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Physical education is an integral part (important part) of general
education, which is concerned with the development of an individual physically,
socially, mentally, emotionally and his Health generally.
Physical education is an aspect of general education which educates an
individual through carefully selected and properly conducted physical activities.
It is also a part of education that is concerned with the training of individual
through Physical Activities that have been carefully selected. Through a well
planned and programmed exercise, Physical education helps to remove stress
and strain of modern-day living.
Everyone takes part in physical education in one form or another, as
he/she performs his/her daily duties or activities. As result of this physical
education contributes to the total fitness and healthy growth of an individual as
well as the development of desirable skills and attitude through participation in
sports and games. Like any other course in the college curriculum, physical
education aimed at the development of the intellectual, Emotional, Social,
Physical and Moral aspect of an individual and the improvement of the society
through a systematic and well organized programme of activities.
The word “Physical” refers to the body. It is often used with reference to
various body characteristic such as physical strength, Physical power, Physical
development and Physical appearance, while the word Education may mean
different thing to different people but generally, it is training that comes
through studies, which makes an individual to become a complete man who will be
useful to himself and his society. Therefore Physical Education is an important
aspect of general education that helps in developing a total/complete man.
Physical Education is a lifelong education and therefore it is not meant
for children and young adults alone because a man at the age of 60 years still
needs a healthy mind and body. Physical education is also the training of the
body and mind through well planned Physical activities which bring a sound mind
in a sound body.


Physical education aims at providing an individual the opportunities to learn the
activities that will lead to positive Physical, Social, Mental and Emotional growth.
In other words, Physical education aims at;
1. Developing an Individual Physically.
2. Developing an Individual Socially.
3. Developing an Individual Mentally.
4. Developing an Individual Emotionally.


 To develop a physically fit and healthy individual
 To develop in an individual the attitude of honesty and fair play
 To develop desirable standard of conduct and socially acceptable habit
 To develop good posture of an individual and helps in preventing obesity
 To develop the spirit of co-operation in team work
 To develop self-confidence and achievement
 Acquisition of motor skills that are useful in daily life activities
 To develop the sense of responsibility
 To develop the knowledge and proper use of leisure hours
 To create fun and enjoyment
 It develops various organs and systems of the body such as digestive
system, reproductive system, circulatory system etc.
 It provides job opportunities like becoming a coach, boxer, wrestler,
footballer, journalist, sports administer, sports consultant, teacher
lecturer etc.
 It removes boredom, tension and promotes the ability to relax
 It promotes unity and friendship
 It develop intellectual ability i.e. ability to think, to reason and to solve


Physical education is a unique body of knowledge which coves a wide
variety of Physical activities. As an academic discipline and an essential
component of general educational frame work, years back, in the pre-historic
period of man, physical education programme was primarily aimed at the
Physical development of the body, with the view to build strong men for the well-
being of the society; this was the situation in the Greek and Roman era. Then the
nature of Physical education was narrow, informal, unstructured and comprises
mainly of gymnastics and Physical training exercises.
Over the years to the present day a lot of changes have taken place in the
field of physical education. As a dynamic process, the programme of physical
education has been broadened. Therefore, a balanced of physical education is
planned with the view to meet the Mental, Social, Physical, Moral and Emotional
and interest of an individual.

Physical education deals with three main studies of human body:

1. Anatomy: This is the scientific study of body bone structures
2. Physiology: This is the scientific study of the normal functions of human
3. Kinesiology: This is the scientific study of the movement of human body

Branches of physical education

1. Athletics ‒ Track and field events
2. Gymnastics ‒ These are physical exercises or activities
3. Games and Sports:
a. Minor Games: These are games that have no international recognition but
have local rules and regulations
b. Major Games: These are games that have international recognition with
rules and regulations.
Types of major games:
i. Ball games
ii. Racket games
iii. Combat sports
4. Aquatics sport: Sporting activities done in water e.g. Swimming, Fishing,
Diving, Boating or Canoeing etc.
5. Recreational activities: These are activities done voluntary during ones
leisure time. E.g. Camping, Picnic
6. Rhythmic activities: These are activities involving regular movements
which are usually accompanied by Music e.g. Dancing, Marching, Singing,
and Calisthenics.
7. Fundamental movement/body mechanic: These are the basic movement
skills performed by every individual such as Running, Walking, Jogging,
Sitting, Standing etc.
8. Marital art: This is any of the fighting sports which serve as a form of self
defense attack such as Judo, Karate, and Taekwondo.
9. Health education: This deals with knowledge gained through the practice
of health habits and behaviours
10. Safety education: This deal with safety of an individual
What is health?
W.H.O. (World Health Organization) defines health to be state of complete
physical, mental emotional and social well being of an individual and not merely
the absence of disease or any infirmity.
Health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being.


Health education is the knowledge gained through the practice of health habits
and behavioural values.
 It helps to acquire and practice desirable health habits that lead to total
 It gives awareness of communicable diseases, mode of transmission,
prevention and cure.
 It provides the knowledge of basic first aid and injury management.
 It teaches safety precaution, accident prevention and caution during
 It provides the knowledge of nutrition and food that are necessary for
 It provides the knowledge of harmonious working of the body systems.
 It provides information about family life, procreation and sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs)
 It teaches personal cleanliness and dangers in poor hygiene.
 It provides information on drugs, drug abuse, drug misuse and dangers in
self medication.
 It teaches environmental health and dangers in poor environmental

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