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Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ________ Score: _________

TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the BEST answer.
1. Who described the process of globalization as “the expansion and intensification of
social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space?
A. Bretton Woods B. Manfred Steger C. Napoleon Bonaparte D. Friedman

2. What does the word “expansion” in the definition of globalization refer to?
A. Expansion, stretching, and acceleration of global networks
B. The creation of new social networks and multiplication of existing connections
C. The commitment of every country to support each other’s business undertakings
D. Becoming more closely-knit and expanding all nation’s reach

3. A widespread belief among powerful people that the global integration of economic
markets is beneficial to everyone.
A. globalization B. global village C. globalism D. global connections

4. Refers to the different kinds of globalization that occur on multiple and intersecting
dimensions of integrations.
A. scapes B. ethnoscape C. technoscape D. financescape

5. Refers to the global movement of people according to the anthropologist Arjun

A. enthnoscape B. mediascape C. technoscape D. ideoscape

6. Which of the following definitions of globalization is not provided by economists?

A. Increased free trade
B. Global economic organizations
C. Communications technology has made the world smaller
D. Speed of trade

7. Refers to the special feature of globalization in the present day which talks about the
dissemination of the democratic system and socio-cultural values.
A. Growing interdependence C. Growing interdependence
B. Change in the state’s functions D. Universality of the world

8. Which of the following is an example of the intensification and acceleration of social

exchanges and activities in globalization?
A. Sending a snail mail to a loved one abroad
B. Live selling on Facebook
C. Practicing “barter” or trading concepts in the present time
D. Calling a foreign friend through a pole or candlestick telephone

9. Refers to the tax levied by a government on imports and exports.

A. business tax B. customs duty C. tariff D. import quota
10. An act of reducing trade barriers to make international trade easier between countries.
A. trade bloc B. outsourcing C. trade liberation D. international trade

TEST II: IDENTIFICATION: Provide what is asked in each item. Observe proper spelling.
____________________11. Limits the number of products that can be imported into a country.
____________________12. Refers to the trading of goods and services between two or more
countries without tariffs and taxes.
____________________13. Increases ease of movement of people, things, information, and
places in the global age.
____________________14. An organization that deals with the rules of trade between nations
and settles trade disputes and conducts straight negotiations.
____________________15. Provides short-term loans to countries when an emergency occurs.
____________________16. Refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies
because of the growing scale of cross-border trade.
____________________17. An instrument of the state for attaining the further goals of
____________________18. A complex society or culture group developed upon common or
similar principles, with common or similar characteristics and marks.
____________________19. Is a subsystem of civilization. One civilization can develop and exist
with a lot of similar cultures with their national specifics.
____________________20. A system of values, practices, and norms, related to the idea of God.
A composition of attitudes between God and man.

TEST III: TRUE OR FALSE: Identify whether each statement is true or false. Write T and F.
______21. Globalization is an even process.
______22. Countries that do not have a strong institutional framework, as well as solid social
policies and networks to cope with negative externalities most suffer the negative effects of
______23. “Intensified and strong competition between corporations and leading countries” is
considered a main feature of the capitalistic system.
______24. Economic globalization has greatly reduced the cost of transportation and
communication, making economic globalization possible.
______25. Economic globalization aids in the increase of potential global recessions.
______26. Mediascape is the realm where political ideas move around.
______27. Filipinos doing barter to Chinese businessmen is a concrete example of cultural
______28. Books and other references authored and produced by foreigners are examples of
the global village.
______29. The dynamic development of the globalization process follows the development of
______30. The three mechanisms for social integration are religion, culture, and economy.

TEST IV: ESSAY: Provide the objective of the study of globalization and explain. (10 pts)

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