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Health and social care contemporary social issues

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Table of Contents

Explore the variety of contemporary issues in the chosen area of the health and social care
sector that has an influence on the improvement of service......................................................2

Analysis of key perspective area and impact on care delivery..................................................3

Hypothesize the possible potential outcome which can minimize the disruptions to the service
based on contemporary issue.....................................................................................................5




Health and social care are considered as the treatment provided by a specific group of
individuals belonging to the medical team that generates improvement as per the patient's
demand. For instance, social care is interlinked with healthcare and its support and assistance
to those people who are vulnerable and need help to get back in good condition.
Contemporary issues are considered as the issues which affect people in their recovery and
support and there is a chance of an un-resolving state for instance (Sustainable Care. 2021). 

In this paper contemporary issues in health and social care have been considered by
identifying the overall area of impact on the delivery of care and service. The analysis of
these key perspectives also helps to prevent the health and social care sector from possible

Explore the variety of contemporary issues in the chosen area of the health and social
care sector that has an influence on the improvement of service

Before discussing the impact of contemporary issues in the health and social care sector, it is
important to know what this sector means and how it leads to support and care to the
exaggerated community. The sector of health and social care consists of the specific
organization which provides healthcare support to every individual of the community. Taking
an example, hospitals, nursing homes, physiotherapy, psychology service, nurseries, dental
clinics are considered as the sectors of health and social care. 

Contemporary issues in health and social care imply the current or possible issues in
providing health and social care (Hughes, 2017). The issues include the hospitality care
standards and some issues due to public interest and various relevant factors. This report aims
to measure the discussion of information related to specific health and social care which is
induced to be presented in social media or other sources of information through the analysis
of public interest, reactions, and feedbacks towards the accessibility of reliability as well as
the validity of the issues in care delivery and possible findings and recommendation which
can be made by the specialist to influence the care issues on the enlargement of care support
and service.

The chosen health and social care sector is the psychology sector. In the modern generation,
people face various mental illnesses like depression, frustration, mental illness and others and
for this the health and social care sector of psychology try to find out the way to support
every individual with one call away who are facing various mental illnesses and need help to
be stable (Carr and Luth, 2017). There are various contemporary issues in psychology and
care support like less physical maturation, more superstition, and people's mind-set, stress in
work life, less balance between work and personal life, bad food habits, adverse technological
up-gradation in the specific sector and less developmental opportunities of cognitive skills.
One of the major issues in the psychology sector is people's mindset and superstition
(Cooper, 2017, p. 32) 

Psychology is considered as the science of mind and behavior. It also includes the study of
both consciousness and unconsciousness phenomena and the thought of how opposite people
think. The possibility of growing the psychology care to every individual of the community is
only possible if the care and support team nurtures the study of psychology with less bound
and fewer judgments.

The study of psychology needs to understand the emergence of brains and feelings. The
society's mindset of not availing the psychology treatment and make judgments of this
science segment make the support less effective. The group of neuroscientific researchers
establishes various objectives and principles to find out the way to get out from the people's
unnecessary old school mindset where they need to cross their superstitious beliefs and avail
the support provided by the health and social care team of the community (Ramsøy,2019, p.

Analysis of key perspective area and impact on care delivery

For analyzing the key prospective area of care delivery to the community in the psychology
sector, the Health and social care (HSC) is considered to maintain the quality standards and
broader framework for raising the quality of treatment and service to deliver the support and
care to every individual of the community. 

The health and social care service monitor the quality, necessary improvement and
regulation which help the sector to take legal responsibility and ensure every needy to
provide psychological assistance and social support with the required level of standardization
(Elston et al., 2019).The delivery of care in the psychological sector under health and social

care is considered as way increasingly complex with less interest of society, commissioners,
providers, users of the facility service and other healthcare segments. The sector aims to
deliver care with a minimum level of complexity and integrate the healthcare approach to the
process of psychological demonstrations measuring the quality of service and care delivery to
the ultimate community (Kaehne et al., 2017). 

Care delivery needs to exist in every corporate and incorporate standard which can easily
overcome the uncertain circumstances occurring in the community due to the complementary
issues in this specific health and social care sector. The psychological guidance needs to be
under some quality specific themes which help the community and the care sector to maintain
the care delivery in the overall community including primary, secondary or tertiary sector.

The six key quality themes of care delivery in psychology are, 

 Corporate responsibility and accountability in a healthcare organization

 Safe and effective care and support
 Easy accessibility to meet psychological needs with flexible responsive services
 Maintenance of privacy
 Project and improvement of health and wealth being

 Effective and standard communication level. 

