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Christian Gerhard Leopold

German Obstetrician
1846 – 1911
● To determine the position of the fetus
and its possible size.

● To determine the fetal lie, presentation,

attitude and engagement.
● To aid in location of fetal heart rate.
● To aid in assessment of fetal size.
● To determine single versus multiple

FETAL LIE Normal position of the baby

inside the mother’s womb
● Longitudinal lie, cephalic presentation,
neck flexed, engaged



● Prepare the equipment.
Rationale: Conserve time and energy
● Explain the procedure.
Rationale: To build rapport
● Instruct the client to empty her bladder.
Rationale: For the uterus be easily
palpated and get a more accurate data
● Position the woman in dorsal recumbent
FETAL ENGAGEMENT position, supine with knee flexed.
Rationale: To relax the abdominal Abdomen.
muscle which helps the pregnant ● Palpate the anterior surface of the
woman’s body in a stable and blanched fundus to determine consistency, shape
position. and mobility.
● Drape properly to maintain privacy. Rationale: To determine the fetal
Rationale: Maintain privacy, provide presentation
comfort and lessen the client’s Findings: Head- hard, firm, round and moves
embarrassment. independently of the trunk.
● Warm hands first by rubbing them Buttocks- softer, symmetric, has small bony
together before placing them over the prominences
woman’s abdomen. Extremities- nodular
Rationale: To avoid startling the client
that will promote muscle contraction PERFORM THE 2nd MANEUVER
and may lead to inaccurate data. (UMBILICAL GRIP)
● Observe the woman’s abdomen for the ● Face the client and place the palms of
longest diameter and where the fetal each hand on either side of the
movement is apparent. abdomen.
Rationale: To monitor the growth of the ● Palpate the side of the uterus. Hold left
baby, determine the fetal lie and know if hand stationary on the left side of the
the growth of woman’s abdomen is uterus while the right palpates the
normal. opposite side of the uterus from top to
bottom. Then hold the right hand steady
FUNDAL HEIGHT and repeat palpation using the left hand
on the left side.
Rationale: To determine the position of
fetal back and fetal position
Findings: Fetal back- firm, smooth, hard and
resistant surface.
Fetal extremities- small irregularities and


Note: If the baby passes the age of viability (24 (PAWLIK’S GRIP)
weeks) we can consider 1cm:1 week. ● Gently grasp the lower portion of
Findings: Too big for the term The mother might the abdomen just above the
be having multiple pregnancy. symphisis pubis between the thumb
Too small for the term the baby might be dead. and index finger and try to press the
thumb and finger together slightly
and make gentle movement from side
to side. Determine any movement
PERFORM THE 1ST MANEUVER and whether the part is firm or soft.
(FUNDIC GRIP) Rationale: Determine what fetal part is
● Stand at the foot of the client, facing lying above the inlet, or lower abdomen.
her and place both hands flat on her Determine the fetal engagement
Findings: movable: not yet engage
Not movable: engage


● Facing the foot part of the
woman, palpate fetal head
pressing downward about 2
inches above the inguinal
Rationale: Determine the degree of flexion of
the fetal head and the attitude.
Findings: Good attitude - if the brow
corresponds to the side that contains the elbows
and knees.
Poor attitude- If examining fingers will meet an
obstruction on the same side of the fetal back.

● Auscultate the heart tone using the bell

of the stethoscope or portable doppler.
Note: Bell of the steth for low pitch
● Help the client sit.

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