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A Student’s Pressure

Ever since she was a child, she was an achiever. She reached for the stars. She felt like she was
on top of the world. She always saw her loved ones wearing those beautiful smiles which
screamed happiness whenever she achieves great things. People were praising her in every
milestone. She was happy. What more could she ask for anyway? She's making her family proud
and it's the best thing in life.
She grew into this wonderful lady as the years went by. Still the same little girl who always
wanted to be on top. However, things started to change. She realized that she's not the only one
climbing to get to the peek of the mountain. As she looked on both sides, she sees others who are
also struggling to finish the hike. She's being left behind. She's running out of pace. "This can't
be real." She says to herself. "What would they think of me if I fall behind?" In the end, she still
People were questioning what she did wrong but she, herself, can't find the answer to it. She
went on with the burden and fear of failing. She always did her best but realized that others were
doing their best too. She would always look for something to do and achieve because she will
feel worthless if she didn't. Her life has always been about pleasing others that she forgot that
she's also a human. She's not perfect. She falls. She makes mistakes. She isn't the only one who
is capable of achieving. She has weaknesses. She has flaws.
Day by day, she makes it a habit to think positively of things. When she fails, it's because she
knows that God has a better plan. When she is rejected, she takes this as a redirection. When she
falls behind, it's because it's meant for others and not for her. When she isn't capable of reaching
the peek of the mountain, it's probably because she's climbing the wrong one and there is a better
one waiting for her.
As a student, she still has those times when she would think of the things that she could’ve
achieved but didn’t. She still thinks of making her parents proud through showing them high
grades in school. However, you won’t always live up to their expectations because in reality, life
is hard. School is challenging. Studying is exhausting. You won’t always be at your best and
that’s alright. She is still learning to absorb this reality.
Life doesn't revolve around you. Life isn't a race. We all have a different timing and destination.
Sometimes, you get drowned in pressure but what you have to realize is it's okay to take your
time and not reach for everything at once. You can rest. You can take a pause because in the end,
you're just a human. Dreams are always there. You don't always have to run and hurry to chase
She realized all of this and the pressure that she is carrying finally subsided. She was finally able
to remove the weight off her shoulders. She was once drowning in doubt, uncertainty, and fear
but now, she is learning to enjoy life as it is and not base her worth in achievements.

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