Used Type 2

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1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to make correct type 2
conditional sentences.
1. If I __________ (be) you, I _____________ (study) for the exams.
2. If we__________ (have) a car, we ___________ (go) for a drive in the
3. Kim ___________ (buy) some new clothes if she_______________ (have)
enough money.
4. If cameras___________ (not/cost) so much, we_____________ (buy) one.
5. John _____________ (lend) you some money if you ___________ (ask) him.
6. He ______________ (open) the door if he_____________ (have) the key.
7. We______________ (paint) the house if we ___________ (have) time.
8. If she_____________ (have) enough money, she_____________ (study)
9. If I______________ (be) rich, I________________ (never/work) again.
10. Helen____________ (post) letters if she ______________ (have) some
2. Rewrite the sentences in type 2
1. I’m not rich. I can’t give much money to charity.
2. People waste water. There are serious water shortages in many parts of the
3. I have got a car. I don’t cycle to work.
4. Factories pour chemicals into rivers. Rivers are polluted.
5. People leave rubbish on beaches. They are dirty.
6. We don’t take care of our planet. It’s in danger.
7. He doesn’t have a garden. He doesn’t grow vegetables.
8. Mary lives in a flat. She hasn’t got a dog.
3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs and identify the type
of conditionals used (0, 1, or 2)
1. If people used (use) bicycles to get around, they would be fitter. Type 2
2. If animals ___________ (not/keep) in cages, they feel happier._______
3. If you _____________ (take) more exercise, you’ll be fitter.________
4. If I _____________ (have) a car, I would use it to get to work.________
5. If you____________ (heat) water to 100 ˚C, it boils.___________
6. If you ____________ (put on) sun cream, you won’t get sunburnt.________
7. If people __________ (eat) more fruit, they would be healthier._______
8. If people__________ (recycle) more paper, logging companies would cut down
fewer trees._________
9. If we __________ (continue) to hunt endangered species, they will all
10. If our streets_________ (be) cleaner, our cities would be nicer places to live

Read the questions and choose the answer you agree with most. Are your
answers mostly a, b, c? See the key to find out how green you are.


1) If you had a lot of old newspapers and empty bottles, would you….
A. leave them on the pavement?
B. put them in a rubbish bin?
C. recycle them?

2) If someone offered to give you one of the following as a gift, which would you
A. a big, fast car
B. a motorbike
C. a bicycle

3) If you were in the middle of a city and wanted to go somewhere one or two
kilometres away, would you….
A. take a taxi?
B. take a bus?
C. walk/ cycle

4) If you had a picnic on the beach, what would you do with your rubbish? Would
A. leave your rubbish on the beach?
B. put your rubbish in the first bin you found?
C. take your rubbish home?

5) If you had £ 1,000 to spend, would you…..

A. buy a fur coat?
B. go on a safari?
C. adopt a dolphin?
Mostly a’s: You’re not very green, are you? Please look after our world before it’s
too late.
Mostly b’s: You’re trying to be more green, but you don’t always get it right.
Learn more about the environment and think before you act.
Mostly c’s: Well done! You’re really green! We need more people like you to help
us save our environment

Complete the text with the appropriate conditional form.

Did you hear about that guy who won 180 million in the lottery? If I (win)
________ that much money, I (quit) ______________ my job the next day. I
(travel) __________ around the world and (stay) ______________ in the most
luxurious hotels. I (buy) _____________ anything I wanted. If I (see)
___________a beautiful hotel and the hotel (be) ____________ full, I (buy)
___________the hotel and (make) ___________ them give me a room. I (can)
__________ do anything in the world if I had 180 million dollars... Oh, I am
starting to sound a little materialistic… Well... I (do) __________ good things with
the money, as well. If anybody (need) _____________ help, I (give) ________
them some money to help them out. I (donate) _________ money to charities. I
(give) ____________ money to help support the arts. If I (win) _________ that
much money, I wouldn’t keep it all for myself. I (help) _______ as many people as

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.

