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September 15th, 2022

Dr. Smallwood

Jasmine Gudino

Assignment One

The technological changes (tool industries) between evolution of the genus homo is every

interesting and just different from one another in general, i’m going to explain the changes

between Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neanderthalensis, and

lastly early Homo sapiens/upper Paleolithic. When genus homo evolved there were major

evolutionary changes that took place, and these changes were associated with our human

ancestors and this led to tracing and documenting these changes. Homo habilis had a stone tool

they referred to as the oldowan, this tool was made by percussion, which was to strike one stone

with another to create sharp flakes. These sharp flakes were used for cutting and scraping which

led them to be able to have more of a variety when it came to food because they could now cut

into meat and break bones.

Next is Homo erectus which in africa were referred to as Homo ergaster, which their

technology was in two parts. In East Asia they were associated with a copping technology,

referred to “ East Asia chopping tool complex” which were cobbles that were broken and used

for chopping and scrapping, at times they even used bamboo tools. In Europe, Africa, and SW

Asia they made acheulean handaxes referred to as the acheulean tool, they were much more

advanced than the chopping tools. They were flaked all around and are tear dropped shaped,

were used for cutting, scraping and chopping. This tool allowed them to advance and migrate

elsewhere. Onto Homo heidelbergensis, interestingly enough this species was also associated

with the acheulean handaxes but they were more finely flaked and thinner.
Homo neanderthals occupied Europe and Eurasia, considered a “cave” person. This was due to

the frigid winter weather which would cause them to take rock shelters. Their technology was

called the mousterian, keep in mind these people were considered advanced tool makers. This

tool was composed of chipped smaller flakes and put at the end of spears composed of a complex

toolkit. Last we’re going to speak on the modern Homo sapiens, those that represent us closely

the most. They were charactizedmwith blade technology which are the creation of flakes that

are twice as long as they are wide, this helped them shape a variety of materials such as stone

bone and ivory. They would make an assortment of tools such as harpoons and needles for

sewing, it was very advanced and spread through the world.

All of these are a very amazing discovery and tell us a lot about the past and how people

survived, to see what the world has progressed from is very eye opening and makes you view

things more differently.

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