin119; examples of cardiac markers:
troponin, brain natriuretic proenzyme21; and examples of renal markers: creatinine,119 blood urea nitrogen,

fissured),28,39,40,42 and/or conjunctivitis29,41 worsened disease severity,29,41 1 study reported

frequently are observed. that mucocutaneous signs were a risk factor for
Although some investigations have found no intensive care unit admission, more severe inflam-
correlation between mucocutaneous findings and matory marker derangement (C-reactive protein
508 Neale & Hawryluk

Fig. 2. Cutaneous eruptions in patients with MIS-C. (A) An erythematous plaque of the neck on a 7-year-old girl.
(B) A 12-year-old boy with a maculopapular eruption of the trunk and extremities as well as (C) erythema of the
palms. (From Fludiona Naka, Laura Melnick, Mark Gorelik, Kimberly D. Morel, A dermatologic perspective on
multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, Clinics in Dermatology, 2020.)

[CRP], D-dimer, and lymphopenia), and poor pre- present clinically as hypotension, shock, or, less
sentation with severe tachycardia.43 Mucocuta- commonly, chest pain.44,45 Neurologic and hema-
neous manifestations typically resolve with tologic abnormalities manifest with various signs
treatment of underlying MIS-C.37 Importantly, and symptoms, such as headache, dizziness,
mucocutaneous findings associated with fever in mental status change, fatigue, lymphadenopathy,
a child are nonspecific, and in the setting of nega- lethargy, and myalgias.26,44
tive COVID-19 testing can pose a diagnostic With accumulating cases, an analysis of 570
challenge. children reported to the CDC allowed the identifi-
cation of 3 distinct subgroups based on patient
Extracutaneous Presentation underlying features. Rash and mucocutaneous
In addition to dermatologic presentation, aware- findings were prominent in a group of “MIS-C
ness of the most common extra-mucocutaneous overlapping with Kawasaki disease (KD),” that
findings of MIS-C is necessary when evaluating a was characterized by younger patients (median
child for skin eruption in the COVID-19 pandemic. age 6 years) and lower frequency of myocardial
Fever, a critical component of the MIS-C diag- dysfunction or shock. In contrast, the other groups
nosis,21 usually precedes mucocutaneous findings represented “MIS-C without overlap with acute
but can occur after or during acute presentation.29 COVID-19 or KD” (median age 9 years) with prom-
Other vital sign changes in the form of tachycardia, inent cardiovascular and gastrointestinal symp-
tachypnea, and hypotension are presenting signs toms, and “MIS-C overlapping with severe acute
in more than three-quarters of affected COVID-19” (median age 10 years) with prominent
children.26,36 respiratory symptoms.30,46
The gastrointestinal system is the most common
organ system involved in MIS-C, and signs in the
form of abdominal pain, vomiting, and/or diarrhea The CDC recommended laboratory work-up for
are noted in 80% to 92% of cases.24,26 Respira- suspected MIS-C includes a SARS-CoV-2
tory symptoms, such as dyspnea, upper respira- reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
tory infection-like signs, and respiratory (RT-PCR) test and serologic testing (prior to treat-
insufficiency, are observed in 21% to 70% of ment initiation) when available.21 Inflammatory
cases.24,26,29 Cardiovascular involvement may marker elevation is a critical component of
COVID-19 Pediatric Dermatology 509

