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For the partial fulfillment of the requirement of
Masters of Business Administration
(MBA: 2020-2022)





This is to certify that Ms. RIYA GUPTA is a bonafide student of MBA Course
(General) (2020-2022) at Department of Business Administration, Mahatma Jyotiba
Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly has satisfactorily completed the Research


PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IN B.L. AGRO”. This study is done under the
guidance of the undersigned for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of Master of
Business Administration.

I wish her all the best for bright future ahead.

(Prof. Sanjay Mishra)

Head & Dean


I would like to acknowledge and express my deep gratitude to all the person who
have been my constant support and helped me in successfully completing this
internship report for the time submission.

I take profound sense of pride to convey my gratefulness towards my university

Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University, Bareilly.

I am obliged to staff members of B.L Agro Pvt. Ltd. for the valuable information
provided by them in their respective fields. I am grateful for cooperation during the
period of my assignment.

In the end, I would also like to thank my professor, my family, my friends for being
a foundation of love and support during the term of internship.


I RIYA GUPTA student of MBA Semester 2 of M.J.P. Rohilkhand University,

Bareilly hereby declare that the work of studying about “A STUDY ON


AGRO” presented in the form of this report is done by my own efforts and is genuine

to the best of knowledge and is not submitted in any other university/institution

towards the award of any other degree. An attempt has been made by me to provide all

relevant and important details regarding the topic to support the theoretical advice

with concrete research evidence. This will be helpful to clean for surrounding the

various aspect of the topic. I hope that this Research project report will be beneficial.




As a part of MBA program and in order to gain knowledge in the field of management, we are
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AT BL AGRO PVT. LTD.” The basic objective behind this
project report is to gain knowledge of Human Resource Management in the company by using the
tool Performance Appraisal and observe the employee’s satisfaction.

In this project report we have included various concept, effects and implications regarding the human
resource management in the BL Agro Pvt. Ltd..

Doing this project report helped me to enhance my knowledge in the field of human resource.
Through this report we came to know about the importance of Performance Appraisal in the



● Acknowledgement i
● Declaration ii
● Preface iii
1. Introduction 1-19
a. About The Topic
b.Objective Of Study
2. Industry Profile 20-23
3. Company Profile 24-31
4. Literature Review 32-33
5. Research Methodology 34-35
6. Data Analysis & Interpretation 36-45
7. Findings 46-47
8. Conclusion 48
9. Suggestion 49
10. Limitation Of The Study 50
11. Questionnaire 51-56
12. Bibliography 57




Performance appraisal is defined as the process of assessing the performance and progress of an
employee or a group of employees on a given job and his / their potential for the future
development. It consists of all procedure used in working organization and potential of employees.

Performance appraisal means systematic evaluation of the personality and performance of each
employee by his superior or some other persons trained in the technique of merit rating. It employs
various ratings technique for comparing individual employees in a work group, in terms of
personnel qualities or deficiencies and the requirements of their respective jobs.

✓Performance appraisal is a process.

✓It is the systematic examination of the strength and weakness of employees during the term of
his job.

✓It is a scientific and objective study. Formal procedure is used in the study.
✓ It is an ongoing and continuous process wherein the evaluations are arranged periodically

according to a definite plan.
✓ The main purpose of performance appraisal is to ensure information necessary for making
objectives and correct decision an employee.


✓ The main objective of the appraisal is to evaluate employee's performance fairly.

✓ It creates assumptions for employee's utilization within the company and for his/her e.g.
motivation, performance or career.

✓ To appraise to what extent the employee fulfills his duties

✓ To qualify level of the employee's performance

✓ To appraise if the employee does his/her best at work

✓ To formulate development of the employee

✓ To recommend the employee's transfer to more/less exacting work place

Other objectives of the appraisal may differ according to the situation within the company or
according to the purpose of appraisal (e.g. periodicity, changes in the company). Among these
partial objectives belong
• To improve the employee's performance

• To gain information about the employee's opinions, values

• To identify suitable candidates to be promoted

• To identify educational needs

• To check foreknowledge of the employee

• To identify how to improve relationship between management of the company and the
other employees
• To discuss work issues with the employee

• To identify work and social needs of the employee

• To check motivation impact of the appraisal and remuneration

• To find out level of the employee's satisfaction

In practice only some of these objectives are met by the appraisal. It depends on the purpose
of the appraisal. The whole appraisal is more about the performance in a case of the appraisal
focused on remuneration. The appraisal, focused on character of the employee or his/her
behavior, is oriented on management of development and employee's motivation.

The appraisal system, which is realized effectively, provides the company with very important
feedback about management of the company and the employee's perception of it. Managers are
supposed to do the appraisal to find out what provisions are necessary to adopt. They are also
supposed to support employee's success or on the other hand to discipline failings and to

Also employees expect benefits from the appraisal. The employee gets feedback about his/her
performance which may motivate him/her to do better job. They get an opportunities to find out
whether their requirements harmonies with the company's vision or they can discuss his/her

The process of performance appraisal:

✓ Establishing performance standards

✓ Communicating the standards

✓ Measuring performance

✓ Comparing the actual with the standards

✓ Discussing the appraisal

✓ Talking corrective action

What to Appraise?

