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The Design of a 2-DOF Inertial Motion Harvester for a

Mechanical Watch

E.C. Buiter
Paul Breedveld
Delft University of Technology

Nima Tolou
The Design of a 2-DOF Inertial
Motion Harvester for a Mechanical


E.C. Buiter

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science
in Biomedical Engineering

at the Delft University of Technology,

to be defended publicly on Friday January 24, 2014 at 2:00 PM.

Student number: 1316117

Thesis committee:
Prof. Dr. P.Breedveld, BMechE, 3ME
Dr. N. Tolou, PME, Mechatonic Systems Design, 3ME
Dr. Ir. G. Smit, BMechE, 3ME
Dr. Ir. J.F.L. Goosen, Structural Optimization an Mechanics, PME,3ME

When we come to inspect the watch, we perceive (…) that its several parts are
framed and put together for a purpose, e.g. that they are so formed and adjusted as
to produce motion, and that motion so regulated as to point out the hour of the day;
that if the different parts had been differently shaped from what they are, or a
different size from what they are, or placed after any other manner, or in any other
order, than that in which they are placed, either no motion at all would have been
carried on in the machine, or none which would have answered the use that is now
served by it. To reckon with a few of the plainest parts, and of their offices, all tending
to one result:
We see a cylindrical box containing a coiled elastic spring, which, by its endeavour
to relax itself, turns round the box. We next observe a flexible chain (artificially
wrought for the sake of flexure) communicating the action of the spring from the
box to the fusee. We then find a series of wheels, the teeth of which catch in, and
apply to, each other, conducting the motion from the fuse to the balance, and from
the balance to the pointer; and at the same time, by the size and shape of those
wheels, so regulating that motion, as to terminate in causing an index, by an equable
and measured progression, to pass over a given pace in a given time. We take notice
that the wheels are made of brass, in order to keep them from rust; the springs of
steel, no other metal being so elastic; that over the face of the watch there is placed
a glass, a material employed in no other part of the work, but, in the room of which,
if there had been any other than a transparent substance, the hour could not been
seen without opening the case. This mechanism being observed (it requires indeed
an examination of the instrument, and perhaps some previous knowledge of the
subject, to perceive and understand it; but being once, as we have said, observed
and understood), the inference, we think, is inevitable; that the watch must have had
a maker; that there must have existed, at some time and at some place or other, an
artificer of artificers who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to
answer; who comprehends its construction, and designed its use.
William Paley (Natural Theology, 1882)

In the book Natural Theology, published in 1882, William Paley marvels at the intricately complex
interweaving of the parts of a mechanical watch and argues that living organisms, since they are
similarly complicated and perfected, must also have a designer and sees this as proof of the existence
of God. It is this same interest for this complicated and delicate mechanism, that after more than 6
months of work I find myself with my graduation thesis called “The Design of a 2-DOF Inertial Motion
Harvester for a Mechanical Watch”.

With the master Biomedical Engineering at the TU Delft the final year consists of three parts. The
first part is a three month internship. For this internship I performed a study into the quantitative
analysis of communication in an operating room during an open heart surgery, at the Leiden University
Medical Centre. After this I sat down with my graduation supervisors and we decided that my
graduation project would consist of the redesign of a part of the wrist watch – the automatic winding
device. In anticipation of ending up with a complex three dimensional structure, during my three month
literature study I looked into the opportunities within additive manufacturing (also known as 3D-
printing). After finishing my report “Additive Manufacturing for Precision Engineering” I spent the last
six months on my graduation thesis. It was an interesting project combining my knowledge of design,
my interest in mechanical watches and the theory on energy harvesting. The result of my graduation
thesis is what lies before you now.

I would like to thank Paul for his help and frequent conversations during my graduation. I would like
to thank Nima for his help with the project and the opportunities he gave me, including the visit to
Zurich. Furthermore I would like to thank everybody who tried to teach me about the modelling and
simulation of my design, especially Teun for the amount of time he put into my project.

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................................11
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................11
Energy Harvesting ...................................................................................................................... 11
Automatic winding device .......................................................................................................... 12
Problem definition...................................................................................................................... 12
Goal of the study ........................................................................................................................ 12
Layout of the study..................................................................................................................... 13
2. Background on energy harvesting...................................................................................................13
Introduction................................................................................................................................ 13
1-DOF inertial harvesters – working principle............................................................................ 13
Linear generator ..................................................................................................................... 13
Rotational generator .............................................................................................................. 14
1-DOF inertial harvesters – functional parts .............................................................................. 14
Directions of improvement ........................................................................................................ 15
3. Wrist motion measurements ..........................................................................................................15
Introduction................................................................................................................................ 15
Method ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Wrist motion during daily activities ....................................................................................... 15
Measuring device ................................................................................................................... 15
Tasks ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 16
Data preparation .................................................................................................................... 17
Data analysis........................................................................................................................... 17
Results ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Wrist motion during the day .................................................................................................. 18
Principle components............................................................................................................. 18
Resonant frequencies ............................................................................................................. 19
Present accelerations ............................................................................................................. 19
Discussion ................................................................................................................................... 19
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 20
4. 2-DOF inertial harvester design.......................................................................................................21
Design direction.......................................................................................................................... 21
Method ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 21
Requirements based on integration with an automatic wrist watch .................................... 21

Requirements based on the working principle of the motion harvester ............................... 22
Conceptual design ...................................................................................................................... 22
Dimensional design .................................................................................................................... 23
Link lengths and location of rotation points .......................................................................... 23
Link thickness.......................................................................................................................... 25
Size of the proof mass ............................................................................................................ 26
Rotation transfer .................................................................................................................... 26
Discussion ................................................................................................................................... 26
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 27
5. Evaluation ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 27
Fulfilment of the requirements .................................................................................................. 27
Proof of principle ........................................................................................................................ 28
Method ................................................................................................................................... 28
Results .................................................................................................................................... 29
Prototype .................................................................................................................................... 31
Discussion ................................................................................................................................... 32
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 33
6. General Discussion ......................................................................................................................... 33
Implementation in a mechanical wrist watch ............................................................................ 33
Recommendations...................................................................................................................... 33
7. General Conclusion......................................................................................................................... 34
Bibliography............................................................................................................................................ 35
Appendix I – Background on the automatic winding device .................................................................. 36
Appendix II – Background on the harvesting principle .......................................................................... 38
Appendix III – Background on data analysis ........................................................................................... 39
Appendix IV – Watch sizes and ETA........................................................................................................ 40
Appendix V – Analysis of bar mechanisms ............................................................................................. 41
Appendix VI – Methods for simulating mechanism motion ................................................................... 42
Appendix VII – Technical drawings of the final design ........................................................................... 44

Energy harvesters extract energy from the ambient environment and can power electronic devices.
One interesting application of these harvesters is the medical field where in the future they might be
used to power pacemakers or medicine pumps. One common energy harvester is the automatic wrist
watch, a one Degree of Freedom (DOF) rotational inertial motion harvester. When attached to a
generator, the automatic winding device has shown to harvest 50 µW. However, an increase in
harvested power is necessary for it to be applicable for other devices. Knowing that wrist motion occurs
in different directions, the goal of this study was to design a multi-DOF harvester for a mechanical watch
in order to increase the harvesting power. To achieve this goal, firstly measurements of wrist motion
during daily activities were performed. Based on the collected wrist motion, the harvestable content of
the motion and the principle components of the motion were analyzed. We showed that a correctly
orientated energy harvester with the size of a wrist watch can harvest most of the wrist motion
(containing > 90 % of the total variance) by harvesting from only two translations. The correct
orientation of the harvester is rotated almost 90 degrees from the original plane. Based on these results
a 2-DOF harvester was designed to harvest two translations. The 2-DOF harvester transforms the
translations into two rotations which are then used to wind two mainsprings. A simulation performed
to evaluate the 2-DOF harvester for three different accelerations using a model without friction, shows
an increase of energy harvested for the new harvester of 36 - 98 %. These results give a good indication
of improved performance when compared to the original 1-DOF harvester. A prototype of the design
was made from acrylic sheets using a laser cutter. This prototype, manufactured at true scale, shows
that the 2-DOF energy harvester can be produced and shows a response similar to the expected
Keywords: Energy harvester, mechanical watch, human motion.

Rechargeable devices require the patient to

1. INTRODUCTION regularly schedule time for charging, limiting their
freedom. Continuously powering these devices
with human motion will eliminate these
There is an increasing demand for portable problems.
electronic devices, autonomous systems and One of the most common energy harvesters
health and environmental monitoring devices [1]. that is used these days is worn on the wrist; the
The reduction in size and power consumption of automatic mechanical wrist watch. For electrical
these devices has led to the idea of replacing harvesting the wrist is not usually considered as a
batteries with on-site power generators [2,3]. good location due to the low amounts of motion
These generators, also called energy harvesters, in low frequency ranges [5, 6]. However,
extract energy from the ambient environment theoretically the wrist should provide enough
[4]. One very interesting application area of micro motion to harvest almost 1 mW, enough to power
energy harvesters is the medical field where a hearing aid [7, 8]. Also it is an ideal place for an
electronic portable devices are becoming more information display of a health monitoring
common. Examples are pacemakers, medicine device, as is currently used in sports heart rate
pumps and health monitoring devices. These all monitors. It is also the location where people
depend on electricity to work and are usually wear watches or jewelry and are therefore
powered by batteries that are either accustomed to extra weight, minimizing the
rechargeable or need to be replaced. For a interference of the weight of the harvester with
pacemaker this means that a surgery is required the motion. For these reasons the focus of this
every 5-10 years to replace the pacemaker. study is the automatic winding device.

Mechanical wrist watches use power that is The rotor is an asymmetric weight that rotates
stored in the mainspring to drive a movement around a central point, seen in Figure 3. It
that regulates the time indication. Since the therefore has one Degree of Freedom (DOF). The
movement uses energy, the mainspring needs to watch is a planar device and therefore
be wound regularly. A mechanism designed to experiences motion in three DOF; two
use human motion to wind the mainspring was translations and one rotation. For optimal energy
first seen in the 18th century but was not taken harvesting the automatic winding device should
into production until the early 20th century [9]: be able to harvest motion from these three DOF.
the automatic winding device, as seen in Figure 1. The current rotor however, has some aspects that
The automatic winding device harvests energy limit the motions it harvests. The first aspect is
from wrist motion and stores this as potential the singular positions of the rotor, when the rotor
energy in the mainspring to power the watch, it is does not respond to certain motions. These
therefore an energy harvester. The wrist motion singularities occur when the motion is along the
is captured by the rotor, due to the inertia of the arm of the rotor. Two of these positions are
rotor. The rotor is an asymmetric oscillating indicated in Figure 4. Secondly, when the
weight with one Degree of Freedom (DOF). The acceleration is not directed along the path of the
energy is then transmitted through the reverser rotor, the motion is not optimally harvested, as
and reduction gear train and used to wind up the indicated in Figure 5. These observations result in
mainspring, seen in Figure 2. A more detailed the conclusion that the rotor is built to harvest
explanation of the automatic winding device can mainly the rotation and in a lesser degree the two
be found in Appendix I. translations.
of an automatic winding device to power
other electronic devices has been suggested
before [10, 11] and an automatic winding device Change in material and shape of the oscillating
was found to harvest enough energy for cardiac weight, reduction in friction and the change from
stimulation [12]. No study was found that looked unidirectional to bidirectional harvesting have
at the maximal power generation of the been used to improve the effectiveness of the
automatic winding device, but a quartz watch and automatic winding device [9]. However,
pacemaker use 5 µW and 50 µW respectively [8]. considering the problems with the current rotor
However, it is doubted that the current automatic and the observation that the current automatic
winding device has the harvesting capacity to winding device is designed to harvest mainly
power a hearing aid (1 mW) [8]. An increase in rotations, we propose a different direction for
harvester capacity of the automatic winding improvement of the harvesting capacity. Since
device will lead to a broader range of the wrist moves in 6 degrees of freedom,
applications, but requires a new design that does harvesting from multiple directions of freedom
not have the same limitations as the current will allow the harvesting of more energy. The goal
motion harvester. of this study is therefore to design an inertial
motion harvester for a mechanical wrist watch
that harvests energy from multiple DOF. However

