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able здатний, здібний - describe current things someone can do. E.g. She’s able to play a song perfectly
after hearing it only once. (she can currently do this)
capable здатний, обдарований - to talk about someone’s future potential. E.g. She’s capable of
becoming a successful musician. (she has the possibility of doing this in the future)
ability здатність, спроможність, можливість, кваліфікація. E.g. This technology has the ability to
grow crops in the desert. (it can currently do this)
capability здібність, продуктивність, придатність. E.g. This technology has the capability to end
world hunger. (it has the possibility of doing this in the future)
aboard на борту (літака, судна) on or onto a ship or a plane. E.g. He was already aboard the plane.
аbroad за кордоном in or to a foreign country. E.g. She worked abroad for a year.
accept приймати, погоджуватися, визнавати - to receive sth as suitable or good enough , - to say ‘yes’
to an offer, invitation, etc, - to agree to or approve of sth. E.g. The principal accepted the boy’s story about the
broken window.
except крім, за винятком - is usually a preposition that means aside from or excluding, Syn: ↑apart from.
E.g. I want all of the mugs to be washed except for the blue one.
ache біль (ниючий), в певній частині тіла = is discomfort that continues for some time specific part of
the body, such as a headache, a stomachache, a toothache, and an earache; is usually not extremely
strong, so you can try to ignore it. E.g. I’ve got a terrible headache.
pain біль (сильний, різкий від удару, пошкодження) = is usually stronger, more sudden, and more
difficult to ignore; when you cut yourself or hit your head on something. E.g. He hit a ceiling and felt a
sudden pain in his head.
hurt травма, рана = is a little different because it is usually used as an adjective or verb, not a noun. is
also used to mean “injure”. E.g. My ankle hurts. = I have a pain/ache in my ankle; He was badly hurt in the
car accident.
action дія, вчинок - a thing that sb does, often combines with take. E.g. The government is taking
emergency action to deal with a housing crisis...
activity діяльність, активність; енергія - a situation in which sth is happening or a lot of things are
being done; a thing that you do for interest or pleasure, or in order to achieve a particular aim. E.g. We will
see an extraordinary level of activity in the market for UK government bonds.
actually фактично, насправді; в дійсності; по-справжньому - does not mean ‘at the present time’; - to
emphasize a fact or a comment, or that sth is really true. E.g. No, I'm not a student. I'm a doctor, actually...
now тепер, зараз - (at) the present time. E.g. I am reading a book now.
adapt пристосовувати; підганяти; пристосовуватися - to change sth to make it suitable. E.g. The
ideal candidate should be able to adapt to change quickly and easily.
adopt усиновляти; удочеряти; визнавати в якості кого-небудь, приймати; засвоювати; вибирати
- to formally accept (a suggestion). E.g. The legislature has yet to adopt the committee's recommendations.
advice порада - recommendation (noun). E.g. She gave me some good advice.
advise радити - to recommend (verb). E.g. She advised me to get some rest.
adverse ворожий; антагоністичний, несприятливий; шкідливий - negative and unpleasant; not likely
to produce a good result; it goes against what you want, and is often unfavorable, harmful or challenging.
E.g. Heavy rain, high winds, or icy roads are adverse weather conditions (because they interfere with the
operation of normal life and transportation).
averse несхильний, неприхильний; який відчуває відразу - not liking sth or wanting to do sth; opposed to
doing sth describes people, and it means the person is not willing to do something. E.g. Someone who
doesn’t think it’s a good idea to invest money in the stock market is averse to risk.
affect впливати, афект - to influence (verb); emotional response, result, influence (noun). E.g. His money
affected the way people treated him.
effect вплив, спричиняти - result (noun); to cause (verb). E.g. The drug had several adverse side effects. The
new laws effected less cultural change than anticipated.
afraid of боятися ч-н - feeling fear; frightened because you think that you might be hurt or suffer; ~ of
doing - worried about what might happen. E.g. She’s afraid of spiders.
worried about хвилюватися через щ-н - to keep thinking about unpleasant things that might happen or
about problems that you have. E.g. I work in a school so I don't have to worry about finding someone to
look after my little boy...
agree to погодитися на (знижку) - to say ‘yes’; to say that you will do what sb wants or that you will
allow sth to happen. E.g. Donna agreed to both requests...
agree with погодитися з к-н, узгождувати з ч-н, відповідати ч-н - to have the same opinion as sb; to
say that you have the same opinion. E.g. I have an upset stomach. I don't think the food here agrees with
ahead майбутній, прийдешній, уперед, попереду, спереду, раніше, заздалегідь - further forward in
space or time; in front; earlier. E.g. I peered ahead through the front screen...
forward уперед, надалі, передній, передовий, прогресивний; розрахований на майбутнє;
перспективний, кращий, видатний, ранній; занадто рано розвинений - towards a place or position
that is in front; earlier; sooner; towards the future; ahead in time. E.g. The university system requires more
forward planning.
aisle прохід між рядами - space between rows
isle острів - island
all все, весь, цілий, вся, усе - the whole number/amount of.
hole діра; отвір - a hollow space in sth solid or in the surface of sth.
whole цілий; повний - complete; an entire thing
all right все гаразд, добре - acceptable; in an acceptable manner. E.g. The food at that restaurant is all
alright (informal) все гаразд, добре - not feeling ill; not injured. E.g. we get on allright
allow to do дозволяти; давати дозвіл – (formal in the middle) to let sb/sth do sth; to let sth happen or
be done. E.g. I don’t allow my kids to watch violent movies.
let do дозволити, щоб що-небудь відбулося – (the least formal) to allow sb to do sth or sth to happen
without trying to stop it. E.g. I don’t let my kids watch violent movies.
permit sb/smth to do дозволяти; давати дозвіл, давати можливість, дозволяти, (of) допускати –
(the most formal) to allow sb to do sth or to allow sth to happen. E.g. Our boss doesn’t permit us to eat
lunch at our desks.
allude згадувати, натякати, (побічно) вказувати - (formal) something that is said or written that
refers to or mentions another person or subject in an indirect way (= ↑alludes to it). E.g. Jacob hasn't even
so much as alluded to liking me.
elude уникати - to manage to avoid or escape from sb/sth, especially in a clever way. E.g. The bank
robber could elude the police for only so long before getting caught.
allusion посилання; згадування, натяк; (непряма) вказівка -indirect reference. E.g. Did you catch my
allusion to Shakespeare?
illusion ілюзія - false idea, misleading appearance. E.g. Mirrors give the room an illusion of depth.
delusion омана; ілюзія; примарна, нездійсненна мрія, галюцинація - a false belief or opinion about
yourself or your situation. E.g. Love can be nothing but delusion.
alone один, самотній; на самоті; без сторонньої допомоги - means “by yourself” – there is nobody
else with you. They do not mean that the person is unhappy; cannot be used before a noun. E.g. I like to
take long walks alone so that I have time to think.
lonely самотній, який страждає від самотності, сумує - means that you are alone and sad; means “feeling
sad and isolated” – it is a negative emotion. E.g. I was lonely on my first day of class because I didn’t have
any friends.
already вже before now or before a particular time in the past. E.g. I have already done my homework.
all ready все готово - fully prepared. E.g. Are you all ready to do homework?
yet ще (не) - sth that has not happened but that you expect to happen. E.g. I have not done my homework
altar алтар - a holy table in a church or ↑temple. E.g. Napoleon's army was sacrificed on the altar of folly
in the disastrous Russian campaign.
alter змінювати - to change. E.g. Art has the potential to alter our perception of the world.
altogether цілком, зовсім, загалом, усього, разом – thoroughly. E.g. His tour may have to be cancelled
all together всі разом - everyone/everything in one place. E.g. They arrived all together.
a lot багато - a quantity; many of something; a considerable quantity or extent (noun). E.g. I have a lot of
allot розподіляти, роздавати; наділяти - to divide or portion out; to assign (verb). E.g. The teacher has
allotted 20 minutes for the test.
аmbiguous двозначний, неоднозначний, нечіткий - can be understood in more than one way; not
defined or clearly stated. E.g. Her account was deliberately ambiguous.