To conduct the appraisal well an appraiser must know which criteria are crucial for the certain
employee's position and which are adequate to the form and purpose of the appraisal too. Different
criteria may apply to different positions within the company. They can be general (they apply to
the all positions) or special (adjusted to the particular position). These criteria should be clear,
unambiguous, measurable or comparable (if possible), objective, reliable and giving evidence. For
example skills which do not relate to work cannot be taken into consideration during appraisal.
The appraisal observes knowledge, skills, competence and behavior of the employee (work-
related and social).

The Appraisal Offers:

1.) Labour performance

• Quality and quantity of work during certain time and with certain costs

• Employee's value-added to the company

2.) Labour efficiency (ability to reach a target)

• Behaviour

• Expertness

• Personality

• Motivation

3.) Work-related and life condition of the employee

• Character and skills needed for work performance

• Qualifications and behavior during work
• Labour efficiency
• Interpersonal relations and style


The objective of performance appraisal falls into two categories:




1. Establish Performance Standards

At the time of designing a job and formulating a job description, performance standards are
usually developed for the position. These standards should be clear and not vague, and objective
enough to be understood and measured. These standards should be discussed to find out which
different factors are to be incorporated, weights and points to be given to each factor and these
then should be indicated on the Appraisal Form, and later on used for appraising the performance
of the employees.

2. Communicate Performance Expectations to the Employees

The next step is to communicate these standards to the employees, for the employees left to
themselves, would find it difficult to guess what is expected of them. To make communication
effective feedback is necessary from the subordinate to the manager. Satisfactory feedback
ensures that the information communicated by the manager has been received and understood in
the way it was intended.

3. Measure Actual Performance

To determine what actual performance is, it is necessary to acquire information about it. We
should be concerned with how we measure and what we measure. Four sources are frequently
used to measure actual performance:

☑ Personal observations

☑ Statistical reports

Oral reports


Written reports

4. Compare Actual Performance with Standards

The employee is apprised and judged of his potential for growth and advancement. Attempts are
made to note deviations between standard performance and actual performance.

5. Discuss the Appraisal with the Employee

The results of appraisal are discussed periodically with the employees, where good points, weak
points and difficulties are indicated and discussed so that performance is improved.

6. If Necessary, Initiate Corrective Actions

Coaching, counseling may be done or special assignments and projects may be set; persons may
be deputed for formal training courses, and decision making responsibilities and authority may
be delegated to the subordinates. Attempts may also be made to recommend for salary increases
or promotions, if these decisions become plausible in the light of appraisals.

The details given above may vary from organization to organization but these steps usually form
the principal steps/features of a sound evaluation programme.


There are various methods of merit rating, which may be classified into:

1. Traditional methods

2. Modern methods

Performance Appraisal


1. Unstructured Appraisal 1. Management by Objectives

2. Employee Ranking Rating

3. Forced distribution 2. Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales

4. Graphic- rating scales

5. Check- lists 3. 360 Degree Appraisal

6. Critical incidents

7. Field review


The Performance Appraisal is a periodic evaluation or the assessment of the employee’s job

performance against the pre-established standards such as quality and quantity of output, job
knowledge, versatility, supervision, leadership abilities, etc.

Traditional methods are very old technique of performance appraisal. They are based on trait-
oriented appraisal. Evaluation of employee is made on this basis of standards of personal traits or
qualities such as attitudes, judgment, versatility, initiative, dependability, leadership, loyalty,
punctuality, knowledge of the job, etc.

There are seven traditional methods of appraisal

1. Unstructured appraisal

Under this, the appraiser is required to write down his impression about the person being appraised
in an unstructured way. However, in some organization, comments are required to be grouped
under specific heading such as quality of job performance.

2. Ranking methods

Ranking is a simple process of placing employees in a rank according to their job performance. It
permits comparison of all employees in any single rating group, regardless of the type of work. All
workers are judged on the same factors and they are rated on the overall basis with reference to
their jot, performance instead of individual assessment of traits.

3. Forced Distribution Methods

The forced distribution system is devised to force the appraiser to fit the employees being appraised
into predetermined ranges of scale. It has an advantage over the paired comparison system in that
two or more employees can be divided into five point’s scale of outstanding, above average, below
average and poor.

4. Graphic Rating Scale

Under this method, scales are established for a number of specific factors and qualities. Five
degrees are established for each factor and general definition appears at points along the scale.
Generally, the rater is supplied with a printed form, one for each person to be rated. The selection
of factors to be measured on the graphical rating scales is an important point under this system.

5. Checklist

a. Weighted check list

Under this method, various statements are prepared in such a manner that they describe various
types and levels of behavior for a particular job. Each statement is attached with a scale value. At
the time of rating the employees, the superior just collects and checks all the statements. After
the weight or values are attached to the individual traits, the rating up to this level is gathered on
the rating sheet. Then the weights are averaged and employee is evaluated.