Figure 1 – An automatic wrist watch movement. Source: Figure 2 – An exploded view of an automatic winding device with the three main parts. Adapted from

more DOF will also complicate the mechanism winding device, therefore the models for
and the directions of the DOF that contain most microgenerators can be used to analyse the
energy are unknown. The goal of this study will working principle of an automatic winding device.
therefore be achieved in three steps. Firstly a The working principle of an energy harvester is
measurement will be made of the wrist motion to described more simply and elaborately in
find the directions of motion and the number of Appendix II.
DOF that need to be harvested. Secondly the new Since the automatic winding device harvests
motion harvester will be designed based on the motion, this is a motion-driven harvester. In one
findings of the measurements. Finally the design of the classifications there are two types of
will be validated. motion-driven harvesters; force-driven and
inertial-driven. While both generators are
powered by motion, the difference is found in the
During this study the method and results of attachment of the proof mass. Force-driven
the design of the motion harvester are described. harvesters have a connection between the
First, in Chapter 2, background information on outside world and the proof mass. Therefore the
the working principles of energy harvesters will proof mass is directly actuated by the motion of
be given to find possibilities for improvement. To the outside world. In inertial-driven harvesters
find the optimal orientation of the harvester a the proof mass is attached to the frame of the
study was performed to analyse the motions of generator. These rely on the inertia of the proof
the wrist, which is described in Chapter 3. The mass to achieve a relative motion of the mass
design process of the motion harvester and the with respect to the generators frame [13]. From
final design will be described in Chapter 4. In this description the automatic winding device can
Chapter 5 the performance of the new motion be classified as an inertial-driven harvester.
harvester will be evaluated. To finalize, in Chapter
6 an overall discussion of the study and 1-DOF INERTIAL HARVESTERS – WORKING
recommendations for future studies will be given. PRINCIPLE
Chapter 7 will contain the overall conclusion of Linear generator
this study.
The generic model of a inertial driven
generator can be seen in Figure 6. A proof mass
m is supported on a suspension with stiffness k.
INTRODUCTION When the frame experiences a linear harmonic
Not much research has been performed acceleration, with a displacement y(t), the inertia
concerning motion energy harvesters that store of the proof mass results is a relative
mechanical energy. However, elaborate studies displacement z(t). The maximal displacement of
have been performed to describe energy the proof mass is 2 times ZL as can be seen in
harvesters that use motion to generate electrical Figure 6. When work is done against the damping
energy, known as microgenerators [13, 14]. In force f(𝑧̇ ), energy is converted. During a motion
general harvesting energy results in damping of with a frequency ω and a displacement Yo the
the system and the assumption is made that this force on the harvester is F = 𝜔2 Y0 m. The power
also happens in the automatic winding device. that is harvested can be calculated as the product
Secondly, there is also a spring in the automatic of the force acting on the harvester and the

Figure 3 – A representation of the rotor Figure 4 – Two of the singular positions Figure 5 – The smaller influence of the
inside the automatic winding device as of the rotor for the indicated translational accelerations on the
a weight connected to the rotation accelerations. movement of the rotor.
point by a rigid link.

Table I – The three functional parts of an inertial energy harvester with examples of two different energy harvesters.

Automatic winding device Rotor Reverser and gear train Mainspring

Electromagnetic harvester Magnet Magnet & coil Battery or capacitor

maximal displacement 2ZL. Dividing this with the As can be seen Equations 1 and 2 are equal for
period of the motion 2π/ω will result in the r =ZL (within the assumptions and approximations
maximal harvested power. This theoretically of these equations). Therefore it can be said that
maximal power does not take into account the the power harvested by an inertial-driven energy
time it takes the proof mass to move from one harvester for linear motion is the same for a linear
position to the next. Therefore a correction factor or rotating inertial-driven harvester [14]. It should
is necessary to account for this delay. Analysis of be noted that this is the theoretical maximum for
a true case shows that this correction factor is both linear and rotational inertial-driven energy
π/4. The end result is shown in Equation 1 harvesters and is in practice not reached.
[13, 14].
𝑚𝜔3 𝑌0 𝑍𝐿 Each inertial-driven energy harvester can be
𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = (1)
2 divided into three functional parts: the motion
harvester, the energy converter and the energy
Rotational generator storage. This is illustrated in Table I with two
A similar model can be derived for the examples, the automatic winding device and an
automatic winding device. The model can be seen electromagnetic motion harvester. The motion
in Figure 7. The proof mass m rotates around a harvester is the part that responds to the motion
fixed point at a distance r, the size of the link. The of the frame. It is usually a proof mass and will
winding of the mainspring with stiffness k and the obtain a relative motion. Due to this relative
harvesting of the motion will result in damping motion the energy converter will be able to
f(𝜃̇). In this simple model these are positioned at convert this motion into usable energy. This
the rotation point. When the frame experiences a energy is then stored. Even though
linear excitation y(t), the inertia of the proof mass improvements are possible within the energy
(I = m r2) will result in a rotation relative to the converter and energy storage of the automatic
frame. Maximal harvesting is given by Equation 2 winding device, there are sufficient solutions
[14]. The excitation of wrist motion is usually available in the current watches [9,10]. The
larger than the possible excitation of the proof current solutions are further explained in
mass within a wrist watch. Due to this limitation Appendix I. Since there is much improvement to
a resonant system will not increase the power be gained in the design of the motion harvester
harvested [14]. and no studies have focused on this part, the
focus of this study will be on the motion
𝑚𝜔3 𝑌0 𝑟
𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = (2) harvester.

Figure 6 – A generic model of a 1-DOF linear inertial driven Figure 7 – A model of a 1-DOF rotational inertial driven energy
energy harvester. Adapted from [13]. harvester. Adapted from [14].

DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVEMENT must be optimized to be able to harvest from
Since we want to design a harvester that most motion in the direction of the selected DOF
harvests from two translations, a new motion plane. To this end, measurements of wrist
harvester must be designed. Equations 1 and 2 motion will be performed. During these
are used to analyze variables that influence the measurements velocities and accelerations of
maximal power Pmax: wrist motion will be recorded. Measurements of
 𝑚; a larger proof mass will result in a higher selected activities were performed, where after
force that can be harvested; the data was weighed with the time spent on
 The weight of the proof mass can be activities with similar wrist motion during an
maximized. This is however limited by the entire day. The data can then be used to find the
size of the watch and the weight that can optimal orientation and design requirements for
be comfortably worn on a wrist. the multi-DOF harvester.
 𝜔3 𝑌0; larger accelerations on the harvester METHOD
will lead to more harvested power;
Wrist motion during daily activities
 The accelerations are defined by the wrist
motion and cannot be increased, A public database called the Multinational
 However, it is not known in which direction Time Use Study was used to find the average time
the accelerations are largest. Orientation spent performing daily activities [15]. From this
of the harvester in the direction of maximal database the World 5.8 - adult summary file was
motion will result in the largest possible used for this study. This dataset contains diary
accelerations to be harvested, entries from more than 480 000 people in
 Allowing the harvester to harvest from 11 different countries and recognizes 69 different
motion in multiple directions allows the activities performed in daily life. Examples of
harvester to harvest from more these activities are cooking, walking and sleeping.
accelerations. All 69 activities can be seen in Table II. For this
 ZL or r; for maximal harvesting the study these 69 activities were divided into 4 wrist
displacement of the proof mass must be motion categories: no (none or barely any
maximal; motion), low (comparable to motion during
 Optimizing the system that links the proof typing), medium (walking) and high (running)
mass and the energy converter to have motion of the wrist. For these four categories the
maximal freedom in displacement within percentage of the day spent performing these
the boundary allows for more activities (𝑃𝑎 ) was calculated.
displacement, Measuring device
 Increasing the boundary to maximize the Accelerometers have proven to be a reliable
working space of the mechanism will measuring tool for human motion during daily
increase displacement, however this is activities [16]. For this study the accelerometer
defined by the size of the wrist watch. was required to: be tri-axial and measure
The direction of maximal wrist motion is translation and rotation (6 DOF), operate in an
unknown. Therefore firstly wrist measurements ambient environment and measure frequencies
must be performed to find the optimal number of between 0.2 and 10 Hz [17]. To minimize the
degrees of freedom to harvest from and the
optimal direction of orientation of the harvester.
Secondly a new design must be made for the y
motion harvester allowing it as much freedom in x
motion as possible from the selected number of
degrees of freedom.


Before the new multi-DOF motion harvester Figure 8 – The sensor attached to the wrist, with the
can be designed, the orientation of the harvester measurement axes local to the sensors orientation.

Table II – Assignment of activities of the Multinational Time Use Study database to the four categories used in this study.
Wrist motion category Multinational Time Use Study activity number and activity description
5. Meals at work or at school 50. Other in-home social, games
Low 6. Other meals or snacks 51. General indoor leisure
(typing) 11. Travel as a part of work 52. Artistic or musical activity
12. Work breaks 53. Written correspondence
13. Other time at workplace 60. Playing computer games
14. Look for work 61. Send e-mail, surf internet, computing
15. Regular schooling, education 62. No activity but mode of recorded travel
16. Homework 63. Travel to or from work
17. leisure/other education or training 64. Education-related travel
25. Consume personal care services 65. Travel for voluntary/civic/religious activity
26. Consume other services 66. Child/adult care-related travel
29. Teach, help with homework 67. Travel for shopping, personal or
34. Worship or religious activity household care
44. Cycling 68. Travelling for other purposes
49. Conversation
1. Imputed personal or household care 30. Read to, talk or play with child
Medium 4. Wash, dress and care for self 31. Supervise, accompany, other child care
(walking) 7. Paid job – main job (not at home) 32. Adult care
8. Paid work at home 33. Voluntary work, civic, organization activity
9. Second or other job not at home 35. General out-of-home leisure
10. Unpaid work to generate household 36. Attending sport event
income 38. Other public event, venue
18. Food preparation, cooking 39. Restaurant, café, bar, pub
19. Set table, wash/put away dishes 40. Party, reception, social event, gambling
20. Cleaning 41. Imputed time away from home
21. Laundry, ironing, clothing repair 43. Walking
22. Home/vehicle maintenance/ 45. Other out-of-doors recreation
improvement 46. Gardening/forage, hunt/fish
23. Other domestic work 47. Walk dogs
24. Purchase good 48. Receive or visit friends
27. Pet care 54. Knit, crafts or hobbies
28. Physical, medical child care
High (running) 42. General sport or exercise
2. Sleep and naps 57. Listen to music, CD, audio book
None (or barely any 3. Imputed sleep 58. Listen to radio
motion) 37. Cinema, theatre, opera, concert 59. Watch TV, DVD, video
55. Relax, think, do nothing 69. No recorded activity
56. Read

