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We’ve come to a time in modern implantology where various treatment techniques are now

developed and can be applied to fit any clinical situation with successful outcomes.

However, whilst treating our patients, we seem to have neglected to develop treatments that
reduce the damage done to them, even more so, than during the times of Branemark’s bone
focused implants.

It follows that the direction that modern implant treatments must go is towards development
and research into treatment methods that reduce the damage done to soft tissue and bone,
while also minimizing the use of artificial and exogeneous materials.

Since 2003, IBS implant has been researching this very endeavor, and has now reached a
level of technology that enables the design and production of an implant system that is specific
and optimal for minimally invasive implant treatments.

IBS implant will not stop at merely being recognized as an outstanding implant system. We
will continually do our best in providing the world with an implant system that is desired and
needed by clinicians and patients for centuries to come.

Je-Won Wang
History of
IBS Implant

2003 2011
· Start of research for Flapless Surgery       · Magic Kit FDA certified
 implant system · Pakistan, Iran, Turkey distribution started
· Research institute established

2007 2012
· Magic Surgical System developed · Recognized as promising start-up by Korean
National Government
· Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines distribution started

· MOU with Wonkwang University Osteogenesis
· A new implant and surgical system developed
Research Center
for Flapless Surgery
· First IBS implant World Symposium held
· IBS implant HQ established
· HQ move and expansion
· Greece, Spain, UAE, India, Egypt distribution started

2009 2014
· Manufacturing Plant established · MOU with Wonkwang University
· Recognized as venture company · China NMPA Certified
· KFDA certified · Bulgaria, Iraq, Czech Rep., Italy, Chile
distribution started
2015 2018
· Kazakhstan GOST-K certified
· 2nd IBS implant World Symposium held in
· China factory established
Antalya, Turkey
· 4th IBS implant World Symposium held in Seoul
· GOST-R Russia Certified
· 11th AMII Training Course completed
· U.S.A subsidiary established
· Laser Marking Machine acquired
· Poland, Germany, Thailand, Kyrgyzstan,
· Laser Welding Machine acquired
France, Indonesia distribution started
· 6 additional CNC machines acquired
· 11 national field offices established
· FDA Class II Certified
· Japan PMDA Certified
· Fatigue test machine acquired

· Vietnam, Thailand, subsidiary establishment planned
· MOU with 3 additional Major International Universities
· 12 national field offices in place planned
· Distribution in 40 nations in Asia, Europe, · Bi-annual Symposia in major cities planned
and Middle East · 5th AMII World Symposium planned (November)
· China subsidiary established · 21st AMII Training Course completion planned
· Europe subsidiary established
· MOU with SSPM Dental University in Russia
· MOU with Mustansiria University in Iraq
· U.S.A. Clinical Training Center established
· Monthly Training Courses held in U.S.A.
· First IBS Europe meeting held 2020~2021
· 1st IBS implant Turkey Congress held
· 3rd IBS implant World Symposium held in Korea · U.S.A factory establishment planned
· India, Taiwan, Thailand product registrations · Japan, India, UAE, Africa subsidiaries planned
certified · MOUs with 7 additional Major Int’l Universities
· IBS Clinical Research Institute established planned
· Yearly IBS user meetings planned
2017 · Yearly AMII World Symposia planned
· Quarterly Research meetings planned
· SEM machine acquired · Korea, US, Europe, and Russia expansion of AMII
· India DCG certified and Research Activities
· Taiwan TFDA certified · 3rd Main factory establishment planned
· Academy of Minimally Invasive Implantology
(AMII) established
· 3rd AMII national course completed
IBS Implant establishing foundations




France Iraq Greece Russia

Hungary Japan Pakistan Spain
Bulgaria Kosovo Guatemala Turkey
Chile Kyrgyzstan India Thailand
Czech Republic Poland Indonesia U.A.E
Egypt Philippines Iran U.K

International Recognition
· Recognized for the creation of the 4th new original paradigm of implant design.
· Recognized by pioneering nations such as the US as Korea’s first Premium Brand Implant.
· Asia’s first brand to be in mutual research activities with European Universities on Minimally
invasive implant surgery.


