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Oracle HRMS Applications

Changing Approval level in Appraisals

An Oracle White Paper
Jan 2009

Authors: Anish Krishnan, Helen Olson

Table of Contents:

Document Overview ........................................................................................................ 3

Assumptions .................................…................................................................................ 3
Overview ..........................................……........................................................................ 3
Key Parameters ................................................................................................................ 3
AME Setup Changes ....................................................................................................... 4
AME Test Case ................................................................................................................ 9
Document Overview
The purpose of this White Paper is to illustrate on changing the approval levels for
appraisal function using AME.

Note, Perform the suggested changes in a test environment, only after successful testing
move the same to production.

This document is intended for the functional and technical person implementing AME
and for support engineers.

1. Existing Appraisal function uses AME for Approval.
2. The Audience understand and aware of Appraisal functional flow.

The appraisal is a key component in the talent management function. In a standard
appraisal, the worker's competencies and objectives will be assessed and the development
opportunities for the next appraisal cycle will be identified. In R12, by default Oracle
Approvals Management (AME) is used for the Appraisals approval process.

AME is a self-service web application that enables users to define business rules
governing the process for approving transactions. By default the AME approval level for
appraisal is set for one level approval. There could be different business cases that require
higher level of approvals. This paper discuss about a simple case of changing one level of
approval to three levels in AME for appraisals and testing the changes.

Key Parameters

Item Value
Responsibility Approvals Management Business Analyst
AME Transaction Type Oracle Self Service Human Resources
AME Rule Approvals for Appraisals (Custom)
Approval Action Require approvals up to the first three supervisors
AME Setup

1. Log in to the application with an apps user who has the AME responsibilities.
2. Select Approval Management Business Analyst responsibility from the menu.

Fig 1: Responsibility Menu

3. In the business analyst Dashboard page, under the Approval Process Setup select
Oracle Self Service Human Resources as the transaction type from the LOV.
4. Click on Condition Link.
Fig 2: Approval Process Setup in Dashboard

5. In the Conditions page, click on ‘Create’ button.

Fig 3: Conditions Page

6. In the Setup: Conditions page, enter the following values
a. Condition Type : Ordinary
(Note, in this example the seeded appraisal process is selected, if you are
using a custom appraisal select the appropriate process. Also note, the
String Value field will be rendered only when the Attribute is selected)

Fig 4: Create Condition Page

7. Once the values are entered, click on Apply.

(Note, if a condition with the same attribute and string value exists, then the
application will throw an error to create a unique condition.)
8. Once the condition is successfully created you will get a confirmation message.

Fig 5: Confirmation

9. With new condition for appraisal in place, make sure to remove the appraisal
process from the seeded AME condition and from other custom AME conditions.
10. In the Conditions Page, search with Attribute as ‘Workflow’.

Fig 6: Condition Search

11. Identify and update the seeded condition, which will have all the process
12. In the Update: Conditions page, navigate to
HR_APPRAISAL_DETAILS_JSP_PRC and delete it from the condition, and
click on Apply.
Fig 7: Condition Update Page.
13. Now the condition is created, the Rule has to be defined. Navigate to Rules tab or
from the dashboard, after selecting the transaction type click the rules link.

Fig 8: Approval Process Setup in Dashboard

14. In the Rules page, click on Create button.

Fig 9: Rules Page

15. Enter the following values and click Next in the Create New Rule page:
a. Name: XX Approval for Appraisal
b. Rule Type: List Creation
c. Start Date: 10-Oct-2008
(Note, the system accepts sysdate or future date only.)

Fig 10: New Rules Detail

16. Navigate to Add Conditions page and click on ‘Add Condition button’.
17. Search for ‘Workflow’ Attribute and select the newly created appraisal condition.

Fig 11: Add Condition to Rule

18. With the respective condition selected, proceed to Add Actions page.
Fig 12 : Add Conditions page

19. The required level of Approval can be selected here. In this example, a seeded
action of ‘Require approvals up to the first three supervisors’ is selected, for the
‘Supervisor Level’ action type.

Fig 13: Add Actions page

20. Proceed to the review page, verify the condition and the actions attached before

Fig 14: Rules Review page.

21. Once the Rule is successfully created, a confirmation will be displayed.

Fig 15: Confirmation

Note, at this stage the basic requirement for changing the approval level for the
appraisal process is done. The following section illustrates how to test the new
changes for the appraisal process.
AME Test Case

1. In the Business Analyst Dashboard, select the transaction type as ‘Oracle Self
Service Human Resources’ and click on the ‘Test Workbench’ link.

Fig 16: Approval Process Setup in Dashboard

2. In the Test Workbench. ‘Create’ new test case.

Fig 17 : Test Workbench page
3. In the ‘Create Test Case’ page, enter a name for the test case.
4. Navigate to ‘TRANSACTION_REQUESTOR_PERSON_ID’ field and select a
person who has required level of supervisors above him.
5. Under the ‘WORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAME’ field enter the appraisal process

Fig 18: New Test case page

6. Once appropriate vales are entered, select ‘Run Test Case’ button.

7. In the results page, the final processed Approver List will be provided for the
selected person and process.
8. The page will also display the applicable rules for the selected combination.

Fig 19: Test Case results page

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