Table 1
Differential Diagnosis
Mucocutaneous findings in multisystem Many features of MIS-C presentation resemble KD
inflammatory syndrome in children in children, making KD a top differential diagnosis.
Findings, such as high fever, conjunctivitis, lymph-
Location Descriptors
adenopathy, cheilitis, skin rash, myocarditis, and
Generalized Urticarial41 coronary artery aneurysms,24,36 occur in both KD
Perineal40 Papular38 and MIS-C. Although the features of MIS-C over-
Trunk100 Maculopapular38 lap with KD and incomplete KD, many children
Face29 Macular39
do not meet the full diagnostic criteria,24,25,36,41
Ears109 Morbilliform39
Periorbital Desquamative40
and distinguishing demographic trends in age
area29,109 Edematous39 and geography are apparent between the 2 dis-
Extremities41 Erythematous41 eases (Table 2).
Purpuric38 A severe COVID-19 infection (without meeting cri-
Targetoid41 terion for MIS-C) also is possible. A retrospective
Retiform41 comparison of MIS-C versus severe COVID-19 in
Reticular38 1116 hospitalized patients ages 21 and under
Scarlatiniform40 revealed MIS-C patients presented more frequently
Petechiae28 with mucocutaneous signs than those with severe
COVID-19. MIS-C cases showed greater laboratory
inflammation, and complications were more likely to
Hands Edematous40 involve the cardiac system.48
Feet Erythematous40
In addition to KD, the differential for MIS-C in-
Purpuric38 cludes systemic illnesses, such as macrophage-
Petechiae28 activation syndrome, toxic-shock syndrome, bac-
Tongue Papillitis41
terial sepsis, and scarlet fever.40,49 Depending on
Strawberry tongue40 the clinical picture, drug hypersensitivity, vascu-
De-epithelialized28 litis, or other viral infections may be considered.38
Lips Cracked/fissured39,41
Erythematous29 Prognosis and Management
Eyes Injected29,109 MIS-C is a serious complication of COVID-19 in
Swollen39 children, requiring intensive care unit admission
Nonpurulent discharge39 in up to 80% of cases24,26 and often supportive
care, including vasopressors, fluids, and/or me-
diagnosis, and markers to test include erythrocyte chanical ventilation.48,49 Treatment includes intra-
sedimentation rate, CRP, fibrinogen, procalcito- venous immunoglobulin and corticosteroids; many
nin, ferritin, lactic acid dehydrogenase, D-dimer, patients also receive anticoagulants and/or anti-
interleukin-6, and albumin.21 Additionally, a com- platelet agents.48 Medications, such as antivirals,
plete blood cell count to look for lymphocytopenia, cytokine blockers, and various immunomodula-
neutrophilia, and/or thrombocytopenia is war- tory agents, have been used.19,48,50 Few children
ranted, because hematologic abnormalities are may improve without any immunomodulatory ther-
present in the majority cases.24 A comprehensive apy.25 The median hospital stay is approximately
metabolic panel may reveal end organ impacts, 1 week,24 and a large majority of MIS-C patients
such as acute kidney injury or abnormal hepato- enter remission. There have been reports of death,
biliary markers.38,44 however, due to MIS-C following COVID-19 infec-
Usually, children receive cardiac work-up, tion24,42; mortality is estimated at 2%.24,26
including cardiac enzyme biomarkers, brain natri- The post-hospitalization sequelae of MIS-C are
uretic peptide, echocardiogram, and/or electro- just beginning to be appreciated. Coronary artery
cardiogram21 due to a known relationship abnormalities were identified in a notable percent-
between MIS-C and myocarditis, cardiac dysfunc- age of patients in all 3 clinical presentations/sub-
tion, and/or coronary artery dilatation/aneu- groups of MIS-C, described previously, ranging
rysm.30,47 When clinically warranted, radiologic from 16% to 21%,46 which has an impact on pa-
assessment of the chest or abdomen is performed tient return to baseline activities. It has been
and may reveal further systemic effects, such as observed that a majority of MIS-C patients with se-
pulmonary infiltrates, lymphadenopathy, pleural vere cardiac complications recover within 1
effusion, hepatosplenomegaly, ascites, or months to 3 months.48 Although impacts on hair
ileitis.38,47,48 are not robustly documented in pediatric patients
510 Neale & Hawryluk
Table 2
Kawasaki disease compared with multisystemic inflammatory syndrome in children

