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Task 1 :

The given line graphs illustrate the popular tendency of three boys and girls currently in the UK from
1925 to 2000.

Overall, it is clear to be seen that most of them showed an upward trend throughout 75 years.

To be more specific, in the first 50 years, the popularity of three boys had obvious differences. While
Daniel started with 4 and reached a peak at 12 in 1975, Oliver at first grew to about 5 in 1950 then went
down to its lowest point in 1975. By that time, Alexander still remained stable just under 2 per
thousand. Also, from 1925 to 1975, the names Sophia and Isabella stayed unchanged to almost 0 in
1950, that of Emily slightly fell however changed direction and increased gradually to above 4 in 1975.

Within the last 25 years, most of the names significantly climb to their peak at around 10 except Daniel
who began to decline. Everyone ha striking features, especially Oliver, the one overtook Daniel at the
end of the period.

Task 2: The number of children that read books for fun has dropped dramatically in recent years. What
are the reasons for this? How can we encourage children to read more?

Under the pressure from advancing technology, modern society has to face the risk of losing inherent
features, which is show in the decline in number of children reading books for fun currently. This issue,
thereby remains a controversy in population, needs our understanding in causes so as to come up with
radical solutions.

To begin with, there is a wide range of elements leading to this problem. Technology development,
firstly, shows itself as a two-side affair. It’s undeniable that its innovation brings about so many
conveniences to our life, as the appearance of technical devices like mobile phones or tablets…ect
makes practical knowledge even more accessible than ever, as well as games and music for the young.
This also means parents would rather buy their children just a single smartphone for its benefits than a
number of books. Additionally, I am into a more typical question: why should they read books for fun
while there are so many other means of entertainment? Children are usually active and prefer physical
movement called outdoor activities to reading papers. For example, such fascinating events like musical
concert or camping, going to theater and cinema to see films or comedy or playing sports, will probably
appeal to children and replace those theorical and unrealistic enjoyment.

All the above reasons notwithstanding, reading books is necessary for children to prepare skills for their
career. To encourage reading, schools as well as government should come up with more poliics and
regulation to help enhance children awareness, organizing a Book day or competitions maybe.
Furthermore, books also come to people as interests such as collecting and preserving or simply a sense
of satisfaction of embracing knowledge through papers.

In conclusion, books are considered to be one of the most important inventions in human history.
Children less reading books, therefore is alarming and needs consideration.

Task 1: The given table represent the electricity output produced by alternative resources around the
world in the years 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. Each category exceeded outgoing.

Overall, there was a striking similarity that the 5 resources showed an upward trend introducing that
their production increased considerably.

To be more specific, electricity from geothermal and bio-mass presented small but increasing changes in
4 years, started from 67.4 and 246.8 in 2009 to 70.4 and 362.2 in 2012 respectively. On the other hand,
wind seemed to generate much more energy contributed to electrical purposes which is up to 534
trillion watt hours in 2012, double that of the year 2009.
Likewise, solar energy, compared to the others, was just a minority in global total however climbed to
104.5 in 2012, almost five time higher than the last 4 years. And hydraulic, obviously stood stably on its
highest rate 3329 at the beginning and 3663.4 at the end of the period, by far over the rest.

Task 2: Recent research has shown that edia like the internet and TV have a greater influence ver
people’s lives than politicians. Which do you consider to be greater influence?

As a result of technology development, media like the Internet and TV have posed an aggressive and
integral impact on people’s perspective, which has been proven to overweigh politicians through current

To begin with, there is a variety of reasons why virtual devices become increasingly popular. As a matter
of fact, every individuals nowadays own for themselves such things as mobile phones or tablets…ect to
easily update information, which leads to rapid growth in technological demands. Internet and TV, with
their high-speed development, has become more accessible and familiar to residents than ever,
producing large amount of immediate and hot information. For example, whenever a huge musical
event is hosted, within 24 hours, fans around the world would get to know enough through Facebook or
other means of social network on time. Additionally, social media is also considered as tools, helping its
users express their opinions as well as practical emotion towards the information they get so as to
discuss with a more objective point of view. For all the above reasons, the vital contribution of social
media to people’ s lives is by far undeniable.

Politicians, on the other hand, play an indispensible role in managing and regulating the society. Every
constructions, campaigns or plans in the city or town must go through thorough consideration in order
to protect inhabitants’ benefits and appropriate profits. However, in the last few decades, there have
been a number of controversial cases that mostly about politicians taking advantage of the community
for their personal gains. This consequently results in negative suspicion growing in population about
governmental responsibility and transparency.

In conclusion, despite the fact that people involving in politics works efficiently to devote to the society,
it’s undoubtable that the influence of media like the Internet and TV on people is greater everydays.

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