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PROJECT: APC - Avoid Plagiarism in Coursera

Group: 2

Member: Le Vu Dinh Duy

Hoang Dinh Nhat
Hoang Chi Duong
Dang Quoc Bao
Luu Huy An
Nguyen Duc Dai

Subject: SSG104
Lecture: Tran Vu Nhat Quynh
Table of contents

Executive summary 1

Body 1

Introduction 1

Procedures 1

Findings 1

Analysis 1

Conclusions 1

Recommendations 1

Supplementary Section 1

Reference List 1

Appendix 1

Executive summary
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“APC - Avoid Plagiarism in Coursera” is a project aims to share the knowledge as well as the
necessary skills to be able to study and do lessons on Coursera in the safest way. The knowledge and skills
we research and break down into small parts are transmitted in the form of posts but follow a route so that if
the audience follows from start to finish the content of the page can be fully absorbed. The content includes
videos, post, image, knowledges as well as skills.
After six weeks of operation, the project has been certain achievements. My project has brought
much-needed skills to students who are just transitioning from pre-professional English. Before we started
this project, the percentage of freshmen majoring in violation of Coursera's plagiarism policy was very high.
But after a period of development, we have seen positive signs in the FPT learning environment. Students
already know how to study and work safely on Coursera and know what to do when unfortunately getting hit
by Coursera as a plagiarism violation. 
Although the number of posts on each post of the page is not as high as expected. But I believe that
my group's page will help a lot of you in the future.

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Start the learning process for your team members on the Coursera platform. Despite being self-taught, some
members were punished for plagiarism. The group gathered together for the first time to discuss the issue of
plagiarism and develop a strategy to address it in order to assist one another. The group came to the
conclusion that the freshmen needed to learn from their mistakes.
The team realized that many FPT students have recently transferred from the preparatory English program to
their major and are only now becoming familiar with the Coursera learning platform, but they lack the
necessary knowledge of test-taking strategies on this platform. As a result, many instances of breaking the
rule against plagiarism have no clear cause or origin.
Due to these factors, the team decided to suggest this initiative as a means of disseminating the knowledge
mentioned above.
A brief explanation of the "APC - Avoid Plagiarism in Coursera" initiative
Time: The project will be implemented by the entire team from May 23, 2022, until August 7, 2022.
Weekly timetable (see appendix 1 for more information)
Topics and content for each week (see appendix 2 for more information).
Result: At the start of the project, we hope that we can approach approximately 120 people. The final result
is not bad, about 50 per 120 interactive people (see appendix 4 for more information).

Our project works on a Facebook fan page name “APC - Avoid Plagiarism in Coursera”. There are 7
procedures in total divided based on stages:
Stage 1: Raise the idea (23/05/2022 - 06/06/2022):
Procedure 1: Define idea:
Every member of our group shows unique ideas. Then we choose one idea.
Procedure 2: Define data:
Choose the data kind (video and post) and create a plan to collect the data with your chosen idea.
Stage 2: Development plan on the page (06/06/2022 - 10/06/2022):
Procedure 3: Create a page
First, design logo, a wallpaper for the page
Second, create a page, add specific information
Finally, introduce the page and the project the team carried out in the first post.
Stage 3: Proposal (10/06/2022 - 12/06/2022):
Procedure 4: Finish the proposal and present in class
Stage 4: Introduction (13/06/2022 - 19/06/2022)
Procedure 5: Introduction to the definition of plagiarism. When is an essay plagiarized by Coursera?
Stage 5: Prevent (20/06/2022 - 24/07/2022)
Procedure 6: Ways to paraphrase an essay and tools to help paraphrase and check for plagiarism.
Stage 6: Troubleshoot (25/07/2022 - 07/08/2022)
Procedure 7: What to do when unfortunately being marked as plagiarism by Coursera?
Stage 7: Report (25/07/2022 - 07/08/2022)
Procedure 8: Collect data, make reports

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Stage 8: Project presentations (07/08/2022 - 03/08/2022)
Procedure 9: Project presentations in class
Findings and Analysis
Facebook Page Result:
Page link:
Page likes: (See details in Appendix 4)
A total page like 344
Age: from 18 to 25 years old
Gender: Women account for 78.7% and Men account for 21.3%
Post interactive: (See details in Appendix 5)
The total number of reactions, comments on and shares of the article is about 500.
Post has most like with 77 likes:
Although the number of interactions is still small, we are all satisfied with the results
The project has approached many new students entering the major from preparatory English, we get a lot of
thanks and after the posts.
Interaction volume is uneven, and changes by post-topic.
Many students babbling into majors without knowing anything about how to study and do lessons on
Coursera have found it very interesting and fortunate to encounter our posts.


Future changes to Coursera's plagiarism detection software will make the team's current technologies
obsolete because of this. To ensure your safety while learning on Coursera, the team has planned for the
future to continually upgrade the newest tools. This will allow them to stay current with Coursera's
development. And maybe in the future, my team can create a plagiarism checker model to help FPT students
in the process of doing homework on Coursera.

Appendix 1
Weekly timetable
Phase Introduction Prevent Troubleshoot

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Week Week 3 – Week 4 Week 5 – Week 8 Week 9 – Week 10
Thing to do Introduction to the Ways to paraphrase an What to do when
definition of plagiarism. essay and tools to help unfortunately being
When is an essay paraphrase and check marked as plagiarism by
plagiarized by for plagiarism. Coursera.

Appendix 2
Topics and content for each week
Week 3: What is Plagiarism?
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Week 4: What are paraphrases?
Week 5: Introducing QuillBot and its partners
Week 6: Plagiarism Checker Tools
Week 7: Grammarly plagiarism checker
Week 8: Errors when taking lessons on Coursera
Week 9: Instructions for removing plagiarism flags on Coursera
Week 10: Project results report

Appendix 3
Page audience analysis

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Appendix 4
Page reach, visit and new likes analysis

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Appendix 5
Reach and reaction in each type of post

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Appendix 6
Post reach and reaction analysis

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