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I. You will hear five short conversations (twice for each). There is one
question for each conversation. Choose the right answer A, B, or C. (5
1. What time did the taxi arrive?

2. What will they buy first?

3. What is the girl’s bag?

4. How will the boy contact his mother?

5. What should Jessie bring to the picnic?

II. You will hear Kate and Jeremytalking about the party TWICE. Listen and
complete the question 6-10. Fill in the banks with NO MORE THAN TWO
WORDS OR NUMBERS you hear. (5 points)
Kate’s Birthday Party
Kate will be: 17 years old
Day:(6) on _______________ next week.
Time: (7) _______________
Place:(8) at _______________
Address:(9) near the Town centre, _______________
Bring some:(10) _______________
III. Listen to a conversation between Shereen and Carlos and fill in the gap
(NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS OR A NUMBER) with the correct
information (5 points)
A system was developed to control traffic congestion on the M25 motorway.
Experts use (11)……………………. information from the motorway to set (12)
………………. according to traffic build-up. However, in order to maintain a
steady flow of traffic, the number of vehicles on the road should not exceeds
(13) …………… per lane per hour, which is far fewer than the number on (14)
…………. of the motorway. One solution could be to fit the car with radar and
a computer would then regulate the acceleration and (15) …………………….
to help the car to pass easily through the congestion.
IV. You will hear a radio interview with Jack Williams, who is talking about a
town called Swanton. Choose the best word (A, B, C or D) for each space. (5
16 - Where is the town of Swanton located?
A) near the sea. B) by a lake. C) on a hill. D) in a forest.
17 - What does Jack like most about living in Swanton?
A) There are opportunities for climbing nearby.
B) There is plenty of activity in the town.
C) There is interesting wildlife near the town.
D) There are a lot of chances to swim in the rivers and lakes nearby.
18 - What does Jack say about entertainment in Swanton?
A) A music festival takes place in the town.
B) Its football club has done well this year.
C) An arts centre has recently opened.
D) There are no amusement centers here.
19 - Jack is worried about the environment of Swanton because
A) the water in the river is dirty.
B) there are few wild birds around today.
C) pollution has destroyed the plants in one area.
D) there are too many factories in this region.
20 - What does Jack say about the way Swanton has changed?
A) He preferred the town when it was smaller.
B) He is sorry that there are fewer jobs available.
C) He fills sorry the town become worse and worse.
D) He thinks it is a more interesting place.
I. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank. (10 points)
21. Let’s face …………. – we are destroying the environment and we need to do
something now.
A. truth B. facts C. things D. information
22. It’s amazing that creatures survive ………… the bottom of the sea.
A. in B. by C. at D. to
23. Do you mind if I just ………… a quick phone call from here?
A. do B. take C.have D. make

