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Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Complete the table outlining reliable information relevant to workplace


Information Example
Legislation Corporations Act 2001
The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) is the principal legislation regulating
business entities (primarily companies) in Australia It governs activities like
the creation and management of corporations (in conjunction with a
constitution that a corporation may adopt), the responsibilities of
executives, takeovers, and fundraising.

Organizational Organizations must create rules and procedures that take into account
policies and both the demands of their workforce and its vision, values, and culture.
procedures Enforcing these rules after they are established is crucial. However, it may
be more difficult than it seems to achieve these objectives.
Although they work together, policies and procedures are distinct from one
A policy is a set of general rules that describe how an organization will
approach a problem. The relationship between the organization's daily
activities and its vision and values is communicated through policies.
A method outlines a particular course of action for putting a policy into
practice. Employees are instructed on how and when to handle situations
by procedures. Combining policies and processes gives employees a
comprehensive understanding of their workplace. They are aware of the
culture the company aspires to, the behavior required of them, and the
best ways to achieve both.

Stakeholders Stakeholders are immediately impacted by a company's decisions and

outcomes, and they can have a significant impact on the success of a firm
as a whole. Because of this, a company's success depends greatly on its
ability to effectively connect with its stakeholders and understand how
they affect and are affected by the business. In this article, we go through
what a stakeholder is, how to recognize various major stakeholder types,
and how to communicate with them successfully.
2. Describe how legislation may be applicable to workplace problems (provide an
example as part of your answer).
Laws are used by the government to control corporate practices and stop them from
exploiting their customers. Laws protect both the employees of businesses and the customers
who use their services. All types of legislation, even those that create new public entities like
the Legal Services Commission and the Public Defender System, have an impact on
Consumer rights law that is based on consumer protection. legislation that establishes a
framework for corporate taxes.
Costs and profits
Businesses must comply with government legislation, but this means that they
experience a range of additional costs in terms of time and money. The time needed to
prepare documentation, according to procedures, and guarantee that legal responsibilities
are met contributes to some of these expenditures.
 Additional expenses result from
 providing training and safety equipment
 testing items to make sure they adhere to basic safety standards; paying
employees higher compensation;
 providing product guarantees; hiring additional workers to cover required
hours; and quality assurance procedures.
 Having a stronger brand image will improve the company's reputation and
increase sales, which will result in more revenue. Additionally, if a company
follows the law and acts responsibly, its employees
Reference by
3. Describe how organisational policies and procedures may be applicable to
workplace problems (provide an example as part of your answer).

Make sure your team is aware of the importance of following the rules and
procedures when your organization's executives develop and enforce policies.
Operations are prevented from descending into total chaos by policies and procedures.
Your organization can operate efficiently when everyone agrees to abide by the
rules and guidelines. Teams and management structure function as planned.
Additionally, errors and snags in processes can be easily found and fixed.
Additionally, your company will spend time and resources more effectively if your
workforce adheres to regulations and procedures. As a company, you'll be able to
develop and accomplish your objectives.
Finally, when staff members adhere to procedures, they accurately complete jobs
and consistently deliver client service. This raises the standard of the goods and services
your business offers.
Reference by
the- ultimate-guide/
4. Identify and describe two (2) critical thinking methods that may be used to
identify complex issues in the workplace using the table below (there is an
example to get you started).

Method Description

Interview This method uses a formal or informal interview process to

obtain information about a workplace issue (such as how a
product is used). It asks relevant questions to relevant
stakeholders and documents the answers.
Identifying Finding reliable information is the first step in making excellent
decisions. With so much information available, we must be
careful to only use trustworthy or authoritative sources, rather
than simply the first result of a Google search. We must
carefully examine information and its sources in the era of fake
news and potent algorithms so that our choices are supported
by solid logic and data.
Analyzing Analyzing information entails thoroughly inspecting it in order to
comprehend, interpret, and justify it. This may entail locating
presumptions, gaps, and links between facts, logic, or other
types of proof. You will be well-prepared for the final evaluation,
when you will make decisions and draw conclusions, with a
detailed analysis.
You will have made important inquiries during the identifying
stage to ascertain the type of information you are dealing with,
who produced the information, and for whom. Thinking very
carefully about this data and the assertions makes up analysis.
This entails going beyond the obvious meaning of what is being
said and investigating the premises and logic that underlie a
Evaluation Your capacity to evaluate information and arguments will improve
your ability to make wise decisions. They enable you to draw
conclusions and make judgments and provide justification for
them. You must conduct yourself as a judge throughout this
procedure, assessing all the evidence before you to come to a
5. Identify and describe two (2) critical thinking methods that may be used to
generate solutions to complex issues in the workplace using the table below
(there is an example to get you started).
Critical thinking Description

Brainstorming This method uses a group of people to think of as many solutions

(even the crazy ones) in a predetermined time.
Open-Mindedness It's simple to claim to be open-minded, but are you really?

