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I. SPEAKING : Embedded Answer

Notice the Dialog

Kate : ....................................................?
John : I am

Kate :.....................................................?
John : Mr.Teguh is

Kate : ....................................................?
John : I can

Kate : ...................................................?
John : I don’t, but Mr. Teguh does


a. Are you a student of e-Compusoft? (Yes), I am

b. Who is your teacher? Mr. Teguh is (my teacher)
c. Can you speak English? (Yes), I can
d. Do you smoke? (No), I don’t
e. But Mr. Teguh does

Pattern :

Subject + Auxiliary

( Auxiliary : Tobe, do/does, can, will/shall, may, must, need, have/has, dare, used to, ought to)

 You are a teacher

 You teach English
 You can teach


1. David 7. A house wife

2. a teacher 8. England
3. France 9. Market, by bicycle
4. teach French 10. Linda and I, sport
5. Everyday, by bus 11. On Sundays, Tennis
6. Linda, my wife 12. Next month, Indonesia
Practice 1 : Yes/No Question


Who is your teacher

Mr. Teguh is my teacher (complete)

Mr. Teguh is (embedded)

Who teaches you?

Mr. Teguh teaches me (complete)

Mr. Teguh teaches (incorrect)
Mr. Teguh does (Correct)

Kenapa “does”, darimana asalnya, perhatikanlah

Mr. Teguh teaches me

Does Mr. Teguh teach me? ...> auxiliary verb = does

Practice 2 : WH Questions
Practice 3 : About You
Practice 4 : Answer with embedded where necessary
Practice 5 : Retelling

1. You are David

2. David is your friend
3. Linda is your friend
4. You are Linda


1. Ketepatan simbol yg mewakili bunyi bahasa

besok [besok]
beli [bli]

2. Alat belajar mandiri dalam membaca new vocabulary


     

     
     
      
     

Englis h

   
    
     
    
   

Us ually

          
     
     
     

System Phonetic Transcription :

1. IPA : Kamus Wojowasito, Hornby

2. Trager-Smith : Webster

1. Bunyi [  ] – voiced dental fricative

day [ dei ]
they [ ei ]

consult your dictionary – abaikan simbol yang belum dipelajari

1. dare 6. there
2. dead 7. that
3. den 8. then
4. doze 9. those
5. day 10. they


1. [ d ] 6. [  ]
2. [ ded ] 7. [ t ]
3. [ den ] 8. [ en ]
4. [ douz ] 9. [ ouz ]
5. [ dei ] 10. [ ei ]
Read it

1. [ iz ] 6. [ en ]
2. [ ou ] 7. [ si ]
3. [ mi } 8. [ ru ]
4. [ bro ] 9. [ laon ]
5. [ su ] 10. [ briei ]

apakah th selalu  ?? No... english is crazy, itulah sebabnya anda jangan

percaya pada SPELLING tapi percaya pada PHONETICS, amati

south [ sau ]
southern [ s n ]


Read and understand your reading “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer” Page 1,2
After finishing your task, check your understanding by listening to the MP3

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