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Homework #3

注意:以下題目向量是以粗體字表示,但是書寫作業時,一般向量請寫成 A ,基底向量請寫
     
成 ax 、 a 等。(例如寫成 A  2a1  ma2  a3 )請用 A4 紙書寫並裝訂妥。

繳交日期:3/22 (二) 晚上 19:30 前上傳 iLearning 繳交

Section 5.3
P5.18 Solution of Laplace’s equation for a parallel-plate capacitor with two perfect dielectrics.
The region between the two plates in Fig. 5.10 is filled with two perfect dielectric media
having permittivities 1 for 0 < x < t (region 1) and
 2 for t < x < d (region 2).
(a) Find the solutions for the potentials in the two regions
0 < x < t and t < x < d.
(b) Find the capacitance per unit area of the plates.
Hint: The geometry is as shown in the right figure.

P5.19 Solution of Laplace’s equation for a parallel-plate capacitor with imperfect dielectrics.
Assume that the two media in Problem P5.18 are imperfect dielectrics having conductivities
 1 and  2 for 0 < x < t and t < x < d, respectively.
(a) What are the boundary conditions to be satisfied at x = t?
(b) Find the solutions for the potentials in the two regions.
(c) Find the potential at x = t.

Section 5.4
P5.25 Inductance per unit length of an infinitely long, uniformly wound solenoid. An
infinitely long, uniformly wound solenoid of radius a and having N turns per unit
length carries a current I. Find the inductance per unit length of the solenoid.
Assume air core ( = 0).

上方結構即 Solenoid(螺旋管線圈);本題為此結構且前後皆延伸至無限長
P5.27 Magnetic energy stored in an infinitely long cylindrical conductor of current.
Consider the infinitely long solid cylindrical conductor of Fig. 5.16. Obtain the
expression for the energy stored per unit length in the magnetic field internal to the
current distribution and show that it is equal to i I 2 , where I is the total current.

P5.28 Mutual inductance per unit length of two coaxial solenoids. An infinitely long,
uniformly wound solenoid of radius a and having N1 turns per unit length is coaxial
with another infinitely long, uniformly wound solenoid of radius b (> a) and having
N2 turns per unit length. Find the mutual inductance per unit length of the solenoids.
Assume air core ( = 0).

r2  b

r1  a z

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