Multisystem Inflammatory
Kawasaki Disease Syndrome in Children44
Age Younger children (90% of Mean age 9 years old
cases under age 5)110
Geography More common in Asia (Japan, Majority of reports from the
South Korea, and Taiwan)111 US and Europe
Race/ethnicity Most common in Asian and >65% of cases in Hispanic/
Pacific Islanders112 Latino or non-Hispanic black
Gender Male predominance110 Slight male predominance
Clinical signs
Fever Unexplained fever lasting 5 Fever lasting >24 h must be
d must be present112 present
Conjunctivitis 4 of 5 are part of diagnostic <50% meet criteria for KD
Oral mucosal change criteria (or 3 of 5 for
Distal extremity changes incomplete KD)112
Skin rash
Cervical lymphadenopathy
Gastrointestinal Present in 61%113 Present in 87%
Respiratory involvement Slightly less common Slightly more common
Present in 35%113 Present in 41%
Cardiovascular shock Less common More common
Present in <10%114 Present in 66%

with MIS-C, there are reports of alopecia areata  Children and young adults are more likely to
and telogen effluvium, which may be related to manifest with pernio-like lesions than older
the infection, a postinfectious sequelae of disease, adults.
or associated stress.51  Pernio-like lesions typically are self-limiting
Although skin findings are nonspecific and non- with excellent prognosis, although recurrent
diagnostic, dermatologists must be aware of MIS- skin sequelae are being appreciated.
C and potential downstream sequalae. Children
who present with a new skin eruption, swollen ex- Evolution of COVID-19 Toes
tremities, or mucous membrane changes during
the COVID-19 era benefit from a full review of sys- Traditional pernio, also called chilblains, is an in-
tems, vital signs, and in-person examination. If a flammatory reaction of the superficial vasculature
presentation is suspicious for MIS-C but the pa- on acral cutaneous surfaces (fingers, toes, nose,
tient otherwise is stable, it is appropriate to obtain and ears) that often is idiopathic and triggered by
laboratory testing to assess for COVID-19 infec- cool and/or damp temperatures (primary pernio)
tion and markers of inflammation for signs of multi- or, less commonly, is due to an underlying autoim-
organ dysfunction, and/or consult mune or systemic inflammatory disease (second-
subspecialists.52 Stable patients with cutaneous ary pernio).53 Outside of the COVID-19 era,
eruption of unknown etiology during the pandemic pernio is considered a relatively uncommon dis-
may be counseled to monitor for development of ease54; 1 study reported only 8 pediatric cases in
accompanying signs of MIS-C. Severely ill children 10 years,55 although many consider this reaction
must be evaluated by emergency/critical care for to be clinically identified and readily managed
immediate further work-up and management. with supportive care.
Following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,
PERNIO (CHILBLAINS)-LIKE LESIONS thousands of children and young adults with no
prior history of acral skin changes began to
 Pernio-like lesions are an inflammatory develop asymptomatic, painful, and/or pruritic le-
response to COVID-19 resulting in purpuric sions with striking resemblance to pernio:
and erythematous acral cutaneous surfaces. erythematous, purpuric papules, and macules
COVID-19 Pediatric Dermatology 511

affecting the toes, feet, fingers, and hands (Fig. 3 adults,11 which provides innate immunity against
morphologies are discussed in further detail in viruses.60 It is known that constitutive type 1 inter-
Ritesh Agnihothri and Lindy P. Fox’s article, feron responses lead to autoinflammatory mani-
“Clinical Patterns and Morphology of COVID-19 festations, including chilblains.61 Thus, it is
Dermatology,” in this issue). The temporal relation- possible that when infected with COVID-19,
ship of increased pernio-like cases coinciding with healthy children and young adults mount a strong
the pandemic alluded to a possible relationship. interferon response, clearing the virus,62 and sub-
Thus, the terms, COVID toes and COVID fingers, sequently develop pernio-like lesions as a delayed
were coined, and pernio-like lesions since have consequence of inflammation.63,64
become the cutaneous manifestation in confirmed Supporting this theory, it has been found that
or suspected COVID-19 infected individuals individuals with pernio-like lesions respond with
across the globe reported most frequently.56 significantly higher blood levels of interferon
alpha when stimulated with immune ligands
compared with patients with acute COVID-19
Why Youth?
infection.65 Higher rates of antibody test positiv-
Younger, healthy people tend to present with ity compared with rates of RNA detection in indi-
pernio-like lesions at higher frequencies than older viduals with pernio-like lesions,65 in addition to
adults.57 The median age of pernio-like lesions is the tendency for delayed presentation of lesions
the mid-20s to-late 20s,56,58 and 29% of those in relation extracutaneous symptoms (Ta-
with pernio-like lesions are children or adoles- ble 3),56,59 provide additional support of pernio-
cents.59 Leading theories aid in explaining the like lesions as a postviral manifestation of
demographical trend toward healthy youth. The COVID-19 infection. Biopsies of pernio-like le-
immune system of younger individuals has higher sions offer evidence of a primarily inflammatory
amounts of interferon compared with older process.66

