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 The Grandest Temple of all Egyptian

temples, it was not built by upon one

complete plan but owes its size,
disposition and magnificence to the work
of many Kings. Built from the 12th
Dynasty to the Ptolemaic period. Uapga mock test
 Great Temple of Ammon, Karnak History of Architecture
Theory of Architecture
 The Great temple of Abu-Simbel
Professional Practice
 Temple of Queen HATSHEPSUT
 Temple of Ramsesseum, Thebes
5 1

A ____________ is a ___________ which  Defining open space in residential

extends vertically from lowest portion of subdivision
the wall which adjoins two living units
up to a minimum height of 0.30 meters
above the highest portion of the roof  PD 957
and extends horizontally 0.30 meters  PD 1296
beyond the outermost edge of the  BP 220
abutting living units?
 PD 579
 Partywall; block
 Firewall; lotline wall
 Firewall; fireblock
 Blotline wall; block
6 2

 The value of extra work or change in  The Greek council house which is
construction plans by the owner. covered meeting place for the
 Unit prices provided credit does not exceed democratically-elected council is
10 percent of original contract called:
 Actual direct cost plus 10 percent for profit,  Bouleuterion
overhead and tax  Thersihon
 Value included in contingencies  Prytaneion
 Estimate and acceptance in lump sum  Diathyros

7 3

 Refers to the most reasonable price of A key house agency that assist private
land and shelter based on the needs and developers to undertake low and middle
financial capability of “program income mass housing production
beneficiaries and appropriate financial  National Home Mortgage & Finance
schemes” (RA 7279). Corporation (NHMFC)
 Financial range  Home Insurance & Guarantee Corporation
 Affordable cost (HIGC)
 House rental wage range  Housing & Land Use Regulatory Board
 Lower housing rate
 National Housing Authority

8 4
 “The man of learning… can fearlessly look  Architectural programming is one of the
down upon the troublesome accidents of architect’s services that falls under:
fortune. But he who thinks himself  Pre Design
entrenched in defense not of learning but
 Design
of luck, moves one slippery path, struggling
though life unsteadily and insecurely.”  Design-Build
 a New Architecture  Specialized Services
 Ten books of Architecture by Marcus Vitruvius
 Space, Time and Architecture by Sigfried Gideon
 The Poetry of Architecture by John Ruskin

13 9

 It was the first law passed by the  Ina PERT CPM. ____________is a starting
national assembly in 1921 where the node to two or more activities
maestros de obra or the master builders  Concurrent node
are required to register as architects?  Merge node
 Engineers and Architect’s Law Act no. 2986  Simultaneous nodes
 Engineers and Architect’s Law Act no. 2896  Burst node
 Engineers and Architect’s Law Act no. 9286
 Engineers and Architect’s Law Act no. 8296

14 10

 Tomb of Atreus, a noted example of the  Itrefers to contracts or arrangements

tholos type of tomb is also known as: involving the transfer of systematic
 Mausoleum, Helicarnassos knowledge for the manufacture if a
 Tomb of Clytemnestra product
 Tomb of Agamemnon  Technology transfer
 Thersilion, Megapolis  Transfer of Record
 Contract Documents
 Technical Transfer

15 11

 The memorial column built in the form  The father of modern picture books of
of tall Doric order and made entirely f Architecture
marble is;  Andrea Palladio
 Column of Antoninus Pius  Leon Battista Alberti
 Trajan’s Column  Philibert De L’orme
 Column of Marcus Aurelius  Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola
 Column of Dioelectian

16 12
 Which article is NOT included in the  Early type of settlement in America
Building Contract? taken after the “baug” (military town)
 Time of Completion and Liquidated Damages and “fauborg” (citizen’s town) of the
 Performance & Payment Bonds medieval ages.
 Cost Records  The European Planned City
 Payments  Medieval Bastide
 Medieval Organic City
 Laws of the Indies Towns

21 17

 He is a registered & licensed architect,  It is the eclectic style of domestic

who is academically and professionally architecture of the 1870’s and the 1880’s
qualified, & with exceptional or in England and the USA and actually
recognized expertise or specialization in based on country house and cottage
Elizabeth architecture which was
any branch of architecture; characterized by a blending of Tudor
 Architect-of-record Gothic, English Renaissance and colonial
 Consulting Architect elements in the USA:
 Architect  Mannerist Phase
 Architect-in-charge of the construction  Queen Anne style
 Jacobean Architecture
 Stuart Architecture
22 18

