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6, JUNE 2020

Adaptive Perturbation-Aided Opportunistic Hybrid

Beamforming for mmWave Systems
Thuan Van Le and Kyungchun Lee , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we propose an adaptive perturbation- Conventional fully digital beamforming, however, employs a
aided opportunistic hybrid beamforming (AP-OHBF) scheme for single radio frequency (RF) chain per antenna element, and
temporally correlated millimeter wave (mmWave) channels. The therefore requires excessively large cost and power consumption
basic idea is that the proposed scheme perturbs the channel pa-
rameters to track the channels of the scheduled mobile stations in large antenna arrays.
(MSs), whose channels are in favorable conditions, based on only To address these challenges, hybrid beamforming, which
the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) information of consists of two beamforming stages–viz. baseband and RF
MSs. Specifically, in each time slot, the proposed scheme makes beamforming–has been developed [4], [7]–[11]. In [4], the
random perturbations to the “best” known channel parameters in hybrid precoding/combining design based on the orthogonal
the memory, which corresponds to the maximum sum scheduling
metric. Then the base station (BS) constructs the channel estimates matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm [12] for single-user mmWave
from these parameters, which are subsequently used to generate systems was proposed. By employing the precoders/combiners
the precoders. For data transmission, the BS adopts the success- of this scheme, the performance of the mmWave systems be-
ful perturbation, which achieves performance improvements. By comes tightly close to that of the fully digital design. For multi-
contrast, if a perturbation results in performance degradation, it is user mmWave systems, the precoding scheme for multiplex
discarded, whereas the precoders corresponding to the best-known
parameters in the memory are instead used for transmission. Sim- multiple streams was studied in [7], [8]. In [7], a two-stage
ulation results show that in mmWave channels, the proposed AP- low complexity hybrid RF/baseband precoding algorithm was
OHBF scheme significantly improves the system throughput with proposed with the assumption of a limited feedback channel
respect to the conventional opportunistic beamforming schemes for between the BS and each mobile station (MS). In the first
the same amount of feedback information. stage of this algorithm, the BS and each MS select the best
Index Terms—mmWave channel, opportunistic beamforming, RF precoding and combining vectors to maximize the desired
hybrid beamforming, adaptive perturbation. signal power while ignoring interference among MSs. In the
second stage, each MS quantizes its effective channel, which
is obtained after applying precoding/combining according to
a codebook, and feeds the codebook index of the quantized
ILLIMETER wave (mmWave) communication is widely channel back to the BS with a limited number of bits. Then,
M considered to be one of the most promising develop-
ments in the evolution of next-generation cellular communica-
the BS determines its zero-forcing baseband precoder for the
effective channels. In [8], to perform hybrid precoding with a
tion systems [2]–[6]. The general consensus is that it will be low computational complexity, a modified version of the OMP
necessary to design and construct large antenna arrays in order algorithm was proposed. Specifically, similar to [4], the base-
to achieve high data rates given the large path loss of mmWave band precoders at each MS are independently derived based on
channels. Specifically, for the enhancement of link quality, the dominant channel paths, which allows the RF precoders to be
beamforming is performed at the base station (BS) in downlink. jointly designed to minimize the sum mean-squared error (MSE)
of all streams. Codebook-based hybrid precoding schemes for
Manuscript received June 17, 2019; revised November 28, 2019 and January mmWave systems were proposed in [7], [9]–[11], [13]. However,
21, 2020; accepted April 6, 2020. Date of publication April 22, 2020; date of in [9]–[11], only single-stream multiple-user or multiple-stream
current version June 18, 2020. This work was supported in part by Basic Science single-user scenarios were considered. In the multiple-stream
Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2019R1A6A1A03032119) and in multiple-user scenario, the information of effective channels is
part by Basic Science Research Program through the NRF funded by the Ministry typically required at the BS to mitigate interference among MSs
of Education (NRF-2016R1D1A1B03933122). This article was presented in part even in codebook-based precoding schemes [7], [13].
in the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2020. The
review of this article was coordinated by Dr. L. Dai. (Corresponding author: In hybrid beamforming as well as in digital beamforming, full
Kyungchun Lee.) channel state information (CSI) is typically required for beam-
Thuan Van Le is with the Department of Electrical and Information Engineer- forming; however, for large antenna arrays, it can be problematic
ing, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, South
Korea (e-mail: to obtain full CSI at the transmitter owing to huge training
Kyungchun Lee is with the Department of Electrical and Information En- overhead and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) before beamform-
gineering and the Research Center for Electrical and Information Technology, ing [7]. To resolve this problem, the opportunistic beamforming
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul 01811, South Korea
(e-mail: scheme in [14] can be employed, where the precoder is randomly
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2020.2987110