influence on the subject’s motion the sensor had measured. The requirements for the activities
to be lightweight, small and wireless. Fulfilling all were repetitive motion, clearly definable and
of these requirements, the MTw inertial motion common during an average day. The three
tracker (Xsens Technologies BV, Enschede, NL) activities were selected based on the wrist
was selected for this study. The sensor measures motion categories: typing, walking and running. A
three orthogonal components of the velocity, fixed track had to be followed during walking and
acceleration and the angular velocity separately. running. A piece of predefined text needed to be
The axes are local to the sensor and are indicated copied during typing.
in Figure 8. Procedure
Tasks The experiment was conducted with ten
To measure the daily wrist motion of a wide healthy volunteers (8 male and 2 female, aged
range of people in a short period of time, three 21-25 years). A single MTw sensor was attached
activities were selected that fit into the three to the dominant arm (8 right and 2 left handed)
wrist motion categories: “low motion”, “medium at the location where a watch is worn, seen in
motion” and “high motion”. Since there is no Figure 8, using the MTw click-in forearm strap. It
wrist motion in the category “no motion” no should be noted that this strap resulted in a low
activity was selected and this category was not pass filter. However, considering the low

frequencies expected from wrist motion, this low 𝐸24,𝑖 𝐸𝑖
= ∑ 𝑇𝑃𝑎 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖 = 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧, 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾
pass filter was of negligible influence. The 𝑚 𝑚
subjects performed all three tasks for 60 seconds 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎 = 𝑙𝑜𝑤, 𝑚𝑒𝑑, ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ (6)
at their own preferred speed and were instructed
before the measurement. The task sequence was: Using the relative energy per unit mass as
walking, then typing, followed by running. This input, a principle component analysis was
sequence was repeated three times. A short rest performed with the Principle Component
was allowed after each sequence. The sampling Analysis (PCA) function in Matlab. This function
rate of the measurements was 75 Hz. looks for a set of orthogonal axes within the
dataset, called principle components, where the
Data preparation
first principle component contains most variance.
The first ten seconds of the recorded signal The variance within a dataset gives information
were removed to account for the time it takes the about the differences within a signal. A
subjects to settle into the movement, leaving a component of a signal that contains 100 % of the
50 second signal. The x and z directions are the variance contains all information that the original
same for left and right handed subjects, but the signal contains. A choice to use only part of the
y direction points outwards for right handed and information with less variance will make analysis
inwards for left handed subjects. Therefore, the or use of the data easier. However it will decrease
data of the y-axis of the left handed was inverted. the accuracy of the results. For this study a
The three trials of the ten subjects were lined up variance of 90 % was considered sufficient. By
resulting in a dataset of 3 x 10 x 50 = 1500 seconds plotting the principle components that contain a
for each activity. Each dataset contained the total of 90 % variance against the measured axes,
measurements of the three translations and the optimal orientation for harvesting was found.
three rotations. The principle component analysis was performed
Data analysis for the energy during a day, for the separate
Both translations and rotations work on the activities and for different device sizes. For
mechanism. For a small range of motion of the different device sizes the arm length of the
proof mass we can state that the energy from a rotation changes. A standard mechanical watch
rotation and a translation can be compared by will have approximately a 40 mm diameter and
using the relative kinetic energy per unit mass therefore a rotation has a maximal arm of 20 mm.
Ei/m, Equations 3 and 4. For translations the For a larger device an arm of 200 mm and for a
energy is dependent on the velocity vi for the smaller device a 2 mm arm was chosen. More
different directions (x, y and z). For rotations this explanation about the kinetic energy and the
is dependent on the angular velocity ωi for the principle component analysis can be found in
different directions (α, β and γ) and the arm r of Appendix III.
the rotating proof mass. A power spectral density analysis gives
information about the frequency content of the
𝐸𝑖 1 2 data. The power spectral density analysis was
= 𝑣 𝑖 = 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 (3)
𝑚 2 𝑖 performed using the Matlab pwelch-function,
𝐸𝑖 1 2 2 with the kinetic energy of the first two principle
= 𝑟 𝜔𝑖 𝑖 = 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾 (4) components as input. A window of 800 points, a
𝑚 2
50 % overlap of the windows and the
Subsequently, the relative energy per unit measurement sampling frequency fs = 75 Hz were
mass was scaled to represent 24 hours with time used. The output of the function is the power P
factor T and the activity percentage Pa to per frequency f.
represent the energy obtainable over 24 hours The relative occurrence of accelerations in wrist
per activity E24,i/m. This can be seen in Equation 5. motion was analyzed by creating a histogram of
The energy over an entire day was obtained by the accelerations within the translations. The
summing the energy of all activities, seen in acceleration range was separated into
Equation 6. 500 intervals and the number of accelerations
24ℎ𝑟 ∗ 60𝑚𝑖𝑛 ∗ 60𝑠 within each interval used to create the histogram.
𝑇= = 57,6 (5)

Table III – The table shows the percentage of the total variance in the measured motion, that is explained by an increasing
number of principle components, for the different activities and the motion during an entire day. The first prinicple
component contains most variance and is therefore displayed first. Adding a second priniple component will increase the
amount of variance. This goes up to six prinicple components which explain the entire motion and therefore contain 100 %
of thevariance.
Number of Principle Components (PC): 1 2 3 4 5 6
All motion r = 200 mm 68.3 % 94.7 % 99.5 % 99.8 % 99.9 % 100 %
All motion r = 20 mm 79.1 % 98.3 % 99.3 % 99.7 % 99.9 % 100 %
All motion r = 2 mm 79.7 % 99.0 % 99.9 % 99.9 % 99.9 % 100 %
Low motion r = 20 mm 82.8 % 92.4 % 99.9 % 99.9 % 99.9 % 100 %
Med. motion r = 20 mm 63.2 % 93.7 % 99.9 % 99.9 % 99.9 % 100 %
High motion r = 20 mm 53.1 % 81.7 % 99.9 % 99.9 % 99.9 % 100 %

The histogram was normalized by dividing the indicating that for a 2-DOF harvester the
occurrence in each interval by the highest translations are best to be harvested. Therefore,
occurrence. the principle component analysis was performed
on the three translations to find the optimal plane
for harvesting. The results show that the optimal
Wrist motion during the day plane is slightly rotated from the originally
The analysis of the Time Use activities results in measured x and z axis, which can be seen in
the activity percentage Pa of wrist motion during Figure 8. The optimal plane is visualised in
the day. For the categories defined this is Figure 9. This plane is almost 90 degrees rotated
Plow=14 %, Pmed=37 % and Phigh=0.62 %. This means from the plane the current watch harvests from.
that high motion occurs for an average of This plane can be described by the following three
9 minutes per day. The other 50 % of the day points: O (0 0 0), A (0.9934 0.0834 0.0788) and
there is no motion of the wrist. The division of the B (-0.0880 0.1126 0.9897).
69 activities into the 4 categories can be seen in 2. The influence of the device size
Table III.
Several new principle component analyses,
Principle components performed for different arm lengths of the
1. 2-DOF motion harvester rotation, shows that for an arm of 200 mm the
The percentage of variance that is contained rotations contain most energy, while for smaller
in the principle components can be seen in arms the translations contain most energy. For
Table IV. It shows the increasing variance the first three principle components orientation
explained by an increasing number of principle is shown in Equations 9 for a 200 mm arm and
components. For a proof mass with free motion Equations 10 for a 2 mm arm. Only the original
and an arm of 20 mm the first principle
component contains 79.6 % of the variance. The
first two principle components contain a total of
99 % of the variance. Equations 8 show the
orientation of the first principle component PC1
and the second principle component PC2. When
the coefficient is one the principle component is
oriented along the original measured axis (x, y, z,
α, β or γ). When the coefficient is zero it is
oriented 90 degrees away from this axis. For each
principle component only the three largest
coefficients are shown.
𝑃𝐶1 2 = (. 𝟗𝟗𝒙)𝟐 + (. 08𝑦)2 + (. 08𝑧)2 + ⋯
𝑃𝐶2 2 = (−.09𝑥)𝟐 + (.11𝑦)2 + (. 𝟗𝟖𝒛)𝟐 + ⋯ (8)
Figure 9 – The orientation of the optimal plane for
The first two principle components are mainly harvesting the two translations. The square plane is the
composed of translation in x and z direction, optimal plane to harvest from (blue). The round plane is
the original plane that the current watch harvests from.

axis that is oriented closed to the principle frequencies in which most of the accelerations
component is shown. occur.
𝑃𝐶1,20 2 = ⋯ + (. 92𝛾)2 Present accelerations
Accelerations along the x- and y-axis were
𝑃𝐶2,20 2 = ⋯ + (. 95𝛼)2 + ⋯
found in the range -12 to 22 m/s2 and -25 to
𝑃𝐶3,20 2 = ⋯ + (. 95𝛽)2 + ⋯ (9) 23 m/s2. For the z-axis this range was more than
𝑃𝐶1,0.2 2 = ⋯ + (. 99𝑥)2 + ⋯ twice larger; -70 to 50 m/s2. However, most
accelerations occur between -15 and 15 m/s2, as
𝑃𝐶2,0.2 2 = ⋯ + (. 99𝑧)2 + ⋯ can be seen in Figure 11.
𝑃𝐶3,0.2 2 = ⋯ + (. 99𝑦)2 + ⋯ (10)
3. The influence of the different activities Successful measurements of the wrist
There is a difference in the number of principle movements during several daily activities were
components needed to describe the separate performed. Measuring only three activities allows
activities, as seen in Table III. While medium wrist multiple measurements to be performed in a
motion requires one principle component, high small period of time. For this study, these
motion requires three to describe at least 90 % of measurements were assumed to be sufficient.
the variance. However, proof that the use of only three
activities is sufficient for a good daily average was
Resonant frequencies
not obtained. The percentages obtained from the
Figure 10 shows the power spectral density Time Use Data indicate that for almost 50 % of the
analysis of the first two principle components. day no motion is experienced by the wrist. This
The peaks in the power spectral density analysis would occur during sleeping or reading. High
indicate the most common frequencies in the wrist motion occurs for an average of 9 minutes
measurements. It turns out that 92.4 % of the per day, indicating an average of one hour of
power in PC1 and PC2 is available between 0 and sports per week. These numbers confirm the
2 Hz. Hereafter the power drops rapidly, which is expectations of the time use of an average
confirmed in earlier studies [6, 7, 18]. person.
Furthermore, the total power in PC1 contributes The principle component analysis of the
for 98.5 % of the total power of both PC1 and PC2, measured motion shows that almost all energy is
meaning that almost all of the power comes from contained in the translations. Due to the
the first principle component. The circles in Figure harvester fitting within a circle with a 40 mm
10 show the two most dominant frequencies for diameter, the harvester has a small arm. This
PC1 and PC2. For PC1 the most dominant is at results in low energy harvesting from motion in
1.64 Hz and the second at 0.88 Hz. For PC2 this is translations. Therefore for such a small scale,
respectively 0.88 and 1.76 Hz. These are the
10 PC2

