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Table of Contents
Task 1: Introduction and project plan....................................................................................................3

Task 2. Data quality issues and remedies..............................................................................................5

Task 3. Data analysis and commentary..................................................................................................7

Task 4. Data charting and commentary...............................................................................................11

Task 5. Conclusions and Recommendations........................................................................................14


Task 1: Introduction and project plan

Data driven decision making is characterized as utilizing realities, measurements, and

information to direct essential business choices that line up with your objectives, targets, and
drives. Whenever associations understand the full worth of their information, which implies
everybody whether you're a business expert, team lead, or human asset expert is enabled to
settle on better choices with information, consistently. Be that as it may, this isn't
accomplished by essentially picking the proper examination innovation to recognize the
following vital open door.

We are provided with raw data on which we have done analysis. The objective of the analysis
is to provide Bangles International Jewellery with advocate information and insight that will
help them improve their performance and implementation of data analysis. This will
ultimately help the business in reducing its operating costs and increasing its profits.

Nonetheless, the procedure of data analytics is not an easy task and consists of many
challenges and tasks such as:

 Picking out the right size of data to be collected

 Data should be meaningful and based on real-time
 Making a visual representative meaning of the data
 Finding all the different sources from where data is to be gathered
 Troubleshooting with inaccessible data

 Handling the quality of data gathered
 Meeting the requirement of management or clients
 Collaboration with internal as well as external elements of organization and data
gathering process
 Challenge of shifting process from traditional data analysis to modern automation
 Allocation and fuller utilization of budget
 Skill and talent availability
 Scheduling of analyse data (WEBB, 2020)

To make an analysis of data accurate, meaningful, and fast it needs to be organized and neat,
however in this particular given case and data provided to us, there were several problems.
This led to an unfavourable situation and made the analysis of data a challenging task. There
were several errors and inconsistencies in the data, and it was also unstructured. Whenever
this kind of raw data is available to an analyst, the process of the data analysis becomes more
time taking as it requires more changes in corrections in it. Here also the raw data had to be
organized and rectified, then only could we proceed to analyse the given data (Kelley, 2022).

After the process of cleaning and organizing the data is done, we can proceed to the next step
which is an analysis of the data. With the help of data analysis, one can make meaningful
conclusions which will help in decision making.

For example, in our data, the subtypes ring, hairband, necklace, and accessory are given
along with the region or markets. From the data analysis we can see which products are being
sold highest, lowest, or average in which regions (Coursera, 2021).

This information that we gather from the analysis of data can be used by Bangles
International Jewellery to make necessary decisions on basis of insight and improve the
efficiency of their operations and increase profits.

Over time data analytics has proven itself to be an essential part of business, in today’s
saturated at highly competitive market data analytics helps any business to optimize its
performance, for any business it highlights the ways to improve business output by reducing
cost, eliminating all the inefficiencies of wasteful activities.

Companies can also use data analytics for other purposes such as making business decisions
by analysing customer trends and expectations and hence can provide better products and

In this report, we will discuss how data analysis will make better decision making for Bangles
International Jewellery. By the end of this report, we will be able to understand the
importance of data analysis in the process of decision making and how it can enhance the
performance and profits of an organization (HEBBAR, 2017)..

Key performance indicators for Bangles International Jewellery, are revenue and profits,
customer retention, community building and work-life balance for the founder (Wild, 2020).

Whats app (neha)

Topics to be covered hai usme se 4 KPI likhne hai


1. Revenue growth
2. Revenue per client

3. Profit margin
4. Client retention rate

Task 2. Data quality issues and remedies

The data analysis for Bangles International Jewellery was quite challenging as there were
many problems that we faced by the analyst there were several quality problems with the raw
data, which resulted in long hours of work and the analysis process becoming different than
what it was expected to be. Whenever there are some problems in the data such challenges
are expected to arise.