0018-9545 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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generated and each MS only feeds back its received signal- work in [24], where digital beamforming in slow Rayleigh
to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) information. However, fading channels is considered, the proposed AP-OHBF scheme
this beamforming scheme has not been well investigated in is developed for hybrid beamforming in mmWave channels.
the case of hybrid beamforming architecture. Furthermore, it The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the
typically achieves much worse performance compared to full system and channel models for mmWave systems are described.
CSI-based beamforming schemes when the number of MSs is Section III reviews the related works for precoding design. The
not sufficiently large. These aspects motivate the development of proposed hybrid beamforming schemes for the multiple-stream
a limited CSI-based hybrid beamforming scheme that requires scenario are presented in Section IV. Simulation results are
the same amount of feedback overhead as the opportunistic shown in Section V, and the paper is concluded in Section VI.
beamforming scheme while improving the system throughput Notations: Scalars a, vectors a, and matrices A are rep-
for mmWave communication systems. resented by lower-case, bold-face lower-case, and bold-face
Previous studies, which include [15]–[17], have focused on upper-case letters, respectively. ai represents the ith element of
user scheduling to exploit the multi-user diversity gain for a. [A, B] denotes horizontal concatenation. diag(A) is a vector
mmWave systems. However, in [15], [16], the full CSI at the formed by the diagonal elements of A. [A]i,j denotes the ith row
BS is assumed. Unlike these previous studies, we assume that and jth column entry of A, whereas A(n) is the nth column of
only SINR information is available at the BS for opportunistic A. (·)T and (·)H denote the transpose and conjugate transpose
beamforming. In [17], the performance of random beamforming operators, respectively. | · | denotes the magnitude of a scalar,
in sparse mmWave channels under greedy user scheduling is  · F represents the Frobenius norm operation. Furthermore,
evaluated using the knowledge of the received signal power for E[·] denotes statistical expectation, whereas Cx×y , Rx×y , and
all streams instead of full CSI. However, it was not primarily Nx×y represent the space of x × y complex, real, and natural
designed for hybrid beamforming architecture, and they only matrices, respectively. Finally, IN indicates an (N × N ) identity
considered the MS with a single receive antenna. matrix.
In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid beamforming algo-
rithm, called adaptive perturbation-aided opportunistic hybrid II. SYSTEM MODEL
beamforming (AP-OHBF), for mmWave systems. The main
contributions of the paper can be summarized as follows: A. Multi-User MIMO System
r Developing novel hybrid beamforming schemes for mul- We consider the downlink of a multi-user mmWave system,
tiple spatial streams, which perturb the parameters of as shown in Fig. 1. A BS, which is equipped with NT transmit
channel estimates in order to track the channels of the antennas and NRF RF chains, and transmits Ns (≤NRF ) streams
scheduled MSs that are in favorable conditions. The pro- to K MSs. Each MS is equipped with NR receive antennas.
posed schemes require only the SINR information from the We assume a full-connected hybrid beamforming architecture,
MSs, while significantly improving the system throughput where each RF chain is connected to all NT transmit antennas.
compared to the conventional opportunistic beamforming We also assume each MS communicates with the BS via only
schemes. a single stream. Therefore, the maximum number of MSs that
r Developing a novel user scheduling strategy, called can be simultaneously served by the BS equals the number of
memory-based greedy user scheduling, to enhance the RF chains at the BS, and each MS competes with the other MSs
multi-user diversity gain of the proposed AP-OHBF for the channel resources.
scheme. The proposed scheduling algorithm aims at max- In the data transmission, the BS employs an NRF × Ns base-
imizing the sum proportional fair metric (PF-metric) [18] band precoder FBB = [fBB,1 , fBB,2 , . . . , fBB,Ns ], where fBB,i ∈
of the scheduled MSs. To achieve this goal, the PF-metric CNRF ×1 is the baseband precoding vector for stream i. Follow-
calculation is performed based on not only the current data ing the baseband precoding, the RF precoding is performed
rates but also those stored in the memory. with an NT × NRF RF precoder FRF . Let F = FRF FBB =
In each time slot of the proposed AP-OHBF scheme, the [f1 , f2 , . . . , fNs ] denote the combined precoder, where fi =
estimated channel parameters, precoders, and corresponding FRF fBB,i is the combined precoding vector for stream i. Then
data rates are stored in the memory. Furthermore, in each time the transmitted signal can be expressed as
slot, random perturbations are applied to the “best” channel
parameters in the memory, which corresponds to the maximum 
x= fi si = Fs, (1)
sum PF-metric. For data transmission, if the perturbation applied
to the channel parameter in a time slot is successful–that is, if
it results in performance improvement–then the corresponding where s = [s1 , s2 , . . . , sNs ]T is the Ns × 1 vector of transmitted
precoder is adopted. By contrast, a failed perturbation is dis- symbols, which satisfy E[si sj ] = 0, i = j and E[|si |2 ] = 1.
carded, and the precoder corresponding to the “best” channel In narrow-band block-fading channels, the received signal of
parameters in the memory is instead used for data transmission. MS k can be expressed as
Unlike the works in [14], [19]–[23], we apply random per-

turbations to the “best” channel parameters in the memory rk = Hk x + zk = Hk fi si + Hk fj s j + zk , (2)
rather than directly adding perturbations to the precoders or j=i
randomly generating precoders. Furthermore, compared to the