Protocol for Use
The MagiCore system was developed with a whole new concept away from traditional implant systems.
It follows that their surgical protocols are significantly different as well.
In many cases, when clinicians who are highly familiar with traditional implant surgical protocols use
MagiCore for the first few times, they tend to use the traditional surgical habits, which can damage the
inter-thread bone of the MagiCore implant. Until the clinician is fully familiar with the MagiCore Surgical
and Placement Method, we recommend that plenty healing time is given before prosthetic loading,
in order to ensure that if the interthread bone had been damaged, that they are now fully remodeled and
ready for heavy loading.

MagiCore Placement Planning

1. Determination of Placement Location

With minimally invasive implant surgery, we must take into account the mobility of the soft tissue
around the implant once the implant has been placed. This is because if the gingiva around the implant
is mobile after treatment, the ideal biologic width against the surface of the abutment will detach, and
cause an undesirable periodontal result.
Thus, after calculated prediction of the location of placement, use the Periodontal Probe to probe the
gingiva 2mm buccal(labial) from the center of that location, and pull on the buccal mucosa to check for
mobility of the gingiva where it is probed.

→ If there is no mobility of the gingiva, the location

is suitable for flapless implantation and healthy perio
conditions can be maintained after placement even
without the presence of keratinized gingiva.
We can skip this step if plenty keratinized gingiva is
present in the proposed placement site.

1mm 1.2mm Vertical Dimension

Measure the vertical dimension from the proposed
placement location to the opposing tooth.
The vertical dimension is enough if this measurement is
3.5mm or greater. If not, move the placement location
so that this constraint is met.

2. Determination of Osteotomy Method (according to bone quality)

ㆍUsing hand pressure only, apply Magic Split to the proposed placement location and push.
ㆍIf the Magic Split enters into the bone without resistance and as far as 4mm into the bone, Drilling should not be used for the  
 osteotomy. Rather, Magic Expanders should be used to perform bone marrow replacement, as this bone is determined to
be very soft (D4).
ㆍIf the Magic Split does not enter into the bone more than 2mm by force of hand only, this location is determined to be suitable
 for the Fit Drilling and Fit Implantation Method.

3. Determining The Shape And Path of Alveolar Bone at Placement Site

· Determining the path of Pin Drilling

Palpate the alveolar bone with the thumb and forefinger to feel the path and
shape of the bone.

· Pin Drilling Method

While running at 1500~2000rpm, drill using the Pin Drill

just enough to when penetration of cortical bone can
be felt.
Drill in one stroke, and do not do Up & Down, in order
to prevent occurrence of non-fixation of Guide Pin.

4. Installation of Guide Pin and CBCT Scan

Fix the Guide Pin in the place that the Pin Drill had
made and make sure that it is securely fixed.
If the Guide Pin does not enter, reapply the Pin Drill and
try again.
With the Guide Pin securely in place, take CBCT,
analyze the scan for correctness of path, and make
slight adjustments if needed by reapplying the Pin Drill.

5. Selection of The MagiCore Implant Diameter

While examining the CT scan, measure the buccolingual bone width in 1mm increments
down to 4mm from the crest.

- bone width 4.5mm = MagiCore Ø 4.0mm or less possible

- bone width 5.5mm = MagiCore Ø 5.0mm or less possible
- bone width 6.5mm = MagiCore Ø 6.0mm or less possible

→ Bone width - 0.5mm = Possible diameter of MagiCore

※ Use 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 as first choice diameter.

With soft bone, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5 diameters can be used as a secondary choice.

MagiCore Protocol for Use

6. Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Thickness

From the determined placement location (where Guide Pin

Thick soft tissue is now fixed), Probe the depth of the soft tissue 2mm away
thickness at 4 points (mesial, distal, buccal, lingual).
The greatest depth measurement is determined to be the
Soft Tissue Thickness.

Thin soft tissue


※ Keep in mind that the surface of the gingiva is not always flat, and that the gingiva on the buccal tends to be relatively thicker,
and that the bone level rests relatively lower on the buccal compared to the lingual.

7. Selecting the Magic Cuff Height and The Drilling Depth

Note: Placing MagiCore using the minimally invasive method allows us to predict the gingival outcome
because the shape of the gingiva shows little to no change after placement.