The weighted checklist should be prepared by the persons thoroughly acquainted with job and
perfect in preparing and weighting statements. When this process is over, rating is placed on
separated cards. Then these cards are sorted by raters by who actually observed the
accomplishment of the work.

b. Forced choice

This method is used particularly with the objective of avoiding scope for personal prejudices.
Under this method, they are forced to choose between descriptive statements of seemingly equal
worth describing the person in question. Statements are chosen both the side favorable as well as

6. Critical incident methods

Under the critical incident methods, the supervisor is supposed to retain from passing overall
judgment and concentrate upon discussing facts as he sees them. Theoretically, this should
provide a sound and an objective basis for appraisal of the performance of an employee. Strictly
speaking, the critical incident methods are not a rating method as it requires the supervisor to pay
close attention to what an employee is doing.
7. Field review method

Under this method, the supervisors are interviewed by an expert from the personnel department.
The expert questions the supervisor to obtain all the pertinent information on each employee and
takes notes in his book. Thus, there is no rating from with factors or a degree, but overall ratings
are obtained. The workers are usually classified into three categories as outstanding, satisfactory,
and unsatisfactory.


a) Halo error

b) Central tendency

c) Leniency or strictness

d) Recent behavior bias

e) Miscellaneous bias


The Performance Appraisal is the assessment of the employee’s job performance against the
benchmark previously set for the categories such as output, leadership, teamwork, versatility,
supervision, etc.

There are two important methods of performance appraisal, which are used by the modern
concern. The first is Management by Objectives (MBO) which represent result oriented
appraisal. The second one is Behaviorally- Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) which is based on
rating the behavior of the subordinates

1. Management by Objective

It was Peter Ducker, who proposed goal setting approach to performance appraisal, which he
called 'Management by Objectives and self-control. This approach was further strengthened by
Douglas McGregor was concerned with the fact that most traditional appraisal system involved
ratings of traits and personal qualities that he felt were highly unreliable. Besides, the use of such
trait ratings produced two main difficulties.

1. The management was uncomfortable about using them and resisted making an appraisal.

2. It had a damaging effect on the motivation and development of the subordinates.

2. Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales

Behavioral anchor rating scale (BARS) is designed to identify the critical area of performance of
a job, and to describe the more effective and less effective job behavior for getting results.
Performance is evaluated by asking the rater to record specific, observable job behaviors of an
employee and then to compare these observations with a "behaviorally anchored scale"

Behaviorally anchored rating scale approach combines elements of the traditional rating scale
and critical incident method. Using BARS, job behaviors from critical incident- effective and
ineffective behaviors- are described more objectively. This method employs individual who are
familiar with a particular job to identify its major components. They are asked to rank and
validate specific behaviors for each of the components.


The 360 degree appraisal involves rating of an employee or manager by everyone above,
alongside and below him. Although deployed mostly as a fact- fining technique, 360 degree
appraisal is also used to design promotion and reward in the organization. Structured
questionnaire is used to collect responses about the employee from his superior’s peers and


● To study the existing Performance Appraisal practice in BL Agro Pvt. Ltd.

● To understand the procedure of Performance Appraisal practice in BL Agro Pvt.
● To find out the employees are satisfied or not with Performance Appraisal
provided by the company.


With a history that goes back to 50 years, B.L. Agro Oils Ltd. is a company with a simple corporate
objective - to manufacture, package and market the purest possible edible oil that would offer
healthier and tastier solution to millions of consumers. Currently, B.L. Agro is in the business of
Refining, Quality Control, Packaging and Marketing of branded mustard and other edible oils.

To be a way of life for every Indian.

To be the benchmark in purity and perfection. To achieve a leadership position in the Indian market
and to become the preferred Indian edible oil name globally.

B.L. Agro Oils Ltd. is committed to total customer satisfaction, and compliance with regulatory
bodies at all times and at maximum effectiveness.

- Consistently enhance our understanding of market dynamics and changing customer needs so as to
offer finest quality products that at all times meet our customers' expectations and the ever changing
demands of the market place.
- Provide a high level of service to our customers with minimum cause for complaint.

- Maintain a healthy & constructive work environment that enables personnel to produce optimal

- Continually comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14002:2004, HACCP and other
government regulations and continuously improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management
With a history that goes back to 50 years, B.L. Agro Oils Ltd. is a company with a simple corporate
objective - to manufacture, package and market the purest possible
edible oil that would offer healthier and tastier solution to millions of consumers.

Currently, B.L. Agro is in the business of Refining, Quality Control, Packaging and Marketing of
branded mustard and other edible oils.

The foundations of B.L. Agro were laid half a century ago by its Managing Director,
ShriGhanshyam Khandelwal - a veteran of the Indian mustard industry. Since then the
management of B.L. Agro has gained an unmatched, in-depth insight of the industry and the
continuously evolving customer needs. The leadership at B.L. Agro has a vision for the future and
their acumen in adapting to the changing times has translated into consistent growth by the company.
However, the most important attribute of the B.L. Agro leadership is the un-fallible commitment
towards quality, towards customers and towards community at large.