Power (dB)




0 2 4 6 8 10
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 10 – Power spectral density analysis of the velocities Figure 11 – Relative occurrence of translational accelerations,
in the optimal plane, for 1-10Hz. The circles indicate the two between -20 and 15 m/s2.
highest peaks for the two prinicple components.

harvesting from translations will allow an harvested degrees of freedom must be
increase in energy harvesting. re-evaluated.
The results show that the new plane is During the study, gravity was not removed
90 degrees rotated from the current plane. This from the measured signal. Therefore this data
can have a large influence on the design and the incorporates not only motion of the wrist but also
design requirements. Furthermore it can be seen the influence of gravity on the harvester. Since
that the first principle component contains 80 % gravity is always present when the motion
of the variance, while PC2 adds 10 %. To simplify harvester is used, including gravity gives a
the design while only losing a small amount of realistic view of the accelerations on the device.
energy that can be harvested it can therefore be Accordingly, using this dataset for optimizing the
chosen to harvest from only one translation. The design of an energy harvester will allow the
orientation of this must be in the x direction. A influence of gravity on the device to be taken into
watch does exist that harvests from one account directly.
translation, the Corum Golden Bridge Automatic, From the accelerations that occur most often,
shown in Figure 12 [19]. However, here the Figure 11, the range of acceleration for which the
harvester is oriented in the y direction, which has energy harvester must be optimized can be
been shown not to be the optimal orientation. found. Allowing the harvester to withstand
It was seen in Table IV that when harvesting accelerations from the entire range will increase
for specific motion there is a difference between the durability of the harvester. These
the amount of principle components that must be optimization criteria also hold for the rest of the
harvested to achieve the 90 % variance. This is wrist watch. The results of the Power Spectral
due to the difference in motion during these Density analysis can be used to optimize resonant
different activities. During running the wrist energy harvesters. Optimizing then for the
receives a shock when the foot strikes the dominant frequency range from 0 - 2 Hz will allow
ground. This shock has a different direction from more efficient harvesting.
the arm motion. The orientation of the principle
components is also different between the
activities. During walking the first two principle Measurements of wrist motion were
components contain mainly accelerations in the x performed to find the directions in which the
and z direction. During running the first two wrist moves the most. It was shown that
components are oriented towards the y and harvesting from two translations allows
z direction. This can be explained by the stance of harvesting of most of the wrist motion. These two
the arm; during walking the arm is extended, translations contain 98 % of the total variance of
while during running the arm is flexed at the the motion. The results showed that the optimal
elbow. This results in a different axis on which the harvesting can be performed in a plane slightly
shocks from the heel strike and the gravity work. rotated from the original x- and z-axes. The
From the results of the PCA it can be concluded optimal plane is almost 90 degrees rotated from
that for each application, location and size of a the original plane where the watch is worn. While
harvester the orientation and number of the dominant frequency range of wrist motion is

Figure 12 – The Corum Golden Bridge Automatic. The proof mass of the translational automatic harvesting device can be
seen behind the gears. Source: [19].

between 0 and 2 Hz, the two most dominant rotation and transform the two translations into
frequencies can be found at 0.88 and 1.64 Hz for a rotation.
Several requirements result from the METHOD
integration of the motion harvester into a wrist Unlike a measurement protocol, a design
watch. These requirements are summed in process is hard de define beforehand. It is an
Table IV. Since the motion harvester is to be iterative process, where the method of a design
integrated into a mechanical watch, it must be a step is based on the results of the previous step.
mechanical mechanism. Furthermore, to keep Therefore a brief indication of the method is
the mechanism as thin as possible and due to the given in this paragraph and an extensive
2-DOF harvesting the motion of the parts must be explanation will be given with the results.
within the plane. The watch changes orientation Based on the design direction and goal of the
during motion, therefore gravity must not study, design requirements were formed for the
prevent the motion harvester of harvesting 2-DOF motion harvester. The requirements were
energy. The motion harvester must fit within the separated into two parts: requirements based on
area of a watch and can maximally add half the the integration with the wrist watch and
height. Also the mechanism may double the requirements based on the results of the wrist
weight of the movement. A small search was motion analysis. Using these requirements and
performed into the sizes of wrist watches. The the design direction a conceptual design was
results can be seen in Appendix IV. From these made. Based on the conceptual design and using
results it was chosen to limit the size of the kinematical equations the optimal configuration
motion harvester to 40 mm in diameter, 5 mm in of the final design is calculated. All sizes of the
height and limit the weight 50 grams. The motion harvester are then defined to achieve a
rotational axis of the harvester must have a final dimensional design.
stationary position and be perpendicular to the
structure plane. Due to the small size and REQUIREMENTS
therefore difficult assembly we want to have as Requirements based on integration with an
few parts as possible. Considering the compact automatic wrist watch
design of a wrist watch, bending of a part of the mechanism can result in friction between this and
the first principle component and 0.88 and other parts. Therefore a limit is set on how far a
1.76 Hz for the second principle component. part of the mechanism may bend; 0.1 mm
vertically. The device must withstand
4. 2-DOF INERTIAL HARVESTER DESIGN accelerations over the range of -70 to 50 m/s2.
DESIGN DIRECTION The mainspring that must be found is selected
as a standard ETA 2824 mainspring
From Chapter 3 we find that we must design
(E = 2.3x105 MPa, 400 mm length and 1.23 mm
a harvester for a wrist watch that can harvest
thickness) [10]. More information about the
from two translations. This is visualized in
Figure 13. It is important to note that the plane in
which harvesting is optimal is different from the
plane the watch is currently worn in. However,
changing the plane would complicate the design
process of the motion harvester, requiring
redesign of the connection between the watch
and the harvester. Therefore for the initial design
it is assumed that the watch will also be
redesigned and be worn in the optimal plane. The
motion harvester is to be integrated in a
mechanical watch and therefore must be
completely mechanical. Therefore the challenge
for this design process is to find a mechanism that Figure 13 – A schematic of the new motion harvester. A
can connect the proof mass to the point of mass must be connected to the rotation point and be
able to harvest from motion in two directions.

Table IV – A summary of the design requirements for the Requirements based on the working
2-DOF motion harvester. principle of the motion harvester
Requirements based on integration with an automatic
wrist watch
To harvest motion there must be a proof mass.
Mechanical As seen in Equations 1 and 2, the mass must be as
Built in a plane large as possible. For maximal harvesting the
Harvest in different orientations motion harvester must have maximal
Diameter: 40 mm
displacement of the proof mass. This is achieved
Height: 5 mm
Weight: 50 gram by allowing the mechanism to cover as much of
Rotational axis: stationary and perpendicular to plane the workspace as possible. For optimal motion,
Parts: Bending < 0.1 mm singularities in the system must be avoided. A
Withstand -70 to 50 m/s2 collision of the proof mass with the boundary will
Overcome winding force of 0.087x10-3 N/deg.
result in energy loss, therefore the possibility of
Requirements based on the working principle of the collisions must be minimized and preferably
motion harvester
Transform 2 translations into a rotation
avoided. Since the goal is to harvest two
Maximize proof mass translations, every translation of the motion
Optimal use of workspace harvester must result in a rotation.
Avoid singularities
Least collisions CONCEPTUAL DESIGN
The simplest mechanism that allows a
choice for an ETA mainspring can be found in translation to be transformed into a rotation is
Appendix IV. The gear train, between the motion the single link, which is currently used in the
harvester and mainspring, has a reduction ratio. rotor. An extra degree of freedom can be added
This reduction ratio increases the torque of the to this system, by adding a joint, seen in
rotation to allow it to wind up the mainspring. Figure 14a. This allows the two translations to be
This reduction ration is different for each brand, converted to a rotation. However when the lower
but lies between 1:110 and 1:180 [7]. To keep the link is still and the proof mass moves around the
results applicable for most watches, for this study rotation point of the two links no energy will be
the smallest reduction ratio, 1:110, is selected. A harvested. The path of the proof mass is indicated
constant force is assumed for the mainspring and in Figure 14a with the dotted line. Therefore the
is chosen from the graph on the winding force of linkage is mirrored, allowing each motion to be
the mainspring as 37x10-3 N, Appendix I [7]. With converted in a rotation of the links around the
the reduction ratio and an assumed arm of the centre point. The result is a 4-bar mechanism with
main spring of 8 mm, the torque exerted on the an added proof mass, Figure 14b. To check
harvester calculates to a constant 27x10-6 Nm. whether any other linkage mechanisms allow the
The spring constant of the mainspring can be same transformation of translation to rotation, a
derived from the same graph as the winding force great many other possible bar mechanisms were
and is 0.087x10-3 N/deg. analysed. This can be found in Appendix VI. The
4-bar mechanism was confirmed as best solution,
being the mechanism with least links and no


Figure 14 – Two of the design steps. The dotted line Figure 15 – Conceptual design
indicates the path of the proof mass where the translations
are not converted into a rotation.

sliding mechanism that was being able to convert that the linkage is symmetrical for both upper and
the translations into rotations. Since the rotation lower links and the position of the rotation points
point is not fixed to the centre, it can be moved over the x-axis. Secondly it was assumed that the
out of the centre and a double rotation point can links can move over each other and over the
be created. This new configuration can be seen in rotation points. All possible combinations of the
Figure 15. In the conceptual design the proof four variables were made. Variables L1 and L2
mass obtains relative motion when the frame is were varied from 6 to 22 mm with 4 mm steps
actuated by the motions of the wrist. This relative and for c and cc six key positions were selected.
motion of the proof mass is then transformed Each of these combinations represented a unique
into a rotation. mechanism. For each combination it was checked
whether the links were large enough to span the
area between the rotation points (L1+L2 > c) and
Link lengths and location of rotation points whether L1 fits inside the boundary of the watch,
In order to finalize the design, a kinematic as otherwise the configuration cannot function.
analysis was performed, firstly to find the optimal In order to calculate the reach of the mechanism
position of the rotation points named A (-c, -cc) a grid was made within the 20 mm circular
and B (c, -cc) and secondly to find the optimal boundary with points 1 mm apart, as shown in
linkage sizes (L1 and L2) for these rotation points. Figure 17. For each combination of variables the
c defines the distance of the rotation point to the percentage of reachable grid points was
y-axis and cc the distance to the x-axis. The link calculated by solving Equations 11 for each grid
sizes are indicated with L1 for the lower link and point and for any angle (θ) between 0 and 2π.
L2 for the upper link. These variables can be seen Since the workspace of the entire mechanism is a
in Figure 16. For the kinematic analysis two circle, a point was only considered reachable if
assumptions are made. Firstly it was assumed the links would not cross the boundary and
therefore could satisfy Equations 12.
𝑃𝑥 = 𝐴𝑥1 + 𝐿1 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃𝐴1 ) + 𝐿2 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃𝐴1 + 𝜃𝐴2 ) = 𝐵𝑥 + 𝐿1 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃𝐵1 ) + 𝐿2 𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝜃𝐵1 + 𝜃𝐵2 )
𝑃𝑦 = 𝐴𝑥 + 𝐿1 sin(𝜃𝐴1 ) + 𝐿2 sin(𝜃𝐴1 + 𝜃𝐴2 ) = 𝐵𝑦 + 𝐿1 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜃𝐵1 ) + 𝐿2 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜃𝐵1 + 𝜃𝐵2 ) (11)

