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Architectural Visual Techniques 3 | ARVT3 (Advance Lecture)

BS Architecture | 1st Semester | 2nd Year| Sept. 26, 2022

○ A hierarchy is an imperative
● An architectural presentation can element to include to highlight
be described as an illustrated story your strong point throughout
of your design and it needs to have the presentation; this may be
a uniform language of expression the final drawing or a
to connect with the audience. A conceptual sketch that depicts
presentation is always more that strong point of your
coherent when its uniformity is design that binds the whole
through the presentation style; it concept together.
should be present in the text, color, ● IMPORTANCE OF IMAGES
and images. ○ image is more powerful
[ because it engages and
architectural-community/a3214-10-wa communicates more in the
ys-to-make-your-architectural-present constricted time but, a
ation-standout/] carefully crafted sentence or
even a few highlighted words
mentioning the details of the
WAYS TO MAKE PRESENTATION project can elevate that image
● CONVEYING THE DESIGN to a different level.
○ When a client or a peer is
exhibited with a well thought
○ It is important to include
out story, it makes the design textures and highlight
relatable and disseminates it to materials in your presentation
the audience in a more natural to create a connection between
manner. the virtual image and the
● IMPORTANCE OF ITERATIONS design that will be built.
process of iterating or ○ A centerpiece will engage
repeating: such as. : a more with the audience and
procedure in which repetition help communicate more data
of a sequence of operations than a hoard of data that is
yields results successively difficult to navigate.
closer to a desired result. ● DISSEMINATION
○ The journey is never complete ○ The exhibition depends on
without the various measures two main factors: relevance
that led to the final point. and accessibility. The project
○ The various iterations that you should be presented, in a
might have developed in the manner that is understandable
process must be presented but by both your peers and the
not in detail but, a mention clients. The presentation style
that takes the audience to the is highly influenced by the
finale is how a great story is relevant audience. If you
displayed. create something entirely
● UNIFORMITY technical for a client then it
○ it should be present in the renders the presentation moot
text, color, and images. The because the client cannot
uniformity also provides a connect with it, but if you just
clear sense of vision for the create something flashy with
designer as well as design. no actual technical detailing it

Architectural Visual Techniques 3 | ARVT3 (Advance Lecture)
BS Architecture | 1st Semester | 2nd Year| Sept. 26, 2022

again fails its function to user-friendly, engaging

provide appropriate designs, particularly in the
information. realms of web design and
ctural-community/a3214-10-ways-to-make-yo ○ the way in which the parts of
ur-architectural-presentation-standout/] something are arranged or
laid out.
○ Layout design is important for
IMPORTANCE OF GOOD DESIGN any project that conveys a
message through eye-catching
In a competitive market, a strong visuals, like magazine layouts,
presentation conveying the message of website design, and
an architect's designs can be the advertisements. Good layout
difference between winning or losing a design is both dynamic and
new client. The successful architect has clear, creating visual points of
the ability to understand the client's interest that guide the reader
values and communicate it through her through a piece of content
designs. without overshadowing its
○ a part or element of a larger
○ The elements of design are the
● SIZE AND ORIENTATION fundamental aspects of any
○ the relative extent of visual design which include
something; a thing's overall shape, color, space, form, line,
dimensions or magnitude; value, and texture.
how big something is. ; the act ● PLACEMENT AND ZONING
or process of orienting or of ○ Zoning is a mechanism for
being oriented These assigning overall management
materials are for the objectives and priorities to
orientation of new employees. different areas (zones) within
b : the state of being oriented the site or protected area.
the orientation of the main ● BACKGROUND
altar of the church broadly : ○ Background textures and
arrangement, alignment the colors create depth and
orientation of molecules. contrast, allowing graphics to
○ Page size refers to the area of stand out and get noticed.
your publication. Paper, or Well-composed background
sheet, size is the size of the images can help create space
paper used for printing. for you to overlay text.
Orientation refers to the Backgrounds can give design
portrait (vertical) or landscape more context, providing
(horizontal) layout. supporting visual elements.
○ IMPORTANCE: An effective ● COLORS
layout not only looks ○ The importance of color
attractive, but also helps the design stems from the
viewer understand the significance of color to the
message the design is human mind. Color creates
conveying. In other words, ideas, expresses messages,
understanding layout is key spark interest, and generate
when it comes to creating certain emotions. Some colors

Architectural Visual Techniques 3 | ARVT3 (Advance Lecture)
BS Architecture | 1st Semester | 2nd Year| Sept. 26, 2022

hold a universal significance-

for example, it is commonly
understood that red is a color
for warning and green is
means go.

○ Visual hierarchy is important
in design because it defines
the importance and sequence
of elements within a
composition. It influences the
order in which your audience
views your content. Order can
significantly impact
comprehension, impact, and
○ Good typography adds value
to the content of a page.
Selecting appropriate fonts
and creating a strong
typography hierarchy makes
text easier to consume and


An axonometric perspective, also called

parallel projection or axonometry, is an
orthographic projection on an oblique
plane as a means of representing
three-dimensional objects.

There are three types of axonometric

projections: Isometric – all dimensions
are the same scale. Dimetric – di=2; 2
axes/dimensions foreshortened.
Trimetric – tri=3; 3 axes/dimensions

What is the purpose of axonometric?

Axonometric drawings are a powerful
tool for visually communicating complex
spatial arrangements. Their unique
viewpoint allows for highly descriptive
drawings that represent
three-dimensional space on a
two-dimensional surface.

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