At B.L. Agro 'No Compromise with Quality' is a guiding philosophy. And the management takes it
as their responsibility to not just ensure the highest quality standards of company's products but also
to instil this 'quality attitude' in every organization.

Another distinctive characteristic of the B.L. Agro management team is their strong belief that
“Success and growth do not mean much unless accompanied by trust and respect from the
community.” And over the years this belief has ensured that as a corporate citizen, B.L. Agro

Oils Ltd. earns an image of one of the most respected and revered organisation in its region of
A true entrepreneur, Ghanshyam Khandelwal stepped into the mustard oil trading business in the
1950s when he was still at a very young age. Beginning from Bareilly, he single-handedly expanded

operations and soon transformed Bail Kolhu into one of the most preferred mustard oil brand in the
entire belt of Eastern UP.

❖ Ghanshyam Khandelwal
(Managing Director)
A man of foresight and vision Ghanshyam Khandelwal has been the guiding force behind consistent
growth of B.L. Agro Oils Ltd. With an eye on the future, he has, over the years, displayed a
tremendous prowess for anticipating the changing consumer needs and has repeatedly led the
organisation to be a winner in a dynamic industry scenario. The mantras of his success include his
unflinching commitment towards quality and his passion for perfection.

An un-doubted achiever, he is a man of undaunted determination and courage along with exemplary
business acumen.

What distinguish GhanshyamKhandelwal are his philosophies that originate from his commitment
towards the community. A man of values, he strongly believes in business ethics and corporate social

❖ Ashish Khandelwal
(Director - Finance & Sales)
 Post Graduate in Commerce, Ashish Khandelwal joined his father's business at a very young age. A
quick learner and a very hard worker he learnt the nuances of the trade within no time and
established himself as a growth motivator by bringing in new-age marketing concept and fresh
opportunities. With extraordinary abilities in sales and channel management, AshishKhandelwal has
an unmatched hold on the market pulse. Still in his prime youth, he has already played a key

role in taking B.L. Agro to newer heights. In his leadership, the company entered into the consumer
packs segment and the venture resulted in unprecedented success.

Having spent over 12 years in this trade, AshishKhandelwal possesses a rare combination of

experience as well as youthful exuberance. With a futuristic outlook, he has an unmatched ability to
think ahead of the times and a vision that is set to take B.L. Agro into a glorious future.

❖ Richa Khandelwal
(Director Marketing)
 BTech from IET, Lucknow and MBA from ICFAI, Hyderabad, RichaKhandelwal adds a fresh
dimension to the management competencies at B.L. Agro. Among her many contributions to the
organisation is her vision to take B.L. Agro to the highest national and international level.
With path-breaking ideas, RichaKhandelwal has played a key role in further strengthening the Bail
Kolhu and other B.L. Agro brands and has led its expansion into Delhi NCR and other newer
territories with outstanding success. In a short span of time, she has turned Bail Kolhu into a
household name in Delhi that has already become the largest selling mustard oil in certain regions.

B.L. Agro Industries Limited is an unlisted public company incorporated on 20 January, 1993. It is
classified as a public limited company and is located in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. It's authorized share
capital is INR 100.00 cr and the total paid-up capital is INR 83.57 cr.

B.l. Agro Industries Limited's operating revenues range is Over INR 500 cr for the financial year
ending on 31 March, 2019. It's EBITDA has decreased by -33.25 % over the previous year. At the
same time, it's book net worth has increased by 0.42 %. Other performance and liquidity ratios
are available here.

Description: The company manufactures, packages, and markets edible oils

Products & Services: Soyabean, palmolein, olive, and other blended edible oils.
Category: manufacturer

The current status of B.L. Agro Industries Limited is - Active.

The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of B.L. Agro Industries Limited, per our records,
was held on 30 December, 2020. Also, as per our records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the
period ending on 31 March, 2020.

B.L. Agro Industries Limited has six directors - Ghanshyam Khandelwal, Ashish Khandelwal,
and others.

The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of B.L. Agro Industries Limited is

U65910UP1993PLC015039. The registered office of B.L. Agro Industries Limited is at B-31


Bail Kolhu Kachchi Ghani Mustard Oil is the flagship brand of the company. This is a
Grade A Mustard Oil and due to its unique taste and ideal pungency, it enjoys a
tremendous consumer preference throughout the states of UP, Uttaranchal and Delhi.

Bail Kolhu is a clear market leader in most of its distribution territories and commands
almost monopolistic leadership position in many of the markets. Bail Kolhu also enjoys a
very high level of brand recall and brand loyalty amongst a vast consumer base.

Mohan Dhara is a well accepted brand in the Refined Soyabean Oil segment.

This is a fast growing brand that has facilitated the advent of B.L. Agro in the Refined
Vegetable Oil segment.