Following are six examples of most occurring problems with any data:

 Accuracy or reliability of data – Data can be gathered from a primary or secondary

source, even if the source of data was reliable the chances of error in the data recorded
are always present. And this is not only because of the mistake while noting down the
data but also because the source had the wrong information themselves.
 Multiple counting or duplication of data – When data is too much fragmented and
has been categorized into several different sets and the basis of categorization is not
crystal clear, there are quite high chances of the same data being repeated multiple
times along the different categories. In such cases, humans, as well as machines or
software, can read data from different sources which means the same thing hence
resulting in single data being repeated multiple times.
 Accessibility of information – Data is not always directly acquired by the analyst, so
by the time it reaches him on her, it is quite common for the data must have gone
through several filters and other humans. This results in data that is presented to the
analyst are not actually the raw data and it’s already been sorted or cleared out by
somebody else. Hence, it has already tampered with data that is being given for
assessment and analysis.
 Inconsistency informant of data – Data exist in different kinds of formats depending
on the user, type of data, the origin of data or the organizations/group that it belongs.
Different people, groups and companies have their different ways and methods of
recording it, hence when data from different sources is brought together, most of the
time the formats are incompatible and there is the inconsistency of its format.
 Add 2 more

Similarly, there were many such problems that were faced when analysing the data of
Bangles International Jewellery, below are those problems:

 Inconsistency - The format of writing down the name of the country was found to be
inconsistent in the raw data provided, As the United States of America was referred to
as the US in some places and the USA in another. This resulted in two different sets
of data being created for a single country.
 Categorisation mistake – The subtype ‘hairband’ was also written down as ‘hair
band’, this again resulted in an inconsistency problem resulting in the data of a single
product being divided into two different sets.
 Spelling error – The subtype ‘ring’ has been mistyped and had three different
spellings for it that are ‘ring’, ‘rng’, and ‘R+D94ng’. This also resulted in wrong data
because RNG had been divided into three different categories and the final result were
 Use of two different currencies – Sales value of all these subtypes in all the regions,
when given in two different currencies, was Pound Sterling and U.S. Dollars. Due to
this, the accuracy of the data and its analysis were affected.

Task 3. Data analysis and commentary

For the detailed analysis and validation of the data, all the cost that was involved in the data
set was converted via exchange rates. For instance, the value was found in USD and the
sterling pound so based on the values from the same year using the exchange rates the data is
filtered into one unit of measurement as per the requirement. In different instants the name of
the same country was projected in a different manner, for example, the United States was
written as the US and in some places as the USA. The corrections were made in the sub-
category where the subcategory overlapped with a hairband and in a few places, the spelling
of ring was written wrong. Some of the places where the values don’t exist were mentioned
by special characters which made caused the problem for the software to consider all values.
Hence the special characters were removed to be made numeric for the correct evaluation of
the data.

A major part of the database is analyzed using a business intelligence software named
Tableau. The data for each year, market, and category is separately analyzed.

Table 1: The table showcases the analysis of the database across the years from 2018 to 2020
in the volume and value as mentioned in the database.

On a closer analysis of the database, it was analyzed that the sum of the value and volume on
the yearly basis was calculated, and we can see that the year 2018 held the record for the
highest sales when all the sub-categories are combined. Even in the case of the sub-category,
we can clearly witness the hairband sub-category recorded the highest sales in the year 2018
with the sales volume reaching 5,029 units. Further, we can see that the sub-category, anklets
got declined in the sales volume, and later in the coming years the sales of accessories and
bracelets are witnessing a boom.

Table 2: The table showcases the benchmark comparison of the sales volume and sales value
for the years 2018-2020 in each quarter. The analysis is represented in the figures below via a
table and chart for a better visual representation.

In the above table and the figure, the sales volume and value have been analyzed based on the
market and the sub-category. The quarter-wise analysis of the sub-categories is being done.
The data above showcases that the maximum sales in 2018 were 12,477,737.4 and later the
decline in sales has been seen for the years 2019 and 2020. The larger sales were seen in
quarter 2 and hence we can see how the campaign has changed the sales figures in that

Table 3: The table showcases the detailed comparison of the volume and value based on the
sub-categories and different markets.

The marketing campaign, which was run by the company in the second quarter showcased a
very dramatic rise in terms of sales value and volume for the BJI industry database. A 78.9%
rise in sales was witnessed, which is approximately 296,863 in value, which when compared
to the previous year stood for 166,301. The major rise in the business was witnessed due to
the initiation of the marketing campaign, especially in the month of June the sales volume has
seen the greatest jump in the complete set of database.

Task 4. Data charting and commentary

For the data charting and the commentary, we will be analyzing the dataset using the business
intelligence software and be providing the value charts for better understanding and
representation. For the charting and commentary of the data, we have used a business
intelligence software named Tableau.