24. The ………..of the nuclear accident is still unknown.

A. reason B. cause C. base D. motive
25. Ten million text messages are sent on …………… every minute.
A. normal B. common C. general D. average
26. Once they’ve finished the extension to the …………., there’ll be room for
them to take on a lot more workers.
A. manufacturing B. trade C. industry D. factory.
27. I’ve …………. it in at the mains but it still doesn’t seem to work.
A. worked B. turned C. narrowed D. plugged
28. Nga: I have been feeling under the weather recently – Nam: You …………
more exercise
A. should get B. should have got C. would get D.
would have got
29. Some drugs produce bad side …………….
A. consequences B. products C. results D. effects
30. Diana looks terribly …………. . You don’t think she’s ill, do you?
A. slim B. thin C. slender D. slight
31. I was disappointed that the restaurant had ……………… flowers on the table.
A. false B. artificial C. untrue D.
32. I wish to have a new car, …………. ?.
A. will I B. shall I C. may I D. do you
33. He talks ………… he knew everything.
A. as if B. although C. because D. so
34. The hotel has a poor reputation and ……………. people want to stay there.
A. little B. a few C. a little D. few
35. It’s no worth .............................. him to help. He is very reserved.
A. ask B. asked C. asking D. to ask
36. - Mike: “Our living standards have been improved greatly.” - Susan:
A. Thank you for saying so. B. Sure. I couldn’t agree more.
C. No, it’s nice to say so D. Yes, it’s nice of you
to say so.
37. - Cindy: “Your hairstyle is terrific, Mary!” - Mary: “.......................”
A. Yes, all right. B. Thanks, but I’m
C. Never mention it. D. Thanks, Cindy. I had it done
38. - “Do you feel like going to the stadium this afternoon?” -
A. That would be great. B. I feel very bored.
C. You’re welcome. D. I don’t agree. I’m afraid.
39. “I get impatient when the teacher doesn’t tell us the answers.” -
A. Yes, it’s hard to think of the answers. B. Yes, I wish she’d
hurry up.
C. Yes, she should know the answers. D. Yes, she speaks too
40. ~ “May I speak to the manager?” “...........................”
A. He always comes late. He is not very well. B. Thank you. Good bye.
C. I’m afraid he’s not in. Can I take a message? D. I’m afraid not. He works
very hard.
II. Use the correct form of the word given at the end of each sentence below.
(5 points)
41. Management are obliged to consult with the union ___representatives__ about
the changes to the working conditions. (REPRESENT)
42. A huge statue has been built to __memorialize___ the soldiers who lost their
lives in the war for the nation independence. (MEMORY)
43. I did everything I could to make their stay __enjoyable___, but my efforts
weren’t at all appreciated. (ENJOY)
44. My aunt has suffered from throat cancer for a few years. However, she has
been fighting the disease with __unfailing___ good humor. (FAIL)
45. She started to cry when I told her that her composition was full of mistakes and
it would have to be __rewritten___. (WRITE)
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs
(5 points)
46. Tom often forgetsto do his homework, which makes his teachers angrily.
47. My father boughta new car was made in Japan last week.
48. Have you receive the letter which we sent you?
49. My friend is looking after the book which she wantsto buy.
50. He has lived in Paris for five years and then moved to London.
I. Read the following pieces of information and choose the best answer that
has the closest meaning to the information in the box. (5 points)
51.Mr. Wright’s English lesson A. The English class must take their
today will be in Room 24D beside workbooks to the language
the language laboratory. He’s off laboratory.
sick, so use the lesson to revise for B. The room for English lessons is
the test. changing because of the test.
Bring your workbooks! C. The usual English teacher cannot
attend today’s lesson.
A. Application forms are unavailable
Application forms will be available after the 1st November.
from the school office from 1st B. The earliest that students can pick
November. up their application forms is 1st
C. Students should give in their
application forms on 1st November.
53. Having a great holiday! A. Louis went windsurfing after he
Went windsurfing today after went to the funfair yesterday.
playing beach volleyball. B. Louis played beach volleyball
Stopped for a barbecue on the way before he went windsurfing.
to funfair yesterday.
See you soon! C. Louis went to the funfair before he
Louis had lunch.

A. Don’t sit at the front of the café

54.Jungle Café unless you’re attending the party.
SORRY B. Only people invited to the party can
Tables at the front of the café are
come into the café.
reserved for a birthday party
C. If you are coming to the party, you
shouldn’t use the tables at the front.

55.From: Marie
To: Sylviane A. Marie is offering to lend Sylviane a
Subject: Science Textbooks book.
Thanks for listening me that biology B. Marie wants to return one of
book-I’m glad you got it back Sylviane’s books to her.
OK. You can borrow my C. Marie is asking Sylviane to give
chemistry one and return it next back a book she has borrowed.
week if you want.