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Fig. 1. A system model of a multi-user hybrid beamforming architecture.

where Hk ∈ CNR ×NT denotes the mmWave channel matrix be- B. Temporally Correlated mmWave Channel Model
tween the BS and MS k, and zk is the complex Gaussian noise To capture the poor scattering property of the mmWave en-
with zero mean and variance σ 2 , i.e., zk ∼ CN (0, σ 2 ). vironment, which is caused by large scale path loss, we adopt
In this study, we only consider an RF combiner at the MS a Saleh-Valenzuela geometric channel model, as in [2], [4], [7].
to reduce hardware cost and power consumption at the receiver Then the channel matrix Hk between the BS and MS k at the
side. Let wk denote the RF combiner of MS k, which is used to time slot t can be expressed as [4], [7]1
generate the combined received signal


Ns Hk [t] = αk,l [t]aMS (ϕk,l [t]) aH
BS (φk,l [t]) , (6)
yk = wkH Hk fi si + wkH Hk fj sj + wkH zk . (3) L
where L is the number of propagation paths that are observed
It is noted that analog phase shifters are used for RF precoders by each MS, αk,l is the complex path gain of the lth path,
{φk,l , ϕk,l } ∈ [0, 2π] are the angles of departure and arrival
and combiners. Hence, all entries √ in FRF and wk have√constant
modulus, i.e., |[FRF ]m,n | = 1/ NT and |wk,n | = 1/ NR . We (AoD/AoA) of the lth path, respectively. Furthermore, aBS (φk,l )
assume that the phase of each entry in FRF and wk is quan- and aMS (ϕk,l ) are the antenna array response vectors for the
tized to Q bits, thereby yielding [FRF ]m,n = √N 1
ejψm,n and AoD/AoA of the BS and MS k, respectively. It is noted that
2(2Q −1)π  aBS (φk,l ) depends on the transmit antenna array structure. By
wk,n = √N 1
ejωn , where ψm,n , ωn ∈ 0, 22π Q,..., 2Q
. assuming a uniform linear array (ULA), aBS (φk,l ) can be written
Let FRF and WRF denote the sets of feasible RF precoders in the form
and combiners, i.e., the sets of NT × NRF matrices and NR × 1
1, ej λ d sin(φk,l ) , . . . ,

vectors with constant modulus entries and quantized phases, aBS (φk,l ) = √
respectively. The average total transmit power constraint is NT

satisfied by normalizing FBB such that FRF FBB 2F = Ns .
ej(NT −1) λ d sin(φk,l ) ,

For the received signal in (2), the SINR at MS k for stream i
becomes where λ is the signal wavelength, and d is the minimum distance
 2 between antenna elements. The array response vector at the MS,
 H (i) 
wk Hk FRF fBB  aMS (ϕk,l ), can be written in the same manner as aBS (φk,l ).
SIN Rk,i =   2 . (4)
Ns  H (j)  2 2 In the temporally correlated channel model, we randomly
j=i wk H F f
k RF BB  + w k  σ generate αk,l [0] ∼ CN (0, 1), {φk,l [0], ϕk,l [0]} ∼ U (0, 2π),
k = 1, 2, . . . , K, l = 1, 2, . . . , L, for the initial time slot.
Then the achievable data-rate of MS k for stream i is given Then we construct α k [0] = [αk,1 [0], αk,2 [0], . . . , αk,L [0]]T ,
by φ k [0] = [φk,1 [0], φk,2 [0], . . . , φk,L [0]], and ϕ k [0] =
[ϕk,1 [0], ϕk,2 [0], . . . , ϕk,L [0]]. Subsequently, for the given
Rk,i = log2 (1 + SIN Rk,i ). (5) transmit antenna array structure, the channel Hk at the initial
time slot can be fully determined by α k [0], φ k [0], and ϕ k [0].
As previously mentioned, we assume that the BS serves Ns MSs Based on the channel model in [25], [26], the evolution of Hk
out of K MSs through Ns streams. Let g be the vector consisting
of the indices of Ns selected MSs, where gi represents the index
of the MS assigned to sstream i. Then the sum rate of the system 1 In the other parts of the paper, time slot index t is omitted for brevity unless
becomes Rsum = N i=1 Rgi ,i . needed for clarity.

