Technical Questions For IT Recruiter

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Technical questions for IT recruiter

Back-end Development refers to the server-side development. It focuses on databases, scripting, website

architecture. It contains behind-the-scene activities that occur when performing any action on a website. It can be an
account login or making a purchase from an online store. Code written by back-end developers helps browsers to
communicate with database information.
Most common example of Backend programming is when you are reading an article on the blog. The fonts, colors,
designs, etc. constitute the frontend of this page. While the content of the article is rendered from a server and
fetched from a database. This is the backend part of the application.
Oracle, Teradata, Microsoft sql server, IBM DB2, mysql, nosql and postgres sql, python, php, ruby, Django, mongo
db, springboot, node js, flask

Front and back end developers work on different sides of a website 

Front end development is programming which focuses on the visual elements of a website or app that a user will
interact with (the client side). Back end development focuses on the side of a website users can’t see (the server
side). They work together to create a dynamic website to allow users to make purchases, use contact forms, and any
other interactive activities you might participate in while browsing a site. Some examples of dynamic websites are
Netflix, PayPal, Facebook, and the Kenzie Academy site you’re currently on.

Technologies: HTML(hypertest markup language)

CSS (cascading styling sheets)
Javascript, HTML, css, jS, jquery, angularjs, bootstrap

Web Development:

Web development is the process of building website applications

It includes using markup and scripting languages to create features and functionality, programming, constructing the
layout and integrating applications and graphics.

Developers concentrates on technical aspects of web development such as architecture, programming, application
integration and graphics

Difference between front end and backend

Part of the website that codes and creates frontend elements

Data structure:

A data structure is a way of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also their relationship to
each other. Advance knowledge about the relationship between data items allows designing of efficient algorithms
for the manipulation of data.

Major data structure:

RDBMS = array (i.e array of structures)

Network data model= graph

Hierarchial data model= trees


Java runs a variety of platforms such as windows, mac os and various versions of unix/linux like HP-Unix, sun solaris,
red hat linux, ubuntu, cent OS etc

Java Developer:
Java Developer is a Computer Software Developer/Programmer who integrates Java Programming Language into the
development of Computer Applications, Web Development and other sorts of requirements needed at both Client
and Server end.

Java Developer Skills Overview

Skills Tools
Core Java OOPs, Design Patterns, Interface, Serialization
ORM Hibernate, Java, OpenJPA
Java Build Tools Maven, Gradle
Web Technologies CSS, HTML, JQuery, JavaScript
Java Web Frameworks SpringMVC, Play, Java Server Faces
Application Containers JBoss, Jetty, WebSphere, WebLogic
Java Testing Tools JUnit, TestNG, Selenium 
BigData DBMS, Hadoop ,SQL, JDBC
Java EE Components Servlets, Java Beans(EJB), Java Server Pages(JSP)
Code Version Control GitHub

Full Stack Developer: is an engineer who works on both client-side and server-side of the software
application. This type of developer works on the Full Stack of a software application meaning Front end
development, Back end development, Database, Server, API, and version controlling systems. Hence, the
name “Full Stack” Developer

What is DevOps?

Characteristics DevOps
Basic premise A collaboration of development and operations teams. It is more of a cultural shift.
Related to Agile methodology
Priorities Resource management, communication, and teamwork
Benefits Speed, functionality, stability, and innovation

Devops tools: docker, Kubernetes, puppet, ansible, nagios, raygun, gradle, git, genkins, bamboo

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