To gain a perspective,
• Be brutally honest about your advantages and disadvantages
and how they will affect the current situation.
• Listen to a viewpoint that differs from your own without reacting
before the viewpoint has been fully expressed.
• Recognize that there may be multiple approaches to an issue
and that each one may be valid in its own way.
• When making any necessary modifications, keep in mind how
you really feel.
• Let rid of ingrained patterns and disregard your long-held
assumptions and views.
Visualize weighing scales with the decision-making variables on
them. Are they equal?
Open-mindedness is a powerful technique for critical thinking.
New possibilities can be uncovered, helping you resolve personal
and professional matters in a manner that doesn’t frustrate you or
alienate the other party.
Problem-Solving Critical thinking is heavily dependent on problem- solving. An
effective critical thinker will be a problem solver with the foresight to
anticipate roadblocks and negative outcomes, and the experience
and presence of mind to resolve them quickly and move on.
One of the most effective problem-solving methodologies is the 5
Whys Analysis. Invented by Saki chi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota
Motors in the 1950s, it has been used successfully by the automobile
giant to get to the root cause of problems.
The idea behind this is simple: start with the end problem and keep
asking why until you get to the root
cause of it.
6. Summarise the steps associated with a decision-making process. You may
answer using a written paragraph or diagram.
Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering
information, and assessing alternative resolutions.
Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful
decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives. This approach
increases the chances that you will choose the most satisfying alternative possible.

Identify the


Identify the

Weigh the

Choose among

Take action

Review your
decision & its

Figure 1: 7 Steps of the Decision-Making Process

7. List three (3) advantages of addressing complex issues in the workplace.

1. Better thinking:
An individual may come up with ideas during the collaborative problem-solving process
that can be used to temporarily resolve the issue. In contrast, a team or group of people
would strive to apply all of their individual thoughts to that specific issue during a team
problem-solving session in order to find a response and solution to their challenge.
Therefore, collaborative problem-solving methods aid in coming to a better conclusion
through better reasoning.
2. Better risk handling:
When it comes to risk, it can be a little perplexing for some individuals that more people
can handle more danger. This is especially true because attempting to manage the risk's
intensity makes it relatively simple for a group member to increase their professional
productivity. Therefore, group problem-solving methods might greatly increase the risk
factor. Additionally, by utilising these methods, one can encourage healthier growth.
3. Better communication:
Problems can be resolved more successfully with effective interpersonal communication. A
team or group of people can communicate more effectively than other groups, which is a
concept that is easy to understand.
In order to find solutions to problems as soon as possible, employing a team approach to
problem solving encourages increased communication and mutual understanding among
8. Complete the table outlining the different types of risk that may be
associated with pursuing a complex issue in the workplace.

