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L.S: 4.3.

Section A: Information Transfer
Read the passage and complete the table.
Baca petikan dan lengkapkan jadual di bawah.

Good morning Mr Tan and friends. I am Mia. Today I’m going to tell you
about my family and their interesting jobs.

My father is an author. He writes poems and children’s stories. He

has a bestseller book entitled “Window to the Soul”. My mother is an
artist. She works in a studio. She illustrates children’s books. She loves
her job so much. My grandfather used to be an airforce pilot in TUDM.
He flew planes. My sister and I think he is cool. Meanwhile, my
grandmother used to work as a headmistress. She taught English. She
is still very strict with her grandchildren whenever we are naughty. But I
know she loves us so much.
My aunt is a Youtuber. She does paid review and is a content
creator. She is well-versed in English and Malay because her target
audience is not only in Malaysia but also worldwide. My uncle, Jai, is a
video game designer. What does a video game designer does? Well,
they imagine almost everything about a game, including its plots,
characters, visual designs, and layouts. Designers meet with different
teams and create a cohesive vision. I think Uncle Jai’s job is extremely
interesting. One day, I might follow his footsteps.
That is all. Thank you

People Occupation Jobscope

writes poems and children’s

Father (1)________________

(2)___________________ artist

(4)___________________ airforce pilot Flew airplanes

(5)___________________ (6)________________ Taught English

(7)___________________ (8) _______________ Content creator

Imagine everything about a

(9)___________________ (10) _______________ game like plots, characters,

visual designs, and layouts

L.S: 4.3.1

Section B: Punctuation Marks

Rewrite the sentences. Use capital letters for proper nouns and full stop at the end of the
Salin semula ayat dengan menggunakan tanda baca yang betul. Guna huruf besar
untuk kata nama khas dan tanda noktah di hujung ayat.

once there was a chinese emperor _ he wanted a painting of a swan_ so he asked the
best painter in china to paint one for him _
after three years the emperor was still waiting for his painting and he was angry _
then _ the artist painted a perfect swan in two minutes _ the emperor was astonished _
but he was still angry and sent the painter to another country _
then the servants found thousands of paintings of a swan the painter had practised
every day until he could paint the perfect swan _
the emperor apologised to the painter who returned to the palace_


Once there was a Chinese emperor. He wanted a painting of a swan, so he asked the best
painter in China to paint one for him.
After three years, the emperor was still waiting for his panting and he was angry.

Then ___________________________________________________________________________














L.S: 4.2.3
Section C: Sentence construction
You’ve joined a sports club. Look and write affirmative or negative
sentences with ‘yet’ or ‘already’.
Anda menyertai kelab sukan. Tulis ayat dengan menggunakan ‘yet’
atau ‘already’.
meet the instructor ☑ - I’ve already met the instructor.
1. find a locker ❌
2. see the swimming pool ☑
3. have lunch at the cafeteria ☑
4. play basketball in the gym ❌
5. shower before leaving the gym☑


Section D: Text completion L.S: 4.2.2

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

I love playing computer games, especially virtual [0] ones, which are so
realistic. I’ve got a new time-travel game. If you click the button to go
forward into the future, you can see very ____________________ [1]
skyscrapers. On the screen, you can lift people into the air to the top of
the buildings and see inside. If you ____________________ [2] the button
to go backwards, you can see the past.
It’s fun to see how people travelled over 100 years ago. There
weren’t many cars so the air wasn’t ____________________ [3]. People
____________________ [4] their bicycles along the street. You can make
friends and hug people you like. You can follow them around to see
their daily life, which is ____________________ [5]!

L.S: 4.3.3
Section E: Short story
Based on the pictures, use the words given to form correct sentences in the space provided.
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, guna perkataan diberi untuk membentuk ayat-ayat di
ruang yang disediakan.


Sam - lazy - boy

Sam is a lazy boy.



He - eat - junk



He - fall - ill



The doctor - advised - change



Sam - exercise - healthy


L.S: 4.3.3

Rewrite the sentences in the space below to form a short story.

Salin semula ayat-ayat di ruang yang disediakan di muka surat sebelah
untuk membentuk sebuah cerita pendek.























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