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Algorithm 1: Spatially Sparse Precoding via OMP. Algorithm 2: Hybrid MMSE Precoding via OMP.
Input: Fopt , ABS Input: Ĥ, ABS
Output: FRF , FBB Output: FRF , FBB
1: FRF = Empty matrix 1: FRF = Empty matrix
2: Fres = Fopt 2: Vres = INs
3: for i ≤ NRF do 3: for i ≤ NRF do
4: Φ = AH BS Fres Φ = AH BS Ĥ Vres
5: l∗ = arg maxl=1,...,KL (Φ ΦΦ H )l,l 5: ∗
l = arg maxl=1,...,KL (Φ ΦΦ H )l,l
(l∗ ) (l∗ )
6: FRF = [FRF , ABS ] 6: FRF = [FRF , ABS ]
−1 H
7: FBB = (FH RF FRF ) FRF Fopt VBB = (FH −1 H
H 2 H H
8: Ftemp = Fopt − FRF FBB 8: INs −FRF VBB
Vres = IN −FRF VBB F
9: Fres = Ftemp F 9: end for

10: end for FRF VBB 2F

√ 10: γ =
11: Normalize FBB = Ns FRFFFBBBB F

11: Normalize FBB = 1/γVBB

from time slot t to t + 1 proceeds as follows:

B. Hybrid MMSE Precoding
α k [t + 1] = ρααk [t] + 1 − ρ2 Δα αk [t],
In [8], a new hybrid minimum MSE (MMSE) precoding
φ k [t + 1] = φ k [t] + Δφ
φk [t], scheme was proposed, which allows for jointly designing the RF
ϕ k [t + 1] = ϕ k [t] + Δϕ
ϕk [t], (8) and baseband precoders for all MSs. Rather than approximating
a full digital precoder by hybrid precoders as in Algorithm 1, this
where Δα αk [t] ∈ CL×1 is a path gain variation vector consisting scheme makes the received signal ŷ = [ŷ1 , ŷ2 , . . . , ŷNs ], which
of zero-mean unit-variance complex Gaussian random variables, is obtained by applying an equalizer to the baseband signal at the
and ρ = J0 (2πfD T ) is the time correlation coefficient in Jake’s MS, as close to the transmitted signal y as possible. Specifically,
model [27]. Here J0 (·) is the zeroth Bessel function of the first the MMSE hybrid precoding scheme designs precoders that will
kind, and fD and T denote the maximum Doppler frequency minimize the sum-MSE of all streams, i.e., E[y − ŷ2 ].
and the duration of each time slot, respectively. Furthermore, Denote Ĥ = [h1 , . . . , hK ]H , where hH
k = wk Hk is the ef-

{Δφk,l [t], Δϕk,l [t]} ∼ N (0, σu2 ), the lth elements of Δφ φk [t] fective channel between the BS and MS k, and wk is the selected
and Δϕϕk [t] ∈ RL×1 , respectively, represent the angle variations. RF combiner such that the channel gain wkH Hk  is maximized.
The algorithm to find the MMSE precoders is summarized in

In this section, we review the related works for the hybrid IV. AP-OHBF
precoding algorithms. These algorithms are used to generate the
In this section, we describe the proposed hybrid beamforming
precoders for the perturbed channels in the proposed scheme.
scheme for multiple spatial streams. The main idea is to track the
channels of the scheduled MSs and generate the corresponding
A. Spatially Sparse Precoding (SS Precoding) precoders based on random perturbations and the SINR infor-
In [4], by exploiting the sparse-scattering structure of mation that is fed back from MSs. Similar to [24], the channel
mmWave channels, hybrid precoding is formulated as a prob- parameters, corresponding precoders and data rates for up to M
lem of sparse signal reconstruction with multiple measurement recent time slots are stored in a memory block with size M .
vectors. Given Fopt , the optimal unconstrained precoder [4], the We consider two phases for each time slot. In the first phase,
RF and baseband precoders are designed such that the proposed algorithm generates the RF and baseband precoders
by using Algorithm 1 or 2, based on the mmWave channel
{Fopt opt
RF , FBB } = arg min Fopt − FRF FBB F created by the updated channel parameters. By utilizing the
precoders, the BS transmits pilot signals to all MSs. Each MS in-
s.t. FRF ∈ FRF , dependently determines its RF combiner to receive pilot signals,
FRF FBB 2F = Ns . (9) measures its received SINRs, and feeds them back to the BS. In
the second phase, upon receiving the SINR information from
Here we restrict FRF to the set of array response vec- MSs, the BS adopts the perturbations to the channel parameters
tors, i.e., the columns of ABS = {aBS (φ1,1 ), . . . , aBS (φ1,L ), if they yield a higher performance as compared to the one cor-
aBS (φ2,1 ), . . . , aBS (φK,L )}. responding to the “best” stored channel parameters; otherwise,
The SS precoding algorithm for the solution of (9) is summa- they are discarded. In other words, the proposed algorithm aims
rized in Algorithm 1. to exploit feedback information in order to track the time-varying