Fig. 3. Pernio-like lesions in children. (A) A child with purpuric papules on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th right digits
and 2nd proximal left digit and (B) Digits on the same child appearing with increased erythema. (C) Right toes of
a child appearing with pink and dusky papules and plaques, also involving (D) the child’s left digits.
512 Neale & Hawryluk

Table 3
Clinical presentation of pernio-like lesions in children66,67,80,115–117

Primary Secondary
Lesion Lesion Lesion Lesion Associated Extracutaneous
Location Color Morphology Features Symptoms Symptomsb
Toesa Red Papules Edema None Fever
Feet Purple Macules Erosion Pruritis Cough
Ankles Brown Vesicles Crust Pain Sore throat
Fingers Red-bluish Bullae Nasal congestion
Hands Gray Patches Rhinorrhea
Plaques Chills
Abdominal pain
Including nail involvement.
If extracutaneous signs are present, they precede cutaneous findings more than half the time59,80,117.

Relationship to COVID-19 negative test does not necessarily rule out an as-
sociation of pernio skin lesions with COVID-19,77
SARS-CoV-2 nasopharyngeal RNA and/or sero-
and optimal testing times remain an area of
logic results often fail to demonstrate COVID-19
ongoing research.
infection in many cohorts of individuals with
Although it is possible that select patients mani-
pernio-like lesions,58,67–69 leading to theories that
fest idiopathic pernio, the dramatic surge in cases
the increase in cases may be coincidental, due
(including in temperate climates),65 and clustering
to patient/provider/media awareness (confirma-
in families and close contacts,66 in addition to
tion bias),70 or a result of pandemic lifestyle
emerging evidence from larger cohorts,59 support
changes (such as walking barefoot at home more
a connection between pernio-like lesions cases
often).71 Lack of laboratory positivity, however,
and COVID-19. Of patients with pernio-like lesions
may speak more to testing nuances rather than
during the pandemic, 72% have a suspected
lack of true infection.72 Cleared infections59; failure
COVID-19 infection,59 and up to 30% of those
to look for IgG, IgM, and/or IgA antibodies in sero-
with serologic testing have antibodies to SARS-
logic testing73; and improper timing of testing in
CoV-259,65 (compared with <10% in the general
relation to disease (ie, the window between
US population.)78 In a series of 7 pediatric cases,
cleared infection and detectable antibodies)74 are
COVID-19 viral particles were observed in endo-
potential reasons why viral testing may read nega-
thelial cells using electron microscopy of biopsied
tive following COVID-19 infection. For example,
pernio-like lesions.79 With time, more readily avail-
given the theory that pernio-like lesions are a post-
able COVID-19 tests, and emerging data, it is antic-
viral manifestation, for a child presenting with
ipated that the relationship between the pandemic
pernio-like lesions 10 days after a mild cough,
and pernio-like lesions will become more clear.
RNA testing would be negative if the infection
was cleared (the median time to undetectable
Pediatric Outcomes and Management
RNA is 14 days, meaning 50% of individuals test
negative before then),75 and antibodies may not It is overall reassuring that regardless of etiology,
yet be detectable (average length to mount pernio-like lesions usually are self-limited.65 The
response is 1–3 weeks),76 thus, possible that lesions and associated symptoms often last 1
neither test would be positive. In separate analysis week to 3 weeks,59,80,81 although, in some pa-
of 906 reported cases of confirmed or suspected tients, persistence or recurrence may occur.82
COVID-19-associated skin manifestations, First-line management is observation83; topical
COVID-19 tests were more likely to be positive if corticosteroids, topical antibiotics, and nonste-
performed earlier in the disease course, and roidal anti-inflammatory agents may be useful for
some negative tests were resulted from patients acute inflammation.67,84 Some patients with
whose skin biopsies demonstrated SARS-CoV-2 increased pain and symptoms require additional
RNA.72 Mounting evidence supports that a pain management, and topical anesthetics and
COVID-19 Pediatric Dermatology 513