1) Non-Aesthetic Zone (Posterior)

(By standard, Magic Cuff Height which equals the Soft Tissue Thickness is
· Crown Margin: Positioned at the buccal gingival margin
Magic Cuff height = Soft Tissue Thickness

· Drill Depth (starting from the buccal gingival margin) That is,
Drill Depth = fixture length + Soft Tissue Thickness

※ Note : Place such that the top platform of the Magic Post sits 2mm above the buccal gingival margin.

2) Aesthetic Region (Anterior)

(By standard, Magic Cuff height should be 1mm less than the Soft Tissue
Thickness, such that the Crown Margin sits 1mm below the labial gingival

· Crown Margin: Positioned 1mm below the labial gingival margin

Magic Cuff height = Soft Tissue Thickness – 1mm

· Drill Depth (starting from the labial gingival margin) That is,
Drill Depth = fixture length + Soft Tissue Thickness

※ Note : Place such that the top platform of the Magic Post sits 1mm above the labial gingival margin.

3) In Case of Immediate Placement After Extraction (Posterior)
(Similar to aesthetic regions, position the Crown Margin 1mm below the buccal
gingival margin.)

· Crown Margin: Positioned 1mm below the buccal gingival margin.

Magic Cuff height = Soft Tissue Thickness – 1mm

· Drill Depth (starting from the buccal gingival margin) That is,
Drill Depth = fixture length + Soft Tissue Thickness
※ Note : Place such that the top platform of the Magic Post sits 1mm above the buccal gingival margin.

4) In Case of Immediate Placement After Extraction in Aesthetic Region

(Position the implant such that the top platform of the Magic Post sits flush with
the labial gingival margin.)

· Crown Margin: Positioned 2mm below the labial gingival margin.

Magic Cuff height = Soft Tissue Thickness – 2mm

· Drill Depth (starting from the buccal gingival margin) That is,
Drill Depth = fixture length + Soft Tissue Thickness

※ Note : Place such that the top platform of the Magic Post is flush with the labial gingival margin.

8. Fit Drilling

- Body Preparation (Main Osteotomy which removes bone in the shape of the core body of the MagiCore.)

- Drilling is done in 2 stages.

- First, engage the Magic Drill with the Guide Pin which fits the size of the intended
MagiCore diameter, and drill 3~4mm into the bone.
- Then, remove the Magic Drill from the osteotomy and remove the Guide Pin from
within the Magic Drill.
- Reapply the Magic Drill, regaining the same path as before and drill to intended final depth.
- Do not apply Up & Down technique. Apply intermittent pressure while maintaining
uniform path, with pressure adjusting to the resistance of bone density conditions.
- Keep in mind that the Final Drill Depth is equal to the Soft Tissue Thickness + the length
of the chosen MagiCore implant with the starting point of measurement being the
buccal(labial) gingival margin.
※ Note : Drill speed should be 2000rpm or more. No Up & Down. Only intermittent pressure.

- Apply the Magic Depth Drill and drill to the predetermined final osteotomy depth.

- Confirm the final depth of osteotomy starting from the buccal/labial gingival margin.

- Apply the IBS Spoon Excavator and feel the walls of the osteotomy to check for
existence of bone marrow spaces or bone perforations.

MagiCore Protocol for Use

9. Reconfirming the Path of Osteotomy

– Connect the Magic Tap Guide with the Magic Body to form the Magic Pin.
- Install the Magic Pin into the osteotomy by inserting to the depth of osteotomy.
Note: always measure starting from the buccal/labial gingival margin.
- Confirm the path of the osteotomy.

※ Note : In cases involving the sinus, or in the presence of bone marrow spaces,
only use the Magic Body (not together with the Magic Tap Guide).

10. Thread Preparation (Formation of space for threads within bone).

- Set the motor at 20rpm and 40N/cm.

- Once the path is set, apply force only to maintain this decided path.

- Advance the Magic Tap Drill to 5mm within bone, making sure not to apply vertical
force. (this step is able to further indicate bone quality around the osteotomy).

a) if the Tap advances easily to 5mm within bone, place predetermined MagiCore.
X 1mm
3mm b) if the motor stops automatically before reaching 5mm into bone, engage Tap Drill
with the Ratchet Driver and Tap the rest of the osteotomy by hand.
(up to 2mm from the apex of the osteotomy)

※ Note : Depth of Magic Tap Drill with the Magic Tap Guide fixed within the osteotomy:
= Final Depth of Osteotomy – 4mm
(*this 4mm refers to a depth keeping a safe 1mm distance from the top of the Tap Guide pin head.)

