EMIII Sheet 06 - Studlsg

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Institute of Engineering Mechanics  Chair for Dynamics/Mechatronics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Seemann

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Engineering Mechanics III, WS 2020/2021

Exercise Sheet 6
Topic: Potential energy, Energy conservation law

1. Potential
 Work done by a conservative force between two positions: W01 = F K · dr = − [V1 − V0 ] .
r0 e
 derivation of the force from the potential energy: F K = −grad V (x). e

 proof if a potential function exists to a given force eld F K : rot F K = 0 (integrability condition).
e e

a) Gravitational potential energy (homogenous gravitational eld)

e e e

V = mg(z − z0 ) Zero level V0 = V (z = z0 ) = 0 can be chosen


b) Elastic potential

Spring: V (x) = c
2 (x − x0 )2 Torsional spring: Zero level V0 = 0
V (ϕ) = cd 2
(ϕ − ϕ0 ) where spring is total-
c  stiness, 2
ly unstressed (x = x0
x0  unstressed postition cd  Torsional stiness, bzw. ϕ = ϕ0 ). Elastic poten-
ϕ0  torqueless position tial is always positive!
c) Gravitational potential (general)

V (r) = −κ m1rm2
m1 , m2  masses, κ  gravitational constant
r distance between the particles

Zero level V0 = V (r → ∞) = 0.

2. Energy conservation law

If only conservative forces are acting on a particle, the sum of kinetic and potential energy is constant:
T0 + V0 = T1 + V1 = const . Derivation from the equation of energy balance!

3. Equivalent spring stiness

1 X1
parallel springs: cequ = ci , serial springs:
i cequ ci
Exercise EMIII-06/01  example 

A roller-coaster car (modelled as a particle) is at rest at a position A. Due to a small disturbance,

the car starts moving down the track without any resistance to its motion. After descending the
height h from A to the bottom level, the car enters a circular loop of radius r at point B . The
roller-coaster is exposed to the gravitational eld of the earth.

1. Determine the speed v(ϕ) as well as the angular speed ϕ̇(ϕ) of the car while passing through
the circular loop.

2. For this section of the track determine the normal force N between the car and the rail as a
function of ϕ.

3. What minimum ratio h

r has to be chosen in order to avoid that the car is falling down in the
Exercise EMIII-06/02  example 

A particle of mass m is moving without any friction on a vertically set-up circular guiding rail of
radius r. It is connected to the xed point A by a massless spring. The spring has the unstressed
length 2r and the spring constant is c. The particle starts its motion at ϕ = 0 with the initial speed
v0 .

1. Give the potential V (ϕ) for an arbitrary position ϕ 6= 0.

2. Calculate the speed v of the particle as a function of ϕ.

3. How large does the initial speed v0 have to be in order to let the particle just reach the position
ϕ = π2 ?
Exercise EMIII-06/04  homework 
zu 2. xmax = v0 cres

v0 √ v0 √
zu 4. x1max = 2c 1
mcres , x2max = 2c 2

A waggon of mass m is moving with a speed v0 into a xed buer. The elastic buer of the wag-
gon has the spring constant c1 , the xed buer has the spring constant c2 . Buer and springs are
massless. The system has to be regarded as frictionless.

1. Determine the equivalent spring constant cequ of all springs.

2. Calculate the distance xmax the waggon is moving after hitting the buer.

3. Calculate the force Fmax applied to the equivalent spring at this state.

4. Determine to which absolute values of x1max and x2max the buers are compressed.

5. From maximum compression, the springs reaccelerate the waggon in the opposite direction.
Determine by use of the equation of energy balance the distance, that the waggon travels after
the springs lose contact, if a constant force K opposing the motion is applied to it.
Exercise EMIII-06/08  homework 

C = 3 mr g

The depicted pendulum comprises two particles m1 and m2 and is moving in the earth's gravitational
eld. Particle m1 is mounted to the end of a massless rod of length `, that is pivoted to a point
0. The second particle m2 is attached in point B to the end of a massless rod of length r, which
is pivoted at point A. Particle m2 can slide along the rod ` without friction. The two particles are
connected by a massless spring, which is stressfree at ϕ = π2 . The distance between 0 and A is r.
The masses are m1 = m2 = m.