√(𝐴𝑥 + 𝐿1 cos(𝜃𝐴1 ))2 + (𝐴𝑦 + 𝐿1 sin(𝜃𝐴1 )) < 2𝑐𝑚

√(𝐵𝑥 + 𝐿1 cos(𝜃𝐵1 ))2 + (𝐵𝑦 + 𝐿1 sin(𝜃𝐵1 ))2 < 2𝑐𝑚 (12)

Figure 16 – The variables of the mechanism used for the Figure 17 – The grid used for the workspace analysis.
kinetic analysis.


cc - distance to x-axis (mm)


Workspace (%)


-20 -15 -10 -5 0
c - distance to y-axis (mm)
Figure 18 – The highest percentage of workspace that can be reached for different rotation points within a boundary with
a 40 mm diameter. The left rotation points are shown as the results of the two are the same. The best rotation points lead
to most workspace coverage.
Reach (0,0) Reach (0,0)
25 100 25 100

20 80 20 80

Length link 2 (mm)

Length link 2 (mm)

Workspace (%)

Collisions (%)
15 60 15 60

10 40 10 40

5 20 5 20

0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Length link 1 (mm) Length link 1 (mm)
Figure 19 – The percentage of workspace that is reachable and the percentage of collisions for mechanisms with the rotation
points A (0,0) and B (0,0) within a boundary with a 40 mm diameter. Shown is a linkage that could be possible for these
rotation points. The best mechanism has most workspace coverage and least collisions.
Reach (1,0) Reach (1,0)
25 100 25 100

20 80 20 80
Length link 2 (mm)
Length link 2 (mm)

Workspace (%)

Collisions (%)
15 60 15 60

10 40 10 40

5 20 5 20

0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Length link 1 (mm) Length link 1 (mm)
Figure 20- The percentage of workspace that is reachable and the percentage of collisions for mechanisms with the rotation
points A (-10,0) and B (10,0) within a boundary with a 40 mm diameter. Shown is a linkage that could be possible for these
rotation points. The best mechanism has most workspace coverage and least collisions.
Reach (2,0) Reach (2,0)
25 100 25 100

20 80 20 80
Length link 2 (mm)
Length link 2 (mm)

Workspace (%)

Collisions (%)

15 60 15 60

10 40 10 40

5 20 5 20

0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Length link 1 (mm) Length link 1 (mm)
Figure 21 – The percentage of workspace that is reachable and the percentage of collisions for mechanisms with the rotation
points A (-20,0) and B (20,0) within a boundary with a 40 mm diameter. Shown is a linkage that could be possible for these
rotation points. The best mechanism has most workspace coverage and least collisions.

Six different locations of the rotation points were Link thickness
tested and the largest amount of workspace The minimal thickness of the links is
reachable for the different rotation points can be dependent on the allowed bending of the links
seen in Figure 18. Only the position of the left vertically. Based on the maximal bending of the
rotation point can be seen, since the location of links ν defined in the requirements as 0.1 mm and
the rotation points is symmetrical. The graph the link lengths calculated previously, using
shows 95 - 100 % of the workspace was reached Equation 13 the necessary height t and width w
for the three rotation points that lie on the x-axis. of the links can be calculated. As stainless steel is
For these three rotation points, A (0,0), A (-10,0) a commonly used metal in the watch industry, it
and A (-20,0) the workspace and relative amount is assumed that the links will be manufactured
of collisions achieved for different linkage sizes from stainless steel (ρ = 8000 kg/m3,
are shown in Figures 19 - 21. E = 193 GPa). The force exerted on the links can
For the mechanism with a central rotation be calculated using the maximal weight of the
point, Figure 19, it can be seen that there are no proof mass (F = ma). To find the weight of the
collisions with the boundary for any link size. links the density ρ of the material must be
However, this was calculated based on the multiplied with the volume V, Equation 14.
workspace within the boundary. Links with a size
larger than 10 mm will have collisions with the 𝐹𝐿3
𝜈= (13)
boundary. The mechanism with two rotation 3𝐸𝐼
points at 10 mm from the centre, Figure 20, has 𝑚 = 𝑉ρ (14)
one linkage with a workspace reach of 91 %. All
The weight of the links was assumed to be
link combinations have a smaller workspace
negligible in comparison with the maximal proof
reach. The mechanism in Figure 21 has three link
mass of 50 gr. The accelerations working on the
combinations that results in > 98 % workspace
mass are maximally -70 m/s2, therefore the
reach. However, these link combinations also
vertical force (F = m g) working on the weight is
have collisions as can be seen in Figure 21.
maximally 3.5 N. The total length of the two
From these results we can conclude that the
beams is 20 mm and maximal bending νmax is
mechanism with one central rotation point,
0.1 mm. Using the standard equation for bending
shown in Figure 19, is chosen as best mechanism
of a beam, Equation 13, and the area moment of
with largest workspace and least collision. For this
inertia of a beam (I = b * h3 / 12) the sizes are
mechanism the workspace is 100 % for all equal
selected to be 1.5 mm in width w and 1.6 mm in
link lengths larger than 10 mm. Since the
height h. Calculating the weight of this 10 mm link
possibility of collisions is larger for larger links, the
with Equation 14 results in a mass of 0.4 gr. If the
smallest combination with 100 % reach was
proof mass weighs 50 grams, this is more than
selected: L1 = 10 mm and L2 = 10 mm.

Figure 22 – The final design of the 2-DOF inertial motion harvester. An assembly and an exploded view with a 40 mm base.

100 times the weight of the link and the link exploded view in Figure 21. At the bottom, both
weight was indeed negligible. the inner and outer axis are connected to a gear.
Size of the proof mass From these gears each of the two rotations can
be passed on to the rest of the watch movement.
To maximize harvesting the weight of the
For now it is assumed that the two rotations are
proof mass must be as large as possible as was
separately passed on to two reversers and each
shown in Equation 2. To maximize the motion of
rotation is used to wind one of two mainsprings.
the proof mass, the centre of mass must be as
This issue is further evaluated in Chapter 6.A.
close to the boundary as possible. The size and
weight of the mass are limited by the boundary. DISCUSSION
To get an idea of the weight that would fit inside The chosen design has two positions where
a circular boundary, the height of two cylinders is singularities might occur. This is the position
calculated with Equation 14. A stainless steel when the legs are fully extended and the position
cylinder (ρ = 8000 kg/m3) with a 20 mm radius and where the weight is above the rotation point.
weighing the maximally allowed 50 gram would These two positions are visualized in Figure 23. At
have a 5 mm height (the maximally allowed the extended position, the mechanism will not
height of the total motion harvester). Even a move inwards in response to an acceleration. At
platinum cylinder (ρ = 21400 kg/m3, also a the second position not all accelerations will
material used in watches) has a 3.7 mm height. To result in a response of the mechanism. In the final
obtain an eccentric weight, which is needed for design, Figure 22, these positions cannot be
maximal motion of the centre of mass, that fits reached due to the assembly of the links. The
inside a circular boundary it is necessary to have mass cannot move over the rotation point
a partial ring. This partial ring can be seen in because the height of the links prevent this. Also
Figure 22. Here a trade-off exists: a larger ring will the two joints between the links prevent the links
have a larger weight, but the centre of mass will from stretching fully.
also lie closer to the rotation point. To this end a The total weight of the mechanism
weight was selected with an outer radius of (4 x 0.4 gram for the links + 14 gram for the weight
20 mm, an inner radius of 15 mm and covering + the double axis + the bridge) is expected to be
1/3 of a circle. A larger thickness at the outer edge less than the maximal allowed 50 gram set in the
of the weight allows the centre of mass to be requirements, though an estimation for the
positioned further from the centre. An average bridge is hard to give. No information could be
thickness of 4 mm results in a proof mass found about the actual weight of a proof mass so
weighing 14 gram. it could not be compared to an actual rotor of an
Rotation transfer automatic winding device. The manufacturing of
Finally, the rotations that the links make a good prototype will also allow testing different
around the chosen rotation point must be sizes of the mass.
transferred to the main spring. The rotations of The selected sizes for the parts of the
the two links at the central rotation point need to harvester are based on calculations. When these
be passed on to the reverser separately. separate parts are combined into the total design
Therefore the two lower links are connected to a of the harvester some practical considerations
double axis. This double axis can be in the come in play such as the connections between
the parts. One important connection is the
connection between the weight and the links. The
weight is designed so the wider edge faces the
boundary of the watch. The weight cannot pass
over the centre point and is therefore unlikely to
turn a complete 180 degrees. If the weight turns,
it is assumed the weight will be pushed back into
the original position when the mechanism moves
towards the boundary. A good prototype will
Figure 23 – The two singularities that the 2-DOF harvester
has. For each singularity a direction of force to which the
prove whether this is the case or if a different
mechanism is unresponsive is indicated. design of the weight or different connection to

the links are necessary. Since the harvester is 5. EVALUATION
usually visible in an automatic watch, aesthetics
play a role in the design. It is expected that the INTRODUCTION
design will further change when prototypes are To indicate whether the goal of the study was
made and choices have to be made to improve achieved and to indicate whether the new design
assembly. It is advised to work on a more detailed has the potential to harvest more energy
design with a watch maker to be able to get the compared to the original 1-DOF harvester an
parts as small as possible while still being able to evaluation was performed. The evaluation was
manufacture the parts with standard separated into two parts. Firstly it was checked
manufacturing methods. whether the design fulfills the requirements that
During this study it was assumed that the were stated at the beginning of the design
watch was worn in the same plane as the optimal process. Secondly, for proof of concept, a
harvesting plane. Another interesting option, comparison between the behavior of the 1-DOF
which was not explored during this study, is to motion harvester and the 2-DOF motion
build the watch face and harvester in two harvester is performed. To this end a computer
different planes. Two separate planes would model was made and motion was simulated. A
require a mechanical connection to pass over an prototype was made at true scale to see whether
angle. However, this might result in a more the design can also be fabricated.
ergonomic watch than having to wear the entire FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS
watch on the side of the wrist. A similar concept
The designed motion harvester is completely
was used in the Ventura Sparc, Figure 24, where
mechanical and designed to be integrated into a
a harvester is used to power a quartz watch [20].
mechanical watch. The size and weight of the
In this design the plane of the harvester is not the
4-bar mechanism and proof mass fulfill the size
plane we measured as optimal, but is closer to the
requirements. The axis, reverser and two
optimal plane than in a regular watch. Though the
mainsprings are not taken into account for this
harvester should be able to harvest more motion
size requirement, since these are also present in
in this plane, based on the information given by
the current watch. The links do not bend more
Ventura on the website it is assumed that this
than 0.1 mm, which is within the requirements.
choice was made for design reasons and not to
As will be seen in the simulation results in the
increase harvesting.
next part of the chapter, the 2-DOF harvester is
CONCLUSION able to overcome the winding force of the
The final design can be seen in Figure 22. A mainspring. Due to time restrictions, it was not
weight of 14 gram is positioned at the end of the tested if the harvester is able to withstand the
4-bar mechanism. The links have a length of accelerations that are present in wrist motion.
10 mm. These links are in turn connected to the
double axis that is positioned at the central point
of the 40 mm diameter circular boundary. At the
bottom of both the inner and outer axis a gear is
fixed. These are in turn connected to two
separate gears. This allows the two links to
separately actuate one of the gears. From these
gears the rotation can be passed on to one of two
reversers that will in turn be connected to one of
two mainsprings. In Appendix VI technical
drawings of the mechanism and the separate
parts can be found.

