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Schedule & Flow

of the Event Sample Schedule only

When: April 28, 2022 ; 10:50 am

Call time & orientation
10:50 - 11:00 am - All participants must be in the designated location where the facilitators are located. The facilitators will first
introduce themselves and orient the participants regarding on the activity.

warm-up & preparation

11:00 - 11:10 am - The participants must be on the covered court by 11 am for preparation and warm up of each group.
The facilitator (usher committee) will be the one to guide them in doing the warm up.

11:10 - 11: 20 am
- The facilitator will announce the member of each two groups, and will also announce the mechanics of the game.

start until the end of the activity

11:20 - 11:40 am - The participants are now able to play the game, together with the facilitators as their guide. The duration of the
game ranges from 20-25 minutes.

Divine Sports Organization

Schedule & Flow
of the Event Sample Schedule only

When: April 28, 2022 ; 10:50 am

announcing of the winner
11:40 am
- All participants must be present as it is the announcing of the winner between two groups.

awarding the best player in the activity

11:40 - 11:50 am - Following the game, the facilitator will announce two participants from different groups who were seen to be
dedicated and hardworking throughout the game.

giving of prize
11:50 am - The facilitator will award a grand prize to the winning team and two participants, as well as a minimum prize to
those who came to participate.

end of the event - lunch time

12:00 pm onwards - All participants and facilitators are now able to have lunch after the event. To maintain safety protocols, we ensure
that we will spray alcohol on their hands before they leave.

Divine Sports Organization

more game progress
along the pen-rope
activity will be discussed
in the event proper.

Divine Sports Organization

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