Aviral Dhara is a multi-product brand of Mustard Oil, Palmolein Oil, and Vegetable Oils.
Having gained instant acceptance in the market, the brand is on a steady growth chart.

Nourish Delite is a Dream Project of B.L. Agro management that promises to enhance
the image as well as scale of company's operations.
First product to be offered under this brand will be Premium Soyabean oil followed by
Premium Mustard Oil. The line will be further expanded to multiple food products that
will even extend beyond edible oils and include products like Atta, Besan, Pulses on one
hand and Packaged Drinking Water on the other. At B.L. Agro, the vision is to make
Nourish Delite India's biggest and most trusted Food Brand and the company.


Overview of edible oil industry. In India the popular cooking mediums include mustard oil,
groundnut oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, Soyabean oil and Palm oil.

• Mustard, Soyabean and Palm oil (mainly imported) account for over 75% of total edible oil

Only around 16% of the households in India consume branded edible oils. Among branded oils,
refined oils account for 60% of consumption and crude oils (Only filtered) account for the balance.
Branded edible oils have penetrated 31% of households in urban areas and only 9% in rural areas.

• The edible oil sector in India is largely unorganized with only a few organized players.

Edible oil is sold in the country either in consumer packs (less than 5 lt. pack sizes), bulk packs (15
kg/ lt.) or as loose oil in tankers or barrels.

Macroeconomic Situation– Industry Growth Rates

• Indian edible oil economy is world's fourth largest after USA, China and Brazil (India accounts for
7% of world oilseeds & Oilmeal production and 10% of world consumption of edible oil).

• 2nd largest import bill item for India - favourable government policies for domestic industry by
way of high import duties on imported edible oils.

• Increasing health consciousness, preference for packaged products (hygiene factors and avoidance
of any adulteration) and low-saturated fat cooking mediums.

Growth & Opportunities

• Emergence of branded edible oil as a high

Growth segment in Indian FMCG industry.

With a huge proportion of total Indian households still not using branded oils but displaying
continuous shift in their using pattern - from loose unbranded oils to packed branded oils, the
category of branded edible oils has emerged as a high growth segment in the Indian FMCG industry.

With an excellent record of adapting to the dynamic trends, b.l. agro oils ltd. Is well positioned and
preparing itself to play an important role in facilitating this transition in consumer behaviour.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

As socially responsible citizens, the promoters of BL Agro are committed to contribute their bit in
the nation building process and work towards the betterment of the society.

The Khandelwal family actively participate in and support various community service programmes
like blood donation camps, plantation drives, service for physically disabled etc.

As an environment sensitive industrial house, BL Agro takes various voluntary measures in addition
to the mandatory steps to ensure environment conservation.

These include:

• Effluent treatment plant for water pollution control as well as water conservation.

• Installation of advanced equipments for air pollution control.

• Use of only agriculture bio-mass for steam generation; and many more such measures.

Products - Bail Kohlu

Bail Kolhu Kachchi Ghani mustard oil is the flagship brand of BL Agro Oils Ltd. A 'grade a' mustard
oil with a unique taste and pungency, it enjoys a tremendous popularity in the northern parts of india
and is the favourite kachchighani mustard oil among its vast customer base.

As a category, mustard oil is consumed in almost every Indian household although in variable
quantity. Kachchighani mustard oil is perhaps the healthiest edible oil and one of the best cooking
oils, due to its favourable composition.

What is Kachchighani – its properties and benefits:

Kachchighani refers to cold press extraction process of mustard oil. In the ghani crushing of mustard
seeds about 6% of water is added. This is because, apart from achieving oil expulsion, water, through
the agency of the enzyme myrosinase, brings about hydrolysis of various glucosinolate. Slow
grinding and frictional heat development release a maximum of pungent isothiocyanates (essential
oil) which enter the oil to give it a sharp taste and pungent flavor that is greatly relished along the
indo-gangatic plain.

The key property of Kachchighani mustard oil is its essential oil content (0.25-0.35%) which acts as
preservative. Essential oils are effective anti-fungal.

The Manufacturing:

At BL Agro oils ltd., the sourcing, quality control and packaging of Bail Kolhu is performed to
match the highest standards – the double filter process ensures that only the purest product is
despatched as Bail Kolhu.

BL Agro has an in-house quality control laboratory with a gas liquid chromatograph that ensures the
purity and PFA certified quality in each and every pack of Bail Kolhu.

Marketing Strategy:

Mohan Dhara is a superior quality refined Soyabean oil. Since, BL Agro oils ltd. Introduced Mohan
Dhara a few years ago, the brand has created its acceptance in a highly competitive market.

On the product composition front, Mohan Dhara possesses highest levels of transparency among its
competitive brands, which is a measure of its purity and supreme quality as a healthy product.

Every pack of Mohan Dhara contains finest refined Soyabean oil produced by an elaborate refining
process at the BL Agro plant. For Mohan Dhara, crude Soyabean oil of specific quality is sourced
from either domestic or overseas markets, and put through chemical refining process using MNR and
nitrogen blanketing technology.

