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Types of starter

• 1. DOL Starter
• 2. Variable resistance starter
• 3. Auto Transformer starter
• 4. Star Delta Starter
• 5. Rotor Resistance Starter
Star Delta Starter
Auto Transformer starter
Variable resistance starter
Rotor Resistance Starter
MCQ Based Activity
equivalent circuit of induction motor
Basic Parameters to be Checked
 Current
As line current in all the phases are not equal so the arithmetic mean of the phase currents should be
used for evaluating machine performance.
 Voltage
voltage is measured at the motor terminals and at the time of test, it should be approximately balanced.
Machine performance can be calculated by using average of the phase voltages.
 Power
power input to three phase motor can be calculated by a single watt meters as they are connected in two
watt meter method.
 Resistance
It is necessary to check the ground resistance between the motor body and terminals of the machine.
Test types of IM
1. No-load test
2. Locked rotor test
The impedance of magnetizing path of induction motor is
large enough to obstruct flow of current. Therefore, small
current is applied to the machine due to which there is a fall in
the stator-impedance value and rated voltage is applied across
the magnetizing branch. But the drop in stator-impedance
value and power dissipated due to stator resistance are very
small in comparison to applied voltage. Therefore, there
values are neglected and it is assumed that total power drawn
is converted into core loss. The air gap in magnetizing branch
in an induction motor slowly increases the exciting current
and the no load stator I2R loss can be recognized.
One should keep in mind that current should not exceed its
rated value otherwise rotor accelerates beyond its limit.
The test is performed at poly-phase voltages and rated
frequency applied to the stator terminals. When motor runs
for some times and bearings get lubricated fully, at that time
readings of applied voltage, input current and input power are
taken. To calculate the rotational loss, subtract the stator I2R
losses from the input power.
Locked rotor test
 In the blocked rotor test, it should be kept in
mind that the applied voltage on the stator
terminals should be low otherwise normal
voltage could damage the winding of the stator.
In block rotor test, the low voltage is applied so
that the rotor does not rotate and its speed
becomes zero and full load current passes
through the stator winding.
 The slip is unity related to zero speed of rotor
hence the load resistance becomes zero. Now,
slowly increase the voltage in the stator winding
so that current reaches to its rated value. At this
point, note down the readings of the voltmeter,
wattmeter and ammeter to know the values of
voltage, power and current. The test can be
repeated at different stator voltages for the
accurate value.

Braking of Induction Motor
1. Regenerative braking of induction motor
2. Plugging Braking of induction motor
3. Dynamic braking of induction motor is further categorized a
a) AC dynamic breaking
b) Self excited braking using capacitors
Regenerative Braking of Induction
We know the power (input) of an induction motor is given as.
Pin = 3VIscosφs
• Here, φs the phase angle between stator phase voltage V and the stator phase
current Is. Now, for motoring operation φs < 90o and for braking operation φs >
• When the speed of the motor is more than the synchronous speed, relative
speed between the motor conductors and air gap rotating field reverses, as a
result the phase angle because greater than 90o and the power flow reverse
and thus regenerative braking takes place.
• The nature of the speed torque curves are shown in the figure beside. It the
source frequency is fixed then the regenerative braking of induction motor
can only take place if the speed of the motor is greater than synchronous
speed, but with a variable frequency source regenerative braking of
induction motor can occur for speeds lower than synchronous speed.
• The main advantage of this kind of braking can be said that the generated
power is use fully employed and the main disadvantage of this type of
braking is that for fixed frequency sources, braking cannot happen below
synchronous speeds.

 Plugging induction motor braking is done by reversing the

phase sequence of the motor.
 Plugging braking of induction motor is done by interchanging
connections of any two phases of stator with respect of
supply terminals. And with that the operation of motoring
shifts to plugging braking.
 During plugging the slip is (2 – s), if the original slip of the
running motor is s, then it can be shown in the following

 To obtain this type of braking the stator of a

running induction motor is connected to a DC
supply. Two and three load connections are the two
common type of connections for star and delta
connected stators.
 Another diagram is shown below to illustrate how
by diode bridge two load connection can be
obtained within a circuit.

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