Chapter Iii Research Method

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Kind of the Research

This research is intended to improve writing ability through picture word inductive
model. According to Arikunto (2010:135), CAR is a research that is conducted by teacher in
the class related to complete and improve teaching learning process.

Design of the Research

According to Arikunto (2010:131) he said there are four cycles to do action research: 1)
planning of the action, 2) implementation of the action or acting, 3) class observation and
evaluation, and 4) data analysis and reflection of the action. The design of this action research
is illustrate in the following diagram.

Table 3.1 The Design of Classroom Action Research (Adopted from Kemmis&Mc Taggart in
Arikunto, 2010:137

Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is taken from the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Sorong in
the academic year 2020 – 2021. The writer chooses the tenth grade of SMA Negeri that consist
of 34 students. The class would be choosen because the students faced difficulties in writing
descriptive. Students could not develop their ideas, they did not master the use of grammatical
sentence well, they are lack of vocabulary, and the percentage score of their class in writing that
is 45 % who got score ≥70.This reason according to observation of the research.

Area of the Research

This research is conducted at MA NurulQarnain in 2014/2015 academic year. The
school is at Jl. Imam SukartoBaletbaruSukowonoJember.

Procedures of the Research

Based on the research design, the action of the research are implemented in four
stages, they are: 1) planning, 2) acting, 3) class observation and evaluation, and 4) data
analysis and reflection the action.

Implementation is the realization of some actions that have been planned systematically
to improve the quality of any educational matters. The implementation of the first cycle is
based on lesson plan 1 for the first meeting and lesson plan 2 for the second meeting. The
allocated time for the action in each meeting is 2x40 minutes and the test is administered for
60 minutes.

The observation was done by the researcher and English teacher to determine students
learning outcomes. It would be done in each cycle. Before the researcher does the activity in
the class, the researcher does interview to the English teacher first, to know the students’
weakness in writing descriptive.
After that, the researcher gives the test to the students about writing. Since the
classroom action research was conducted, the observation would be done four times. It was
intended student’s response to the materials given in the process.
Reflecting was done after implementing and observing. This was the time to reflect or
review everything that has been done in the implementing the plan. It evaluated the process
problems, effect and successful action. The researcher and the english teacher discussed all
aspect involved during implementing the action.

To collect primary data in the form of the students’ score of writing test are analyzed by
using the percentage formula as follows :

E: The percentage of the student’s achieving the target score (70) n: The total number of the
students achieving the target score
N: The total number of students
(Adopted fromAli, 1998:189)

The Criteria of Success

The criterion of success is used to know whether the implementation of the action
achieve or not. The actions are considered successful if 65% students achieved the target
score ≥ 70.

The Research Instruments

Writing Test
Test that use in this research is subjective test, and the researcher use essay as
subjective test. To get the writing score, the researcher uses the table of scoring writing as
follow :
Table 3.2 The scoring guidance
Fluency Flowing style, very easy tounderstand, both complex
and simple sentences, very effective.
Quite flowing style, mostly easy to understand, a
few complex sentences,veryeffective.
Reasonably smooth style, nottoo hard to understand
3 mostly (butnot all), simple sentences, fairly
Jerky style, an effort needed tounderstand and enjoy,
2 complex sentences, confusing, mostly(but not all)
simple sentences, fairly effective.
Very jerky, hard to understand, can not enjoy
1 reading, almostall simple sentences confusing,
excessive use of ‘and’.
Vocabulary 5 Use of wide range of vocabularytaught previously.
Good use of new words acquired, appropriate
4 synonyms,circumlocution.

Attempts to use words acquired, appropriate

vocabulary on thewhole but sometimes restricted,
have to resort to use synonymscircum location on a

Restricted vocabulary, use asynonym (but not

2 always
appropriate), imprecise andvague, affect meaning.
Very restrictive vocabulary, inappropriate use of
synonymsseriously hinders communication.
Content All sentences support the topic, highly organized,
5 clearprogression of ideas well linked, like educated
native speaker.
Well organized ideas, linkscould occasionally be
clearer butcommunication not impaired.
Some mediocre organization, rereadingrequired
forclarificationof ideas.
Little or no attempt at connectivity, though reader
can deducesome organization, individualideas may
be clear but verydifficult to deduce
connectionbetween them.
Lack of organization so severethat communication is
( Adopted from Arthur Hughes 1989, p 104)

Field Notes
Field notes is used to record and describe the activities in English teaching learning
process that would be done by both the researcher and the English teacher in other to know
students’ involvement when they are thought writing descriptive through picture word
inductive model.

Developing of the Research Instruments

Validity of the Test
Validity is very important aspect of good test. Arikunto (2010:211) says that “Validity is
a measurement that indicates the validity level of the instrument.” The validity of this research
is determined by using content validity.

This research, the researcher use content validity because the text material in the test
based on 2006 Institutional level Curriculum or Kurikulum Tingkat SatuanPendidikan (KTSP)
.The purpose of writing test is to measure the students' writing ability.
Table 3.3 The writing Test Based on the Curriculum

Competence Standart Basic Competence


. Mengungkapkan makna dalam - Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks

teks tulis fungsional pendek dan tulis fungsional pendek (misalnya
esei sederhana berbentuk pengumuman, iklan, undangan dll.) resmi
narrative, descriptivedan news dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan
item dalam konteks kehidupan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa
sehari-hari tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

- Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah

retorika dalam esei sederhana secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk
narrative, descriptive, dan news item

(Adopted from KTSP 2010)

Reliability of the Test

Arikunto (2010:221) states that reliability is determined by the carefulness of
evaluation instrument and the importance of reliability is consistence, how far of the test or
instrument can be relied.
To know whether or not the test item reliable, the researcher use alpha formula
because the item in this test is essay.
( Adopted from Arikunto 2010:241)

From The calculation oftry outtest, The result is 0,77. If the result of test comparedwith
degree of freedom with N = 40 (40-2) and level of significant 5 % (0,05), so the value of r-
table is 0,312. It shows that the result of try out test is higher than r-table (0,77 ≥ 0,312). It
means the test in students’ writing descriptive ability through picture word inductive model is

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