- Fit Drilling is complete.

Chart for Selection of MagiCore Diameter And Their Matching Tool Sizes

Magic Depth Drill Magic Tap Magic Tap Drill

Buccolingual Placement Fixture
Bone Width (Ø)
Guide Pin Magic Drill Guide
3.5mm or more 3.0 3.0
4.0mm or more 3.5 3.5
4.5mm or more 4.0 4.0
5.0mm or more 4.5 4.5
5.5mm or more 5.0 5.0
6.0mm or more 5.5 5.5
6.5mm or more 6.0 6.0
7.0mm or more 6.5 6.5

11. MagiCore Implantation

- The premade thread tracks in the bone must be engaged by the MagiCore threads and the
implantation must be done passively by hand, unless Fit Drilling Technique was not used. (i.e, D4 bone)

- Initially, make contact with the gingiva with the implant while rotating the implant counterclockwise
and apply pressure until the implant reaches the osteotomy.

- While rotating counterclockwise, a point when the threads engage with the tap can be felt.
Upon this point, rotate the implant clockwise to passively place the implant with the threads
following in the premade thread path.

- Make sure to only place the implant to the predetermined depth. Do not try to over-place the
implant to gain a higher final torque.

Note : The inter-thread bone should not be damaged. Thus, in Fit Implantation,
the implant must be placed passively by hand only.

Maintenance After Placement

In minimally invasive treatments,

the Omnivac is used to protect the wound.

- To preserve blood clot after placement: 3 weeks

- To preserve stability in very soft bone: 4 weeks

- To preserve shape after minimally invasive bone

grafting: 12 weeks

IBS Implant product architecture

The World’s 4th Paradigm of Original Implant Design

The World’s 1st CORE CROWN.

Different, but Better

Resolution of
prosthetic limitations

Magic Post
Implantation in sloped
ridges without graft
Magic Cuff

Implantation in narrow
bone without graft

Magic Fin Thread

Prestige Award Winner for "Most Innovative Patent"

Korean National Ministry of Science and Technology
(Patents: 10-1586082, 10-1388846)

*140% of actual size (Exclude Magic Customized Abutment)

MagiCore Narrow (Abutment Ø4.0)

Fixture Size

Fixture Diameter Ø3.0 [Unit:mm]

Fixture Part
Code Cuff
Diameter(D) Length(L) Magic Cuff
2 401M3011 1
3 402M3011 2
4 403M3011 3
5 404M3011 4
2 401M3013 1
Ø3.0 3 402M3013 2
4 403M3013 3
5 404M3013 4
2 401M3015 1
3 402M3015 2
4 403M3015 3
5 404M3015 4

Fixture Diameter Ø3.5 [Unit:mm]

Fixture Part
Code Cuff
Diameter(D) Length(L) Magic Cuff
2 401M3511 1
3 402M3511 2
4 403M3511 3
5 404M3511 4
2 401M3513 1
Ø3.5 3 402M3513 2
4 403M3513 3
5 404M3513 4
2 401M3515 1
3 402M3515 2
4 403M3515 3
5 404M3515 4

MagiCore (Abutment Ø4.5)

Fixture Size

Fixture Diameter Ø4.0 [Unit:mm]

Fixture Part
Code Cuff
Diameter(D) Length(L) Magic Cuff
2 451M4009 1
3 452M4009 2
4 453M4009 3
5 454M4009 4
2 451M4011 1
Ø4.0 3 452M4011 2
4 453M4011 3
5 454M4011 4
2 451M4013 1
3 452M4013 2
4 453M4013 3
5 454M4013 4

Custom Order : Length 7mm

Fixture Diameter Ø4.5 [Unit:mm]

Fixture Part
Code Cuff
Diameter(D) Length(L) Magic Cuff
2 451M4507 1
3 452M4507 2
4 453M4507 3
5 454M4507 4
2 451M4509 1
3 452M4509 2
4 453M4509 3
Ø4.5 5 454M4509 4
2 451M4511 1
3 452M4511 2
4 453M4511 3
5 454M4511 4
2 451M4513 1

