Kinematic Equations in Polar Coordinates

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Kennedy: Another Maths Enthusiast

I like to teach, learn and study mathematics & physics


Kinematic Equations in Polar Coordinates

Referring to the diagram above the polar unit vector r^ has the following relation to the rectangular unit vectors ^i and ^j

^ = (cos θ) ^
i + (sin θ) j

The polar unit vector θ^ is always perpendicular to r^ . From the diagram above θ^ has the following relation to the rectangular unit
vectors ^i and ^j

^ ^ ^
θ = (− sin θ) i + (cos θ) j
dθ dθ
= − ^
dt dt

substituting appropriately yields

2 2 2 2
d r d R dR dθ d θ dR dθ dθ
^ ^
= ^ +(
r +R )θ + θ – R( ^
) r
2 2 2
dt dt dt dt dt dt dt dt


2 2 2 2
d r d R dθ dR dθ d θ
^ + (2 ^
= ( – R( ) )r –R )θ
2 2 2
dt dt dt dt dt dt

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