Module 3

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A wonderful day, students! Praised be Jesus and Mary! This day, you will be learning about Outdoor

Activities. I am hoping that you will learn a lot of things! Enjoy and Have Fun! ☺

Learning Objectives:
⮚ Recall health-enhancing benefits that you get from participating in fitness and outdoor activities.

⮚ Perform the selected recreational activity.

Induction of Prior Knowledge

Colossians 3:23  NIV

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

1. Do you play outdoor activities with your family? Name it.

No, because I’m not with my family. My mother is an OFW, my mom and dad were separated. My
dad and brother are in Iloilo. And me living here in Gingoog with my lola and a 5 years old cousin. I
don't play much with my cousin because I'm too lazy and I'm busy with my studies. And I'm not
so close with them, our kind of bond was just simply talking.

2. How do you think your family’s activities affect your own?

My family activities really affect my own because my family wasn’t here and our time didn’t match
together, even in the video call we didn’t have that quality time.

3. Why is family support important in participating in physical activity?

It is important to have support in our family because parents are the biggest single source of
influence in a children’s and young’s life and parental support of healthy habits early on in a kids
and young life will pay a lifetime of dividends. While it's an accepted practice that parents
schedule time for homework, the same is not often done with scheduling active time with kids and
even young. Physical activity is very important at any age and promotes physical, emotional and
social well-being. Parental support, which can take on many forms, is instrumental in increasing
physical activity participation among kids and helping children grow up to be healthier adults.
Whether it's scheduling active time together, being a spectator at the children’s and young
sporting events or demonstrating your own commitment to regular exercise, it all adds up to an
environment that produces more active kids and young.

4. What are the ways that you can think of that can encourage your family to engage in physical
To be honest I don’t know, but for those who have a family with them I think they can encourage
their families to engage in physical activities like volleyball, badminton, and basketball. They can
use that physical activity as a family bonding.


The Philippine has many destinations for hiking and most of which can be located within an
hour or two hours from urbanized areas. Hiking can be accomplished by walking for several hours,
so you would need to allot one full day for this. Serious hikers can challenge themselves by opting
to do multi-day hikes or choosing mountains that are more technically challenging.

A quality learning experience in the outdoors requires preparation. You are asked to take
risks and challenge yourself. Participation in outdoor activities rewards yourself with improved
self-esteem, confidence, and hopefully more interest to develop your outdoor skills.
Nature walks are easy on the budget, low risk and convenient means of exercise.

According to Sara Warber, associate professor of family medicine at the University of

Michigan Medical School, “walking … combined with nature and group setting , may be a very
powerful, under-utilized stress buster”

Before taking part in nay outdoor activity, it is always important to assess the risk of the
activities. But before participating in any outdoor activity, you must always consider your skill
level, skill level of the participants involved, and the nature of the activity that you are going to

Nature provides many benefits. It provides us with our material needs, such as food, water, and
shelter. In addition, it also addresses our psychological, spiritual, and emotional needs. Therefore,
it is important to learn how our actions affect the environment. Participation in outdoor
recreation activities means we must learn how to do our part in being good stewards of the
environment. ( Mangubat, HOPE recreational Activities,Vibal Group, INC. 2016.)

Since, you know already the health-enhancing benefits that you get from
participating in fitness and outdoor activities. This time, you are going to play some
ACTIVITY outdoor games with your family or relatives. As your final output, take a picture
and a short video upon playing the games following the mechanics of the game.
Submit it through our Google Classroom on Saturday, September 5, 2020 -

⮚ Burning Wall
Materials needed: Rope
Preparation: The straw or rope is tied between two pots, creating a “wall”.
Mechanics of the game:
▪ All members of the group will stand on one side of the burning wall.
▪ One by one, each member must take his or her way over the “wall” without touching
the straw/rope.
▪ Teammates who have yet to go over may assist him or her over the “wall”. Once a
teammate is safely across, he or she may not go back nor assist the next person.
▪ The height of the rope may be adjusted according to the height/physical
capabilities of the group.

⮚ Minefield
Materials need
▪ Blindfolds
▪ “Mines” balloons, balls, sticks, etc.
Mechanics of the game:
▪ To guide your blindfolded teammate through the “minefield” without touching any
of the mines.
▪ The “mines” will be scattered along a marked course.
▪ The class will be divided into groups of six. Each group must have a designed leader,
while the rest of the group is blindfolded.
▪ Each blindfolded person must make his/her way across the marked course without
touching any of the “mines” by listening to the verbal instructions of the facilitator.

Lesson WRAP-UP
This lesson introduced you to the concept of active recreational activities and how they can
contribute to improving one’s health through regular participation. Lifestyle exercise through active
transportation or recreational activity is an opportunity to achieve most of the general health benefits
of moderately vigorous physical activity.

The outdoor provides many opportunities to participate in physical activity. In addition to the
physical benefits, it also touches on other components of health. As some activities do need high levels
of skill in order to perform them, they are easier to incorporate in daily life.

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