еquivocal сумнівний, підозрілий ( який викликає сумнів) difficult to understand, not having one clear or
drfinite meaning or intention. E.g. She gave us equivocal answer, typical of polotitician.
ambivalent роздвоєний (про почуття); двоїстий (про відношення) - having or showing both good and
bad feelings about sb/sth. E.g. He maintained an ambivalent attitude to the Church throughout his long
indifferent байдужий, індиферентний; нейтральний, безсторонній - having or showing no interest in
sb/sth. E.g. People have become indifferent to the suffering of others.
amoral аморальний, який немає моральних принципів - means something is completely free from moral
considerations . it is neither moral nor immoral. E.g. Money itself is amoral - it is simply a tool that can be
used for good or for evil
immoral розпусний, means something is against established moral principles. E.g. Many religions consider
lying and cheating to be immoral.
amount кількість; величина; ступінь, все, весь обсяг, вся маса (uncountable). E.g. There’s a significant
amount of traffic in the late afternoon.
number число, кількість (countable). E.g. A number of my friends are teachers.
quantity кількість; величина - is a more technical/formal word for number or amount, and it is used for
things you can measure (usually objects, not people). E.g. We have a limited quantity of special-edition
hats for sale.
ancestor предок the people from whom you are descended. E.g. He could trace his ancestors back seven
hundred years.
descendant нащадок the people in later generations who are related to them. E.g. They are descendants
of the original English and Scottish settlers.
predecessor попередник is the person who had your job before you. E.g. He maintained that he learned
everything he knew from his predecessor Kenneth Sisam.
angel ангел - supernatural being, good person
angle кут - shape made by joining 2 straight lines
annoy докучати, набридати; дратувати; турбувати, тривожити - to make sb slightly angry. E.g.
Try making a note of the things which annoy you...
irritate дратувати - to annoy sb, especially by sth you continuously do or by sth that continuously
happens. E.g. Perhaps they were irritated by the sound of crying.
aggravate погіршувати, підсилювати, загострювати - (informal) to annoy sb, especially deliberately,
Syn: ↑irritate. E.g. Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation...
any будь-який, якийсь ( в заперечних і питальних реченнях, в стверджувальних реченнях після
заперечних слів). E.g. I don’t want any bread. Do we have any bread in the house?
some кілька, певна кількість ( стверджувальних реченнях, або коли робимо пропозицію, чи
прохання). E.g. I want some bread. Would you like some bread?
anyone ніхто, хто-небудь, будь-хто
any one хто б то не був; кожний, що-небудь окремо взяте.
another is used when you are talking about one additional thing; to describe something different, like a/an
+ other. E.g. I ate two slices of pizza and I'm still hungry, so I'm going to eat another one. I don't
understand. Could you give me another example? (one more slice of pizza).
other is an adjective. It refers to something different. E.g. The teacher held a textbook in one hand and a
pencil in the other hand.
others is a noun, and we use it when we DON'T say the noun specifically. It can only be used for plural
things. E.g. I liked the lesson, but the others thought it was boring. = the other students (implied).
anxious який турбується, тривожиться - feeling worried or nervous, describes feelings or personality.
E.g. He is anxious that there should be no delay...
eager (for, after, about) який палко прагне (до чого-небудь) - very interested and excited by sth that is
going to happen or about sth that you want to do, Syn: ↑keen. E.g. Robert was eager to talk about life in
the Army...
apart на віддалі, віддалік, осторонь, відособлено -separated by distance/time. E.g. She saw Sheila
standing some distance apart...
a part частина чогось, цілого - a piece of something. E.g. It was a significant part of a plan.
appreciable помітний; істотний, значний - large enough to be noticed or thought important, Syn:
↑considerable. E.g. This has not had an appreciable effect on production.
appreciative вдячний (за що-небудь), який правильно розуміє цінність - ~ (of sth) feeling or showing
that you are grateful for sth. E.g. We have been very appreciative of their support...
appraise oцінювати, визначати вартість, давати оцінку – to consider or examine sb/ smth and form
an opinion about them; make a formal judgement about the value of a work. E.g. She stepped back to
appraise her workmanship.
apprise повідомляти, інформувати, сповіщати – to tell or inform sb or smth. E.g. He saw no reason to
apprise the committee of what had happened.
around навкруги; навколо; усюди (all around), амер. поблизу, від початку до кінця, безперервно -
approximately, surrounding sb/sth. E.g. She looked at the papers around her..
round круглий; кулястий, сферичний, круг. E.g. She had small feet and hands and a flat, round face.
assume припускати, допускати - to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it. E.g. It
is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar...
know знати, мати поняття або уявлення; бути в курсі справи - to have information, to realize,
understand or be aware of sth. E.g. I don't know the name of the place...
think думати, міркувати; мислити - to have a particular idea or opinion about sth/sb; to believe sth.
E.g. Do you think I ought to seal the boxes up?...
assent згода, затвердження, схвалення; дозвіл; санкція - consent, agreement. E.g. Her assent gave us
permission to close the deal.
accent акцент - pronunciation common to a region. E.g. He had developed a slight American accent.
ascent підйом; сходження - the act of rising or climbing. E.g. Her ascent into the mountains was tiring.
assignment асигнування; призначення (на посаду); покладання (обов'язків, завдання (навчальне) -
the act of giving sth to sb; a task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study.
E.g. The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.
assignation призначення; відведення, надання (у чиє-небудь розпорядження), домовлена зустріч;
асигнація, - a meeting, especially a secret one, often with a love. E.g. She had an assignation with her
assistance допомога - help
assistants помічник - helpers
assumption взяття, прийняття на себе, удавання, нещирість - a belief or feeling that sth is true or
that sth will happen, although there is no proof. E.g. They have taken a wrong turning in their assumption
that all men and women think alike..
presumption припущення; допущення - the act of supposing that sth is true, although it has not yet been
proved or is not certain. E.g. I'm having to make a lot of presumptions since I don't really know anything
about the case.
astrology [əˈstrɔlədʒɪ] астрологія (вивчення розташування зірок і руху планет, і віра в те, що вони
впливають на долю і характер людини)
astronomy [əˈstrɔnəmɪ] астрономія ( наука про сонце, місяць, планети, зорі)
assure запевняти, переконувати (людину)- more often used for people; tell sb that smth is definitely
true or is going to happen. E.g. I assure you, sir, I am unarmed.
еnsure завіряти, запевняти, гарантувати - to make sure that smth happens or is definite; mostly used
in orders and instructions. E.g. Please ensure that the lid is tight.
insure страхувати is almost exclusively used in a financial sense; to buy insurance so that you will receive
money if your property gets damaged. E.g. Have you insured your car yet?
at (прийменник місця, знаходження когось чи чогось всередині чогось маленького, незначного: село,
містечко, будівлі, організації); прийменник часу, коли йдеться про ний час.
in в (прийменник місця, знаходження когось чи чогось всередині великого місця: країни,
континенту, великого міста); прийменник часу, коли йдеться про частини дня) in the morning, in
the evening, but at night, at noon, at midnight
avoid уникати, цуратися, ухилятися - to keep away from sb/sth; to try not to do sth. E.g. he officials
said North Korea was trying to avoid dialogue with the South.
prevent from заважати, перешкоджати, не допускати - to stop sb from doing sth; to stop sth from
happening. E.g. The police have been trying to prevent them carrying weapons.
evade вислизнути (від переслідування); відводити від себе (підозри) ; ухилятися, відкрутитися (від
відповіді, питання); уникати (розпитувань) ; ухилятися (від виконання обов'язку, сплати податків) ;
обходити (закон) 2) не піддаватися (зусиллям, визначенню) 3) втекти, вислизнути; здійснити втечу
you find a way of not doing something that you really ought to do; omeone or something, you move so
that you can avoid meeting them or avoid being touched or hit. E.g. Mr Portillo denied he was evading the
award винагорода, визнання to bestow based on merit (verb); refers more to the recognition you
receive. E.g. Ryan was awarded a medal for his bravery.
reward нагороджувати to give wages or recompense (verb). E.g. Adele rewarded the puppy for his
a while ненадовго, на короткий час - for a short time; is a noun phrase. E.g. Let’s sit for a while.
awhile ненадовго, на короткий час - for a short time; is an adverb. E.g. Let’s sit awhile.
bald лисий, плішивий
bold хоробрий, сміливий; відважний
bare голий - nude, unadorned
bear носити, ведмідь - to carry; an animal
beat побити, перемогти; If you beat someone in a competition or election, you defeat them. E.g. In
yesterday's games, Switzerland beat the United States two-one...