Figure 24 - The Ventura uses an automatic winding device

to power a quartz watch. The winding device is not in the
same plane as the face of the watch. Source: [20]

The weight and location of the centre of mass points are not taken into account. When
of the proof mass are as large as possible and as actuating the 2-DOF harvester it will converge to
close to the boundary as possible as was required. one of these singularities. Appendix VI shows
The 10 mm links together with the central other simulation methods that were applied and
rotation points can cover the entire workspace the encountered problems. To simplify the
and will not collide with the boundary. The two model, several assumptions were made: there
possible singularities are avoided due to the was no influence of gravity, there was no friction
assembly of the links as can be seen in Figure 23. in the joints, the collisions are non-elastic, the
This prevents the end point of the 4-bar mainspring exerted a constant torque and the
mechanism from moving over the rotation point masses were allowed free rotation around the
and the links from crossing each other. Due to the axis. The front view of the Adams model of the
two links where rotations are harvested, every 1-DOF and 2-DOF harvester can be seen in
translation of the mass results in a rotation of the Figure 25. The side view of the model can be seen
links at the central rotation point. in Figure 26.
The 1-DOF harvester consisted of a 20 mm link
with a 10 gram circular proof mass at the end. The
Method link rotated around a central rotation point.
A computer model of the 1-DOF harvester and The 2-DOF harvester consisted of four arms
the new 2-DOF harvester was created with the and a 14 gram circular proof mass. The size of the
multibody dynamics software Adams (MSC proof mass and rotation point, which have a
Software, version 2013) [21]. Adams solves diameter of 3 mm, together with the mechanical
nonlinear numerical equations. Adams was used stops implemented in the 2-DOF harvester links,
because in this program it is easier to deal with prevented the mechanism from reaching the two
mechanisms that have singularities. The 2-DOF singular positions. Therefore the angle between
harvester has two such singularities, as discussed the links at the rotation point is between 20 and
in Chapter 4.F, when sizes of linkages and rotation 169 degrees. With extended arms the weight was

Figure 25 – The top view of the computer model used for the simulation of the 1-DOF and 2-DOF harvester as modeled in
Adams. m indicates the mass and R the rotation point. The arrows indicate the direction of the three accelerations (a1, a2 and
a3) that work om the centre of gravity of the base. The mechanical stop, used to prevent the mechanism from reaching a
singular position, is shown in the close-up view.

Figure 26 – The side view of the harvesters modeled in Adams. It can be seen that the masses and links do not come in
contact with the ground.

at a distance of 20 mm from the rotation point, spring constant k, the energy stored in the main
therefore the links have a length of 10.15 mm. spring Um was calculated using Equation 15.
Both the 1-DOF and 2-DOF harvester were
placed on the same base, to allow actuation of 𝑈𝑚 = 𝑘𝜃𝑚 2 (15)
the base. At each of the connections between the 2
links and the central rotation point a torque was Since the 2-DOF harvester is attached to two
placed. This torque was opposite to the motion of mainsprings. half the spring constant was used
the links. The mainspring can only wind up one and the energy of the two links was added.
way and rotation in the other direction is Results
prevented and only exerts force on the gear train
Figure 27 shows the response of the 1- and
when it is winding the mainspring. Therefore the
2-DOF harvesters when the base is excited. For a
torque was only exerted on the links when the
force in the x direction the base moves to the
links were in motion. As calculated in Chapter
right and the response of the linkages can be seen
4.C.i the torque placed on the link by the
in Figure 27a. It can be seen that the 1-DOF
mainspring was 27x10-6 Nm. For the 2-DOF
harvester does not respond to the acceleration.
system half the torque was placed on each of the
This is due to the fact that the force is in the same
two links. It was assumed that the mainspring has
direction as the link. The mass of the 2-DOF
unlimited winding and therefore unlimited
harvester will move in the direction opposite to
energy storage.
the base until the mass encounters the rotation
A constant horizontal acceleration of 10 m/s2
point at 0.27 seconds. Then the mass stops
was placed on the base, which is an acceleration
moving until at 0.55 seconds the mass then
that can be found with high occurrence in wrist
moves around the rotation point and moves until
motion. The acceleration was modelled as step
the links are fully stretched. Due to the inertia it
response, where from standstill the model
gains from this motion, an oscillating motion can
experiences an acceleration at time t = 0 s. This
be seen from this point on. The period of this
step response allows the effect of an impulse of
oscillation decreases with time. The small
the system to be seen and to see at which velocity
disturbances between T2 and T3, indicated in
the system starts to responds. For each
Figure 27a, come from bouncing between the
simulation a different direction of the
mass and the rotation point resulting from the
acceleration was used: a1, a2 and a3 seen in
increasing acceleration on the base. Figure 28
Figure 25. Acceleration a1 is directed so it pushed
shows the energy harvested from the movement
the base sideways, a2 is directed so it pushed the
of the two harvesters. It can be seen in Figure 28a
base upwards and a3 is aimed at an angle of
that for a1 the 1-DOF harvester does not harvest
45 degrees of a1 and a2. The same initial position
any energy, since the 1-DOF harvester does not
was used for each simulation. The simulation was
move. It can be seen that between 0.27 and
run for 1 second to give the two harvesters time
0.55 seconds the 2-DOF harvester does not
to respond and to be able to see the full response
harvest energy.
of the harvesters.
When the base encounters a motion in the
For the 1-DOF harvester the angular velocity
y direction, a motion moving the base upwards,
of the link was recorded. For the 2-DOF harvester
the 1-DOF harvester will move to the bottom
the angular velocity of the two links connected to
position and will slowly oscillate around this
the rotation point was measured. This velocity
point. This can be seen in Figure 27b. This
was used to compare the motion of the two
oscillation decreases over time. The 2-DOF
harvesters. Furthermore, integration of the
harvester shows the exact same behaviour, it will
velocity gives the displacement of the links. The
move downwards with the links fully stretched.
spring constant of the mainspring km, derived
Due to this similar motion, the energy harvested
from the same graph as the torque, is
from acceleration a2 is the same for the 1- and 2-
0.087x10-3 N/deg. Due to the reduction ratio, the
DOF harvester as seen in Figures 28a and 28b.
mainspring encounters a displacement 1/110 of
For a motion in both x and y direction, once
the link displacement. The amount of energy
again this oscillating behaviour can be seen for
harvested with the 2 harvesters can be calculated
both the 1- and 2-DOF harvester in Figure 27c. It
and compared. With the displacement θm and the

4000 10
T1 T2 T3 T4 T1
Angular velocity (deg/sec)

Base velocity (m/sec)


0 0


-4000 -10
0 0.2 0.60.4 0.8 1
Time (sec)
a) Response for a1, the acceleration on the base in the x direction; the base moves sideways. The 1-DOF harvester shows
no response.

4000 10
T1 T2
Angular velocity (deg/sec)

Base velocity (m/sec)


0 0


-4000 -10
0 0.2
0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (sec)
b) Response for a2, the acceleration on the base in the y direction; the base moves upwards. The 1- and 2-DOF harvester
show the same response

4000 10
T1 T2 T3
Angular velocity (deg/sec)

Base velocity (m/sec)


0 0

-2000 2-DOF 1
2-DOF 2
1-DOF T3
-4000 -10
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (sec)
c) Response for a3, the acceleration on the base in both the x and y direction; the base moves both up and sideways.

Figure 27 – The response of the 1- and 2-DOF harvester on differently directed forces. The positions of the two harvesters
at different times is shown to illustrate the motion of the harvesters. In this illustrations, the 1-DOF harvester can be seen
on the left and the 2-DOF harvester can be seen on the right.

can be seen that up to 0.27 seconds the proof methods were not available for this study due to
mass of the 2-DOF harvester first moves towards time and funding limitations. The design given in
the rotation point before the links stretch again Chapter 4 and Appendix VII was adapted to be
and start to follow the same behaviour as the produced with a laser cutter. The scale of the
1-DOF harvester. The 1-DOF harvester design was kept the same and fits within the
experiences an oscillation with a higher speed 40 mm diameter. The parts were made from
compared to the 2-DOF harvester. This results in acrylic sheets of different thicknesses. Two extra
more energy harvested by the 1-DOF harvester gears were connected to the inner and outer axis
after 1 second than the 2-DOF, even though the to be able to see the rotations harvested by the
2-DOF harvester harvests more energy in the two links. For the gears standard gears from a
beginning of the motion. It can be seen in modelling shop were used. The proof mass was
Figure 27c that the 2-DOF harvester responds also cut from the acrylic sheets and does
slightly faster to the accelerations on the base therefore not have the 14 gram mass.
than the 1-DOF harvester. The prototype can be seen in Figure 29. When
From the energy harvested for the three the proof mass of the prototype is moved it can
different motions the total harvested energy for be seen that the two gears are indeed separately
the three accelerations can be obtained. The driven. Friction has a lot of influence on the
motion of the harvester contains collisions for motion of the mechanism. Therefore, for this
two of the three simulated motions. The response prototype the motion will not be optimally used
of the model after these collisions is probably to harvest energy. The height of the 4-bar
different than it would be in reality. Therefore the mechanism is 6 mm. Including the gears this is a
energy harvested before 0.27 seconds is given. total height of 20 mm. This is because of the
For the three simulated motions over a time of standard gears used. In watches the gears used
0.27 seconds and a frictionless model the 2-DOF are a lot smaller. Though the size of the prototype
harvester harvests 65 % more energy than the is larger than the requirement of 5 mm, with
original 1-DOF harvester. more advanced manufacturing methods it is
expected to be possible to manufacture this
device within the given height requirements.
For production of the 2-DOF harvester
prototype it was chosen to make it from acrylic
sheets using a laser cutter. More advanced
-6 -6
x 10 x 10
8 8
1-DOF a1 2-DOF a1
1-DOF a2 2-DOF a2
6 1-DOF a3 6 2-DOF a3
Energy (J)

Energy (J)

4 4

2 2

0 0

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Time (sec) Time (sec)
a) The 1-DOF harvester b) The 2-DOF harvester
Figure 28 – The theoretical maximum energy that can be harvested by the 1- and 2-DOF harvester from the three simulated