As stated by Stergiou et al., (2018, p. 370), advancement in medical science and behavioral
science has been considered to pave the way for the overall integration of the medical
practice consisting of health and mental issues by using a biopsychosocial approach. The deal
with the mental and physical illness overtakes the absence and presence of mind which
consider the susceptibility of biomedical exemplar and also implies the state of psychical and
mental wellbeing. The people's need to overcome their superstitions and blindness in beliefs
of unnecessary impact which plays a major impact on improvement in care delivery in the
psychological sector. The role the psychologists play in clinics is considered as diversified
and also varies the areas of care delivery in a variety of superstitions. The psychological
assessment and diagnosis of mental problems need special care, attention and nurture to
change the state of dysfunctions to improve health behavior by preventing all possible
negative outcomes (Fleming, 2021, p. 190). The rigorous and ethical code of conduct in
people's psychological needs professionalism in the delivery of support and care with

Hypothesize the possible potential outcome which can minimize the disruptions to the
service based on a contemporary issue

The possible potential outcome in the specific health and social care sector by reducing the
risk of contemporary issues

 In the psychological sector, the outcomes due to required health and social care support can
be achieved by disciplinary activity and also need the focus on the overall enhancement of
quality of life. For every indecisive person, the quality of life is subjective and different from
one another. 

The outcome with an efficient level of health and mental care needs nurturing of mind
psychology and application of strategies to optimize the satisfaction of care providers and
patients as well. The world has been improved with the standard level of technology and the
increase of people's maturity but the belief of superstitions and some unexpected myths of
life leads to disrupt the overall care and health improvement (Reynolds et al., 2021, p. 581).
Various people in this modern world still believe in luck and consider the myths of religious
perspective which make them unable to think about the real version of life and push them to
stress and depression. The necessity of mental treatment with physical treatment is avoided
by them for no reason where due to their old school beliefs of calling crazy or fear to be
treated differently in the community they avoid to go for psychological treatment and hence
their illness turns into long term disease.

Considerable effort and make people understand about the necessity of psychological
treatment help to get a potential level of outcome by improved level of function which
benefits the service as well as save various life’s from unwanted death decisions and
depression. the psychological therapy set by the health professionals who need to be aware of
the value of mental and physical therapy under the hospice by imitating safe, comfortable and
precautionary measurements of life with excellent interactions and healthy conversation. 

Recommendations for contemporary issues to prevent disruption in care delivery

The recommendations need to be made by the National health care service (NHS) along with
the world health organization (WHO) to optimize the mix service pyramid in mental health
treatment where the service related to this specific health and social care sector can cost a

smaller fraction of illness in the overall community. Long-term improvement is mandatory
for the field of care facilities which belongs to the top of the healthcare pyramid.

In addition, improvement and scaling up of the overall psychological treatment procedure is

accompanied by psychological research to investigate the efficiency and effectiveness of
modern methodology in treatment with the healthy and private conversion with each of the
patients according to their preference. The interventions of superstition and people's
unwillingness to avail the psychological support and assistance along with the other illness
need to be overcome to develop professionalism in the sector (Katz, 2017). The psychologist
and researcher need to find out the strategy which helps them to scale up the facility and
effective communication across the routine care check-up and that holistic approach helps the
ultimate success in treatment and cure the mental illness to an integrated level (Riese et al.,
2021, p. 10). 

Increasing the number of mental hospitals along with mental care facilities in all nationalized
hospitals and clinics can help to sustain the treatment and improve the delivery of care to
maximum level. The establishment of a community in mental health care service is needed to
develop the service in every section of health and social care.

 For reducing the issues and break people’s beliefs about psychological science the
nationalized hospitals and psychological scientists need to integrate the mental health into the
primary healthcare service by building the informal along with formal community of mental
health care service. Psychologists need to promote more self-care and necessary care for
mental illness at a standardized level by arranging social media promotion, advertisements
and campaigns Cuijpers et al., (2021, p. 341). The whole science team needs to increase and
improve the information in psychological decision making capacity in respect of human
rights to reduce the stigma. The assistance providing to all of the religions of country and
outside the country is needed by designing the care policies with comprehensive and effective
psychological care services. for instance, the building of the local authority and government-
owned grown-ups need to be created to provide free check-ups with surveys in every state of
the region. Introducing more programs like mental health global access programs(mhGAP) in
the country to prevent the possible disruption can cause lack of care delivery in the
psychological segment (Ahrens et al., 2020, p. 5). 

At the end of the paper it can be concluded that the contemporary issues that exist in the
overall society within a country or international level can cause serious impact on health as
well as social care delivery to the community. The need for improvement in health and social
care needs to be understood by every individual of the community. It can also be concluded
that psychosocial care and treatment is as important as the other physical treatments and
support. Mental illness can cause depression, stress, less sleep and uncertain deaths as well.
The country needs to introduce various campaigns and promotions to reach every person of
the country who needs actual mental support and assistance. The contemporary issue like
people's mind-set can only be changed with more promotions and proof of potential outcome.

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