defeat завдавати поразки, розбивати If you defeat someone, you win a victory over them in a battle,
game, or contest. E.g. The NHL Stanley Cup was won by the Montreal Canadians, who defeated the Boston
Bruins four games to one.
lose програвати do not succeed because someone does better than you and defeats you. E.g. C Milan
lost the Italian Cup Final...
win виграти; перемогти you defeat those people you are competing or fighting against, or you do better
than everyone else involved. E.g. She won bronze for Great Britain in the European Championships.
been ( be) був, ( завершена подорож, вже повернувся). E.g. I've been to Germany twice.
gone ( go) поїхав ( ще не повернувся). E.g. Sorry, Bob’s not in his office. He’s already gone home for the
before раніше, колись, спереду; уперед - earlier than sb/sth
till у той час як, поки - up to the point in time or the event mentioned
ago тому (назад) - show how far in the past sth happened
beside поруч, біля, до того ж, крім - close to; next to. E.g. There’s a printer beside the computer.
besides крім того; також, до того - except for; in addition. E.g. Jenny has no friends besides her sister.
between між (2- ма) - in or into the space separating two or more points, objects, people. E.g. I am stuck
between a rock and a hard place.
among з, серед ( кількох предметів, людей) - surrounded by sb/sth; in the middle of sb/sth. E.g. I am
among people who understand me.
amid всередині, посеред - in the middle or during smth, especially smth that causes excitement or fear.
E.g. He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.
bail застава, поручительство - money paid if person is accused in crime doesn’t appear at their trial.
E.g. Can anyone put up bail for you?
bale кіпа, тюк, в’язка, оберемок - large amount of a light material passed tightly together and tied up
(bale of hay/straw).
begin починати - start doing smth; to do the first part of smth; written English; describes series of events.
E.g. Let’s begin.
start розпочинати, приступати до ч-н - to begin doing smth or using smth; to start happening; to make
smth start happening. E.g. It’s time you started on your homework.
biannually дворічний; що трапляється або відбувається двічі на рік
biennially дворічний; який триває два роки; який відбувається раз у два роки, кожні два роки
boar кнур, кабан - a wild male pig
bore свердлити, бурити - to drill a hole through
board дошка - piece of wood
bored нудно (почуватися) - uninterested
boring нудний ( річ, об'єкт) - not interesting; making you feel tired and impatient.
born народжений - brought into life
borne носити, нести - past participle of "to bear" (carry)
borrow зичити в когось - to take and use sth that belongs to sb else. E.g. I borrowed $10,000 from the
bank. “Could I borrow a pencil?”
lend зичити комусь - to give sth to sb or allow them to use sth that belongs to you. E.g. The bank
lent/loaned me $10,000. “Could you lend/loan me a pencil?”
lease здавати в оренду - a legal agreement that allows you to use a building, a piece of equipment or
some land for a period of time, usually in return for rent. E.g. He took up a 10 year lease on the house at
Rossie Priory.
rent брати в оренду - to regularly pay money to sb so that you can use sth that they own. E.g. She rents a
house with three other girls...
breath вдих -air taken in (noun). E.g. The ring was so beautiful that it took my breath away.
breathe дихати - to take in air (verb). E.g. Ronnie was so excited to see her favorite singer that she forgot
to breathe and passed out.
brake гальма - device for stopping
break поломка - destroy; make into pieces
briefly коротко, стисло - for a short time, in few words. E.g. Let me tell you briefly what happened.
shortly незабаром, скоро, невдовзі - a short time; not long, soon, in an angry and impatient way. E.g. She
arrived shortly after us.
bring приносити ( привезти і залишитись) - to come to a place with sb/sth; the action is directed toward
you. E.g. Bring home the bacon.
take забирати ( привезти і поїхати геть) - to carry or move sth from one place to another; if the action is
away from you. E.g. Take out the trash.
fetch забирати, привести; заїжджати, заходити ( за к-н) ( знайти і принести) - to go to where sb/sth
is and bring them/it back
burglary нічна крадіжка зі зломом - the crime of entering a building illegally and stealing things from it,
Syn: ↑housebreaking
robbery грабіж, розбій; пограбування; грабіж, оббирання (публіки) - the crime of stealing money or
goods from a bank, shop/store, person, etc, especially using violence or threats
by (у часовому значенні вказує на наближення до якого-небудь строку, кінцевий термін, або
обмеження яким-небудь строком до, на, під (кінець) - if a single event will happen before that point.
E.g. I will send you the information by Friday. (= before Friday).
by the time that... — на той час, коли... протягом
by day — удень
until (вказує на момент, аж до якого здійснюється дія) до - if a continuous event will continue and
then stop at that point. E.g. I’ll be working on the project until Friday. (= continuously until Friday; I will
stop working on Friday)
can уміння, здатність уміти, могти;
may імовірність, можливість
cancel скасовувати – smth that had been arranged will not now take place. E.g. All flights has been
cancelled because of bad weather.
delay затримувати – to make sb late or force them to do smth more slowly. E.g. We can’t delay much
put off переносити на потім – to postpone. E.g. The meeting was put off on Monday.
canvas полотно, картина - heavy cloth
canvass збирати голоси (перед виборами); агітувати за кандидата, домагатися (замовлень);
обговорювати; аналізувати - to take a survey;
capital столиця - major city. E.g. Washington D.C. is the capital of the U.S.
capitol капітолій, будинок конгресу - government building. E.g. The capitol building in the U.S.
captivate полонити, чарувати; захоплювати - to keep sb's attention by being interesting, attractive,
etc. Syn: ↑enchant. E.g. ] I was captivated by her brilliant mind...
capture взяти в полон; піймати, схопити (злочинця) - to catch a person or an animal and keep them as
a prisoner. E.g. The guerrillas shot down one aeroplane and captured the pilot...
career кар'єра; успіх, життєвий шлях; справа життя, професія, заняття - the series of jobs that a
person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes.
courier кур'єр, посильний; дипломатичний кур'єр, агент, що обслуговує мандрівників; співробітник
бюро подорожей або туристичного бюро - a person or company whose job is to take packages or
important papers somewhere.
certainly - точно, насправді, без сумніву – definite, really.
surely - звичайно, неодмінно – without doubt, expresses surprise.
chance шанс, щасливий випадок - a possibility of sth happening, especially sth that you want; the way
that some things happen without any cause that you can see or understand. E.g. This project has so many
problems, there’s little chance of success. = little possibility of succeeding.
opportunity зручний випадок; сприятлива можливість, нагода - a time when a particular situation
makes it possible to do or achieve sth, is a little more positive, it expresses the possibility for something
good. Syn: ↑chance. E.g. I have the opportunity to do a study abroad program.
probability ймовірність, правдоподібність - how likely sth is to happen. E.g. You cannot prove
conclusively that Sellafield caused cancer. You can only work on the basis of probability
possibility можливість - something that gives you a chance to achieve sth. is neutral, it means maybe the
event will happen, and maybe it will not happen. E.g. I’m worried about the possibility of losing my job.
channel канал ( тв), протока - a television station.
canal канал, канава; канавка; рів - a long straight passage dug in the ground and filled with water for
boats and ships
check ревізувати; звіряти; розслідувати, досліджувати; з'ясовувати - to examine sth to see if it is
correct, safe or acceptable
control контролювати - to have power over a person, company, country,
inspect перевіряти, оглядати; пильно вивчати; переглядати, інспектувати - to look closely at
sth/sb, especially to check that everything is as it should be, Syn: ↑examine.
child-like невинний; щирий, довірливий як дитя, синівський - having the qualities that children usually
have, especially ↑innocence
childish дитячий, дитинячий; інфантильний, незрілий; наївний, дитячий - behaving in a stupid or silly
classic класичний (популярний), класика accepted - as one of the best most important of its kind; typical
example; traditional; it means something excellent that has been well known and highly regarded for many
years. E.g. I made the classic mistake of clapping in a pause in the music! The Beatles are an example of
classic rock music from the 1960s.
classical класичний, гуманітарний, типовий - widely accepted and used for a long time; traditional in
style or idea; about things which are connected with the culture of Ancient Greece and Rome. E.g. They
were talking about classical economics of Smith and Ricardo.
climatic кліматичний = connected with climate. E.g. Climatic conditions/changes.