DISCUSSION In this simulation an oscillating motion of both
The improvement of the harvester can be seen the 1- and 2-DOF harvester can be seen. This
most clearly when the harvester initially changes leads to more motion than was expected. This is
position. Since the wrist motion is a quick probably due to the lack of friction at rotation
changing and erratic motion it is expected that for points within the model. It has been mentioned
daily use this increase in harvesting will be seen in earlier studies that the efficiency of the
even more clearly. Though only three possible automatic winding device is less than 50 %,
movements were analysed, the results give a largely due to friction in the system [10]. The
strong indication that the 2-DOF harvester will be results could be improved by adding friction to
able to harvest more energy from true wrist the rotation points. The size of this friction is
motion. unknown and must be found experimentally. The
One assumption made for the model was the oscillating motion will decrease faster with this
non-elastic collision. However, in reality it is added friction.
expected that the response will not be The results are influenced by the assumption
completely non-elastic. The effect of this is on the of free rotation of the cylindrical mass around the
harvester is unknown. From Figure 27 it can be rotation point. In Figure 27a, during the
seen that a collision does not occur until horizontal acceleration a1, the mass rolls around
0.27 seconds. The motion between 0 and the rotation point. However, it is not known how
0.27 seconds shows a 98 % increase in energy the weight will be attached to the links and this
harvested for the 2-DOF harvester. It can free rotation is therefore not guaranteed. This
therefore be assumed that the improvement of might reduce the motion of the 2-DOF harvester
the harvester will still be seen for a different compared to the simulated results. Nevertheless,
collision response. When the total energy that without this rolling motion, the motion of the
can be harvested from the simulated signal is 2-DOF harvester will still be more than the motion
calculated this results in an increase of 36 % for of the 1-DOF harvester.
the 2-DOF harvester. This is less than the energy The simulation shows that there are two
harvested during the first 0.27 seconds. This is the collisions that occur within the mechanism; 1)
result of the faster oscillation of the 1-DOF when the mechanism reaches full extension and
harvester for the third acceleration. It is not the links collide and 2) when the mass moves
expected that this number is representative for a towards the central rotation point and collides.
true harvester since it is expected this oscillation During these collisions the mechanism loses
motion will decrease a lot faster because of energy. Avoiding this collision could improve the
friction. energy harvesting capacities of the mechanism. It
would be interesting to look into this problem and

Figure 29 – A prototype of the design. The prototype was made as closely to the designed specifications as possible with a
40 mm diameter base.

see whether this can be solved by adding a adaptations within current watches are necessary
compliant part to the mechanism. This can be a to obtain complete integration. Firstly there are
spring introduced between the rotation points of two bi-directional rotations that must wind the
the two links or as a compliant joint which mainspring. Preferably the two rotations would
integrates this compliant behaviour into the be added to allow a single rotation to be passed
mechanism. These options are visualised in on to the reverser and main spring. However, no
Figure 30. These elastic elements can avoid the mechanisms were found that can add two
collisions, but might also result in an oscillating rotations without losing energy. The planetary
motion that can increase the motion of the gear will allow two rotations to be input and has
mechanism if the eigenfrequency of the one output, however it will not add the energy of
mechanism is correctly chosen. the rotations when both are turning at the same
Moving the prototype by hand results in the time. Therefore, both bi-directional rotations
expected motion. The prototype can convert were separately passed on via a gear to one of
motion from two translations into rotations. two reversers. Following this, each uni-directional
However, the high friction within the joints of the rotation will then wind up one of two
prototype results in high forces necessary to mainsprings. For this design it was assumed that
move the proof mass. For measurements of the each mainspring has half the energy storage of a
reaction of the prototype to wrist motion a better regular mainspring (half the spring constant) and
prototype with less friction is recommended. unlimited winding.
However, even with the friction and the light Room for the double mainspring and the two
proof mass, the prototype does respond to reversers must made available in the watch
motion and shows a motion similar to the movement. That this is available is proven by
expected response. watches that already have two mainsprings, such
as the Cartier ID Two concept watch [22] shown
in Figure 31, or the Glashütte Original PanoMatic
The harvester fulfills both the requirements [23]. The second change to the watch movement
based on implementation into a wrist watch and is the new orientation of the watch. To be able to
the requirements that were derived from the place the watch movement in the plane that was
measured wrist motion. Furthermore, indicated as optimal plane, a new design of the
simulations of both the 1-DOF and 2-DOF watch casing must be made. This must be placed
harvester, show that the new 2-DOF harvester at almost 90 degrees from the original plane, at
does lead to more rotations around the central the inside of the wrist. Further research into this
rotation point and therefore more energy that is design should indicate whether a strap and casing
harvested. An evaluation of the energy harvested can be design which makes it comfortable to wear
shows that a 36 - 98 % increase of energy a watch in this plane. If this is not possible a
harvested can be gained with the new 2-DOF choice to separate the harvester from the face of
harvester. Though this is only true for the case the watch can be made. This was discussed in
with the assumptions and settings of the Chapter 4.F and an example was shown in
simulation, it is a strong indication that the 2-DOF Figure 24.
harvester will indeed be able to harvest more
energy from wrist motion than the original 1-DOF
harvester. A prototype was made of the design at
true scale. This prototype shows that the design
can be produced within the required size scale
and shows that the expected reaction to
translations can be obtained.

Figure 30 – Two improvements to possibly prevent the
During the entire design the integration with a collisions between the links and the mass and rotation
wrist watch was kept in mind. However, some points.

RECOMMENDATIONS  In the design of the harvester several things
 To obtain more information about the wrist can be further improved. It would be interesting
movements, for further studies it is to look at an option for avoiding the two collisions
recommended to create a logging system that that occur within the mechanism; 1) when the
allows the measurement of daily activities during mechanism reaches full extension and 2) when
a couple of days. These measurements can also the mass collides with the central rotation point.
be used to test the assumption that three daily During these collisions the mechanism loses
activities are enough to represent the wrist energy. Perhaps this can be avoided my using
movement during an entire day. springs between the links or by using compliant
 The focus in this study was one of the three joints as was visualised in Figure 30. This will also
functional parts of an energy harvester – the eliminate friction and remove the need for
motion harvester. However, the current lubrication of the joints. Furthermore integration
automatic winding device has shown to have less of the mass with the ends of the second links will
that 50 % efficiency when modelled for an remove the loose proof mass that needs to be
oscillatory motion that should be completely assembled. This will also eliminate the need for a
harvested by the motion harvester [10]. This mechanism to keep the mass correctly
indicated that research into improving the orientated.
reverser and mainspring is also necessary to
obtain a higher efficiency of the automatic 7. GENERAL CONCLUSION
winding device. A 2-DOF harvester was designed for a
 For further studies it is recommended to make mechanical watch. Measurements of wrist
a new prototype and perform a complete motion during daily activities were performed.
evaluation of the performance of the 2-DOF Based on the collected wrist motion, the
harvester using a motion simulation based on the harvestable content of the motion and the
measurements. This will allow answering the principle components of the motion were
question how much more efficient the 2-DOF analyzed. We showed that a correctly orientated
harvester is. To obtain realistic results the energy harvester with the size of a wrist watch
prototype should have less friction and bear that can harvest two translations is the optimum
closer resemblance to the actual weights of the between number of DOF and harvestable motion,
final design. Therefore it is recommended to use containing more than 90 % of the total variance.
different manufacturing methods than used for A new orientation of the harvester to optimize
this prototype and if possible, use the expertise of harvesting is necessary at an angle of almost
a watchmaker of watchmaking company. 90 degrees from the original harvesting plane.
Based on these results a 2-DOF harvester was
designed to harvest two translations. Using a
4-bar mechanism with a proof mass at the end
translations are transformed into two rotations
that are then used to wind two mainsprings. A
simulation performed to evaluate the 2-DOF
harvester for three different accelerations using a
model without friction, shows an increase of
energy harvested with the new harvester of
36 - 98 %. These results give a good indication of
improved performance when compared to the
original 1-DOF harvester. A prototype with a
40 mm diameter shows that the mechanism can
be fabricated.
Figure 31 - The Cartier ID Two concept watch has two
mainsprings, visible via the backplate, that power the
movement. Source:

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In a mechanical watch, the power necessary to run the watch movement is stored inside the
mainspring. When the mainspring runs down it can be wound by hand. In the automatic watch, wrist
motion is used to wind the mainspring. Therefore the automatic watch is in fact an energy harvester.
The part inside the automatic watch that harvests the wrist motion is called the Automatic Winding
Device (AWD). Although there are differences between the brands, the working principle of an ADW is
the same for each automatic watch. An AWD can be seen in Figure 32. The wrist motion is captured by
the rotor, is transmitted through the reverser and reduction gear train and used to wind up the
mainspring [9].
The rotor is an asymmetric oscillating weight. It functions as the proof mass in a harvester. Due to
the motion of the wrist and therefore also the changing orientation of the gravity, the inertia of the
rotor results in motion around a central rotation point. Only slight differences between the rotors of
different brands and calibres can be found. Several rotors used by different brands can be seen in Figure
The motion that is harvested by the rotor is stored in the mainspring, seen in Figure 34. The
mainspring is a flat spiral spring that is encased inside a barrel. The centre of the mainspring is
connected to an axis, the arbor. By turning the arbor the mainspring is wound. The power is then
supplied to the rest of the watch movement via rotation of the barrel. Since the automatic winder
harvests energy continually when worn, it will also harvest when the spring is fully wound. To prevent
breaking the spring is not attached to the barrel, instead there are notches in the barrel where the
mainspring catches. When the spring reaches full wind, the outer end of the spring slips out of the
notch and moves until it catches the next notch. Ideally the mainspring must supply a constant amount
of energy to the movement. To achieve this the spring has a S-shape and much research is put into the
spring material. However, close to the fully or un-wound state the force is not constant [7], as can be
seen in Figure 35. Current mechanical watches usually have a power reserve of around 40 hours, but
watches with 96 hours power reserve are also available. A standard ETA2824 mainspring has been
calculated to store 557.2 mJ of energy [10, 24].
The reverser and reduction gear train are placed between the rotor and the mainspring. The
mainspring needs to be turned in a specific direction to be wound, but the rotor moves in two
directions. This transformation is performed by the reverser. The reverser is the mechanism that
transforms the double sided rotation of the rotor into a single sided rotation to wind the mainspring.
There are several mechanisms that can do this. The two that are best known are the pawl-lever

Figure 32– An exploded view of a standard automatic Figure 33 – Several rotors that are found in watches of
winding device used in a mechanical watch. different brands. Source:,

mechanism and the cam mechanism [10]. Two different types of reversers can be seen in Figure 36 and
37. While the reverser ensures that the motion of the rotor is used optimally, not all automatic watches
have a reverser. The spring has a spring constant that must be overcome to be able to wind the
mainspring. This is the function of the reduction gear train; it increases the torque of the rotations to
be able to wind the mainspring.

Figure 34 – The main spring and barrel found in an automatic watch. Source: [7]

Figure 35 – The force-deflection curve for the mainspring. Source: [7].

Figure 36 – The pawl-lever system found inside a Seiko Figure 37 – A reverser. Depending on the direction of rotation of
calibre 7S26. Depending on the direction of rotation of the the rotor A, the reverser E connects with either wheel B’ or B’’,
rotor, the pawl will either pull or push the second wheel, resulting in a unidirectional rotation of wheel B’’.Source: [25]
resulting in a unidirectional rotation. Source:

Energy harvesting concerns the use of energy available in the ambient environment to power
devices. To explain the principles behind energy harvesting it is easier to use a simple example.
When a brick with weight m is placed on the floor of an empty train carriage and there is no friction,
two things can happen:
 When the train moves at a constant speed, the brick will have the same speed as the train. The
speed of the brick relative to the train is zero.
 If the train changes speed, due to the moment of inertia the brick will have a speed relative to
the train. It will move freely until it reaches the edge of the train.

Figure 38 – The movement of a brick in a moving train. Figure 39 – The movement of a brick in a rotating train.