analgesics, such as topical gabapentin, diclofe- found in EM-like, reticulated purpura, and
nac, ketamine, JAK inhibitors, lidocaine patches, perniotic-like acral lesions.86,90 Young individuals
and ointment are reasonable choices. The long- with such acral manifestations tend to have an un-
term outcomes and recurrence rate of lesions will complicated disease course and excellent
become apparent with time. With the temporal outcomes.
second wave of COVID-19 cases, there has been
another increase in reported cases of pernio-like Nonacral Cutaneous Eruptions
Clinical judgment should be used in the decision Nonacral surfaces also are involved in cutaneous
to test children for SARS-CoV-2 with consider- eruptions related to COVID-19 infection in chil-
ation to timing from symptoms and pretest proba- dren. Some manifestations that are observed in
bility. Previously healthy children with no history of COVID-positive adults, such as erythematous, ve-
acral cutaneous disease and lack of overt risk fac- sicular, or urticarial exanthems,92 also can pre-
tors for traditional pernio may benefit from RT- sent in infants and children with suspected or
PCR testing if they are presenting during the confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection.15,93–95 Pete-
COVID-19 era, particularly if they are evaluated chiae, which are associated with several other
promptly upon lesion onset. viral illness in children,96 have been observed in
1% to 2% of hospitalized COVID-19 positive chil-
dren and may be widespread or localized.14 Case
NONSPECIFIC COVID-19 DERMATOSES reports of children with COVID-19 further demon-
 Cutaneous eruptions can be a sole presenting strate the various forms of potential mucocuta-
sign of COVID-19, be accompanied by mild neous changes, such as erythematous and
extracutaneous disease, or be seen in hospi- purpuric macules on the face,97 swelling and pap-
talized COVID-19 children. illitis of the tongue,98 vesicular oral eruption,99 a
 Various inflammatory, vascular, and nonspe- roseola-like rash,100 and a pruritic maculopapular
cific cutaneous morphologies have been rash.100 These case reports do not support cau-
described. sality between COVID-19 and cutaneous erup-
tions, because there are many potential causes
In addition to the well-reported cases of MIS-C for exanthems in children. The virus has been
and pernio-like lesions in children, various other further implicated, however, by its demonstration
cutaneous eruptions have been reported. Table 4 in biopsy tissue from various eruptions, including
summarizes the different skin findings by etiology patients with EM86 and purpuric and livedoid
that may be related to COVID-19 infection in pedi- eruptions.90
atric patients. Although most cases of young individuals with
cutaneous manifestations have a mild and uncom-
Nonperniotic Acral Cutaneous Eruptions plicated disease course, some case reports
Some acral manifestations overlap or coexist with demonstrate more serious forms of disease.
pernio-like lesions and are a matter of subtle and/ MIS-C, as discussed previously, is one such
or subjective classification. For example, EM-like
lesions have been found on the acral surfaces of Table 4
Acral and non-acral potential cutaneous
children with pernio-like lesions86 and may present
manifestations of pediatric COVID-19
with purpuric morphology.87 The EM-like pattern
of acral eruptions are distinguished from pernio- Acral Nonacral
like lesions as round, coalescing erythematous
macules and vesicles, observed more frequently Pernio-like Urticaria95
lesions59 Erythematous patches118
in younger children.88 Similarly, ecchymotic erup-
EM-like EM-like lesions86
tions of the toes and feet are reported with a lesions88 Vesicles/papulovesicles15
distinct description from pernio-like lesions in chil- Plantar Herpetiform oral eruption99
dren: petechial lesions on the sole, plantar singular papules14 Roseola-like rash100
toes, and/or heels.89 Retiform Maculopapular rash100
In addition to ecchymotic patterns, other purpura41 Macular eruption14,98
vascular morphologies on the acral surfaces, like Ecchymotic-like Lingual papillitis97
reticulated purpura of the soles of an infant90 and lesions89 Eccrine hidradenitis93
acrocyanosis/livedo reticularis of the extremities Livedo Erythema nodosum93
in children and adolescents,91 are thought to be reticularis91 Petechiae14
MIS-C findings Purpura97
late SARS-CoV-2 manifestations. Immunohisto-
(see Table 1) MIS-C findings (see Table 1)
chemical positivity for SARS-CoV-2 has been
514 Neale & Hawryluk