climactic кульмінаційний, важливий = very exciting, most important (event or point of time). E.g. The play
builds up to a finalclimactic scene between father and daughter.
close закривати; закриватися,( повільно) - a more slow or gentle action
shut зачиняти, закривати; ( швидко), стискати; стуляти, припиняти роботу - more noise and is
often found in phrases such as slammed shut, banged shut, snapped shut, used for containers such as
boxes, suitcases, etc.
clothes одяг – garments; refers to the individual items that you wear.
cloths тряпка -pieces of fabric. Cotton, wool, silk, etc. are different types of cloth.
clothing is more formal, and usually refers to a general category: men’s clothing, women’s clothing,
athletic clothing, clothing made from natural materials, etc
coarse грубий – rough (adjective). E.g. The coarse sand hurts my feet.
course курс – path (noun); series of lectures. E.g. Kimi ran along the course.
collage колаж, комбінація різнорідних елементів
college університетський коледж
come along with іти разом (з ким-небудь)
follow йти слідом
come over зайти ненадовго
overcome побороти, подолати,
comfortable зручний; комфортабельний - it makes you feel physically relaxed when you use it, for
example because it is soft. E.g. Trainers are so comfortable to wear.
convenient зручний, підходящий - is easy, or very useful or suitable for a particular purpose. E.g. The
family thought it was more convenient to eat in the kitchen.
compare порівнювати, проводити паралель
compere конферувати; вести програму
compel примушувати, підкоряти, змусити поступитися – to force sb to do smth; to make smth
necessary. E.g. The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children.
impel спонукати, схиляти, надавати руху – if an idea or feeling impels you to to do smth, you feel as if
you are forced to do it. E.g. He felt impelled to investigate further.
complement доповнення; кількість, доповнення - to make complete or whole (verb). E.g. The lemon
juice complements the flavor of the fish.
compliment комплімент - praise, flattery; to give praise (verb). E.g. Danielle complimented John on his
complimentary вітальний; привітальний, похвальний, утішний, безкоштовний E.g. The staff have
been very complimentary, and so have the customers...
complementary додатковий, не конкуруючий, комплементарні, взаємодоповнюючі. E.g. To improve
the quality of life through work, two complementary strategies are necessary..
compose створювати (літературний або музичний твір); задумати (картину); скласти (речення)
comprise включати, містити в собі, становити; охоплювати; складатися з; входити до складу
concentrate концентрувати, збирати, зосереджувати;
concentrated концентруватися, з концентрований, зосереджений
conduct вести, супроводжувати; водити (по музею), керувати; проводити
direct направляти, наводити, спрямовувати
confuse бентежити, викликати замішання, заплутувати, ускладнювати
confess визнавати; зізнаватися, церк. сповідати; сповідатися
conscience совість свідомість - sense of morality; the sense of moral goodness of one's conduct,
intentions, or character (noun). E.g. Rumi had a guilty conscience, so she turned herself in.
conscious свідомість; свідома психічна діяльність - awake, aware; capable of or marked by thought,
will, design, or perception (adjective). E.g. It was a conscious decision to do the right thing
considerate уважний; тактовний, дбайливий, турботливий
considerable маса, безліч; значна кількість
content вміст (сумки, кишені); зміст (книги, листа), суть, основний зміст (пропозиції)
continuous тривалий, суцільний, ел. постійний (про струм)- means constant, without interruption. E.g.
Your heartbeat and breathing are continuous.
continual безперервний, не припиняється, який повторюється знову і знову. - means recurring or
frequently repeated. E.g. If you have an old car, it might continually break down - it breaks down
convince переконувати, запевняти; (of) переконати - convince someone THAT something is true.
Convince is used for facts or beliefs; to describe it when a person is completely sure of their belief in
something. E.g. My mother didn't want to go to the doctor, but I convinced her that it was a good idea
persuade переконувати; схиляти, умовляти, вдавлювати, втискувати - persuade someone TO do
something. E.g. My mother didn't want to go to the doctor, but I persuaded her to make an appointment.
corps корпус (військова одиниця) - regulated group
corpse труп - dead body
council орган місцевого самоврядування; місцева рада - governing body; an assembly or a group
working to legislate or advise (noun). E.g. The council will meet tonight to elect officers.
counsel обговорення, нарада, порада - advice; to give advice; to advise (verb). E.g. My lawyer counseled
me to get the company to sign a contract.
councillor член (місцевої) ради; радник
counsellor радник, адвокат (в Ірландії е США), консультант, вихователь, вожатий (у дитячому
countryside сільська місцевість - is land which is away from towns and cities. E.g. I've always loved the
English countryside...
nature природа, природній світ - is all the animals, plants, and other things in the world that are not
made by people, and all the events and processes that are not caused by people. E.g. The most amazing
thing about nature is its infinite variety.
creditable похвальний, який робить честь, надійний, приписуваний
credible правдоподібний, імовірний, який заслуговує на довіру (про людину); надійний
credulous довірливий, легковірний
criticism критика - is negative comments - identifying faults or bad points. E.g. My project idea received a
lot of criticism from my colleagues - they said it would never work.
objection заперечення, незгода; протест, неприязнь; несхвалення
curious допитливий, цікавий, дивний, курйозний, загадковий
interesting цікавий, який викликає інтерес
dairy маслоробня; сирова - place where milk products are processed
diary щоденник, записник - personal journal
damage шкода, ушкодження; поломка ( про річ)
harm шкода, збиток, тілесне ушкодження, зло, лихо, шкода; неприємність
injury тілесне ушкодження, забите місце, рана, травма, каліцтво
wound рана, поранення (холодною зброєю) an injury to part of a body made in a skin using a weapon.
E.g. His wound healed quickly.
data ( множина від datum (вихідні) дані, факти; інформація
datum дана величина; вихідний факт; вихідний рівень
decision рішення
division ділення, розподіл
defrost розморожувати
melt танути, плавити, розтоплювати; плавитися, розтоплюватися, розчинятися
descent спуск, зниження (літака), зниження (місцевості) - downward movement; Describing family
origin. E.g. After reaching the top of the mountain, the hikers began their descent. He is of Japanese
dissent розбіжність у поглядах; незгода; відмова дати згоду – disagreement; can be a noun or a verb,
and it means a difference of opinion; to disagree. E.g. The pastor’s controversial sermon sparked dissent
among members of the congregation.
decent достойний, гідний - describes something good, satisfactory, or civilized. E.g. My job’s not very
glamorous, but I earn a decent salary.
desperate розпачливий; доведений до розпачу, безрозсудний, безнадійний, безвихідний
disparate диспартний, непорівнянний, несумірний, (у корені) відмінний
dessert десерт - final, sweet course in a meal
desert пустеля I [ˈdezət]; кидати, залишати (кого-небудь); втікати; залишати (про корабель,
мужність) [dɪˈzɜːt] - to abandon; dry, sandy area.
destroy руйнувати, розбивати, розстроювати (плани, надії), ламати, псувати
destruct руйнувати, розкладати, підривати в польоті (ракету
device пристрій, пристосування, прилад - a plan; a tool or utensil
devise придумувати, винаходити; розробляти -to create
differ from відрізнятися, вирізнятися; відрізняти; розрізняти, вирізняти
differ with розходитися в думках, не погоджуватися; сперечатися, сваритися
discover відкривати щось старе
invent винаходити щось нове
discreet скромний -modest, prudent behavior; judicious in one's conduct or speech (adjective). E.g. Try to be
discreet when you slip him the note.
discrete переривчастий, відірваний, абстрактний - a separate thing, distinct. E.g. Cut the brownies into
nine discrete pieces.
disinterested means somebody is neutral; if two people are having an argument, they should present the
case to a disinterested third party who can give a clear and fair evaluation of the situation.
uninterested is the opposite of interested. It simply means you have no interest in something. E.g. He's
totally uninterested in traveling. He likes where he lives and never wants to leave.
dominant пануючий, панівний, основний - commanding, controlling
dominate панувати; домінувати, переважати - to control
do виконувати, робити - generally refers to the action itself; for actions, obligations, and repetitive tasks.
make створювати щ-н нове - usually implies that there is a result; for creating or producing something,
and for actions.