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channel parameters of the scheduled MSs by adaptively adopting

Algorithm 3: Greedy User Scheduling.
and discarding random perturbations.
Input: PFM ∈ RK×Ns
A. Memory-Based Greedy User Scheduling Output: g ∈ NNs ×1
1: Initialization: U = {1, 2, . . . , K}, S = {1, 2, . . . , Ns }.
To guarantee fairness among the MSs and achieve multi-user 2: for u ≤ Ns do
diversity gains, the PF-metric [28] is employed. The PF-metric is 3: {gi∗ , i∗ } = arg maxk∈U P Fk,i M
calculated for each data rate stored in the memory. Let PFm ∈ i∈S
RK×Ns be the PF-metric matrix of K MSs for Ns streams in 4: U ← U \{gi∗ }, S ← S\{i∗ }
memory slot m, where the (k, i)th entry of the PFm is given by 5: end for
P Fk,i = , k = 1, 2, . . . , K, i = 1, 2, . . . , Ns , (10)
Tk Algorithm 4: Memory-Based Greedy User Scheduling.
where m = 1, 2, . . . , M denotes the memory slot index corre- Input: PF1 , PF2 , . . . , PFM ∈ RK×Ns
sponding to M recent time slots, i.e., from t − M + 1 to t, and Output: g ∈ NNs ×1 , m∗
Rk,i is the data rate of MS k for stream i stored in memory slot 1: Initialization: Γmax = 0.
m. Here Tk is the average throughput of MS k, which is updated 2: for m ≤ M do
in every time slot as 3: Initialization: U = {1, 2, . . . , K},
⎧  S = {1, 2, . . . , Ns }.
⎨ 1 − 1 Tk + 1 R k , if k ∈ {g1 , g2 , . . . , gNs } 4: for u ≤ Ns do
Tk ← 
tc  tc
⎩ 1− 1 5: {g̃i∗ , i∗ } = arg maxk∈U P Fk,i m
tc T k , if otherwise, i∈S
(11) 6: U ← U \{g̃i∗ }, S ← S\{i∗ }
where Rk = Rgi ,i if k = gi , and tc is the latency time-scale that 7: end for  s
indicates the trade-off between the multi-user diversity gain and 8: Calculates Γ = N m
i=1 P Fg̃i ,i .
the scheduling latency. 9: if Γ max
< Γ then
In this scheme, we perturb the channel parameters in order to 10: g ← g̃, Γmax ← Γ, m∗ ← m
track the channels of the scheduled MSs. Then the baseband and 11: end if
RF precoders are jointly designed to maximize the sum-PF met- 12: end for
ric of the scheduled MSs. This precoder/combiner optimization
can be formulated as follows:

Ns current time slot, i.e., P Fk,i , is maximum, and step 4 updates
{Fopt opt
RF , FBB , wgi } = arg
max P Fgi ,i U , S and g.
FRF ,FBB ,wi
i=1 To more efficiently exploit stored data rates in the memory,
s.t. FRF ∈ FRF , we propose a novel scheduling algorithm, called memory-based
greedy user scheduling, which is summarized in Algorithm 4. In
wi ∈ WRF , this algorithm, we perform greedy user scheduling for each PF-
FRF FRF 2F = Ns . (12) metric matrix, which corresponds to a memory slot. Specifically,
from steps 3 to 7, greedy user scheduling is performed for the
Similar to the SS and MMSE precoding schemes, we also restrict entire memory, rather than only for the current memory slot. In
each column of RF precoders in the form of array response step 6, g̃ represents a temporary set of scheduled MSs. From
vectors in (7). step 8 to 11, the set of scheduled MSs, g, is updated to g̃ if the
Given a PF-metric matrix, we allocate each stream to an MS sum PF-metric Γ of g̃ is greater than that of g. We note that,
such that the total PF-metric of scheduled MSs is maximized. in Algorithm 4, the entire memory is searched to determine the
To achieve this goal, we first consider a greedy user scheduling optimal set of scheduled MSs as well as to determine the optimal
algorithm, as in [17], [29]. Specifically, in each iteration of the precoders and channel parameters for perturbation. Therefore,
greedy user scheduling algorithm, the BS selects an MS-stream its sum PF-metric for the scheduled MSs can be larger than that
pair that provides the largest PF-metric. For this scheduling of Algorithm 3.
procedure, we exploit the PF-metric of the current time slot.
However, motivated by the fact that previous perturbed channel
B. Proposed Opportunistic Hybrid Beamforming
parameters and their corresponding precoders stored in the
memory can be better than the ones for the current time slot, In this section, we consider the multiple-stream beamforming,
we can choose the stored precoders over the current precoders where the BS simultaneously serves Ns MSs via Ns streams. For
for data transmission, as will be discussed in Sections IV-B. simplicity, we set Ns = NRF .
In the greedy user scheduling algorithm, which is summarized αi [t], φ̂
Let α̂ φi [t], and ϕ̂
ϕi [t], i = 1, 2, . . . , Ns , be the “best”
in Algorithm 3, the set of MSs U and the set of streams S are channel path gain, AoD, and AoA vectors for stream i, i.e., the
initialized in step 1. Then, in each iteration, step 3 schedules the channel parameters of the scheduled MS for stream i, respec-
MS gi∗ for stream i∗ in which its PF-metric corresponding to the tively. The AP-OHBF scheme can be described as follows:

