02 Worksheet 1

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Choose one (1) on the given categories of functions and create a scenario/situation where the function
is being portrayed or demonstrated.


Grade 12 Simon will have their business proposal presentation. Group 3 is a group composed of 4
members which are Sally, Nadia, Sharon, and Lia. Nadia is the leader of their group. They will have their
group meeting tomorrow and Nadia decided to have their meeting at her house. She strictly said that
everyone should be at their meeting place before 8 AM. Her group members tried to say that it is too
early, but she reasoned that the earlier they start the earlier they will finish. Sally and Sharon arrived at
their meeting place before 8 AM while Lia sent them a message saying she will be a bit late because of
her parents, everyone seen her message except for Nadia. At 8:20 Lia arrived at their meeting place;
everyone was there except for Nadia. They message her but Nadia is not online for some reason. It was
9 AM when Nadia arrived at their meeting place saying that she woke up late because she there was an
emergency last night. They arrived at Nadia’s house and through Nadia’s sister they discovered that
Nadia was late because she watched some k-drama last night, instead of saying sorry to her group mate
Nadia was rude, she kept on interrupting her group mate when they are talking, and she kept on
insisting that her ideas are better.

This scenario shows self-interest behavior because Nadia just thought of herself and not her members,
she disregards her members ideas and participation, thinking that her ideas is better because she is the
leader. She is rude even if she is at fault for being late for an hour without a valid reason.

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