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Course Notes – Section 6

Please note we have included some notes from each section with space for you to write
your own notes.
23.Why use Aromatherapy Scent Techniques

What you need to know to be able to describe a smell, become a smell connoisseur!!!

The Language of Aromas-

There are three main "notes" for essential oils: top, middle, and base.

The first smell to arise from a blend and evaporate quickly. The top note fragrance is usually
light, fresh, sharp, penetrating, and airy. These oils add brightness to a blend. The aroma of
top note oils reminds us of wind chimes or a flute. Top notes stimulate and clear your mind,
uplifting your energy. Notice that all citrus oils are top notes.

Essential Oils

• Distilled Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)

• Orange (Citrus sinensis)


Also called the “heart” note, these oils give the blend aromatic softness, fullness, and can
round off any sharp edges. Middle notes can have both top and base note aromas within
them. They are harmonizing for your blends. Middle notes provide balance both physically
and energetically. They are soothing and harmonizing for the mind and body.

Essential Oils

• Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)

• Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
• Ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphora ct. 1,8 cineole)
• Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)


These oils provide a deep, warm, grounded quality to your blend. They function as fixatives
by reducing the evaporation of the top notes. Base notes add intensity to a blend and often
have an earthy aroma. The aroma rises slowly to your nose, unlike top notes, which
penetrate quickly. Base notes are used to relieve stress, anxiety, and insomnia. They are
calming and grounding. Many oils derived from woods, resins, and roots are base notes.
Ylang Ylang is an exception as it is extracted from a flower.

Essential Oils

• Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana)

• Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides)
• Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata)

24. Direct Aromatherapy Inhalation

The Hands Method

The Bath Method

There is nothing more beautiful and relaxing than a long soak in an aromatherapy oil infused
bath. You can mix your chosen essential oils for it, great oils for relaxation in a bath are listed
with their benefits and are available in your course notes to download.

• Lavender essential oil (anti-anxiety)

• Geranium essential oil (balancing)
• Mandarin essential oil (calming)
• Bergamot essential oil (relaxing)
• Ylang Ylang essential oil (sedative)
• Neroli essential oil (anti-depressant)
• Jasmine essential oil (sedative)
• Lemon essential oil (tonic)
• Melissa essential oil (balancing, induces confidence)
• Palmarosa essential oil (calming to the mind)
• Patchouli essential oil (helps with stress-related issues)
• Petitgrain essential oil (nerve tonic)
• Sandalwood essential oil (sedative)

The Aroma Stick Method

The Jewellery Method
25. Diffusers and 18 Aromatherapy Diffusing Recipes

How To Use An Essential Oil Diffuser Like An Expert

Diffusing essential oils is one of the most popular and effective ways to enjoy aromatherapy
benefits. If you are new to diffusing and are wondering how to use an essential oil diffuser,
read about some of the different types here.

Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Diffusers

USB Diffuser

....or just use an ordinary wooden clothes peg. Maybe one of the children would like to
decorate it. Again, just add a few drops of oil to it.

Additional aromatic ways to use Essential Oils Include:

• Apply oil to a cotton ball and place in the air vents of your vehicle
• Mix oils in a spray bottle with water and mist over furniture, carpet, or linens
• Add oil to a batch of laundry or to dryer sheets
• Use in household surface cleaners
26. The Classic Bowl of Water and in the bath!

27. 18 Aromatherapy Recipes For Diffusion

Here is a great list of ways to use aromatherapy diffusing techniques to support you at
1.For restful sleep – diffuse lavender, Roman chamomile, spikenard, neroli, mandarin or
sweet marjoram in the bedroom for 15 minutes before bedtime.

2.During times of colds and flu, try diffusing thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, manuka or

3.Cinnamon and clove are excellent for cold prevention, and smell lovely with a bit of
orange added.

4.Lemongrass, tea tree, eucalyptus, oregano and juniper are specific for air purification,
and can also help to clear the air of the smell of mildew.

5.Mental clarity is supported by peppermint, basil, lemon or rosemary. These are great
choices to diffuse while studying or working on a project.

6.For uplifting mood enhancement, clary sage paired with any citrus can work wonders.
7.For stress relief, add geranium and lavender.

8.To promote some romance, try jasmine, ylang ylang, rose, sandalwood or patchouli.

9.Nervousness can be soothed with neroli, frankincense, petitgrain, chamomile or


10.Let's Focus (Attention Grabber)

• 2 drops of Orange
• 2 drops of Peppermint

11.Fresh & Clean (Home Incident)

• 2 drops of Lavender
• 2 drops of Lemon
• 2 drops of Rosemary

12.Citrus Explosion (Visitors Arriving)

• 1 drop of Lemon
• 2 drops of Orange
• 1 drop of Lime
• 1 drop of Grapefruit

13.Deep Breath (Calming)

• 1 drop of Bergamot
• 1 drop of Patchouli
• 1 drop of Ylang Ylang

14.Boosting Immune System

Diffusing essential oils during the cold season sure helps our family relieve those pesky

Diffuse: Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, and/or Frankincense essential oils.

15.To De-stress and Relax

Essential oil’s power to cross the blood-brain barrier allows them to improve moods. Once
the oils hit the emotional centre of the brain, they go to work. (This takes just 2 minutes).

Essential oils are used to increase energy and a sense of well-being. When feeling overly
stressed and anxious, try diffusing essential oils.

Diffuse Lavender, Ylang-ylang, and/or Bergamot essential oils.

16.Better Sleep

The inhalation of essential oils with their calming properties may provide a safe and support
therapy for some sleep disturbance. Lavender has been shown to promote relaxation and
better sleep. Lavender helps the endocrine system while decreasing the production of
Diffuse Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and/or Clary Sage essential oils.
17.Easing Congestion

Being clogged is just a pain. It comes from a compromised respiratory system and breathing
difficulties. Diffusing essential oils can bring relief.

Diffuse: Peppermint, Rosemary, Lemon and/or Eucalyptus essential oils.

18.Setting the Mood

Ylang-Ylang is known for its ability to increase libido, so it is not surprising that newlyweds in
Indonesia enter their bridal suites to find their beds covered in Yang-Ylang flowers.

Essential oils have been used for years as mood enhancers. When having a quiet night with
your loved one, try diffusing some oils to increase the loving spirit.

Diffuse: Jasmine, Ylang-Ylang, or Clary Sage essential oils.

Caution: Sensitivities can occur with essential oils. A little goes a long way and make sure you
are using 100% therapeutic grade essential oil. Contact a doctor if the condition worsens. Be
smart and do your research before diffusing in your home. Eucalyptus should not be used on
young children

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