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1) In the initial time slot t = 0, the channel parame- of scheduled MSs is maximum, i.e., N m∗
i=1 P Fgi ,i , over
ters are randomly generated, where α̃i,l [t] ∼ CN (0, 1), the whole memory.
φ̃i,l [t] and ϕ̃i,l [t] are uniformly distributed in the set 9) From the selected memory slot m∗ , the BS takes the

of quantized angles, i.e., {φ̃i,l [t], ϕ̃i,l [t]} ∈ [0, 22π
Q,..., RF precoder FmRF , baseband precoder FBB , path gain
(2Q −1)π ∗ m∗ ∗

i = 1, 2, . . . , Ns and l = 1, 2, . . . , L. αm
vectors α̃ ϕm
φi , and AOA vectors ϕ̃
i , AoD∗ vectors ∗φ̃ i .
2) We construct the tracked channel matrix H̃1 , . . . , H̃Ns , By exploiting FRF and FBB , the BS transmits data to Ns
m m

where H̃i is the channel for stream i, which is obtained by selected MSs and updates the average throughput based
substituting α̃i,l [t], φ̃i,l [t], and ϕ̃i,l [t] for αk,l [t], φk,l [t], on (11).
and ϕk,l [t] in (6). The tracked channel matrix H̃i can be 10) The tracked channel parameters are updated to

decomposed via ordered singular value decomposition αi [t] = α̃
α̂ αm i ,
(SVD) as H̃i = UiΣ i ViH .
3) The BS obtains the optimal unconstrained precoder φi [t] = φ̃
φ̂ φi ,
Fopt = [fopt,1 , . . . , fopt,Ns ], where fopt,i = Vi . Denote ∗
ϕi [t] = ϕ̃
ϕ̂ ϕm i , i = 1, 2, . . . , Ns . (16)
H̃ = [h̃1 , . . . , h̃Ns ]H , where h̃H
i = w̃i H̃i is the tracked

effective MISO channel for stream i. Here, the BS 11) The channel parameter set for each stream is updated by
chooses w̃i from WRF such that it maximizes the down- applying random perturbations:
link channel gain:

  αi [t + 1] = ρα̂
α̃ αi [t] + 1 − ρ2 Δα̃αi [t],
w̃i = arg max wiH H̃i . (13) ϕi [t + 1] = ϕ̂
ϕ̃ ϕi [t] + Δϕ̃
ϕi [t],
wi ∈WRF

Furthermore, the BS obtains the matrices of ar- φi [t + 1] = φ̂

φ̃ φi [t] + Δφ̃
φi [t], i = 1, 2, . . . , Ns , (17)
ray response vectors ÃBS = [aBS (φ̃1,1 ), . . . , aBS (φ̃1,L ),
where we have Δα̃i,l [t] ∼ CN (0, 1), and
aBS (φ̃2,1 ), . . . , aBS (φ̃Ns ,L )].
{Δφ̃i,l [t], Δϕ̃i,l [t]} ∈ {± 22π Q} are uniform binary
4) By performing Algorithm 1 or 2 with the inputs H̃, Fopt ,
random variables, i = 1, 2, . . . , Ns and l = 1, 2, . . . , L.
and ÃBS , the RF and baseband precoders FRF and FBB 12) The process is repeated from step 2 to step 11 with t ←
are generated. t + 1.
5) The BS uses FRF and FBB to transmit pilot signals to all αi [t], φ̂
In step 11, α̂ φi [t], and ϕ̂
ϕi [t], which are obtained in step 10,
MSs. are used to generate the new channel parameters instead of α̃ αi [t],
6) Based on the pilot signals, each MS independently de- φi [t], and ϕ̃
φ̃ ϕi [t]. This means that, based on the feedback informa-
termines its RF combiner by solving the following opti- tion, we only adopt the successful perturbations, which provide
mization problem system throughput improvements. By contrast, the failed pertur-
 (i)  bations, which result in performance degradation, are discarded,
wk∗ = arg max wkH Hk FRF FBB , (14)
wk ∈WRF and the precoders corresponding to the best channel parameters
in the memory are instead used. By adaptively adopting and
measures its SINRs for Ns streams by using (4), i.e.,
discarding perturbations based on the feedback information, the
{SIN Rk,1 , SIN Rk,2 , . . . , SIN Rk,Ns }, and feeds them
proposed algorithms are capable of improving the overall system
back to the BS. Here, to reduce the complexity of deter-
performance. The algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 5.
mining RF combiners, we restrict each entry wk of the RF
combiner codebook WRF in the form of array response
vectors, i.e., WRF = {aMS (ϕk,1 [t]), . . . , aMS (ϕk,L [t])}.
7) The BS calculates the achievable data rates, Rk,i , from We have performed simulations to numerically analyze the
the SINR information and saves them with α̃ αi [t], φ̃
φi [t], performance of the proposed hybrid beamforming schemes. For
ϕi [t], FRF , and FBB into the memory. Subsequently,
ϕ̃ comparison, we consider the modified versions of opportunistic
P Fk,im
is calculated for every memory slot as (10). beamforming [14] and time-coherence opportunistic beamform-
8) If Algorithm 3 is employed, the BS schedules a set of Ns ing [19] schemes for hybrid beamforming architectures, abbrevi-
MSs, g, according to the PF-metric in the current time ated as OHBF and TC-OHBF. We note that they require the same
slot. Then the BS selects memory slot m∗ where the sum amount of feedback information as the proposed schemes. For
of PF-metrics for the scheduled MSs, g, is maximum, these beamforming schemes, we assume that the precoders are
i.e., randomly generated, such that each column of the RF precoder
is in the form of array response vector in (7). For the throughput