3 452M4513 2
4 453M4513 3
5 454M4513 4

MagiCore (Abutment Ø5.5)

Fixture Size

Fixture Diameter Ø5.0 [Unit:mm]

Fixture Part
Code Cuff
Diameter(D) Length(L) Magic Cuff
2 551M5007 1
3 552M5007 2
4 553M5007 3
5 554M5007 4
2 551M5009 1
3 552M5009 2
4 553M5009 3
Ø5.0 5 554M5009 4
2 551M5011 1
3 552M5011 2
4 553M5011 3
5 554M5011 4
2 551M5013 1

3 552M5013 2
4 553M5013 3
5 554M5013 4

Fixture Diameter Ø5.5 [Unit:mm]

Fixture Part
Code Cuff
Diameter(D) Length(L) Magic Cuff
2 551M5507 1
3 552M5507 2
4 553M5507 3
5 554M5507 4
2 551M5509 1
Ø5.5 3 552M5509 2
4 553M5509 3
5 554M5509 4
2 551M5511 1
3 552M5511 2
4 553M5511 3
5 554M5511 4

Custom Order : Length 13mm

MagiCore (Abutment Ø5.5)

Fixture Size

Fixture Diameter Ø6.0 [Unit:mm]

Fixture Part
Code Cuff
Diameter(D) Length(L) Magic Cuff
2 551M6007 1
3 552M6007 2
4 553M6007 3
5 554M6007 4
2 551M6009 1
3 552M6009 2
Ø6.0 9
4 553M6009 3
5 554M6009 4
2 551M6011 1
3 552M6011 2
4 553M6011 3
5 554M6011 4

Custom Order : Length 13mm

Fixture Diameter Ø6.5 [Unit:mm]

Fixture Part
Code Cuff
Diameter(D) Length(L) Magic Cuff
2 551M6507 1
3 552M6507 2
4 553M6507 3
5 554M6507 4
2 551M6509 1
Ø6.5 3 552M6509 2
4 553M6509 3
5 554M6509 4
2 551M6511 1
3 552M6511 2
4 553M6511 3
5 554M6511 4

Custom Order : Length 13mm

MagiCore Prosthetic Components

Healing Cap

Abutment Diameter Color Code

4.0 Silver MP CAP4.0

4.5 Yellow MP CAP4.5

Ø4.0 Ø4.5 Ø5.5
5.5 Silver MP CAP5.5

Lab Analog
Abutment Diameter Color Code

4.0 Green MPL40

4.5 Yellow MPL45

5.5 Silver MPL55

Ø4.0 Ø4.5 Ø5.5

Closing Screw
Abutment Diameter Color Code

4.0 Green HISC07

4.5/5.5 Silver HISCS Ø4.0 Ø4.5

Impression Coping (Transfer Type)

Abutment Diameter Type Height Code

4.0 Hex Short MTICH40 4mm

4.0 Hex Long MTICH40L 4.0 Short 4.5 Short 5.5 Short

4.5 Hex Short MTICH45

4.5 Hex Long MTICH45L

5.5 Hex Short MTICH55

5.5 Hex Long MTICH55L

4.0 Long 4.5 Long 5.5 Long

H : 12mm H : 15mm

Impression Coping (Pick-Up Type)

Abutment Diameter Type Height Code

4.0 Hex Short MPICH40

4.0 Hex Long MPICH40L Ø4.0

4.5 Hex Short MPICH45

4.5 Hex Long MPICH45L

5.5 Hex Short MPICH55

5.5 Hex Long MPICH55L

Ø4.5 Ø5.5

Plastic Coping

Abutment Diameter Type Code

4.0 MFPC40

4.5 Hex MFPC45

5.5 MFPC55 Ø4.0 Ø4.5 Ø5.5

Burn Out Core Cylinder (Screw Type)

Abutment Diameter Type Color Code

4.0 Green
Non-Hex MPSR40BT

4.5 White
Non-Hex MPSR45BT
Ø4.0 Ø4.5 Ø5.5
5.5 Black
Non-Hex MPSR55BT

·Tighten screw at 20N/cm

Order Made: ø5.0 / ø6.0

Burn Out Core Cap (Cemented Type)