II. Read the following passage and choose the best option to fill in each blank.
(10 points)
Face-to-face conversation is two-way process: You speak to me, I reply to
you and so on. Two-way (56) ________ depends on having a coding system that is
(57) ________by both sender and receiver, and an agreed convention about (58)
________ the beginning and end of the (59) ________. In speech, the coding
system is the language like English or Spanish; the convention (60) ________ one
person speaks at a time may seem too obvious to mention. In fact, the
(61)________ that people use in conversations and meetings are often non-verbal.
For example, lowering the pitch of the voice may mean the end of a sentence, a
sharp intake of breath may signal the desire to (62)________, catching the
chairman’s (63)________may indicate the desire to speak in a formal setting like a
(64)________, a clenched fist may indicate anger. When these (65)________
signals are not possible, more formal signals may be needed.
56. A. communicator B. communication C. communicate D. communicating
57. A. known B. translated C. understood D. heard
58. A. signing B. symbolizing C. signalling D. showing
59. A. message B. topic C. idea D. theme
60. A. to which B. when C. why D. Ø
61. A. symptoms B. signals C. signs D. symbols
62. A. interfere B. interchange C. intercept D. interrupt
63. A. neck B. eye C. shoulder D. hand
64. A. chat B. debate C. broadcast D. lecture
65. A. visual B. auditory C. verbal D. sensory
III. Read the following passage and choose the option that indicates the
correct answer to each of the following questions. (10 points)
One of the most urgent environmental problems in the world today is the
shortage of clean water. Having clean drinking water is basic human right. But
acid rain, industrial pollution and garbage have made many sources of water
undrinkable. Lakes, reservoirs and even entire seas have become vast pools of
poison. Lake Baikal in Russia is one of the largest lakes in the world. It contains
a rich variety of animals and plants, including 1,300 rare species that do not
exist anywhere else in the world. Butthey are being destroyed by the massive
volumes of industrial effluent which pour into the lake everyday. Even where
law existed, the government did not have the power to enforce them. Most
industries simply ignore the regulations. The Mediterranean Sea occupies 1% of
the world’s water surface. But it is the dumping ground for 50% of all marine
pollution. Almost 16 countries regularly throw industrial wastes a few miles off
Water is free to everyone. A few years ago people thought that the supply of
clean water in the world was limitless. Today, many water supplies have been
ruined by pollution and sewage. Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last
beginning to respect this precious source. We should do something now.
66. According to the writer, one environmental problem in the world today is
A. acid rain B. safe water shortage C. industrial pollution D.
population explosion
67. Many sources of water are not drinkable because of _______ .
A. acid rain B. industrial pollution C. garbage D. all A, B, C,
are correct
68. What is serious problem of Lake Baikal in Russia?
A. It contains a rich variety of animals and plants.
B. It has 1,300 rare species that do not exist anywhere else in the world .
C. It is polluted by massive volumes of industrial wastes discharged into
it .
D. The government did not have the power to enforce laws and
69. How many countries throw industrial waste into the Mediterranean Sea
A. nearly 16 B. more than 16 C. exactly 16 D. less than
70. What have pollution and sewage destroyed?
A. water dams B. water supplies C. water tanks D. The
Mediterranean Sea
71. All of the following are mentioned EXCEPT________.
A. marine pollution B. clean water C. salt water fish D. sewage
72. Which is the closest in meaning with scarce?
A. plentiful B. abundant C. profuse D. rare
73. What does the word they stand for?
A. rare species B. animals C. plants D. animals and
74. Which of the following is NOT the reason that makes water undrinkable?
A. acid rain    B. garbage      C. high cost D. industrial

75. What is the message to reader?

A. We should take action to protect our water resources.
B. We should take all water resources into account.
C. We should limit the use of water resources.
D. We should encourage people to use safe water.
IV. Read the following passage and decide whether the following statements
are True (T) or False (F). Put a tick in the right box (5 points)
The giant pandas is probably the most valuable and popular zoo animal.
They live in the steep mountains of Western China. About 1000 giant pandas
still survive in the wild, but only a very few have ever been seen alive outside
China. In 1961 it was adopted as the symbol of the world Wildlife Fund and the
panda has become a familiar sight on T-Shirts, badges and car stickers. It is
certainly popular with children and regularly rates in the top ten of children
favorite animals. The arrival of a panda at a zoo can turn a loss into a healthy
Giant pandas can live for up to 20 years, and a big male can weigh 150
kilos. They live on a diet of rock-hand bamboo stems. They can eat 4 kilos at a
sitting and may chew for 12 hours a day. Their dependence on bamboo is the
main threat to their survival. The bamboo plant dies off about every 100 years
and when this last happened in 1975, nearly 150 pandas died. This threat of
extinction has led to the setting up of a panda research center in China with $1
million being contributed by the World Wildlife Fund.
F 76. The giant pandas live in steep mountains of Western India.
T 77. Over 1000 giant pandas still survive in the wild.
T 78. The giant pandas’ lifetime is up to 20 years.
T 79. The bamboo is very important to the giant pandas.
F 80. Nearly 1500 pandas died in 1975 because the bamboo plant died.
I. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given as the beginnings.
(5 points)
81.The play started as soon as we arrived at the theatre.
82.The roses are so beautiful that everyone seeing them pays compliments.
83.We could see the view of the ocean only after the rain stopped.
84.It was wrong of you not to call the fire brigade at once.
85.“If I were in your shoes, I would try to finish the pre-lab report before
carrying out theexperiment,” said the professor to his research student.
The professor advised HIS RESEARCH STUDENTS TO TRY TO…
II. Your English pen friend has asked you:“What makes you proud of your
city?”Imagine that he/she is coming to Viet Nam and will spend two days in your
hometown/city. Write a letter to give him/her some information about your
hometown/city. (10pts)
(You should write about 80-100 words and your writing should include: a place of
interest, what speciality,… and start and end as following:
Dear Linda,
See you soon.
III.Write a paragraph about 120-140 words to explain why more and more young
people like to move to the city.
___________The end__________

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