1. Give the relations between the angles ϕ and ψ and the compression u of the spring.

2. By the conservation of energy law, determine the angular speed ϕ̇(ϕ), assuming that the
system starts at ϕ = π2 without initial speed.

3. What spring stiness √

c has to be chosen in order to let the system just reach the position
ψ = 0 ? Assume ` = 2 2 r.
Exercise EMIII-06/05  voluntarily 
1 π2 2
v0 = g` + m (cd 36 + c `4 )

A particle m is xed on the end of a massless bar (length `), which is pivoted without friction in A.
The motion of the pendulum in the gravitation eld of the earth is inuenced by a massless torsion
spring cd and two helical springs c21 as illustrated in the sketch.
The ends of the helical springs are supported on the walls W by small massless castors permanently
exerting vertical forces on the mass point. In the initial position ϕ = 0 all springs are relaxed.

1. Determine the potential V (ϕ) in a general position ϕ 6= 0.

2. Use the law of conservation of energy to determine the speed v(ϕ) of the moving particle,
whose initial velocity at ϕ = 0 was v0 .

3. Calculate v0 for v(ϕ = 30◦ )=0 (c1 = c2 = c).

Exercise Application Example  voluntarily 

Quelle: schwarzwaelder-bote.de

A stuntman jumps of a platform on a exible ground, which is modelled as a linear spring. The
distance between the platform and the exible ground is given by h. The stuntman has a mass of m
and the spring constant is given by c. Use the energy conservation law to determine the maximum
deection of the spring x̂ and the relating maximum spring force. What is the ratio of maximum
spring force and the spring force at static load?
Solution of Exercise EMIII-06/01

1. Path-speed:
Conservation of energy law: T0 + V0 = T + V
(Zero level is placed at the lowest point of the track!)
T0 = 0 , V0 = mgh , T = mv 2 , V = mgr(1 − cos ϕ)
1 2
,→ mgh = mv + mgr(1 − cos ϕ)
p 2
,→ v(ϕ) = 2g[h − r(1 − cos ϕ)]
2g h
with v = rϕ̇ : ϕ̇(ϕ) = − 1 + cos ϕ (1)
r r

2. Constraint-force:
d'Alembert's Principle: F + Z + T = 0
with T = −ma = mrϕ̇2 er − mrϕ̈eϕ
e e e e
in direction
e ofethe constraint
e force:
−N + mg cos ϕ + mrϕ̇ = 0
with ϕ̇ from (1.):  
,→ N (ϕ) = mg cos ϕ + 2mg − 1 + cos ϕ
,→ N (ϕ) = mg 2 + 3 cos ϕ − 2

3. Take-o-condition:

Condition: Nmin ≥ 0
Nmin from dN
dϕ = −3mg sin ϕ = 0 and ddϕN2 > 0 → ϕ = π
h !
with Nmin = N (ϕ = π) = mg 2 − 5 ≥ 0
h 5
,→ ≥
r 2
Solution of Exercise EMIII-06/02

1. Potential energy V (ϕ) :

V (ϕ) = mgr cos ϕ + (2r − x(ϕ))2
with x(ϕ) = 2r cos
ch  ϕ i2
,→ V (ϕ) = mgr cos ϕ + 2r 1 − cos
2 2
 ϕ 2
,→ V (ϕ) = mgr cos ϕ + 2cr2 1 − cos (1)

2. Speed v(ϕ) :
Conservation of energy law: T0 + V0 = T + V
m m
T0 = v02 , V0 = mgr, T = v 2 , V from (1.) :
2 2
m 2 m 2  ϕ 2
v0 + mgr = v + mgr cos ϕ + 2cr2 1 − cos
2 2 2
4cr 2  ϕ 2
,→ v(ϕ) = v02 + 2gr(1 − cos ϕ) − 1 − cos
m 2

3. v0 for v(ϕ = π2 ) = 0 :

π π 2
cos = 0, cos =
2 4 2
√ !2
4cr2 2
,→ 0 = + 2gr(1 − 0) − 1−
m 2
√ !2
u 4cr2 2
,→ v0 = t 1− − 2gr
m 2

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