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i) BMW – Entrance in Global Market ii) Analysis of Countries


The company was established in 1916, in Germany and manufactured aircraft engines through
1945 began at Munich Germany. This explains why its emblem illustrates a rotating propeller.
Classified as an armaments company during World War II, BMW’s plants were dismantled in
1945 under the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.
Looking for a way to survive, BMW switched from building engines for aircraft to building
motorcycles and cars around its powerful engines.

The BMW engine established the carmaker as an engineering force to be reckoned with.

Breakthrough ‘NEW CLASS’:

In 1961, BMW presented 1500 model at the Frankfurt Motor Show, and with it, it filled a gap in
the market. It established BMW as a successful, modern carmaker.

Market Positioning:
For owners, BMW equals legacy, love and pride
From the feel of high-quality materials to the unique sound of its powerful engines, luxury
design and exceptional engineering, BMWs are designed to offer sheer driving pleasure.That’s
what every BMW fan will tell you: nothing compares to driving a bimmer. It’s a strong
emotional connection that ensures a life-long bond between drivers and their BMWs.For most
of them, it’s their dream car. For many, the BMW passion has been passed down from their
fathers and grandfathers.Some travel across the world to purchase a vintage BMW. Others
dedicate months or even years restoring their family bimmer. What they all have in common is
pride; the pride of being a BMW owner.

BMW designs cars for the future. And the future is electric.
According to the company’s reports, more than 500,000 electrified vehicles were sold by 2019
and by the end of 2021, this figure will probably rise to over a million.
In spite of pandemic-related restrictions, more vehicles from the BMW Group were sold during
the first half of 2020 than in the corresponding previous-year period.

The company will focus on combining the further development of electric mobility with
sustainability. BMW electrical vehicles already achieve a significantly lower impact on the
environment than the corresponding petrol-driven model.
Furthermore, electricity from renewable sources is used exclusively for the production of all
components of BMW eDrive technology of the latest generation. As a result, around 10 million
tons of CO2 emissions will be avoided over the next ten years.

Positioning Statement:
To high achievers who see cars as a reflection of themselves and their journey,BMW provides
unparalleled tools for control, comfort and peace of mind to navigate the road ahead.

During the whole journey BMW identified the global gap and demad that could be utilized for
the expansion in the global market.

Global Expansion:
1967: Dingofling
BMW expanded facilities for better benefits of global gaps and acquired three locations in
Dingofling and Landshut.
1969: Berlin
To meet the expanding demands, production of motorcycles were transferred to Berlin –
1972: South Africa
first production expansion was in South Africa outside Germany.
1973: Worldwide Creation of Sales Subsidiaries
The sales responsibility was gradually transferred to separate subsidiary companies.
1979: Goes to Austria
Founded a joint venture with Steyr Daimler.
1994: USA
Explored USA as a global player by establishing production facility in California.
1998: Rolls Royce
Acquired brand and naming rights of Rolls Royce.
2004: China
Through joint venture BMW entered China.
2007: Strategy Number One

2013: New era of electric Mobility

Propelled an electric motor – thus entirely emission free concept

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