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Phase 2: Lower Body

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest

Dynamic Warmup
1 1 --:--

Speed Drop Lateral Push 3 4 00:45

Angle Bounds 3 4 01:00

Penultimate Jumps 3 3 01:00

Two Foot Max Approach Touch 3 2 01:00

Power Skip 3 8 01:00

Single Leg Eccentric Box Step Down 3 10 01:00

Bodyweight Reverse Plank 3 00:00:30 01:00

Long Duration Jump 3 00:00:40 01:30

Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest

Seven Eleven Breathing 1 00:03:00 --:--

Static Stretch 1 00:00:15 --:--

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

Let's get after it today! This workout is all about LOAD/REDIRECT, which means we're improving our ability to load/absorb force
rapidly and redirect that same energy into concentric power.

Keep in mind, if you haven't been exercising intensely/playing sports on a consistent basis prior to this program, you may need to
cut back a bit on the program. You may need to modify the reps to fit you're current level. Always listen to your body and never push
past joint pain (ie knee pain, back pain, ankle pain, etc.).

If ANY exercise causes pain (other than normal muscle fatigue) try to find another alternative or skip the exercise completely. If you
are unsure of your form ASK for help from a qualified trainer so that you don't injure yourself.

Keep in mind that vertical jump training is NOT endurance training, which means you don't need to rush your sets. Use the rest time
tool on the app or on your stopwatch. If your rest time is up and you STILL feel fatigued, take a little longer break. Also, we aren't
"chasing the burn". Some exercises will lead to fatigue/burning muscles, but some you won't feel any burn. When it comes to
vertical jump and speed training, the "no pain, no gain" mindset won't get you anywhere.

Remember, during this phase and throughout the program I want you to work on your jump mechanics outside of this workout.
Watch the full jump mechanics video in the "resources tab" and begin working on your jump mechanics in order to optimize your
jump potential!

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