DMW Lab Exp 3 Yash

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Student Name: Tushar Sharma UID: 20BCS6437

Branch: AIT CSE Section/Group : 20AIML 3(A)
Semester: 5th Date of Performance: 01/09/22
Subject Name: Data Mining and Warehousing Lab
Subject Code: 20CSP-334

1. Aim/Overview of the practical:

Normalize Iris Data using Knowledge Flow.

2. Task to be done:
The knowledge flow provides an alternative way to the explorer as a graphical front end to
WEKA’s algorithm. Knowledge flow is a working progress. So, some of the functionality from
explorer is not yet available. So, on the other hand there are the things that can be done in
knowledge flow, but not in explorer. Knowledge flow presents a dataflow interface to WEKA.
The user can select WEKA components from a toolbar placed them on a layout campus and
connect them together in order to form a knowledge flow for processing and analyzing the

3. Steps for performing an experiment along with the screenshots:

a) Open the Weka Tool:

Go on KnowledgeFlow:
b) Go to DataSources  ArffLoader and double click it to bring it in the work section:

c) Right click it to get a configure option like this:

d) Go to Browse:

e) Under data section select iris arff file and click OK:
f) Go under Filters  Supervised  attribute  AttributeSelection. Bring it in the
working section same as before:

g) Go under Filters  Unsupervised  attribute  Normalize. Bring it in the working

section same as before:
h) Go under DataSinks  ArffSaver. Bring it in the working section same as before:

i) Right click on every item and with the help of dataset option available link each entity:
This will look like this:

j) Save the file it will automatically get saved in the .kf format:

k) Right click on ArffSaver and then browse it to save it anywhere in your PC:
Click Run button on the side panel of topmost corner:

l) Now go to that location where you have saved the arff file and click it.
m) Go to Edit option in order to have a view on the values of the table:
Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

a. Learnt to use WEKA Tool.

b. Data Preprocessing Operations in WEKA.

c. About Knowledge Flow.

d. Learned how Normalization works on the data points.

Evaluation Grid (To be created as per the SOP and Assessment guidelines by the faculty):

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks


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