 BA full time construction inspector hired  Le Corbusier planned a high density

by owner assisting in the supervision of building that was a “super building” that
the work. contained 337 dwellings in only acres of
 Project Representative land. What is the structure that
 Engineer supposed to be located in Marseilles?
 Contractor  Unite d’ Habitation
 Architect  Brasilia
 The mile High tower
 Ecumenopolis

23 19

 ???or coerce an architect to  When the owner hires an Architect of a

perform/undertake any service under firm to coordinate the whole range of
the general practice of ??? upon Comprehensive Architectural Services, it
conviction be sentence to a fine of not shall constitute?
less than ____________ of suffer
imprisonment for a ____________ of not  Design-Build
exceeding _________ years . (Handbook  Labor Supervision
on RA 9266 See p.66)  Project Management
 250,000/2  Construction Service
 200,000/6
 200,000/5
 250,000/5
24 20
 Within how many months shall be the  After ___________ substantial
release of Retention from date of Final completion of contract work, the
Payment? architect shall inspect the project &
issue certificate of completion after
 3 months certification, the contractor will finish
 4 months outstanding work during period of
 5 months making good of all known defect of 60
 2 months days.
 85%
 98%
 95%
 90%
29 25

 Which of the following is NOT the architect’s responsibility

 Itis the first Development Garden City in relation to the contractor?
where it is a combination of landscaping,  The Architect shall immediately upon his personal knowledge
and inspection, reject or condemn materials, equipment or
informal street layouts, and main axis workmanship which are not in conformity with the Contract
Documents in order not to cause Unnecessary delay and
focusing on town center. additional expense to the Contractor,
 The Architect shall not knowingly call upon the Contractor to
 Savannah correct or remedy oversights or errors in the Contract
Documents to the Contractor’s financial advantage.
 Welwyn  The Architect shall give the contractor every reasonable aid to
enable him to fully understand the contents of the Contract
 Letchworth Documents by furnishing clear, definite and consistent
information in all pertinent contract documents to avoid
 Hampstead Garden Suburbs unnecessary mistakes that may involve extra costs to the
 The Architect shall consider the needs and stipulation of the
Contractor and the effect of his work upon the life and well-
being of the public and community as a whole

30 26

A British pioneered in regional Planning  In methods of compensation, if the

for the Doncaster area (1920-1922) and Architect as Project Manager performs
East Kent; Involved in greater London regular architectural services for the
Plan; Use of open space as structuring same project, he is compensated
element. separately for these services as
 Clarence Perry stipulated in what UAP Documents?
 Leslie Patrick Abercrombie  UAP Doc 201
 Henry Wright  UAP Doc 202
 Andres Duany  UAP Doc 203
 UAP Doc 204
31 27

 He is remembered for his “Ideal Cities” –  The Contractor shall submit the
star shaped plans with street radiating following before Final Payment is to be
from central point, usually proposed for released except for:
a church, palace or castle.  3 copies of directory of Panel boards with
list of circuits, instructions and Manuals for
 Leonardo Da Vinci Operating and Maintenance of Fixture and
 Leon Battista Alberti Equipment and Keying Schedule
 Pierre Charles L’ Enfant  Guarantee Bond equivalent to 40% of the
Contract Price covering a period of one year
 Sir Christopher Wren after the Final Acceptance of the Work.
 Certificate of final Building occupancy.
 Original and 3 sets of prints of As-Built
Drawings of the finished project.
32 28
 The approved form of security furnished  Whose theory is the explanation of
by the Contractor as a guarantee of good residential land uses in terms of wedge-
faith on the part of the contractor to shaped sectors radial to the city center
execute the work in accordance with along established lines of transportation.
terms of the Contract.  Homer Hoyt
 Guarantee Bond  Kevin Lynch
 Contract  Ernest Burgess
 Performance Bond  None of these
 Payment Bond

37 33

 AnEnglish Architect who prepared plan  Published the book called “Fields,
for London i.e., St. Peter ‘s and St. Paul Factories and Workshops; or Industry
Cathedral; Proposed a Network of Combined with Agriculture with manual
Avenues connecting the main features of work”.
London.  Antonio Sant’elia
 Leonardo Da Vinci  Don Soria y Mata
 Leon Battista Alberti  Eugene Henard
 Pierre Charles L’ Enfant  Peter Kropotkin
 Sir Christopher Wren

38 34

 Thesacred enclosure fond in the highest  This services giver full meaning to what
part of a Greek city is called: the professional calls comprehensive
 Peribolas Architectural Service. It wraps-up the
 Pteroma whole range of architectural services.
 Temenos  Pre-Design Services
 Corps de Logis  Design- Build Services
 Post-Construction Services
 Comprehensive Architectural Services