comparison, we have also tested the SS and MMSE precoding
m∗ = arg max P Fgmi ,i , (15) schemes with the assumption that the perfect CSI is known at
the BS.
where P Fk,i is defined in (10). We consider a MIMO system where the BS is equipped
If Algorithm 4 is employed, the BS selects a set of Ns with NT transmit antennas and NRF = 8 RF chains, while each
MSs, g, in memory slot m∗ such that the sum PF-metrics MS is equipped with NR = 4 receive antennas and only one

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Algorithm 5: Adaptive Perturbation Aided-OHBF.

1: At t = 0, the BS generates the initial channel
parameters: α̃ αi [t], φ̃
φi [t], and ϕ̃
ϕi [t].
Iterative Update
2: By using (6), the BS obtains H̃i and its SVD
H̃i = UiΣ i ViH .
3: The BS obtains the optimal unconstrained precoder
Fopt = [fopt,1 , . . . , fopt,Ns ] and the tracked effective
channel H̃ = [h̃1 , . . . , h̃Ns ]H , where h̃H i = w̃i H̃i .

4: By using Algorithm 1 or 2, the BS generates FRF and

FBB with the inputs Fopt , H̃, and ABS .
5: The BS exploits FRF and FBB to send pilot signals to
all MSs.
6: Each MS determines its RF combiner wk to measure
SINRs in (4), and then feeds them back to the BS. Fig. 2. Average throughput vs. number of MSs with NT = 32, NRF = 8,
7: The BS calculates Rk,i in (5) and stores them with NR = 4, and SN R = 0 dB.
αi [t], φ̃
α̃ φi [t], ϕ̃
ϕi [t], FRF , and FBB in the memory. P Fk,i m

is calculated as (10).
8: By using Algorithm 3 or 4, the BS selects a set of
scheduled MSs, g ∈ NNs , and memory slot m∗ in (15).

9: The BS utilizes Fm RF and FBB in the selected memory
slot m∗ to transmit data to the scheduled MSs and
updates Tk according to (11).
10: Update the tracked channel parameters, α̂ αi [t], φ̂
φi [t],
ϕi [t], according to (16).
and ϕ̂
11: Apply the perturbation on the tracked channel
parameter according to (17) to obtain α̃ αi [t + 1],
φi [t + 1], and ϕ̃
φ̃ ϕi [t + 1].
12: Go to step 2 with t ← t + 1.

