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Tankertanker Design

Tankertanker Design


By – Nagendra Dewangan
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Tankertanker Design

What is Price ?
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• It is a market value expressed in terms of money.

• Price is the amount of money to be paid to buy


• As the consideration given

in exchange for transfer of ownership, price
forms the essential basis of commercial

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Conti. ...
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• Price is determined by what a buyer is willing

to pay, a seller is willing to accept, and
the competition is allowing to be charged.

• Price = Prime cost + factory cost + Office and

administrative cost + Marketing cost + Profit +
Brand Value

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Tankertanker Design

What is Pricing ?
Tankertanker Design

• Pricing is the process whereby a business

sets the price.
• Method adopted by a firm to set its product
• Pricing is the method of determining the
value a producer will get in the exchange of
goods and services.

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Tankertanker Design

Important point of pricing

Tankertanker Design

• Nature of the product/service.

• The price of similar product/service in the
• Target audience i.e. for whom the product is
manufactured (high, medium or lower class)
• The cost of production viz. Labor cost, raw
material cost, machinery cost, inventory cost,
transit cost, etc.
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Tankertanker Design

Pricing Objective
• Return on Investment.
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– To achieve the expected profit

• Target share of the market.
– Increase the market share
• Meeting or keeping out competition.
– To eliminate competition
• Profit maximisation.
– Basic Goal of marketers
• Stabilisation of price.
– Stability in price that can maintain reputation.
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Tankertanker Design

Pricing Policies or Methods or Decision

Tankertanker Design

A major factor in determining the

profitability of any product is establishing a base
price :
1 Cost oriented pricing

2 Demand oriented pricing

3 Competition oriented pricing

Leader pricing
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Tankertanker Design

1. Cost oriented pricing

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• Also Known as cost-plus pricing method.

• The cost estimate(cost-plus) of the product is

made and a margin(Mark-up) of profit is added
to determine the price.

• This policy is completely overlooks the influence

of competition and market demand.

• Selling Price = Total Cost + Desired Profit

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Tankertanker Design

2. Demand oriented pricing

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• Pricing attempt to determine what consumers

are willing to pay for goods and services.
– High price is fixed when the demand increase.

– Low price is charged when the demand low.

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Tankertanker Design

3. Competition oriented pricing

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• Marketer decides the prices of his product after

careful study of competitors prices.
• Three actions after learning their competitors’
– Price above the competition

– Price below the competition

– Price in line with the competition (going-rate pricing)

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Tankertanker Design

4. Leader oriented pricing

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• Marketer tries to capture the market by setting

up low price.
– Also known as “Loss Leader Price”.

• High price may be fixed for a prestigious product

to improve the image.
– This known as “Profit Leader Pricing”.

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Tankertanker Design

Skimming Pricing Strategy

Tankertanker Design

• High premium price in charged when a product is

launched in the market.
– High profit margins in the early stages .

Types :-
• Rapid Skimming Pricing - High price with high
promotional activity expenditure.
• Slow Skimming Pricing - High price with low
promotional activity expenditure.
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Tankertanker Design

Penetration Pricing Strategy

• Low price in charged when a product is launched
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in the market.
– Capture the large share of the market in the early
stages .

Types :-
• Rapid Penetration pricing - High price with high
promotional activity expenditure.
• Slow Penetration Pricing - High price with low
promotional activity expenditure.
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Tankertanker Design

Steps in Setting price for a product

Tankertanker Design

1: Selecting the Pricing Objective

2: Determining Demand
3: Estimating Costs
4: Analyzing Competitors’ Costs,
Prices, and Offers
5: Selecting a Pricing Method
6: Selecting the Final Price
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Tankertanker Design

Step 1: Selecting the Pricing Objective

Tankertanker Design

• The company first decides where it wants to

position its market offering.
• The clearer a firm’s objectives, the easier it is to
set price.
– Survival
– Maximum current profit
– Maximum market share
– Maximum market skimming
– Product-quality leadership
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Tankertanker Design

Step 2: Determining Demand

Tankertanker Design

• Each price will lead to a different level of

demand and have a different impact on a
company’s marketing objectives.
• Most companies attempt to measure their
demand curves using several different methods.
– Surveys
– Price experiments
– Statistical analysis

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Tankertanker Design

Step 3: Estimating Costs

Tankertanker Design

• Variable and Fixed Cost :

– Price must cover variable & fixed costs and as
production increases costs may decrease.