don't have to не обов'язково
mustn't заборонено
dose доза; доза, частка, порція
doze дрімота, гнилизна, трухлявість (деревини)
downside нижня сторона, нижній бік
underside нижня частина (предмету); низ, дно, зворотня сторона (справи); неприглядна сторона
dress up наряджати; наряджатися; причепури - means to wear clothing that is special.
get dressed одягатися - “Get dressed” means to put on your clothes.
driving test експлуатаційні випробування
test drive пробна поїздка
driver водій - anybody who drives a vehicle is a driver.
chauffeur шофер приватного авто - is a person who is employed to drive a car for a private individual.
during протягом; під час - before a noun. E.g. The people sitting in front of me were talking during the
for тривати
throughout протягом усього часу
while поки, в той час як; коли - before a subject + verb. E.g. The doorbell rang while I was taking a
awhile ненадовго, на короткий час, трохи.
dye фарбувати - to change or add color
die помирати - to lose life; one of a pair of dice
dyeing фарбування, набуття кольору - changing or adding color
dying помираючий - losing life
e.g. наприклад, exempli gratia; лат.; букв. "заради прикладу" exempli gratia (for example) – used to
introduce examples. E.g. He hates studying the sciences, e.g. biology, chemistry, and physics.
i.e. тобто, id est; id est (that is) – used to say something in other words, in order to make things clearer
or provide more information. E.g. He hates studying the sciences, i.e. he has no interest in being a chemist
like his father.
eatable їстівний fit to be consumed as food. E.g. These fruits are eatable. You may take any you like.
edible їстівний, придатний для їжі - it is safe to eat and not poisonous. E.g. The shrub has small edible
economic економічний (пов'язаний з економікою) describes things related to the economy. E.g. The
country is undergoing a period of strong economic growth.
economical економний, заощадливий refers to something that saves money; it is an efficient use of
money. E.g. This is an economical car, it doesn't use much gasoline
earn something is to get something in exchange for your work or effort, for example: a salary. E.g. Sarah is
a famous lawyer; she earns a lot of money.
gain something is simply to get or increase – not necessarily because of action. E.g. I’ve gained five pounds
since I stopped exercising.
win win is to be #1 in a competition, or to receive an award; a game, a race, a match, a competition, or the
lottery; a medal (like in the Olympics), a prize, or an award. E.g. My soccer team won the game 3-1.
effective ефективний, дієвий it means it achieves the desired effect/result. E.g. This vaccine is quite
effective against the disease. (= the vaccine has the desired result of preventing the disease)
efficient, it means it is done in a good way, without wasting time, money, or energy. E.g. E-mail is more
efficient than regular mail. (= e-mail saves time that is normally wasted with regular mail)
either ... or або ..., або ... E.g. You can choose one flavor of ice cream – either chocolate or vanilla.
neither ... nor ні ..., ні ... E.g. I don’t like soccer. I don’t like tennis. I like neither soccer nor tennis.
either будь-який (з двох), один з двох; той або інший, той, інший; обидва; кожний,
as well з таким же успіхом
too також
electric електричний device or machine works by means of electricity, rather than using some other
source of power. E.g. She was given an electric guitar for her birthday.
electrical який стосується, відноситься до електрики, електричний - goods, equipment, or
appliances work by means of electricity. E.g. There was an electrical fault in the engine.
elicit витягати (на світ), виявляти (факт) -to draw out; to evoke or draw out. E.g. The police elicited
from the criminal the names of his accomplices.
illicit незаконний, протиправний - illegal, forbidden. E.g. George was guilty of committing illicit acts.
emigrate емігрувати ( покидати країну) - to move away from one’s country. E.g. We emigrated from
Canada in 2002.
immigrate імігрувати ( в'їжджати в країну) - to move into another country. We immigrated to the
United States.
migrate, when referring to people, means to relocate within the same land. E.g. Thousands of pioneers
sought their freedoms by migrating west. For animals, migrate means to relocate. E.g. Geese spend much
of the spring and fall migrating between warm and cool climates.
eminent видатний, знаменитий - prominent or famous, of high status or prominent (adjective). E.g. We
have gathered this evening to honor three eminent authors.
imminent який насувається, навислий, неминучий - about to happen, occur, or take place (adjective);
pending or expected soon. E.g. Sir, core breach is imminent.
immanent невід’ємний, постійний means inherent or ever-present. E.g. God’s immanence is most
apparent in the phenomenon of creation.
еmpathy емпатія, співпереживання refers to the ability to deeply understand and share someone else’s
feelings or situation; even if you haven’t had direct experience of a situation
sympathy співчуття can mean you feel sorry because another person is sad, or because something bad
happened to that person; If you are in sympathy with someone, it means you agree with them, or your
goals are in line with their goals.
employer роботодавець
employee працівник. E.g. All the employees were happy about the extra day off.
enquire запитувати, робити запит інформації - is used for “ask” in general. E.g. He enquired about
prices for the products.
inquire запитувати, дізнаватися; проводити службове розслідування; (after, about) справлятися,
довідуватися, наводити довідки, (into) розслідувати, з'ясовувати - for a more formal investigation
E.g. The police will make an inquiry into the alleged corruption.
envelop огортати, закривати з усіх боків - to surround (verb)
envelope конверт - container for a letter (noun)
everyday щоденний, звичайний, буденний; повсякденний - routine, commonplace, ordinary (adj.)
пересічний, заурядний, посередній; an adjective. E.g. How do you like my everyday attire?
every day кожного дня - each day, succession (adj. + noun); a noun phrase. E.g. What time do you wake
up every day?
every one is a noun phrase meaning each. E.g. Every one of the flowers bloomed.
everyone is a noun meaning all, and usually refers exclusively to people. E.g. Everyone finished the course
with ease.
except виключати, вилучати, протестувати, заперечувати
expect очікувати, чекати, розраховувати, сподіватися; вимагати
excited збуджений, схвильований, жвавий; діяльний
exciting збуджуючий, хвилюючий; захоплюючий (про розповідь, новину),
execute виконувати (наказ, волю); запроваджувати, здійснювати; виконувати (роботу)
executive виконавчий
exhausting – виснажливий.
exhaustive - ретельний, вичерпний (answer)
expand розширювати, розвивати (про час) - gets bigger in all directions. E.g. A balloon expands when
you blow it up.
expend канц. (on, upon) витрачати, затрачати; витрачати (час, сили).
extend has more the sense of making something longer in one direction. E.g. You extend a TV antenna.
experience життєвий) досвід, досвідченість; досвід роботи; стаж
experiences враження, пережиті події
explore (verb) досліджувати, вивчати is to investigate or travel to a new area in order to discover
things. E.g. The satellite will explore the area outside our solar system.
exploit (verb) використовувати, експлуатувати is to take advantage of something, usually in a selfish
or unethical way. E.g. Europeans exploited African slave labor to build their colonies.
extra додатковий
surplus зайвий, надлишковий; додатковий
fair ярмарок, чесний; справедливий - light skinned; just, honest; a carnival
fare плата за проїзд; вартість проїзду, їжа - money for transportation; food
famous for стати знаменитим за щ-н
famous as стати знаменитим як ( професія)
farther більш віддалений; подальший (відстань) - at a greater(measurable) distance. E.g. I ran 3 miles,
but my sister ran 5 miles. She ran 2 miles farther than me.
further більш віддалений, далекий, дальній, подальший, пізніший, додатковий (абстрактний) - in
greater(non-measurable) depth. E.g. He interrupted me before I could say anything further.
fell (fall fell – fallen) падати; опускатися E.g. my purse fell out of my bag.
felt (feel – felt – felt) почувати, відчувати; відчувати. E.g. I will always feel grateful to that little guy...
few небагато, мало (countable nouns)
little небагато, мало (uncountable nouns)
figuratively метафорично, образно; фігурально
literally буквально, дослівно, точно; без перебільшень; відповідно до фактів
virtually фактично, практично, у дійсності, реально; власне кажучи, на ділі, по суті
fare плата за проїзд; вартість проїзду - is used only for transportation. E.g. The bus fare is the cost of
the bus ticket.
fine штраф; пеня - is a punishment in which a person is ordered to pay a sum of money because they
have done something illegal or broken a rule. E.g. She was fined ₤300 and banned from driving for one
fee гонорар; винагорода; платня внесок; збір, мито; ліцензійна винагорода (licence fee) can
describe: the money charged for some professional service. You pay a fee for lawyers, counselors, maids,
etc.; the money charged by an institution or for administration: E.g. Schools charge tuition fees.