Abutment Diameter Type Color Code

4.0 Green
Non-Hex MPLP40BT

4.5 White
Non-Hex MPLP45B
Ø4.0 Ø4.5 Ø5.5
5.5 Black
Non-Hex MPLP55B

Order Made: ø5.0 / ø6.0

Short Abutment
Hex / Non-Hex
Abutment Diameter Height
Hex Non-Hex
3 MMAH4003 MMAN4003
5 MMAH4005 MMAN4005
3 MMAH4503 MMAN4503
5 MMAH4505 MMAN4505 Hex / Non-Hex Hex / Non-Hex
3 MMAH5503 MMAN5503
5 MMAH5505 MMAN5505
·Tighten screw at 20N/cm

Ø4.5 Ø5.5

MagiCore Solid Abutment

Abutment Diameter Height Code

3 MA4003
5 MA4005
3 MA4503
5 MA4505
3 MA5503 Ø4.0 Ø4.5 Ø5.5
5 MA5505
·Tightened with 1.2 Hex Driver at 20N/cm

MagiCore Solid Abutment Lab Analog
Abutment Diameter Height Code

3 MAL453
5 MAL455
3 MAL553
5 MAL555
Ø4.5 Ø5.5

MagiCore Solid Abutment Impression Cap

Abutment Diameter Code
4.5 MSPC45

5.5 MSPC55
Ø4.5 Ø5.5

CAD / CAM Components

MagiCore Scanbody
Abutment Diameter Code
4.5 MSB45

5.5 MSB55
Ø4.5 Ø5.5

MagiCore Link(Ti-base)
Abutment Diameter Type Code Hex / Non-Hex

Hex MLH404
Non-Hex MLN404
Hex MLH454
Hex / Non-Hex Hex / Non-Hex
Non-Hex MLN454

Hex MLH554
Non-Hex MLN554
Ø4.5 Ø5.5

For Minimally Invasive
Implant Surgery

Magic Fit Drilling Tech.
·Drill speed should be greater than 1,500~2,000rpm.
·Intermittent vertical pressure should be applied while maintaining direction (bone dancing).
·Do not do Up & Down technique.
·Magic Tap Drill should be used at 20rpm and 40N/cm.

1 2 3

B.E.B Tech. (Bone Expansion With Bending of Cortical Bone)

·2-stage surgery is required and 5 months or more of healing should be allowed.

·If the buccal or lingual wall is too thin or cracks occur during procedure, bone grafting should be performed.
·Malleting should be done with light wrist action only.
·If the instrument shifts or does not advance, drilling should be done to remove dense bone areas before reapplying the expander.

1 2 3

C.M.C Tech. (Crestal Approach With Membrane Control)

·Make such that the residual bone height is 2mm before applying the Magic Sinus Lifter.
·Malleting should be done with light wrist action only.
·Advance the instrument at a minimal velocity.
·If the instrument does not advance, use the Magic Drill to make further indentation before reapplying the Lifter.

1 2 3

Magic Split
Diameter Code · Malleting instrument which connects to the Hand Lever.

· Used in the first step of implant surgery to determine bone quality.

Ø2.5 MS25S
· Used as an initial tool in cases when Magic Expanders are used for osteotomy.

Ø2.5 MS25L · Long Type

Magic Expander
Diameter Code · Malleting instrument which connects to the Hand Lever.

Ø3.0 ME30 · Main tools used for B.E.B Tech.

Ø3.5 ME35 · Patented Star-shape design which negates condensation forces and minimizes
Ø4.0 ME40 load to bone.

Pin Drill
Length Diameter Code · Initial drill used in the step which guides the placement path.

· Makes space for Guide Pin to be fixed.

29.5mm Ø1.0 GDL
※ Drill in one-stroke and without Up & Down.