RF chain. The number of streams is set NRF for the multiple-

stream, respectively. We assume the carrier frequency of 28 GHz
and SNR = 0 dB, and the number of propagation paths is Fig. 3. Average throughput vs. number of transmit antennas with K = 16,
L = 4. The duration of each time slot is set to T = 1 ms, and NRF = 8, NR = 4, and SN R = 0 dB.
the parameter tc for the PF-metric calculation is set to 1000.
The antenna spacing at the BS is assumed to be d = λ2 . It is
also assumed that the MSs are moving at a walking speed of and 4 achieves 206.4% and 336.8% throughput gains over OHBF
v = 3 km/h, which results in a temporal correlation coefficient with K = 32, respectively. Furthermore, by being incorporated
of ρ = 0.9924. In the simulation, we set the angle variation with the MMSE precoding scheme, the AP-OHBF scheme with
parameter to σu2 = ( 360 π 2
) [30]. The number of bits used to Algorithm 3 and 4 provide 307.8% and 407.5% throughput gains
quantize the phases of the RF precoder is assumed to be Q = 6. over the OHBF scheme. It is worth noting that the performance of
The memory size M , which was empirically optimized based Algorithm 4 surpasses that of Algorithm 3 because it efficiently
on the simulation results, is set to 20 for both the proposed exploits the stored information in the memory. Specifically, by
and compared schemes. The BS utilizes the array response performing the greedy user scheduling algorithm based on the
vector for tracked AoDs to find the RF precoder, i.e., ABS = PF-metrics over the whole memory, rather than using only the
[aBS (φ̃1,1 ), . . . , aBS (φ̃1,L ), aBS (φ̃2,1 ), . . . , aBS (φ̃Ns ,L )]. Assum- one for the current time slot, Algorithm 4 can choose a set of
ing that there are no errors in the feedback channel from each MSs providing a higher sum PF-metric than that of Algorithm
MS to the BS, the perfect SINR information is available at the 3. Consequently, the stored precoders corresponding to this set
BS in each time slot. of MSs can potentially increase the total system throughput.
Fig. 2 compares the throughput performances of hybrid beam- In Fig. 3, we plot the throughput performance of hybrid
forming schemes for NT = 32. It is seen from Fig. 2 that the pro- schemes versus number of transmit antennas for K = 16. Simi-
posed algorithm significantly outperforms the OHBF and TC- lar to Fig. 2, the figure demonstrates that the proposed algorithms
OHBF schemes. For example, compared to the OHBF scheme, achieve considerable throughput gains over the OHBF and TC-
the AP-OHBF scheme based on SS precoding with Algorithms 3 OHBF schemes, especially for large NT .

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schemes. Specifically, computational complexity is defined as

the average number of real additions and multiplications per
time slot required for channel tracking based on perturbations
in Sections IV-C, precoder generation in Algorithms 1 and 2,
signal combining, and user scheduling in Algorithms 3 and 4.
Fig. 5 demonstrates that the AP-OHBF scheme based on SS
precoding with Algorithms 3 and 4 require 31.6% and 33.0%
higher complexities compared to the OHBF scheme for K = 32.
Furthermore, if the MMSE precoding is employed, the proposed
AP-OHBF schemes with Algorithms 3 and 4 have 42.5% and
43.0% higher complexities compared to the OHBF scheme,
respectively. We note that the increased computational load
of the proposed AP-OHBF scheme is caused by the adaptive
perturbation-aided channel tracking procedure. Furthermore,
Algorithm 4 requires higher complexities than Algorithm 3
because Algorithm 4 performs the greedy user scheduling for
Fig. 4. Average system fairness vs. number of MSs with NT = 32, NRF = 8, the whole memory, rather than only using the information stored
NR = 4, and SN R = 0 dB. in the current memory slot. It is worth noting that, even though
the proposed schemes require up to 4.9% higher computational
loads for large K = 256, its throughput gain over the OHBF
reaches 623.3%, as shown in Fig. 3.

In this work, we have developed a novel adaptive hybrid
beamforming scheme, called AP-OHBF, for temporally cor-
related mmWave channels. By exploiting the poor scattering
property of the mmWave environment, the proposed AP-OHBF
scheme perturbs the channel parameters in order to track the
channels of the scheduled MSs, whose channels are in favor-
able conditions. In terms of the PF-metric, to more efficiently
exploit the feedback information, the AP-OHBF scheme adopts
the successful perturbations on the channel parameters, which
results in performance improvements. By contrast, the failed
perturbations are discarded, and the precoders corresponding to
Fig. 5. Computational complexity vs. number of MSs with NT = 32, NRF = the best parameters in the memory are instead used for transmis-
8, NR = 4, and SN R = 0 dB. sion. For further performance enhancement, the memory-based
greedy user scheduling algorithm is also proposed, which ex-
ploits the stored data rates and precoders corresponding to M
Fig. 3 indicates the system fairness of different precoding past time slots for scheduling. The computer simulation results
schemes versus the number of MSs. To evaluate the system demonstrate that the proposed scheme can achieve substantial
fairness, given Pk , the probability of MS k being scheduled, throughput gains over the OHBF and TC-OHBF schemes, which
the self-fairness of MS k is defined as [31] require the same amount of feedback information as the pro-
log(Pk ) posed scheme. The numerical results also show that the proposed
ζk = − . (18)
log(K) scheme with Algorithms 3 and 4 can maintain fairness among
MSs while providing up to 307.8% and 407.5% throughput
Then the average system fairness can be formulated as
gains over the OHBF scheme for multiple-stream beamforming,

log(Pk ) respectively. For future research, the extension of the proposed
ζ= Pk ζk = − Pk . (19) scheme to exploit multipath diversity in mmWave channels can
k=1 k=1 be considered.
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