Current Market:

At present Mohan Dhara is a popular brand in many parts of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Delhi.
Mohan Dhara is marketed through a vast network of distributors and retailers. The high customer
acceptance and the promotional schemes offered by the company motivate the channel partners to
work with great deal of enthusiasm to push the sales of Mohan Dhara.

● Cleveland, Murphy, and Williams (1989), reported that there is a relationship between
organizational characteristics and the uses of a performance appraisal system.

● Stonich (1984), also argued that performance measurement in an organization should be in

tune with its structure and culture. Since the nature of the enterprises in which each industry
is engaged varies, its organizational type, business policy, internal and external environment
are also usually different. The purpose of this study is to conduct a direct comparative
analysis of performance appraisal system in the service and manufacturing industries.

● According to Cardy and Dobbins (1994), performance appraisal is a process of identifying,

observing, measuring and developing skills of human resource in organizations. Performance
is usually judged subjectively because in many areas, performance is not open to objective
assessment and managers depend upon their subjective guess. Due to this subjectivity,
appraisal is often perceived as unfair and inequity based. Managers are therefore required to
ensure justice in terms of criteria and process i.e. distributive justice and procedural justice.
In the context of performance appraisal, distributive justice refers to the fairness of the
evaluation received, whereas procedural justice refers to the fairness of the process used in
determining the evaluation..

● Edwards and Ewin (1996), argue that performance appraisal is the Feedback received from
multiple sources, such as superiors, peers, subordinates and others has a more powerful
impact on people than the feedback received from a single source, such as immediate
superior of the employee concerned. Employees regard performance information from
multiple sources as fair, accurate, credible and motivating. They are more likely to be
motivated to change their work habits to earn the esteem of their co-workers than the respect
of their supervisors.

● Liza EstinoDaOanis (2012), reported that respondents identified some major gaps in the
implementation of the company’s appraisal system: no appropriate rewards are given to best
employees, appraisal system was not fully explained to employees, no feedback of results and
employees do not participate in the formulation of evaluation tools. It is recommended that
the company should revisit and redesign its appraisal system that is align to its vision and
mission towards the attainment of its organizational goals.

● MK Sanyal SB Biswas (2014), used factor analysis, to find out the applications of appraisal,
followed by a binary regression to understand their implications on the employee motivation.
The study has found the importance of the line managers in the practice of the appraisal
process also reviewed different dilemmas regarding appraisal practice and employee issues
depending on company‟s size, business focus. The practice of appraising and its implications
are also diverse in different companies throughout the industry.

● Martin and Jackson(2000), in his studies stated that appraisal is also a method of enhancing
employee training and development as it provide information about the strength and
weakness in performance, which create a debate how to improve the performance of
employee . In the end it helps the employees to understand their overall contribution in
achieving organizational goals.

● Tamilzharasi, Umarani (2014), they analyzed work stress and job performance evaluation
of BPO employees. They observed that salary, job task, colleagues, work environment,
autonomy and workload are the major variables to introduce the stress among the employees.
As per their study, women get high stress than men. Proportionately more employed women
reported greater work stress than men. One-third of women felt quite a bit or extremely
stressed most days at work, compared to men.

● Winston Creamer (1997), reviewed that effective performance appraisal systems should
address clarity, and fairness, recognize productivity through rewards, and be cognizant of
appraiser leadership qualities.

“Research methodology is a method of studying problems whose solutions are to be desired partly or
wholly from the facts. These facts may be statements of opinions, historical facts, those contents in
records and reports, the results of tests, answers to questionnaire, experimental data of any sort and
so forth”


Descriptive research is a type of research that describes a population, situation, or
phenomenon that is being studied. It focuses on answering the how, what, when, and where
questions If a research problem, rather than the why.

The RESEARCH METHODOLOGY for the project is done with the help of survey through
virtual questionnaire. In this project, the questionnaire was a key tool of research to gain
knowledge about the employee engaging activities and to know responses of the employees towards
these activities.

● Primary Data: The primary data has been collected with the help of employee’s survey by
using online questionnaire through Google Forms. (Sending this questionnaire through email
and whatsapp to the employee’s of the company)

● Secondary Data: The secondary data has been collected through following sources:

Monthly Reports of “A study on employee satisfaction on Performance Appraisal in B.L. Agro”

Past Survey Data

Data through Internet source

Research design:
In Research design a Descriptive research has been used.

Descriptive research is a type of research that describes a population, situation, or
phenomenon that is being studied. It focuses on answering the how, what, when, and where
questions If a research problem, rather than the why.

Survey was conducted at BL Agro Pvt. Ltd., Bareilly through virtual questionnaire i.e; by sending
these questionnaire through whatsapp and email to the employees of the company.

Survey taken at different levels of company.
Survey is done by Random Sampling Method

Sample Size:
Sample size is of 50 respondents ( Survey taken at different levels of company).