– The firm gains experience, obtains raw materials at

lower prices, etc., so costs should be estimated at
different production levels.

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Tankertanker Design

Conti. ...
• Target Costing :
Tankertanker Design

– firm may attempt Target Costing (TG).

– TG is when a firm estimates a new product’s desired
functions & determines the price that it could be sold
– From this price the desired profit margin is
– Now the firm knows how much it can spend on
production whether it be engineering, design, or
sales but the costs now have a target range.
– The goal is to get the costs into the target range.
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Tankertanker Design

Step 4: Analyzing Competitors’ Costs,

Prices, and Offers
Tankertanker Design

• The firm should benchmark its price against

• Learn about the quality of competitors offering,
• Learn about competitor’s costs.

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Tankertanker Design

Step 5: Selecting a Pricing Method

Tankertanker Design

• Cost oriented pricing

• Demand oriented pricing

• Competition oriented pricing

• Leader pricing

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Tankertanker Design

Step 6: Selecting the Final Price

Tankertanker Design

• Pricing methods narrow the range from which

the company must select its final price.
• In selecting that price, the company must
consider additional factors.
– Impact of other marketing activities
– Company pricing policies
– Gain-and-risk-sharing pricing
– Impact of price on other parties
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Tankertanker Design

Factors Affecting Pricing Product:

Tankertanker Design

• Internal Factors
• External Factors

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Tankertanker Design

Internal Factors
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1. Cost:
• While fixing the prices of a product, the firm
should consider the cost involved in producing
the product.
• This cost includes both the variable and fixed
• Thus, while fixing the prices, the firm must be
able to recover both the variable and fixed costs.
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Tankertanker Design

Conti. ...
2. The predetermined objectives:
Tankertanker Design

• While fixing the prices of the product, the

marketer should consider the objectives of
the firm.
• if the objective of a firm is to increase return
on investment, then it may charge a higher
• if the objective is to capture a large market
share, then it may charge a lower price.
Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design

Conti. ...
3. Image of the firm:
Tankertanker Design

• The price of the product may also be

determined on the basis of the image of the
firm in the market.
• For Example, HUL and Procter & Gamble can
demand a higher price for their brands, as
they enjoy goodwill in the market.

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Tankertanker Design

Conti. ...
4. Product life cycle:
Tankertanker Design

• The stage at which the product is in its

product life cycle also affects its price.
• During the introductory stage the firm may
charge lower price to attract the customers.
• During the growth stage, a firm may increase
the price.

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Tankertanker Design

Conti. ...
5. Credit period offered:
Tankertanker Design

• The pricing of the product is also affected by

the credit period offered by the company.

– Longer the credit period, Higher may be the price

of the product.
– shorter the credit period, lower may be the price
of the product.

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Tankertanker Design

Conti. ...
6. Promotional activity:
Tankertanker Design

• The promotional activity undertaken by the

firm also determines the price.
• If the firm incurs heavy advertising and sales
promotion costs, then the pricing of the
product shall be kept high in order to recover
the cost.

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Tankertanker Design

External Factors:
1. Competition:
Tankertanker Design

• While fixing the price of the product, the firm

needs to study the degree of competition in
the market.
• If there is high competition, the prices may be
kept low to effectively face the competition.
• if competition is low, the prices may be kept

Tankertanker Design
Tankertanker Design

Conti. ...
2. Consumers:
Tankertanker Design

• The marketer should consider various

consumer factors while fixing the prices.
• The consumer factors that must be
considered includes the price sensitivity of the
buyer, purchasing power, and so on.

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Tankertanker Design

Conti. ...
Tankertanker Design
3. Government control:
• Government rules and regulation must be
considered while fixing the prices.
• In certain products, government may
announce administered prices, and therefore
the marketer has to consider such regulation
while fixing the prices.

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Tankertanker Design

Conti. ...
4. Economic conditions:
Tankertanker Design

• The marketer may also have to consider the

economic condition prevailing in the market
while fixing the prices.
• At the time of recession, the consumer may
have less money to spend, so the marketer
may reduce the prices in order to influence
the buying decision of the consumers.

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Tankertanker Design

Conti. ...
Tankertanker Design
5. Channel intermediaries:
• The marketer must consider a number of
channel intermediaries and their
• The longer the chain of intermediaries, the
higher would be the prices of the goods.

Tankertanker Design

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