39 35

 The architect who claimed that: “The  Condominium & Subdivision, Bridges
ultimate goal of the new architecture Protective Law.
was the composite but inseparable work  PD 1185
of an art, in which the old diving line  PD 1185
between monumental and decorative
 PD 957
elements will have disappeared forever.”
 RA 545
 Frank Lloyd Wright
 Le Corbusier
 Walter Gropius
 Mies Van de Rohe
40 36
 Itis a traditional house that was called  The architect who said that the exterior
binangiyan. It was a single room dwelling of the building is the result of the
elevated at 1.50 meters from the interior.
ground; the floor were made of hard  Mies Van de Rohe
wood like narra which rested on 3 floor  Le Corbusier
joist which in turn were supported by
 Frank Lloyd Wright
transverse girders.
 William Ruskin
 Kankanay
 Badjao
 Bontoc
 Kalinga
45 41

 Often enclosed and secluded the street,  This means, an entities, agencies,
organization & the like that have been
whose high density and variety of accredited/registered with the Board of
planning conveys a garden image. It Architecture of the Professional Regulation
sometimes includes flower planters and Commission to deliver seminars, lectures, &
other continuing Professional Education
a water feature and usually supplies a Modules for Architects, other than the
variety of seating possibilities. IAPOA which is automatically accredited by
 City plaza
the Board of Architecture?
 United Architects of the Philippines
 Garden Oasis  CPD Provider
 City square  Integrated Accredited Professional Organization
of Architects
 Street plaza
46 42

 ???on natural rocks in a Greek theater is  BP 220: The parking requirement for
called: multi-family dwelling is
 Cavaea  1 slot/family dwelling
 Exedrae  1 slot/2 family dwelling
 Logeion  2 slot/family dwelling
 Skene  1 slot/4 family dwelling

47 43

 Itis the third phase of English-Gothic  The building that serve as a senate
Architecture where elaborated house for the chief dignitaries of the city
ornamental vaulting, and refinement of and as a palace where distinguished
stonecutting techniques. visitors and citizens might be
 Perpendicular style entertained.
 Rayonnant style  Bouleuterion
 Decorated style  Thersihon
 None of these  Prytaneion
 Diathyros

48 44
 Which of the following situation would  Enclosureformed by huge stones planted
trigger the owner to suspend work? on the ground in circular form.
 Bankruptcy-Declared by BIR  Menhir
 Insubordination  Cromlech
 Non-payment of contactors debt/non  Dolmen
superintendence of contractor  Tumulus
 All of the above

53 49

 Contract Documents shall be the  PD 957: In Design Standards for

property of the Residential Condominium Projects,
 Architect offsite parking is allowed but must NOT
 Owner be more how may meters away from the
building it serves?
 Contractor
 31 meters
 Both a & b
 50 meters
 100 meters
 110 meters

54 50

 PD 1185: Which of the following denotes  Thearchitect of a housing project was

a fire involving flammable liquids and give Php 300,000.00 for the first unit he
gasses? designed. How much will he receive for
 Class A Fire the tenth housing unit?
 Class B Fire  Php 300,000.00
 Class C Fire  Php 420,000.00
 Class D Fire  Php 480,000.00
 Php 500,000.00

55 51

 Itis instructions that supplement or  Under PD 1096 the executive officer of

modify drawings, specs, & general OBO appointed by the secretary to
conditions of the contract. enforce the provision of the code in the
 Special Provisions field as well as the enforcement or
 Supplementary Specs orders and decisions made pursuant
 Written Notice
 Architect
 Instruction to Bidders
 Urban Planner
 Building official
 City Engineer
56 52
 Boiler Plate is essential to the
production of good construction
documents as are the drawings or the
specifications. All are included forms
 Invitation to Bid
 Wage Scales
 Bond Form
 Building Permit

61 57

 The _________ shall submit ________

copies of shop drawings for the
architect’s approval
 Engineer/ 5
 Sub-contractor/4
 Project representative/5
 Contractor/2


A style in the architecture Italy I the

second half of the 16th century and to a
lesser extent elsewhere in Europe. It
uses classical elements in an
unconventional manner.
 Illusionism
 Mannerism
 Palladianism
 Abstract


A revival style based on the buildings

and publications of the 6th century
architect marked by ancient Roman
Architectural forms.
 National Romanticism
 Mannerism
 Palladianism
 Purism


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