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REQUIREMENTS | FOR MIX DESIGN OF CONCRETE Concreke bechwok nerete Gechwsley Scannet -d with CamScanner 18 10262 2009 fobiain the 80 samples (taken from site) as eatly as possible, when a mis 4s used forthe fies time by Ircate of ugnficant changes in concrere — When significant changes are mae in the eoduction of conctete batches (or example Changes in the materi js used, mix proportioning, equipment or technical contol). the standard deviation value shall be separately calculated for such hatches of ©) Standard deviation ta he brought up-to date — The calculation of the standaed deviation shall be brought up-to-dat every change of ix proportioning. 32.12 Assumed standard deviation ‘Where sufficient res resulis fora particular grade of concrete are not available, the valve of standard eviation given in Table may be assumed for the proportioning of mix in the first instance. As soon as, the results of samples are available, actual calculated standard deviation shall be used and the mix proportioned properly. However, when adequate past records for a similar grade exist and justify to the designer a valve of standard deviation different from that shown in Table 1, it shall be permissible to use that value Table 1 Assumed Standard Deviation (Clouses 3.2.12, A-3 and B-3) = Gn at Assumed Standard Deviation Ne Cancete Nina! 0 o o ” uy a a M20 ‘o Mis Mao Mas Mo Mas 30 0 M50 ” M35, NOTE — The atove values conespond tothe ste conte, having proper storage of cement, weigh batching ofall materi: conoled aidan of water, vepulr checking ofall Imaterials aggregate grading and motte conten, and ferodiealchecing of workability and suength. Where thee Is devision fom the above, vales given i the above tale shal be increased by I Nin ——— 4 SELECTION OF MIX PROPORTIONS 4.1 Selection of Water-Cement Ratio (see Note) Different cemenis, supplementary cementitious OEE spregates of different maximum size, ae ind ober grading. su J of different cnt elatonsi even iength and Feat rato shoUKd preferably be free wg forthe atta actly to be wed. In Fane I ouch ata the preliminary free wate tana (hy mass eesti the tet Siength a 38 days may be astected from the wank clauonsip. if avaiable, Othsrwise, the seat at piven in Table 5 of 18-456 for respective used as starting point NOTE — the sapplememary cementitious mater hai ural admuacr shal aso be comideved in watercement Tivo cetaoms accordance wih Table Sof 15 436 4.1 The fice water-cement ratio selected according tod should be checked against the limiting water- ‘cement ratio for the requirements of durability and the lower ofthe two values adopted. 4.2 Selection of Water Content ‘The water content of concrete is influenced by a number of factors, such as aggregate size, aggregate shape, aggregate texture, workability, water-cement ratio, cement and other Supplementary cementitious material type and content, chemical admixture and environmental conditions. An increase in aggregates size, a reduction in water-cement ratio and slump, and use of rounded aggregate and water reducing admixtures will educe the water demand. On the other hhand increased temperature, cement content, slump, water-cement ratio, aggregate angularity and a decrease in the proportion of the coarse aggregate to fine aggregate will increase water demand, ‘The quantity of maximum mixing water per unit volume of concrete may be determined from Table 2. The water content in Table 2 is for angular coarse aggrepate and for 25 to SO mm slump range. The water estimate in Table 2 can be reduced by approximately 10 kg for sub-angular aggregates, 20 kg for gravel with some crushed particles and 25 kg for rounded gravel to produce same workability. For the desired workability (other than 25 to $0 mm slump ange) the required water content may be established by trial or an increase by about 3 percent for every ‘additional 25 mm slump or alternatively by use of chemical admistures conforming to 1S 9103, Thi illustrates the need for trial batch testing of local materials as each aggregate source is different and. an influence concrete properties