example. Other examples in previously healthy have a better prognosis than children with
COVID-positive children include that of a neonate COVID-19 and no rash.41 With ongoing cases
with mottling skin rash and respiratory distress and data reports, the interaction between
requiring neonatal intensive care101 and a 12- COVID-19 and the skin in pediatric patients will
year-old girl with nonspecific skin rash, fever, become better understood. Beyond the derma-
and headache who went on to develop respiratory tologic manifestations of COVID-19 in the pedi-
failure and was found to have encephalomy- atric population, children and adolescents face
elitis.102 Despite acute systemic presentations, numerous consequences of the pandemic and
both of these patients improved by hospital some are only starting to be appreciated,
discharge. ranging from physical impacts, such as obesity
associated with changes in diet and activity or
SUMMARY progression of myopia during home confine-
ment to a wide range of psychosocial conse-
The COVID-19 era has brought many advances to quences of school closures and home/health
the understanding of interplay between viral dis- stressors.104
ease, the pediatric immune system, and the skin. As new, potentially more contagious, strains of
Evolving understanding of the mechanisms of COVID-19 arise, such as the B.1.1.7 variant, there
MIS-C and pernio demonstrate the unique ways has been concern for how this has an impact on
the young immune system operates; although the pediatric population. From February 2021 to
likely protective from the traditional COVID-19 April 2021, there was more than double the fre-
consequences like severe respiratory deteriora- quency of pediatric cases (all age groups) in Mich-
tion, the immune profile of younger individuals igan,105 with several other states following similar
may holster a role in delayed inflammatory cuta- trends.106 Although these rises coincide with the
neous presentations. emergence of new variants, there is no evidence
Although many cutaneous eruptions in children that new variants preferentially infect children.107
during the COVID-19 pandemic may not be related It is likely that such increases in pediatric cases
directly to infection, the possibility is an important reflect vaccination and social trends. Currently
consideration, particularly for patients with risk (as of April 2021), the 2-dose mRNA Pfizer-
factors and/or highly impacted communities. BioNTech vaccine is approved in children 16 years
Because children often present with no or mild and older, and clinical trials are under way for
symptoms, dermatologic manifestations of younger populations.108 As schools open and
COVID-19 may be presenting signs,14 serving as sporting activities resume, it is important to
a subtle clue toward the highly contagious infec- counsel pediatric patients on appropriate social
tion. Even in the absence of more classic signs distancing measures, regardless of vaccination
of COVID-19 like respiratory symptoms, children status.
with COVID-19 still may spread the virus and infect
others who are susceptible to a more severe dis- CLINICS CARE POINTS
ease course.103 Thus, dermatologists have an
important role in containing the pandemic by
appropriately counseling patients and testing for
acute infection if indicated. Appropriate social
distancing, mask-wearing, and hand-washing  A thorough skin exam in children suspected
should be encouraged in children during the to have COVID-19 may be useful in identi-
pandemic, especially those with risk factors, fying cutaneous manifestations.
regardless of the presence or absence of extracu-  Clinical judgment must be used when
taneous symptoms. deciding to test a child with new cutaneous
Whereas some pediatric dermatologic mani- findings for COVID-19 based on pre-test prob-
festations of SARS-CoV-2, such as the polymor- ability and test availability.
phous rash, mucositis, and conjunctivitis seen in  It can be challenging to ascertain causality be-
MIS-C, may serve a clue toward serious sequa- tween cutaneous eruptions and COVID-19
lae, a majority of cutaneous eruptions in relation infection, thus children should be encour-
to the pandemic are benign. Despite the contin- aged to practice social distancing and good
ually evolving understanding of COVID-19 and hygiene.
its potential manifestations, cutaneous erup-  The skin and mucous membranes can pro-
tions fortunately most often are self-limited and vide clues and/or be part of the diagnostic
not associated with poor outcomes; some criteria for the serious pediatric complica-
studies even report children with skin rashes tion of MIS-C.
COVID-19 Pediatric Dermatology 515

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