21.5mm GDS · Short Type

Guide Pin

Diameter Code
· Tool used to be fixed in the space made by the Pin Drill.
Ø2.3 P23S/P23L · Serves as an initial path confirmation guide.
Ø3.3 P33S/P33L · Guides the Magic Drill internally, allowing for precise and convenient guided drilling.
Ø3.8 P38S/P38L
· Serves as a Landmark in radiographic examinations.
Ø4.8 P48S/P48L

Magic Drill
Diameter Code · Drill used to perform osteotomy in hard and soft bone types.
Ø2.3 MDN · Hollow design allows for autogenous bone harvestation.
Ø3.3 MDS · Recommended lifetime of use: 50 uses
Ø3.8 MDM
· Recommended drill speed: +1,500rpm~2,000rpm.
Ø4.8 MDL
· Excessive vertical force reduces cutting ability of drill.
Ø4.3 MD43
Ø5.3 MD53
Ø5.8 MD58
Ø6.3 MD63

Magic Depth Drill

· Blades only exist at the tip of the drill.
Diameter Code
· Useful tool to determine the condition of the floor of osteotomy.
· In case of Q1 or Q2 bone (dense bone), drill can be used to
Ø2.4 MDD drill deeper without affecting the shape of the osteotomy.
· Useful in confirming the final depth of osteotomy.

Magic Tap Guide

Length Diameter Code · Used together with the Magic Body to form the Magic Pin.

· Useful for confirming the path and location of osteotomy.

15mm Ø2.36 P4
15mm Ø2.66 P5 · Guides the Magic Tap Drill, making for precise tap drilling.

15mm Ø3.30 P6 ※ must not be used in presence of bone marrow space.

Magic Body

Length Diameter Code · Used together with the Magic Tap Guide to form the
13.3mm Ø2.98 BS4 Magic Pin.

17.3mm Ø2.98 BL4 · Useful for confirming the path and location of osteotomy

13.3mm Ø3.49 BS5 ※ must be used after checking for presence of bone marrow
17.3mm Ø3.49 BL5 space. If bone marrow exists, use without connecting with
Magic Tap Guide.
13.3mm Ø4.33 BS6
17.3mm Ø4.33 BL6

Magic Tap Drill

Diameter Code · Used as a final step of “Fit Drilling”, this drill forms the space for
implant threads to follow.
Ø3.0 TD30
· Set the motor at 20rpm and 40N/cm.
Ø3.5 TD35
Ø4.0 TD40 ※ Do not apply vertical or lateral pressure during use.

Ø4.5 TD45
Ø5.0 TD50
Ø5.5 TD55
Ø6.0 TD60
Ø6.5 TD65

MagiCore Machine Driver

Diameter Code
· Especially designed for MagiCore, this driver is compatible with
32mm Ø2.9 MHMDNL both the handpiece and the Ratchet Driver.

26mm Ø3.7 MHMDS

33mm Ø3.7 MHMDL

Ratchet Driver

Diameter Code
· Used while connected to the MagiCore Machine Driver to place implant
Ø4.5 Short RDS by hand. Can be connected to the Torque Ratchet.

Ø4.5 Long RDL

1.2 Hex Driver

Length Diameter Code · Used to tighten the Cover Screw and Abutment Screw.

17.5mm Ø7.9 HD1.2S · Can be connected to the Torque Ratchet.

22.5mm Ø7.9 HD1.2L ※ Abutment Screws should be tightened to 20N/cm

Drill Extender
Code · Connected to the Magic Drill to extend its reach.


Torque Ratchet

Length Diameter Code · Used to measure exact torque during placement by hand.

· Can measure up to 55N/cm.

82.9mm Ø7.0 TRW
※ Must be disassembled, cleaned and dried after use.

Angled Hand Lever

Code · Serves as a handle when connected to a malleting instrument.


Bone Remover
Length Code · Used to easily remove bone core from center of Magic Drill.

100mm BR

IBS Spoon Excavator

Length Code · Laser marked to conveniently confirm depth while removing
bone core from osteotomy.
166mm EXC · Used to examine the walls of osteotomy.