Chart 1: The figure showcasing the comparison in the sales volume and values for the
markets during the period 2018-2020. The major markets that are focused upon are the US,
the UK, and Japan for the BJI industries.

From the data analysis and the above chart, we can clearly see that the BJI Industry has seen
the highest sales in the UK market when compared to the markets of Japan, and the US. The
rise in the volume is seen by 336,000 and valued at 465 billion for the UK and for the US the

volume reached 131,000 and value as 452 billion. The UK market has seen the highest
growth in terms of value and volume due to the running of the campaign. If there would have
been no campaign, then this rise in sales would not have been possible for the UK market.
There might be a decline of 26,000 in the sales volume and 168.14 billion in value. The
above chart helps in the understanding that the campaign has run well in the market and
similar campaigns in other regions of the world can help in the rise in sales for the BJI

Chart 2: The performance of the sub-categories in different markets in volume and value for
2018-2020 in different markets

Studying the above chart deeply we can easily analyze that the sub-category hairband has the
highest sales in Japan market when compared to the UK and the US markets. In terms of
numbers if we see the bracelet category has witnessed a rise in sales volume by 4,814, and a
sales value of 4,611,806 million. For the bracelet sub-category, the market in Japan is rising
and, in the US, and the UK has also seen a bump in sales. The rising sales in the markets are
helping the BJI industry for greater revenue generation. For the years 2018-2019, the sub-
category hairband has seen sales up to 43% and is continuously rising in the year 2020.
Further, we can see that the sales have seen a rise in the second quarter of the year 2020 due
to the addition of the marketing campaign, which has enhanced the seasonal performance in
the month of June.

Chart 3: The major impact comparison in different markets can be analyzed using the below
chart made using Tableau

When we are comparing the market of the US, the UK and Japan we can see a tremendous
change in the values of the UK due to the campaign that ran during the second seasonal
quarter. The drastic rise in sales in value and volume is seen in the UK market for the BJI
industry. The best performance was recorded in the second quarter for the UK market. The
largest market for the BJI industry was Japan in terms of overall sales value and volume but
the maximum growth for the sales volume was witnessed in the UK market. The chart shows
the variation in the sales value and volume for 2018-2020. In the figure, we can see the
declining trend for the Japanese market and the rising trend for the UK and the US market.

Task 5. Conclusions and Recommendations

According to a comprehensive examination of the data available for BJI company, the
performance when evaluating total revenue for all categories combined has fallen from 2018
to 2020. However, there has been much more progress since there was an advertisement in
the nation, and a large boost in sales has been noted in the UK's quarter 2 sales in the summer
season. The marketing campaign had a successful consequence. This is connected to how
data analytics has assisted us in categorizing the entire outcome and so displaying the number
of fluctuations in the prices and capacity at each level. Furthermore, the statistics
demonstrated the disparity in sales between Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United
States of America. As sales in Japan have declined over the years, sales in the United States
and the United Kingdom are expected to rise in 2019-2020.

The business suggestions include the company's usage of data analytics in data management
for the firm. A technically proficient individual with advanced skillsets and knowledge of
data analytics must be hired. The greater the skill set, the more integration will be visible at
various levels. The study demonstrated how data may be quickly examined using business
intelligence tools and displayed the results. In the long term, data analytics will assist in
analysing the profitability of the organisation and assisting the company in reaching new

BJI will need to engage a full-time data analyst as well as a few trained individuals to collect
and organise the data. To maintain track of sales, data analysis must always be done on a
regular basis. If sales fall, the corporation can take rapid action. We've witnessed how
favourably the marketing effort has impacted the UK market in the 2nd period. Small moves
and additions to the categories might aid in the development of the company's product
portfolio. Business analytics has aided in the separation of data to improve comprehension
and portrayal.

Coursera, 2021. What Is Data Analysis? (with Examples). [Online]
Available at:

HEBBAR, P., 2017. 6 Major Data Quality Issues That Haunt Almost All Major Organisations.
Available at:
[Accessed 02 April 2022].

Kelley, K., 2022. What is Data Analysis: Methods, Process and Types Explained. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 01 April 2022].

WEBB, R., 2020. 12 Challenges of Data Analytics and How to Fix Them. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 04 2022].

Wild, C., 2020. Key Success Factors when Running an Online Jewelry Business. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 04 2022].


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