If there is friction, the brick needs energy to overcome the friction to move. This energy is provided
by the motion of the train. The friction converts this energy into heat. For higher friction the brick will
move less, but more heat will be created. Therefore the following can be stated:
 Without friction the brick moves freely through the train and no heat is created.
 With infinite friction the brick does not move and all energy is converted to heat.
It can be concluded that it is the relative speed between the train and brick that creates heat. If we
could capture this heat, say in a pan to cook an egg, then we would have harvested some of the energy
in the system. To use the motion of the train optimally, we want to capture as much heat as possible.
The amount of heat that is generated depends on:
 The size of the displacement of the brick. Heat is created as long as the brick is in motion. This
depends on two factors:
o The size of the train.
o The size of the relative speed.
 The weight of the brick. A higher weight will result in more friction and thus more heat.
However, this will also result in less motion. For a resonant system an optimum for the mass
can be found for the natural frequency of the train.
If the train were to move over a curved rail, Figure 39, it will have a rotation. During rotation the
brick will move over a circular path, at a distance of the rotation centre. The same principles that apply
to harvesting a translation also apply to harvesting a rotation.
To harvest the motion of the wrist (represented by the train), we need a weight (the brick) that
achieves a speed relative to the frame. This relative speed can be harvested (friction and heat). To be
able to use this energy the energy must be directly used or temporarily stored (the pan).

Table V – The separate parts of an energy harvester.

Automatic winding device Rotor Reverser and gear train Mainspring

Electromagnetic harvester Magnet Magnet & coil Battery or capacitor
Train and brick Brick Friction Pan

Both translations and rotations work on the mechanism. For a small range of motion of the proof
mass we can state that the energy from a rotation and a translation can be compared using the
equations for the kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is defined as the energy needed to accelerate the
proof mass m to its speed. The kinetic energy of a rotation is dependent on the angular velocity and
the distance between the mass and the rotation point; the arm r. The kinetic energy of translations can
be calculated with Equation 16 and of rotations with Equation 17.
𝐸𝑘,𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑚 𝑣 2 (16)
𝐸𝑘,𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑚 𝑟 2 𝑤 2 (17)
Since the mass was not known, the energy per unit mass was calculated. Secondly the calculation
was performed for the three directions in which the translations (𝑣𝑥,𝑦,𝑧 ) and rotations (𝜔𝛼,𝛽,𝛾 ) were
measured. These can be seen in Equations 18 and 19. Since energy does not have a direction, this
calculation results in the relative energy per unit mass.
𝐸𝑖 1 2
= 𝑣 𝑖 = 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 (18)
𝑚 2 𝑖
𝐸𝑗 1 2 2
= 𝑟 𝜔𝑗 𝑗 = 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾 (19)
𝑚 2
As seen in Equations 6 and 7, the arm of the harvester has a large influence on the energy that
energy in rotations. The arm of the rotation for a wrist watch is approximately 20 mm, but calculations
were also performed for 2 and 200 mm. In the new design this arm is to be eliminated, the difference
can be seen in Figures 36 and 37. For a circle with radius R, the average arm ravg within this circle can
be calculated. Integrating the area of a circle, multiplied with r, over 0 to R gives the sum of all distances
r within the circle. Dividing this by the integral of the area will result in ravg. Using Equation 20 for a
circle with a 20 mm boundary, gives ravg = 13.3 mm. However, the principle component analysis of this
average arm gave the same result as a device of 20 mm.
∫0 2𝜋 𝑟 2 𝛿𝑟 2
𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 𝑅 = 𝑅 (20)
∫0 2𝜋 𝑟 𝛿𝑟 3


A Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is used to calculate if a dataset can be described with less
variables. The PCA finds a set of orthogonal components that describes the original data, called
principle components. The first principle component contains most variance and the last principle
component contains least. A three dimensional dataset leads to three principle components. The
percentage of the total variance that is present in the principle components can be used to decide how
much principle components are needed to describe the dataset. Usually 80-90% variance is sufficient.

Figure 40 – Schematic of the rotor in the automatic winding Figure 41 – Schematic of the free motion of the proof mass
device. within the boundary.

“The motion harvester must fit within the area of a watch (approximately a circle with a 40 mm
diameter) and can maximally add half the height which is typically 5 mm. Also the mechanism may
double the weight, typically 50 grams, of the movement.” Chapter 4.C.i.
No extensive overview of the size of an automatic movement can be found and not much
manufactures give information concerning size and weight of movements. A small overview of three
different manufacturers can be seen in Table VI [26-28]. It can be seen that there is a large difference
in weight and size of the movements. Also the sizes of four manual movements are shown for
comparison. There are automatic movements that are the same size or even smaller than the four
manual movements that are shown.
A 40 mm diameter was selected as requirement as this was the largest movement found. The largest
height was 10 mm, since the automatic winding device is only a part of the total movement it was
chosen to allow half the height, 5 mm, for the new design. The weight of an automatic movement was
found to be up to 41 grams. To allow some room during the design it was chosen to allow this weight
to be added by the new mechanism.
Table VI – Sizes and weights of several mechanical movements used by three watch brands [26-28].
Brand Caliber/type Height (mm) Weight (gr) Winding type
Tag Heuer Carrera - 41 Automatic
caliber 17 - 28,6 Automatic
16 - 30,4 Automatic
2 - 26,3 Automatic
Patek Phillippe 240 2,53 27,5 Automatic
28-520 7,68 33 Automatic
324 5,78 32,6 Automatic
R27 10,35 32 Automatic
3,8 38,65 Manual
215 3,35 21 Manual
Longines L561 4,8 17,2 Automatic
L635 6,55 33 Automatic
L698 9 36,6 Automatic
L506 4,5 36,6 Manual
L878 4,5 37 Manual


“The force needed to wind the mainspring is calculated from measurements of a standard ETA2824
mainspring (E=2.3x105 MPa, 400 mm length and 1.23 mm thickness) [9].“ Chapter 4.C.i.
ETA is a brand that makes mechanical watch movements [24]. Many brand used to buy an ETA
movement and then adjust it to fit their specifications. Many ETA movements consist of standard parts.
For these reasons an ETA mainspring is used in this study. The 2824 movement is an automatic
movement with a 4.6 mm height and a 24.6 mm diameter.
[Currently ETA is part of the Swatch group and have decided to produce only movements for the
watch brands within the Swatch group, which include Omega and Longines. This has moved other
brands to start to produce their own movements.]

The conceptual design is a bar mechanism. There are more bar mechanisms that might be able to
transform translations to rotations. To find the best option for the amount of bars, all bar mechanisms
that can transform translations into rotations are show in Table VII. To obtain a complete overview
even mechanism that are not functional or where and added bar does not improve the mechanism are

Table VII - The analysis of the translation-rotation conversion for different bar mechanisms. For more than 5 bars, the same
combinations can be made.
Number of bars
1 2 3 4 5(+)

There are a few important requirements to consider when selecting one of these mechanisms for
the translation-rotation conversion:
 The location of the rotations that must be harvested. These rotations are preferred to be at
the rotation point for easy harvesting.
 The complexity of the mechanism. The mechanism much be as simple as possible, have least
parts possible and have least friction.
 The transformation of translation to rotation. Every translation must be converted into a
rotation by the mechanism.
The mechanisms in the bottom two rows confirm to the requirement of harvesting at the central point.
The mechanisms in these rows with more than 1 linkage also have more than one degree of freedom,
thus can harvest two translations. However, the sliding motion of the weight over the bar will result in
an increase of friction and the need for bearings, eliminating the third row as a solution. This leaves
only the two mechanisms in the bottom row as possible solutions. Since the 4-bar mechanism has least
parts, this is selected as best mechanism.

For this study several methods were used to try to simulate the motion of the new 2-DOF harvester.
Three different models were tried. The first model was aimed at comparing the different possibilities
of link lengths and locations of rotation points and to select the best mechanism. When this did not
work the choice was made to use a simple kinematic analysis of the collisions and workspace of the
mechanisms and to base this choice on these aspects. After this a second attempt to model the chosen
2-DOF harvester was made. In the end it was chosen to use ADAMS which is explained in Chapter 5 of
this report. The other methods used are explained below and the encountered problems are indicated
for each of the methods.
For each simulation the following assumptions were made:
 Gravity is included in acceleration data, so not in the model itself,
 The joints have zero mass and zero stiffness,
 The links are solid rods and infinitely rigid,
 The linkage is symmetrical,
 No friction,
 The accelerations of wrist motion were measured on the base, but can be implemented on
the proof mass,
 The initial speed of the mechanism was zero.

Figure 42 – the linkage that the models were based on with the variables used.

For this dynamic modelling method I was helped by Teun Hoevenaars (Mechatronic Systems Design,
PME, 3ME) who provided me with explanation about the method and the different matrixes needed
for the calculations. This method is often used in robotics. The essential difference between the usual
modelling and this model is the following. In robotics the position of the end-effector is known and the
angles that must be actuated at the base must be calculated, in this case the actuation of the end
effector is known (measured accelerations) and the rotations at the base must be calculated.
Additional assumptions for this model were:
 The mechanism is a 6-bar linkage. The base is the 5th bar and the mass is the 6th bar,
 Stainless steel as material for links and extra mass,
 The boundary is a circle with a 2cm radius,
 When a link contacts the side wall the mechanism stops moving, there is no slip,
o No elastic contact -> worst case scenario,
The driving equation for this model is the following equation, with m the mass, c damping, k spring
constant, 𝜃̈ the angular accelerations, 𝜃̇ the angular velocity and 𝜃 the angular position.
𝑚𝜃̈ + 𝑐𝜃̇ + 𝑘𝜃 = 𝐹

This is then transformed for this 6-bar mechanism to matrix form with C = damping matrix, M = mass
matrix, K = stiffness matrix, 𝑞̈ 𝑛 = accelerations, 𝑞̇ 𝑛 = velocity, 𝑞𝑛 = position and 𝑎𝑛 = the measured
accelerations that actuate the end-effector:
𝑞̈ 𝑛 = −𝑀−1 𝐶𝑞̇ 𝑛−1 − 𝐾𝑞𝑛−1 + 𝑀−1 𝐽𝑀𝑎𝑛
𝑞̇ 𝑛 = 𝑞̇ 𝑛−1 + 𝑞̈ 𝑛−1 𝑑𝑡
𝑞𝑛 = 𝑞𝑛−1 + 𝑞̇ 𝑛−1 𝑑𝑡
The input variables were:
 M – the weight of the proof mass,
 A and B – the position of the two rotation points,
 L1 and L2 – the lengths of the first two links,
 ro – the outside diameter of the rods,
 KA and KB – the stiffness of the springs attached to rotation points A and B.

The model did give a result but several problems were encountered. Problems:
 For each angle at the base of the mechanism there are two possible locations of the end-
effector. These are chosen at random, therefor it is possible to see a sudden change in
position of the proof mass of the mechanism during simulation. I could not find a solution
to avoid all of these sudden changes in direction.
 Also in the results of the simulation it was seen that the two sides of the linkage sometimes
“loosen” from each other. The origin of this problem was not found.
A model using the method of the course Engineering Dynamics was made by Wout Ypma, Msc. who
was able to complete the simulation of the new 2-DOF harvester, Figure 43. The 2-DOF harvester can
be modeled as two double pendulums joined at the ends. However another problem was found:
 For each motion placed on the harvester the mechanism would converge into the singularity
where the links are fully stretched, seen in Figure 44. A solution to avoid this singularity was
not found and the choice to use ADAMS was made.

Figure 43 – The variables for the third method. Figure 44 – The singular position of the mechanism.



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