tax податок, збір; мито - refers to the money you need to pay the government. E.g. the income will be
taxed at the top rate
fit refers to size. If a piece of clothing fits, it means it is the correct size or shape. E.g. These shoes don't fit
me; I need a larger size.
match means they are equal, or very similar so they appear nice together; usually refers to color and
appearance. E.g. I'm buying a yellow hat to match my yellow jacket.
suit when talking about clothing, is used more generally for when a certain style looks good on somebody;
means to be appropriate for. E.g. My new job suits me much better than my old job – I feel like it's more in
line with my career goals.
flavor аромат; приємний запах або смак; букет (вина, чаю) - food or drink, you add something to it to
give it a particular taste. E.g. I always add some paprika for extra flavour.
taste смак (властивість їжі) some food or drink, you try a small amount of it in order to see what the
flavour is like. E.g. I like the taste of wine and enjoy trying different kinds...
odour запах, неприємний; аромат, пахощі - is a particular and distinctive smell. E.g. he whole herb has a
characteristic taste and odour...
for протягом ( період) - with periods of time. E.g. I’ve been studying English for two years.
since з, від ( початок відліку) - with measuring the time after a specific point in time. E.g. I’ve been
studying English since 2010.
formally офіційно; з дотриманням прийнятих правил
formerly колись, раніше - previously
former колишній, попередній = means "at any time in the past." E.g. Your former employer means any
employer you have had in your past, at any time.
previous попередній, минулий means "immediately before,". E.g. Your previous employer typically means
the most recent employer you had in your past
forth уперед, далі, надалі - forward
fourth четвертий - number four in a list
formidate грізний
wonderful дивовижний, дивний, разючий
full stop крапка
period крапка (яка відділяє ціле число від десятих часток
fun забавний; цікавий – means something is enjoyable; you like doing it. E.g. We had fun at the party.
funny ( noun) - смішний, забавний, кумедний – means something makes you laugh; it is full of comedy.
E.g. He made funny faces.
go ( skiing) -займатися спортом
play (tennis) грати гру
going out бувати в товаристві, (with) зустрічатися, видаватися (про книгу)
outgoing відхід, від'їзд, який йде, від'їжджає, який відбуває
good гарний, хороший; is an adjective; it describes nouns. E.g. That's a good idea! The food at that
restaurant is really good.
well добре, відмінно; is an adverb; it describes verbs:E.g. She performed well in the competition. E.g. She
performed good. I know him well; we've been friends for years.
gorilla горила - animal in ape family
guerrilla партизан; боєць, партизанська війна - soldier specializing in surprise attacks
guarantee гарантувати just refers to a promise that certain conditions will be fulfilled. We can use it
with products, or with things that are not products. E.g. All our products come with a 30-day money-back
warranty гарантія is a specific type of guarantee – it is ONLY used for products, and it is a promise that if
the product breaks, the seller or manufacturer will fix it or replace the product.
hard твердий; жорсткий can be an adjective or an adverb – and the adjective form has two meanings!
E.g. This book is too hard for me. I can’t read it. She’s working hard to finish the project by tomorrow.
hardly навряд чи, ледь, насилу, ледве; майже не - has a completely different meaning. It means “almost
not.” E.g. We have a bad connection – I can hardly hear you.
hear чути - to sense sound by ear; is just one moment in time; often unintentional. E.g. After I heard a
loud noise downstairs, I listened carefully to see if a robber had entered the house.
here тут - in this place. E.g. You can stay here.
listen слухати, вислухувати з увагою - is often a prolonged action, often intentional. E.g. While I was
listening to the news, I heard that there was a plane crash outside the city.
heard почув - past tense of "to hear"
herd стадо - group of animals
heroin героїн
heroine героїня
he's- he is - він є
his - його
high високий (про гору, стіну) ; високий, який знаходиться на висоті, нагорі - extends a long way from
the bottom to the top when it is upright. You do not use high to describe people, animals, or plants. E.g.
Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.
tall високий (на зріст) ; що має такий-то ріст, таку-то висоту; висотою, ростом у... -someone or
something that is tall has a greater height than is normal or average. E.g. She was a young woman, fairly
tall and fairly slim...
historic історичний, який має історичне значення - describes things that were very important or
influential in history (or a current event that will likely be regarded as important in the future). E.g. The
army’s historic victory was the turning point in the war.
historical історичний, історично достовірний; пов'язаний з історією - describes anything related to
the past, to history; things can be important or unimportant. E.g. The city center contains many cultural
and historical monuments.
hoard запас, таємний склад - a hidden fund or supply, a cache
horde орда, зграя, банда, зграя; рій - a large group or crowd, swarm
holiday свято; день відпочинку; неробочий, неслужбовий день - is a special day for religious or cultural
reasons – such as Christmas, Easter, New Year’s Eve, and your country’s Independence Day. Some holidays
are also official days off from work, and others are not. E.g. My parents are on holiday in Asia. (British
weekend вихідні дні в кінці тижня, уікенд
vacation канікули; перерви (між сесіями парламенту); судові канікули; відпустка - when you take
multiple days off from work/school to relax and/or travel. However, American English speakers call this a
vacation and British English speakers call this a holiday. E.g. My parents are on vacation in Asia. (American
holy святий; священний; святійший
holly падуб; гостролист
homework домашні завдання, уроки; домашня робота (учнів);
homemade домашнього приготування, саморобний
handmade виготовлений вручну, ручної роботи
housework робота по дому; домашнє господарство
hope надія; сподівання - is used when you want a specific result, and when there is (or was) a real
possibility of getting that result. When you are hoping for a result in the future, you can use either hope +
present or hope + will + verb (they are equal; there is no difference). E.g. I bought a present for my
girlfriend. I hope she likes it. OR I hope she’ll like it.
wish бажання; побажання; намір, воля; наказ - is usually used for hypothetical (imagined) situations,
when you want something in the present or past to be different. When you’re wishing a present situation
was different, use wish + simple past. E.g. I live near the beach, but I wish I lived near the mountains.
"How do you do?" Як поживаєте? ( вперше зустрічаєте людину, застарілий вислів)
"How are you?" Як справи?
however однак
moreover більше того, крім того
humanly по людський, у межах людських сил – with human ability; in a way that typical of human
behavior. E.g. He couuldn’t humanly refuse to help her.
humanely людяно, гуманно – compassionate. E.g. The dog was humanely destroyed.
ill хворий, нездоровий, недужий, слабий - is the more formal word, and it usually describes a more
serious, more permanent health problem, like cancer. E.g. My uncle has been ill for the past five years.
sick хворий; хворобливий; пов'язаний з хворобою - is the less formal word, and it usually describes a
more temporary health problem – often nausea, although not always. E.g. If you’re feeling sick, you might
need to vomit.
immunity імунітет, несприйнятливість
impunity безкарність
imply мати на увазі, припускати - something is to hint it, basically. E.g. But that statement implies that
my involvement was deliberate.
infer робити висновок, виводити - something is to gather it, surmise it, or come to the conclusion. E.g.
Am I to infer, Governor, that if we do not surrender our land we will be evicted or killed?
improve поліпшувати, удосконалювати
improvise імпровізувати
incidence сфера поширення або дії; охоплення - rate, extent, or frequency of occurrence (noun). E.g.
There is a high incidence of robbery in that neighborhood.
incident інцидент, випадок, подія - a definite and separate occurrence or action (noun). E.g. I'd rather
not talk about that incident.
income дохід -refers to ALL the money you receive. It includes your salary or wage, but may also include
money received from investments.
salary заробітня плата (за місяць, рік)- is usually the same amount every month; it doesn’t change based
on the exact number of hours you work.
wage заробітня плата (за годину, тиждень) - is when you receive money based on the number of
hours you work: If you work 1 hour, you get a certain amount; if you work 4 hours, you get 4 times that
incredible неправдоподібний; неймовірний;
incredulous недовірливий, скептичний
ingenious винахідливий; майстерний, дотепний, оригінальний
ingenuous щирий; прямий, відвертий; простий, простодушний, наївний
inquiry наведення довідок, розпитування;
enquiry запитувати, робити запит; розслідувати
intolerable нестерпний
intolerant нетерпима людина, фанатик
its його - possessive form of "it". E.g. The dog ate its food.
it's це є -contraction for "it is". E.g. It’s raining.
jibe збігатися, відповідати; погоджуватися
jive верзти нісенітницю, дурницю, танцювати під джазову музику,
job робота, професія - is a regular and official activity that you do, and receive money for your activity.
