Rubrik Penilaian

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Rubrik Penilaian

Scoring Rubric for Presentation

SCORE > 77 SCORE> 65 SCORE > 60 SCORE> 45 SCORE < 45
( A / A-) (B- / B / B+ ) (C / C+ ) (D) (E)
Information quality • Main points are • Main points are • Main points are • Main points are • Presentation lacks
and organization very clear clear and somewhat not clear main
and very detailed detailed clear but could use and lack significant points and related
• Information is • Information is more detail details
directly linked to detail • Some information • Information lacks
linked to presentation topic • Most information is linked connection to the
presentation • Information is well is linked to the presentation presentation topic
topic organized to the presentation topic • Information is not
• Information is topic • Information is organized
very • Information is loosely
organized organized organized
Nonverbal • Speaker appears • Speaker appears • Speaker appears • Speaker appears • Speaker appears
Communication very fairly generally at uneasy and very
comfortable and comfortable and ease and confident somewhat insecure uneasy and insecure
confident confident • Speaker • Speaker rarely • Speaker faces
• Speaker • Speaker generally sometimes faces faces the away from
consistently faces faces the the audience and audience or makes the audience or
the audience and audience and maintains eye makes no
maintains good eye maintains eye contact contact eye contact
contact good eye contact • Speaker • Speaker rarely • Speaker appears
• Speaker • Speaker generally sometimes appears appears to be disengaged from the
consistently appears to be engaging with engaging with the audience
appears to be to be engaging with the audience • Speaker lacks any
engaging the audience • Speaker uses few body
with the audience audience • Speaker's body body motions or gestures
• Speaker uses body • Speaker uses body motions and motions or gestures or
motions and motions gestures neither or has demonstrates
gestures very and gestures well support nor gestures or consistently
effectively • Speaker utilizes detract from movements that distraction
• Speaker utilizes much of the presentation distract the audience body motions or
the room room via movement • Speaker moves • Speaker is mostly gestures
very effectively via about some stationary • Speaker is
movement of the room completely
Quality of Verbal • Speaker’s voice is • Speaker’s voice is • Speaker’s voice is • Speaker’s voice is • Speaker’s voice is
Communication very steady, generally frequently consistently too
confident, steady, strong and clear steady, strong and too weak or too weak or
strong, • Speaker often uses clear strong too strong
and clear inflections to • Speaker • Speaker rarely • Speaker fails to
• Speaker emphasize key sometimes uses uses use
consistently uses points and create inflections to inflections to inflections to
inflections to interest emphasize key emphasize key emphasize
emphasize • Speaker's talking points and create points and create key points and
key points or to pace is interest interest or create
create mostly appropriate • Speaker's talking speaker sometimes interest or speaker
interest pace is uses often
• Speaker's talking appropriate inflections uses inflections
pace is inappropriately inappropriately
consistently • Speaker's talking • Speaker's talking
appropriate pace is pace is
often too slow or consistently too
too fast slow or
too fast
Visual Tools • Visual aids are • Visual aids are • Visual aids are • Visual aids have • Visual aids
very usually reasonably limited demonstrate
creative, clear, and creative, clear, and creative, clear, and creativity or clarity no creativity or
easy easy to easy to or are clarity
to read read read sometimes difficult and are often
• Presentation is • Presentation is • Presentation is to read difficult to
consistently often sometimes • Presentation is not
enhanced by enhanced by the enhanced by the enhanced by the • Presentation is
the visual tools visual tools visual tools visual tools weakened
by the visual tools
Appropriate Use of • All terms are • All terms are • Most terms are • Several terms are • Few or no terms
Vocabulary included in included in the included in included are
the presentation presentation the presentation in the presentation included in the
• Used in unique • Used effectively • Generally used • May or may not be presentation
and • Used in context appropriately used • May or may not be
creative ways • Generally used in appropriately used
• Used in context appropriate context • May lack context appropriately
• Lacks context
Precision and Detail • Documents are • Clearly evident • Evident that • Documents may • Documents have
in Documents clear, well that documents are have some numerous errors and
Produced constructed, documents are correct and show a errors and show lack
accurate and correct, general some detail detail
show attention to detailed and attention to detail • Some care has • Little care taken in
detail accurate and been taken in the
• Extra care has • Care has been accuracy production production
been taken taken in the • General care has
in the production production been taken
in production
Overall Presentation • This was an • This was a very • This presentation • This presentation • This presentation
Effectiveness exceptional good was good was was
presentation and presentation and and effective average and weak and not
extremely effective very 7 somewhat effective
effective effective

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