differently, Water ‘reducing admiatures or superplasticizing admixtures \sually decrease water content by 5 to 10 percent and Scanned with CamScanner - 0 OO ES Requirements for mix designs of concrete / ECTED ~] Table 40; DEGREE OF QUALITY CONTROL xP! UNDERDIFFERENT SITE cé 2. Grades of Concrete AUSE 6.4) ~-ALDR MStend361) | DEGREE TONDITIONS OF PRODUCTION —— ae OF sgarrens sees | | conTRot | A ean Very | Freshcement from single source ond regulor ue eu good | tests weigh botching of oll materials. Mis tH ‘oggregate supplied in single sizes. Control of M% 2» ‘aggregate grading and moisture content. us 3 Control of water added. Frequent supervision. mas 2 Regular workobilty and strength tests. Field Mo a laboratory facilities. | Mo r Good | Corefully stored cement and periodic tests, 1 MSS s weigh batching of all moterials controlled @ woter, graded aggregate supplied a as occasional grading and moisture tests, M3 z periodic check of workability ond strength ue Ld interment supervision, experienced workers acces ones comme tan |” Fair _ | Proper storage of cement, volume batching Lyk sand Ne of all aggregate allowing for bulking of sand, < f compads eg oes aa Se weigh batching of cement , water content SP Sdees ten ecco nro controlled by inspection of mix, occasion tal vem. super vision and test 30: Value Of” , ; use 4.4.4) ” ,20 percent, and above respectively at appropriate : — dosages. cults g ‘Table 2’Maximum Water Content per Cubic vistie K Metre of Concrete for Nominal | th ‘Maximum Size of Aggregate bn ei : I 7 5 (Clauses 4.2, A-5. and B-5) } 1.00 st ‘Nominal Maximum Maximum Water “ No. Size of Aggregate Content” + 1.28 ium i ae @ @ ° 1.96 2 | ass 2 % 258 40 165 ei infinity NOTE —- These quantities of mixing water are for use i L_ computing cementitious material contents for trial batches ‘—Wyarer|eontent corresponding to saturated surface FY ansrenate. a 5K-! Scanned with CamScanner wm Cement Content, Maalmum Water-Cement Rati and Minirourn Grad of Coney, for Different Exposures with Normal Welght Aggregates of 20mm Nominal Maxlmum Size (Clauses 612, 824.1 and9.1.2) 8 Bre iuGnon Panfrced Concrele _—_ aie Mi imum Miicum Gomme, dc’ Pett, Content Cement Rio Conte» Content «Cement Ratio Cnc Wht Wn" » @ ° “ ° ry o . mas 20 ow é 30 oss Mio Modente 240 0 Mis xo 030 Mas Seve 250 050 Mn xo ous M30 Verytevere 260 4s, M20 Mo 04s Mas Eure 280 ovo ms 040 ho Notes 1 Cement content prescribe inthis bles irespecive ofthe grades of erent adits inclsive of adions mentioned in $.2. Th ‘2édtions such as fly ach or ground granulated blas furnace slag may be taken into account in the concrete composition with respect t ‘me cement cont nd water-cement ati ifthe siti is esabished and as longa the maximum amounts taken ito sccount& ‘otexceed the limit of pozolona and ls specie in I$ 1489 (Part 1) and 1S 455 respectively. 2 Minimum gradefor phn concrete unde ik exposure condidon i not speci Table 3.15. Grading limits of fine aggregates IS: 383-1970 : [ee | Petcentage passing by weight for Gradi Zone Ill 100 1S. Sieve Designation 10mm 4.15 mm 90-100 2:36 mm 85-100 95-100 1.18mm 90-100 600:micron 80-100 300 micron 15-50 150 micron sk) % Scanned with CamScanner TABLE 37 APPROXIMATE COMPRESSIVE, ant 2TeMOXMIATE COMPaEa TAMU APPROXIMATE: WATH¥ CONTENTS: 5 sor 5 AD 7 z Le WITH WATERCEMENT RATIO OF OS Laie OO AA ade (Clowe 63) cath; ine Sur (mm) = 0-10 saad Vers Ban i) = >i Mannan ‘Seon 7. Acencoatt a 8 oO oO 6 ee es ” e 8 wo» & Cement, Uncrwhed 1827 4a 10 Unused 150 180 205 25 oe Cruhed 180 205 00 ta 20 Uneruthed 133 160190195, a Cruhed = 170190210225, Pont Crihes 23 a i | fe ease ae Rapid Cruhed 135173 190 208, arden Uncrushed 2 34 46 3) Nore | — When coarse ad ne ausrenstes of Be} ter igamnaeette ni Cent Crue 30 40 5 ce Caren TN Nore — Table 37 U from ‘Design of Normal Concrete elm, Mixes (1975)" by D.C, Teychenne, R.E. Franilin and “PTE pa H. C. Emtroy. Contributed by courtesy of the Director, Wm walet content appropriate 10 type itdipg Research Exablahmea and yeprodoced By the Fee ene ot coane ‘Betmission of the Controller of Her Britannle Majetty's ’.7 wialer content appropriate 10 type ‘Stationery