E.g. Terry has had seven jobs in the past five years.
work праця, робота - is more general than “job” – whereas “job” is a specific occupation/profession,
“work” refers to general efforts and activities done to accomplish a goal. “Work” can be done both inside
an official job and outside a job! E.g. I can’t access Facebook when I’m at work.
career is the total progression of your professional life. It can include many different jobs over the years.
You can have a career in (a field) – for example, a career in politics / journalism / teaching / finance.
kind of начебто; майже ( те що кажеш наполовину правда)
sort of начебто, скоріше ( не можеш підібрати слова, щоб описати)
rather певною мірою, досить, почасти;
knew знав - past tense of "know"
new новий - fresh, not yet old
know знати - to comprehend
no ні - negative
last can also mean “final”. E.g. Did you read the last issue of the magazine?
later пізніше - after a time. E.g. He resigned ten years later...
latter останній - second one of two things. E.g. He tracked down his cousin and uncle. The latter was sick.
lay (laid класти, покласти; лягати - to put or place. It takes a direct object specifying the thing that is
put or placed. E.g. She laid her books on the desk.
lie (lay; lain) лежати; розташуватися, залягти, бути розташованим - does not take a direct object.
For living things, lie means to recline. E.g. She lay awake until two. For nonliving things, it means to exist or
be located. E.g. That valley lies to the north.
lay down складати (план, схему); закладати (будинок, фундамент), встановлювати,
lie down лягти, прилягти
lead свинець, керувати - heavy metal substance; to guide
led вести, керувати - past tense of "to lead"
learn вивчати, вчити (що-небудь) - you obtain knowledge or a skill through studying or training. E.g.
Their children were going to learn English.
teach навчати к-н - you give them instructions so that they know about it or how to do it. E.g. The
trainers have a programme to teach them vocational skills.
study вивчення, дослідження; наукові заняття; вивчення, розгляд (питання) ; обстеження - you
spend time learning about a particular subject or subjects. E.g. He went to Hull University, where he
studied History and Economics.
lessen зменшувати, скорочувати - to decrease
lesson урок - something learned and/or taught
let дозволити, щоб що-небудь відбулося
leave дозволяти, щоб що н залишалося незмінним; відпускати, випускати, не тримати;
lightning блискавка - storm-related electricity
lightening освітлювати, давати світло; світитися, світлішати
like ніби, схожий - to make a comparison. E.g. She sings like an angel.
as такий як - to talk about a job or function. E.g. I worked as an executive assistant for ten years. (job).
as If так ніби - to talk about something that is similar (but not really the case). E.g. When I’m skiing, I feel
as if I’m flying.
likely імовірний, можливий
apt підходящий, доречний; відповідний
liable амер. імовірний, можливий, зобов'язаний, зв'язаний зобов'язанням
unlikely неправдоподібний, неймовірний, маловірогідний
live мешкати
stay зупинятися, гостювати ( тимчасово)
look дивитися - in a particular direction, you direct your eyes in that direction, especially so that you can
see what is there or see what something is like. E.g. I looked down the hallway to room number nine...
watch спостерігати, слідкувати; дивитися, спостерігати - someone or something, you look at them,
usually for a period of time, and pay attention to what is happening. E.g. The man was standing in his
doorway watching him...
see бачити something, you notice it using your eyes. E.g. You can't see colours at night...
look after доглядати за к-н
look for шукати щ-н, к-н
look at поглянути на
watch дивитися, спостерігати
look forwards дивитися вперед
look forward to з нетерпінням очікувати
look over ретельно вивчати
overlook оглядати
loose широкий, розтягнений - unbound, not tightly fastened. E.g. This bracelet is loose on me.
lose втрачати - to misplace; to fail to keep or maintain (verb). E.g. Do not lose this expensive bracelet.
massage масаж
message повідомлення
maybe perhaps (adv.) можливо
may be might be (verb) може бути
meat м'ясо - animal flesh
meet зустрічатися - to encounter
mete вимірювати, розприділяти - to measure; to distribute
me я ( додаток)
I я (підмет)
me мене
my моє
metal метал - a hard organic substance
medal медаль - a flat disk stamped with a design
mettle темперамент, характер, сміливість, виносливість, стійкість
miner шахтар - a worker in a mine
minor неосновний, незначний - underage person (noun); less important (adj.)
moan стогін
mourn оплакувати; тужити, журитися; засмучуватися, горювати
moral мораль, повчання, правила, норми поведінки - refers to things related to ethics (matters of
right/wrong). E.g. It is often used with moral obligation/responsibility/duty.
morale моральний стан, бойовий дух - attitude or outlook usually of a group; means the state of
spirit/emotions of a group of people - their general
confidence and cheerfulness. E.g. If a sports team has high morale, it means the members of the team are
feeling good and optimistic
most найбільше, більш за все, щонайбільше, a; (скор. від almost) майже
mostly головним чином; здебільшого; звичайно, зазвичай
ointment мазь
ornament орнамент
pass away померти, вмерти, зникати, припинятися, проходити, минати
pass out зомлівати, непритомніти, вмирати, зникати, успішно завершити (курс у військовому
навчальному закладі), роздавати, поширювати (що-небудь), сл. напитися до втрати свідомості,
бути п'яним як чіп
pass exam скласти іспит
take exam складати іспит
passed проходити повз, минати - past tense of "to pass"
past минуле; (проходити) повз - at a previous time; having taken place in a period before the present
(adjective); preposition. E.g. Don't judge me by my past mistakes.
patience терпіння - putting up with annoyances; the quality of being patient (noun). E.g. Daryl is testing
my patience.
patients пацієнт - people under medical care. E.g. The patients had to reschedule their appointments.
peace мир - absence of war
piece кусочок, частинка - part of a whole; musical arrangement
peak пік, гостра вершина; гора - point, pinnacle, maximum
peek підглядати - to peer through or look furtively
pique збуджувати, зачепити, уразити (гордість) - fit of resentment, feeling of wounded vanity
pedal педаль - the foot lever of a bicycle or car
petal пелюстка - a flower segment
peddle торгувати дріб'язком - to sell
percent відсоток, виводити оцінку на письмовому іспит
percentage процентний вміст; відсоток; комісійна винагорода (у відсотках), частина, кількість,
сл. користь, вигода
periodic періодичний, циклічний
periodical періодичне видання, журнал
permission дозвіл
permit дозволяти
personal особистий, персональний - intimate; owned by a person
personnel персонал, штат; кадри- employees
plain простий - simple, unadorned
plane літак, площина - to shave wood; aircraft (noun)
possibility можливість ( обґрунтовані)
chance шанс (доля), щасливий випадок
precede передувати, бути, знаходитися або йти попереду - to come before; to go before or to
introduce (verb). E.g. His reputation preceded him.
proceed продовжувати - to continue; to move forward or to continue an action or process (verb). E.g.
We must proceed with the ceremony.
process процес
procession процесія, хід; кортеж;
presence присутність - attendance; being at hand
presents подарунки - gifts
principal глава, начальник, директор - foremost (adj.); administrator. E.g. The principal will make an
important announcement this morning
principle принцип, основа, закон - moral conviction, basic truth. E.g. A principle of healthy eating is to eat
fresh and natural foods.
priceless надзвичайно цінний, дорогий,
valueless нічого не вартий; марний; негідний
valuable коштовний; дорогий
worthless нічого не вартий; що не має ніякої цінності
prophecy (noun)– передбачення
prophesy (verb) - передбачати
quiet спокійний, тихий - silent, calm; an absence of noise or activity (noun); can mean little or no noise.