Type of risk Description Example

Strategic risk It’s the risk that your A classic example is Kodak, which had
company’s strategy becomes such a dominant position in the film
less effective and your photography market that when one of its
company struggles to reach its own engineers invented a digital camera
goals as a result. It could be in 1975, it saw the innovation as a threat
due to technological changes, to its core business model, and failed to
a powerful new competitor develop it.
entering the market, shifts in
customer demand, spikes in the
costs of raw materials, or any
number of other large- scale
Compliance Are you complying with all the The organic farm in California, and sell your
necessary laws and regulations products in grocery stores across the
risk that apply to your business? U.S. Things are going so well that you
Of course, you are (I hope!). decide to expand to Europe and begin
But laws change all the time, selling there.
and there’s always a risk that
you’ll face additional
regulations in the future. And
as your own business expands,
you might find yourself
needing to comply with new
rules that didn’t apply to you
Financial risk Most categories of risk have a Financial risk is increased when you do
financial impact, in terms of business internationally. Let’s go back to
extra costs or lost revenue. that example of the California farm selling
But the category of financial its products in Europe. When it makes sales
risk refers specifically to the in France or Germany, its revenue comes in
money flowing in and out of euros, and its UK sales come in pounds. The
your business, and the exchange rates are always fluctuating,
possibility of a sudden meaning that the amount the company
financial loss. receives in dollars will change. The company
could make more sales next month, for
example, but receive less money in dollars.
That’s a big financial risk
to take into account.
9. List three (3) barriers to effective decision-making
1) Lack of knowledge about bias and decision-making in organisations
Many people in leadership roles are aware that our values and principles affect our
ability to make judgments, though to varied degrees. The door to bias is thus wide
open, and hundreds of different biases come into play and further sway our decisions.
Additionally, it is critical for CEOs to understand how these biases effect how we see
data within their organizations.
2) Poor culture of challenging decision making
Organizations must create a culture where workers feel comfortable voicing
concerns and taking corrective action in order to improve decision-making. They
must also be open and transparent, which entails exchanging data and using
diagnostic tools, like surveys, to spot trends in what's going wrong and figure out
how to fix it. Groups can be dynamic and creative in an open and transparent
culture, which supports personal growth. In order to counteract confirmation
bias and groupthink, forums and committees should be set up and run in a way
that encourages individual contributions of ideas and viewpoints.
Diversity of thought
Here are some facts from a piece of Forbes research in 2017 on business
decisions making.
 66% of the time, teams exceed individuals in making decisions.
 In 58% of cases, all-male teams make better commercial decisions than
 73% of the time, gender diverse teams do better than individuals.
 Finally, gender diverse teams that represent a range of ages and places 87% of
the time produce superior business decisions.
 The key takeaway from this is that effective leadership requires a range of team
contributions. Your group's decision-making will be more effective if it is more

10. Summarise (in a paragraph) the requirements for the development and
presentation of a brief.

The process of creating policies and procedures is dynamic and complex. It

demands the executive's, policyholder's, stakeholders', and workers'
participation and dedication. However, when designed and implemented
correctly, a corporation or firm can operate effectively and simply
accomplish its objectives. Additionally, it can assist the firm or organisation
in maintaining positive connections with both its staff and clients as well as
the legal and social framework in which it operates.
11. Summarise the requirements for the development and presentation of a
brief and feedback register.

A recommendation engine, often known as a recommender system, is a tool that

algorithm developers can use to forecast which things from a given list a user may or
may not find appealing. In addition to helping consumers find products or content,
recommendation engines offer an intriguing replacement for search fields.
Recommendation engines are a pretty interesting alternative to search fields, as
recommendation engines help users discover products or content that they may not
come across otherwise.

12. List four (4) bodies you may be required to seek approval from to develop
and implement solutions.
1. The executive committee
The executive committee is described as a "group of directors designated to function
on behalf of, and within the powers granted to them by, the board of directors, often
consisting of a chairman, vice-chairperson, secretary, and treasurer" in the Business
Senior executives and board officers make up the executive committee. The executive
committee membership is specifically described in the organization's bylaws. The
executive committee typically includes the corporation's president or chief executive
officer and all of the board's officers.
Most executive committees have three to seven members, which is a rather small
number. The executive committee members are typically chosen by the board of
directors, while in other organizations the board chair is responsible.
1. Board of directors

The Chairman of the Board of Directors will choose the topics for Board meetings.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors will receive reports from the Board
secretariat, which is responsible for writing meeting agendas and minutes as well
as other administrative tasks relating to board meetings. The Chairman of the
Board of Directors shall appoint the secretariat for the Company's Board.
2. Functional managers/leaders

The Chairman of the Board of Directors will choose the topics for Board meetings.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors will receive reports from the Board
secretariat, which is responsible for writing meeting agendas and minutes as well
as other administrative tasks relating to board meetings. The Chairman of the
Board of Directors shall appoint the secretariat for the Company's Board. The
functional style assumes that leadership is defined by the behavior of the leader
and its corresponding effect on the group. Leadership is something that any
individual provides to a group to meet certain needs.
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3. Regulatory bodies
A public organization or government agency that was established to carry out a
regulatory function is known as a regulatory body. This entails setting the bar for
actions, imposing standards, criteria, or prohibitions, and enforcing in these areas
or gaining compliance. Many different professions are covered by regulatory
agencies, although not all professions are regulated and some may be self-
regulatory. Other names for a regulatory body include regulatory agency,
regulatory authority, and regulator.
4. Environmental bodies.

The UN leads environmental policy development through the work of some key bodies.

 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),

 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development,
 Commission on Sustainable Development, and UN Forum on Forest


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Assessment Task 1: Checklist
Student’s name:

Did the student provide a Completed

sufficient and clear answer successfully? Comments
that addresses the
suggested answer for the Yes No

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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© 2021 RTO Works

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