38% respondents were strongly agree, 34% respondents agree with the existing performance
appraisal of the company but 20% respondents neither agree nor disagree whereas 6% respondents
disagree and 2% respondents strongly disagree .


50% respondents were strongly agree , 34% respondents are agree that the performance appraisal is
important in the organisation but 10% respondents are neither agree nor disagree whereas 6%
respondents were disagree.


52% respondents were strongly agree, 34% respondents agree with the regular discussions with the
supervisor about your performance and development but 12% respondents neither agree nor disagree
whereas 2% respondents were disagree.


38% respondents were strongly agree, 36% respondents agree that standard of performance well
communicate with them but 18% respondents neither agree nor disagree whereas 6% respondents
disagree and 2% respondents strongly disagree.


42% respondents were strongly agree , 40% respondents agree that regular feedback is provided to
them by organization but 10% respondents neither agree nor disagree whereas 6% respondents
disagree and 2% respondents strongly disagree.


42% respondents strongly agree , 34% respondents agree with the half yearly period of appraisal in
the organisation but 16% respondents neither agree nor disagree whereas 6% respondents disagree
and 4% respondents strongly disagree.


34% respondents strongly agree , 44% respondents agree that their supervisor is effective at
communicating important issues that may affect their job but 14% respondents neither agree nor
disagree whereas 8% respondents were disagree.


36% respondents were strongly agree, 44% respondents agree with that the appraisal system help in
enhancing the communication between them and their supervisor but 16% respondents neither agree
nor disagree whereas 4% respondents disagree.


34% respondents were strongly agree , 40% respondents agree with the reward given by organisation
on the basis of performance but 16% respondents neither agree nor disagree whereas 4%
respondents disagrees and 6% respondents were strongly disagree.


28% respondents strongly agree, 50% respondents agree with the training Counselling and Coaching
provided by the organisation after the appraisal were more effective but 10% respondents neither
agree nor disagree whereas 8% respondents disagrees and 4% respondents strongly disagrees.


34% respondents were strongly agrees, 38% respondents agree with the appraisal given by the
appraise is fair but 22% respondents neither agree nor disagree whereas 2% respondents disagrees
and 4% respondents strongly disagrees .


42% respondents strongly agree, 40% respondents agree with the punishment given by the
organisation but 10% respondents neither agree nor disagree but 8% respondents were strongly


40% respondents strongly agree, 42% respondents agree that in their organisation the appraisal
system helps in the identification of promotion , salary, increment and improvement in work area but
12% respondents neither agree nor disagree whereas 6% respondents were strongly disagrees.


38% respondents strongly agrees, 38% respondents agrees that they are happy with the job role
which is provided by the organisation but 14% respondents neither agree nor disagree whereas 8%
respondents disagrees and 2% respondents wee strongly disagrees.


30% respondents strongly agrees, 34% respondents agree that they feel something holding them back
from doing their best work in the organisation but 26% respondents neither agree nor disagree
whereas 8% respondents disagrees and 2% respondents were strongly disagrees.


30% respondents strongly agrees, 46% respondents agrees that they use their skills more effectively
in the organisation whereas 24% respondents neither agrees nor disagrees.


28% respondents strongly agrees , 52% respondents agrees with that they feel their strength are
maximized here but 16% respondents neither agree nor disagree whereas 2% respondents disagrees
and 2% respondents were strongly disagrees.


32% respondents strongly agrees, 46% respondents agrees that they feel more encouraging and more
successful than before in the organisation but 14% respondents neither agree nor disagree whereas
6% respondents disagrees and 2% respondents were strongly disagrees.


32% respondents strongly agrees, 48% respondents agrees that the organisation supports them to
improve the relationship between employee and employers but 12% respondents neither agree nor
disagree whereas 4% respondents disagrees and 4% respondents were strongly disagrees.

• Majority of the employees are well aware and strongly agrees with the existing performance
appraisal system of the company but some of the employees are neutral also.

• Mostly employees are strongly agree with the performance appraisal is important in

• Mostly employees are strongly disagree about the discussions with the supervisor about
performance and development.

• Majority of the employees are strongly satisfied with the standard of performance well
communicate with them but there are some of the employees who are neutral i.e; neither
agree nor disagree.

• Majority of the employees are strongly agree with the regular feedback provided to them by
organization whereas very few of them are neither agree nor disagree.

• Performance appraisal in this industry is calculated half yearly and many of the employees
are strongly agree with this.

• Majority of the employees are satisfied means they are not strongly agree that there is
supervisor is effective at communicating important issues that may affect their job.

• Mostly the employees are satisfied means they are not very much sure that the appraisal
system helps in enhancing the communication between them and their supervisor

• Majority of the employees are satisfied means they are agree with the reward given by the
organisation on the basis of performance.

• Majority of the employees are satisfied with the training counseling and coaching provided
by the organisation

• Many of the employees are neutral means they are neither agree nor disagree with the
appraisal given by the appraise is fair.