E.g. I enjoyed the peace and quiet.
quite дуже, досить – very; to a degree or to an extent (adverb). E.g. The strawberries were quite
silent means ZERO noise.
quote цитата pl лапки
quotation цитата; цитування
rain дощить - water drops falling; to fall like rain
reign царювати - to rule
rein контролювати, обуздати тварину - strap to control an animal (noun); to guide or control (verb)
rational розумний, мислячий - having reason or understanding
rationale логічне обґрунтування; розумне пояснення - principles of opinion, beliefs
receipt [riˈsiːt] квитанція
recipe [ˈresipi] рецепт
relation відношення; залежність; зв'язок; родич, родичка can describe connections between two things
or ideas. E.g. There’s a close relation between smoking and lung disease.
relationship спорідненість; зв'язок; взаємини, стосунки - can describe a connection between two
people (this connection may be romantic or not). E.g. I’ve been dating my boyfriend for three years. We
have a great relationship.
remember пам'ятати - is when you think of a memory (a past experience). E.g. I remember the first time
I ever swam in the ocean, when I was 5 years old.
remind нагадувати - (v.) is when a person or thing makes you remember or think about something. E.g.
My mother reminded me to wash the dishes after I finished eating lunch.
recollect згадувати, пригадувати
remainder різниця (ивідніманні), частка ( при діленні)
reminder нагадування
replay спорт. перегравати, грати повторно, програвати (диск
reply відповідати
respectable поважний; респектабельний; пристойний
respectful шанобливий; ввічливий
respectfully шанобливо; чемно - with respect
respectively відповідно; у вказаному порядку - in that order
reverend преподобний (про святого), поважний, високоповажний, шановний - title given to clergy;
deserving respect
reverent шанобливий; побожний, благоговійний - worshipful
ride їздити верхи. E.g. He was riding on his horse looking for the castle...
drive водити машину - somewhere, you operate a car or other vehicle and control its movement and
direction. E.g. I drove into town and went to a restaurant for dinner...
rise сходити (про сонце, місяць), вставати (на ноги); підніматися; вставати - does not have a direct
object (one thing is going up by itself). E.g. In the morning, the sun rises. o She rose from her chair.
raise піднімати; будити, пробуджувати - to lift up; must have a direct object (one thing is making
another thing go up). E.g. The student raised his hand. The government will raise taxes.
raze руйнувати; зносити; скидати, виривати з корінням - to tear down.
arise виникати, з'являтися - is similar to rise, but is more formal and abstract. It can also be used to
mean “appear”. E.g. Several important questions arose during the meeting
right правильний correct; opposite of left
rite ритуал ritual or ceremony
write писати to put words on paper
road дорога path
rode їхати верхи past tense of "to ride"
rob грабувати is the action. E.g. Donald robbed five stores before being caught by the police.
steal красти - the action of taking something specific. E.g. The thief stole a gold necklace from the
woman’s bedroom.
burgle здійснювати крадіжку зі зломом - thief enters it by force and steals things. E.g. Two teenagers
burgled the home of Mr Jones's mother.
run over переливатися через край; (with) бити ключем, переїхати,
overrun надлишок; перевитрата, спустошувати, грабувати; захоплювати (територію, місто);
розбити дощенту; зім'яти, кишіти, заростати (бур'янами)
said (вище) згаданий, (вище)сказаний
told розказаний
say сказати
tell розповідати
talk розмовляти, вести бесіду
speak володіти мовою
scared наляканий
scary той, що лякає, страшний
scenery (театральні) декорації; обстановка, пейзаж, ландшафт; вид
view вид, пейзаж, панорама
landscape ландшафт; пейзаж, жив. пейзаж; пейзажний живопис
scene місце дії, місце (події) - place of an action; segment of a play
seen побачений - viewed; past participle of "to see"
semiannually раз на пів року
semimonthly раз на пів місяця
semiweekly раз на пів тижня
sense почуття; відчуття, свідомість, розум - perception, understanding
since з тих пір, після (того), тому (назад) - measurement of past time; because
sensible розумний, розсудливий
sensitive чутливий, ніжний
serve обслуговувати
service обслуговування
sight вигляд - scene, view, picture; vision (noun). E.g. Please get that bug out of my sight.
site місце розташування, місцезнаходження - place, location. E.g. Meet me at the construction site.
cite посилатися; наводити, цитувати - to document or quote (verb). E.g. The essay cites several
different authors.
shortage недостача, брак; дефіцит
shortness короткість; нетривалість; стислість, незадовільність, слабкість
some time небудь, коли-небудь; у будь-який час
sometime коли-небудь, колись; якось, іноді, час від часу, часом
sometimes іноді
stationary нерухомий; закріплений, стаціонарний - standing still; fixed or unchanging (adjective). E.g.
A stationary bike allows people to watch television while exercising.
stationery канцелярські товари; поштовий папір - writing paper. E.g. Cindy likes to use unique
stationery for her letters.
straight прямий - unbending
strait (вузька) протока, перешийок, вузький прохід - narrow or confining
strange дивний
stranger незнайомець
stick прилипати
sticker наклейка
stuff речі назви яких ти не знаєш, або вони є очевидними (абстрактні).
things речі, якими ти володієш, (інструменти, матеріальні).
such такий ( adjective )+ noun
so такий + adjective/ adverb
suit – підходити, влаштовувати, личити (про одяг)
suite – [sw;it] – комплект, набір, номер в готелі.
tact такт, тактовність
tack цвях із широким капелюшком; кнопка
take care бути обережним, берегти себе (при прощанні).
take care of піклуватися про к-н
take over приймати (посада) від іншого
overtake доганяти, надолужувати; переганяти; обходити; об'їжджати
taught навчав past tense of "to teach"
taut туго натягнутий, тугий; пружний - tight
than ніж, за вийнятком, крім того – besides; Use than in comparisons. E.g. The cat was bigger than the
then тоді - at that time; next; Use then with sequenced events. E.g. I laughed, and then I cried.
their їхній - possessive form of "they"
there там - in that place
they're вони є - contraction for "they are"
through завершений, вичерпний - finished; into and out of
threw кидати - past tense of "to throw"
thorough ретельний, ґрунтовний, доскональний - complete
to в напрямку до - toward
too також - also; very (used to show emphasis)
two два - number following one
tolerable стерпний, який можна терпіти - fairly good, but not of the best quality; that you can accept
or bear, although unpleasant or painful. E.g. In August heat is barely tolerable.
tolerant терпимий, толерантний able to accept what other people say or do even if you do not agree
with it. E.g. He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions.
tortuous звивистий, кривий, ухильний, нещирий; нечесний
torturous болісний; що заподіює муки
track трек, дорога - course, road
tract трактат, брошура, памфлет, ділянка, простір (землі, лісу, води) - pamphlet; plot of ground
trainer тренер; інструктор, дресирувальник
trainee стажист, практикант
travel подорож, мандри, їхати.
trip коротка подорож туди і назад, з поверненням (business trip - у справах, round the world trip -
навколосвітня подорож, school trip - шкільна екскурсія).
voyage морська подорож
journey подорож з одного місця в інше ( переважно сухопутна)
treat поводитися, лікувати людину, пригощати
cure лікувати хворобу
unknown – невідомий.
іnfamous – ганебний , безчесний.
uninterested байдужий, нудьгуючий - means not interested. E.g. She was uninterested in my art.
disinterested безкорисливий, байдужий, який не виявляє інтересу;- means unbiased. E.g. Finding a
disinterested judge in this matter may prove difficult.
unsatisfied – незадоволений (кількістю).
dissatisfied – незадоволений (якістю).
used to doing звик до ч-н
used to do колись робив регулярно
use користуватися, застосовувати - is generally the best choice for simplicity.
utilize використовувати, утилізувати - which means to use to the best effect, is an overused version of
use and is only occasionally the better choice.
waist талія - midsection of the body
waste відходи, марнувати - discarded material; to squander
waive відмовлятися (від прав), ухилятися, уникати forgo, renounce
wave колихатися, майоріти - flutter, move back and forth
wander бродити
wonder цікавитися ч-н, дивуватися
warn (against, of) попереджати
worn зношений; потертий,вимотаний, виснажений
weak слабкий - not strong
week тиждень - seven days
weather погода - climatic condition
whether якщо, чи - if
wether кастрований баран, валух євнух, - a neutered male sheep
where де - in which place
were були - past tense of "to be"
which котрий, який - one of a group
witch відьма - female sorcerer
whose чий- possessive for "of who"
who's хто є - contraction for "who is"
wrong неправильний, невірний, помилковий; хибний
wrongly помилково; по причині непорозуміння, незаслуженно
your твій / ваш - possessive for "of you"
you're ти/ ви є - contraction for "you are"
yore колишнє, минуле, минувшина - time long past

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