Office. Crown copyright. agaregate, Nore 2 — Table 38 is from *Design of Normal Ce a cement ratio and strength propertics of concrete are consistent with the recommendations of IS 456 and meet Project specification requirements as applicable. Table 3 Volume of Coarse Aggregate per Unit Volume of Total Aggregate for Different Zones of Fine Aggregate (Clauses 4.4, A-7 and B-1) 2 Sl Nominal “Volume of Coarse Aggregate” per Unit No. Maximum Volume of Total Aggregate for Size of _Different Zones of Fine Aggregate Aggregate o_O mm —“Zone1V Zone J Zone Nl Zone 1 wo @ @) @ © (6) 10 050 048 = 0460.44 20 066 064 = 062060 40 075 0730719 3k 3 Scanned with CamScanner - -_— - — sag a = = as - wus 96 Z OO O10 oro $99 020 gt or9 019 $09 =- - wel Shy SBF GLOVE GEOrEr GEOL OOL-IEe sHO.0 GEOO oze.0--g10.—«-S 810 wnt OL oor05 = - — oe ontagg — - - - wnt S21 — mlm — - - oot = oolersp — i = uu gt 001 ool OUTISH —OLOOG = — - oor = oot cg OZ = SMO wwur Og = - oor oom se — = i oor = ont rsa OF 0 cut OF = = a 7 = = 5 — of or or sB ur §9 — _ al col eal = baal | omni oor war 08 ( fon) (6) (a) (a) (9) (s) () (s) @ @ Beszl wg] —mugz wg, =~ UY uNG-Z] «ug, §=—wergg «=e «= wg eS. ————— nn ee ——~ NOE tig IvKIKON 40 JLvoaNDOY + aZIg TWNITCON £0 syNO183q escrug moa oxteevg ZovaNaosg RAYOTUODY aazig-aTONIS Nod ONIGEG BOVINGOUTY @AaIS Sy (a pun pry Sasa ) SALVOAYODV ASUVOD z aIEVL Sk-1 Scanned with CamScanner TER] CEMENT RATIO. Relationship Between Compressive Strength and Water-Cemeint Ratio Fig. 43 Scanned with CamScanner RELATIVE DENSITY, loF COMBNED AGGREGATE (ON SATURATED ANO} SURFACE ORY Basis) 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 WET DENSITY OF CONCRETE MR, Koi? 2200 2100 WO 12040680200 FREE -WATER CONTENT, kg/m? Fig, 44 Estimated Wet Density of Fully Compacted Concrete 22040260 Nore — Figure 44 reproduced from ‘Design of Normal Concrete Mixes (1973) by DC Teyehenne, R & Pranklia and HC Erniroy Contributed by vourty ofthe Direstor, Building Resanh Establishment and reproduced By the ermiuon of the Controlier ot Her Briannn Maysty’s Stationery Offke Crown Copyri Sk Scanned with CamScanner co CTT) Fig. 48 Generalized Relationship Between Free Water-Cement Ratio and Compressive ‘Strength of Concrete TABLE 41 APPROXIMATE ENTRAPPED AIR CONTENT (Clause 6.4) NOMINAL MAXIMUM SIZE ENTRAPPED AIR, AS OF AGGREGATE (mm) PERCENT OF VOLUME OF CONCRETE ro) (2) 10 30. 20 208 40 10 Nott — Table 41 is from ‘Hardened Concrete; Mechanical Aspeets: ACI Monograph No, 6 (1971)" by A, M, Neville with the permission of the American Concrete Institute, USA. Scanned with CamScanner ND WATER TABLE 43 APPROXIMATE SAND A R CONTENTS PER CUBIC METRE OF CONCRETE (Clause 6.4) W/C = 0.35 cr Workabillty » 0.80 (Applicable for concrete above grade M 35) Maximum — Waren Content’ SAND AS PERCENT Size or er Cupic OF TOTAL AGOREGATE METRE OF AGOREGATE BY (mm) Concrete ABSOLUTE VOLUME (kg) a) ey 8 a 10 200 2B 20 180 2s “Water c ‘ontent corresponding to saturated surface dry aggregate, TABLE 46 ADJUSTMENT OF VALUES IN WATER CONTENT AND SAND PERCENTAGE FOR OTHER CONDITIONS (Clause 6.4) Canoe in ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED IN CONDI rons — StiPULATED Water Percent Sand For TauLes Content in Total 41 anv 42 Asgregate a) Q) °) For sand conforming 0 +15 Percent to grading Zone i, for Zone 1 Zone lil or Zone 1V ~13 Percent of Table 4, for Zone It IS : 383-1970 -3.0 Percem for Zone IV Increase of decrease 3 Percent ° in the value of com- pacting factory by 0.1 Each 0.05 increase o 1 Percent or decrease in water- cement ratio For rounded -13kg/m? = —7 Percent aggregate whe Scanned with CamScanner PERCENTAGE PASSING 50-300 60018 238475 1020 do *-—ICRONS——+}>——-M ILL IMETERS ——————4 1.S, SIEVE SIZES Fig. 1.3 Grading Curves for 40 mm Aggregate Scanned with CamScanner PERCENTAGE Passing 75° 10 20 /-— microns —~+.—numetens ——4 1.S SIEVE sizes Fig. 1.4: Grading Curves for 20mm Aggregate Scanned with CamScanner ORNISSYd ZOVINZIIEd —nmicrons —~} le—uninerens—3! LS. SIEVE SIZES, Fig, 1.8: Metotosh and Entropy's Grading Curves for 10 mm Aggregate aut AW Scanned with CamScanner

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