• Majority of the employees are strongly satisfied with the punishment given by the
• Majority of the employees are satisfied with the appraisal system helps in the identification of
promotion, salary, increment and improvement.

• Equal number of employees are strongly agree and agree with the employees that they are
happy with the job role but most of the employees are also neutral with this.

• Many of the employees are neutral means they are neither agree nor disagree with the
statement that they feel something holding them back from doing their best work in the

• Many of the employees are satisfied that they use their skills more effectively in the
organisation but many of the employees are neutral also.

• Majority of the respondents are strongly satisfied with that they feel their strengths are
maximized in the organisation.

• Majority of employees are only satisfied with that they feel encouraging and more successful
and some of the employees are neutral with this.

• Majority of the employees are only agree or satisfied that the organisation supports them to
improve the relationship between employee and employers but some of the employees are
neutral also.

The research carried out includes “The Study On Employee’s Satisfaction On Performance
Appraisal In BL Agro Pvt. Ltd.” which is mainly focused to find out the data related to the level of
satisfaction of employees which they bears in the organisation and has been collected with the help
of virtual questionnaire (Google Forms) distributing to the employees of the organisation through
social media like Whatsapp or E-mail.

The data collected is important asset for organizations, it helps in improving its weak area like here;
in maintaining the communication between the employee and employer, existing performance
appraisal is somehow lacking in some areas, relationship between the employee and employers; etc.

The conclusion of this topic can be derived as B L Agro  is a good company and bear a good brand
name but still it’s lacking  in the some areas to provide facilities to each and every employee at every
level of department.

This  project  provide me an opportunity  to know the cons very closely so the company needs to be
more peculiar in providing the facilities to the employees of the company and those employees who
are not satisfied or neutral will become more satisfied and effective.
The whole project was concerned with the data collection for B L Agro employees and for this I had
to reach each and every employee of the company at all the levels.

Thus, I came to the conclusion that majority of the employees were satisfied but still there are some
employees who faces problems and not satisfied or even some of them are neutral , so the company
needs to work on those weak areas in which they are lacking, but overall the company provided it’s
best in every field and also provides the good quality products , thus having name and fame in the
market also.

In BL Agro the system is effectively carried out and the industry needs to make some important
changes in it so as to carry its appraisal system more beneficially for the organization.

Some of my suggestions are;

- Management should provide proper feedback to the employees.

- There should be a proper communication between employees and supervisors.
- The company’s rules, policies, regulation especially those regarding performance should be
made very clear to all employees.

- There should be a familiar relationship between the employee and employers.

- Providing timely increment, promotion and salary to each and every employee at every level
of department.


• The main limitation of the study was the Pandemic crisis (Covid-19).
• The employees hesitate to give some information due to the fear that losing the
relationship with the company.
• Lack of time and cost
• Perception of every employee is different. So they might be reluctant to reveal the

Ques 1. Do you agree with the existing Performance Appraisal of your company? 

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 2. Do you agree that Performance Appraisal is important in organization? 

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 3. Do you agree with the regular discussions with the supervisor about your performance
and development ? 

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 4. Do you agree that standard of performance well communicate with you? 

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 5. Do you agree with the regular feedback is provided by your organization ?

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 6. Do you agree with the half yearly period of appraisal in your organization ?

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 7. Do you agree that your supervisor is effective at communicating important issues that
may affect your job? 

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 8. Do you agree with that the appraisal system help in enhancing the communication
between you and your supervisor?

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 9. Do you agree with the reward given by organization on the bases of performance?

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 10. Do you agree with the Training, Counselling and Coaching provided by the
organization after the appraisal are more effective? 

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 11. Do you agree with the appraisal given by the appraise is fair ? 
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 12. Do you agree with the Punishment given by the organization? 

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 13. Do you agree that in your organization the appraisal system helps in the identification
of Promotion , Salary Increment and Improvement in work area ? 

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 14. Are you happy with the job role you are provided by the organization?
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 15. Do you feel something holding you back from doing your best work in the

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 16. Did you use your skills more effectively in the organization? 
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 17. Do you feel your strength are maximized here? 

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree

o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 18. Do you feel more encouraging and more successful than before in the organization? 
o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 19. Did organization supports you to improve the relationship between employee and

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neither Agree Nor Disagree
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

Ques 20. Any Suggestions?



➢ Personnel Management (Management of HR) Dr. C.B. Mamoria

➢ Performance Appraisal System Archer North

➢ Annual Report BL Agro Pvt. Ltd.

➢ Human Resource Management N.K. Singh

➢ Human Resource Management Dr. C.B. Gupta


➢ www.humanresources.about.com

➢ https://www.sumhr.com/top-performance-appraisal-methods-startups-small-businesses/

➢ https://blagro.org/our-brands/

➢ https://www.tofler.in/b-l-agro-industries-limited/company/

➢ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Performance_appraisal

➢ slideshare.net/MandeepGill1/performance-appraisal-57140068

➢ https://www.managementstudyguide.com/importance-of-employee-satisfaction.htm


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