Diameter Code

Ø2.5 MS25S

Ø2.5 MS25L

Magic Split
Diameter Code

Ø2.5 Expander
Diameter Code
Ø2.5 MS25L
Ø3.0 ME30
Ø3.8 ME38
Magic Sinus Lifter
Ø4.3 ME43 · Malleting instrument which connects to the Hand Lever.
Ø4.8 ME48
Ø5.3 ME53 · Used as a main instrument to perform CMC Tech.
Ø5.8 ME58Code
Magic Expander · Patented design has hollow point which enables direct holding of
Diameter Code
Ø3.0 ME30 MSL bone block of sinus floor.
Ø3.8 ME38
Ø4.3 ME43 · Designed with double side blades which acts as a slowing mechanism.
Ø4.8 ME48
Ø5.3 Sinus
ME53 Lifter
Ø5.8 Code
Code · Malleting instrument which connects to the Hand Lever.
Magic Sinus Lifter
Code · Used as a tool to insert graft material evenly into the sinus augmentation.
Bone Pusher


1.6 Guide Drill

Bone Pusher
Diameter Code
BPGuide Drill · Used as an initial drill in hard bone before applying the B.E.B Tech.
Diameter Code
1.6GD · Used to make a hole that guides the advancement of the Magic Split.
Ø1.6 Ø1.61.6GD

1.6 Guide Drill

Diameter Code
Ø1.6 1.6GD
Magic Marking Drill
Magic Marking Drill
Code · Used to conveniently mark the location of intended placement location.
MMDW · Instrument’s diameter is 5mm, allowing it to be used as a convenient tool
Magic Marking Drill MMD for sensing mesiodistal distance.
MMD MMDW Order Made
Magic Short Drill

MSD Short Drill

Magic Short Drill · Used in the posterior region when clearance is not enough to
Code Code insert a normal drill length.
· Used as a convenient drill to prepare the bone before applying the
2.8 Magic DrillMSD
C.M.C Tech.
Diameter Code
Ø2.8 MD28

2.8 Magic Drill

Diameter Code
2.8 Magic
Ø2.8 MD28 Drill
Diameter Code
· Used as an initial drill in hard bone before applying the B.E.B Tech.
Ø2.8 MD28

Drill Stopper
Size(mm) Code · Used as a safety guide for drill depth during osteotomy.

1 DS01
2 DS02
3 DS03
4 DS04
7 DS07
9 DS09
11 DS11

Ultra Short
1.2 Hexa Driver

Code · Used to remove the Coping Pin during impression coping.

· Used for cases with low clearance.

IBS Mallet
Code · Mallet used with Hand Lever instruments.
※ Must use gentle tapping with wrist action only.

Instructions for Connecting Malleting
Instruments to The Hand Lever.

1 2

Remove from Kit and hold in hand by the Engage the instrument with the
handle. Hand Lever with the connection as shown.

3 4

After engaging the instrument with the Make sure the instrument is securely
connection, turn the nob counterclockwise fastened to the connection.
to secure the connection.

Precautions when using the Magic Kit

 ㆍPrecaution when securing the malleting instrument to the Hand Lever 
Do not apply excessive lateral force on the instrument after it is fastened.

 ㆍOnly use light wrist action when malleting. If the instrument does not advance into
bone, use the Magic Drill to remove dense bone parts before reapplying the instrument.

 ㆍThe round blade tip of the Magic Sinus Lifter must make even contact with bone.
If the bone is not flat and the tip of blades are not in even contact, use the Magic Drill to make an
even indentation before reapplying the Lifter.
 ㆍImmediately clean the instrument with cold water after use.
- Do not use hydrogen peroxide or saline solution.
  - Ultrasonic cleaning is recommended. (Use a bar stand so that the blades of the instruments do not
touch and damage each other.)

 ㆍStore instruments in a dry place after cleaning. 

- If stored in a hot humid place, instruments may experience corrosion.

Different, but Better
It's time to change
IBS implant HQ, Korea
44-19, Techno 10-ro,Yuseong-gu, Daejeon,Korea
TEL +82 70 48653106 | FAX +08 42 933 2881 | E-MAIL :

IBS of America, California, USA

3860 El Dorado Hills Blvd., El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
TEL +1 844 694 2787 | E-MAIL :

IBS of China, Qingdao, China

Chongqing North Road 191-1, Chengyang District, Qingdao, China
TEL +86 532 67731041 | E-MAIL :

IBS of Europe, Roanne, France

1 Rue Carnot, 42120 Le Coteau, France
TEL +33 4 77 69 33 20 | E-MAIL :

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