Michael: Sharon, I am having some problems at work, and I was wondering if you
could give me some advice.
Sharon: Sure, what’s the problem?
Michael: The computer sales business is more difficult than I thought. When
customers (come) ____________ in to look at the new computer models, they
often (ask) ___________ me to suggest a model, I (be) _____________ usually
quite honest with them. Most computer users don’t need a very advanced computer;
they just need a basic model which they can use for-processing, bookkeeping and
Internet access. If I am honest and I (recommend) _________ one of the
cheaper models, my boss (get) ____________ the customer to buy one of the
more expensive advanced models. I don’t really feel comfortable doing that. What
would you do in my situation? Isn’t it wrong to make them buy something which
they don’t need?
Sharon: I think you should help your customers make an intelligent decision. If I
(be) ___________ you, I (educate) ______________ the customers. I (teach)
______________ them how to make a good decision by themselves. I (make, not)
___________ the decision for them. When a customer (ask) ________ a
question, answer it honestly. You don’t need to lie to the customer, and you don’t
need to make the decision for them.
Michael: When I (sell)________________ an inexpensive computer to a
customer, my boss (complain) _____________ that I am not trying hard enough.
What would you tell him?
Sharon: If I (be)_______________ in your shoes, I (tell)_____________
him that I wasn’t comfortable with customers who buy products which they don’t
need. Tell him that you don’t want to lie to honest people, and that you want to
provide them with good service. Remind him that when customers (get)
_____________ good service, they (return) _____________ to a store and
spend more money.
Michael: I think that’s a great idea. He ______________ (can, change) his mind if
I said that to him. Maybe he (realize) ______________ that good service is the
most important thing to consumers. And, of course, I (feel) ________________
much more comfortable if I (be) _______________ able to be honest with the
customers. Thanks for your advice.


1. Joanna is so/such funny! She always makes me laugh.

2. Sarah and Ed are so/such crazy people! I never know what they are going to do next.

3. James has so/such much money that he could actually buy that Ferrari.

4. Although most of the audience has never been exposed to so/such music, they are really
enjoying the performance of the Tibetan folk choir.

5. The movie is so/such good that I’ve seen it five times.

6. Terry speaks English so/such fluently that I thought he was American.

7. Most students never discuss so/such topics in class, but I think it is important to teach
our children to question the media.

8. Jerry has never seen so/such high mountains. He thinks they are spectacular.

9. Fred is so/such a clown! He is always telling jokes and making people laugh.
10. There was so/such little interest in his speech on macroeconomics that the room was
half empty when he finished speaking.

11. How could you say so/such horrible things to me?

12. He is so/such a jerk! He hasn't said one nice thing since he started working here.

13. That new song is so/such cool that it hit the top ten within a week of being released.

14. Martha is so/such a good cook that she is writing her own book of family recipes at the

15. I don't know if that is so/such a good idea. Maybe we should try something else.

16. She has so/such many hats that she needs two closets to store them all.

17. That takes so/such little time and effort that you might as well do it yourself.

18. I had to pay $140 for books for my new Spanish class. I don't know why my professor
has to choose so/such expensive books for her course.

19. Please, don't drive so/such fast! I'm terrified we're going to have an accident.

20. I really wish you wouldn't smoke so/such much! It's killing you slowly.

Complete the conversation using correct form of” be going to” or “might”.

Tim: Wow, Debbie that was a difficult exam. And I really revised this time.
Debbie: Do you think you will pass, Tim?
Tim: I don’t know. The first part is OK, but the last question was really difficult.
Debbie: Same here. So, how .................. you ......................... celebrate tonight?
Tim: I’m not sure. I ............................... go out for a drink with Peter or
I ........................... go to Jane’s party. What about you?
Debbie: Well, first I ....................................... go home and sleep.
Tim: Yes, good idea.
Debbie: Then, I ................................... meet Tony in town. After that, I don’t know.
We ........................................ go to a club, but I’m not sure what Tony wants to do.
He ...................................... just want to go home and watch a video.
Tim: Well, I’m sure of one thing.
Debbie: What’s that?
Tim: That’s the last exam I have taken. What.............. you ........................ do this
evening, Sid?
Sid: Well, Clare and I ...................... go out with some friends, or
we .................................. go to the cinema.
Tim: That sounds nice. There’s a really good film on at the Ritzy.

Read these emails from Austin and Carla. Fill in the blanks with might or the
correct form of be going to.

Hi Carla
How are you? I’m very happy because I passed my driving test today!
I ............................... celebrate this evening, but I’m not sure what to do.
I ............................. go out for a meal or I..................................... meet some friends
in a bar. One thing’s certain, I want to have fun this evening, so
I .............not ......................... drive! Do you want to join us?

Dear Austin
I’m sorry, but I can’t go out tonight because I ……………………. see my sister.
But I hope you have a good time. What………………… you…………………………..
do this weekend? I haven’t got any definite plans, but I ……………………….
go to that jazz concert in the park. Maybe we could go together.
Love Carla
PS Congratulations on passing your driving test!

Hi Carla
I’m sorry, I’m busy this weekend. My brother and I ……………………………….. drive to
Wales and go climbing. We’re not sure where we’re going to stay. We …………………..
camp, or we ……………………………. stay in a hotel, it depends on the weather. Let’s
meet next week for a drink instead.

Put “so” or “such” in the blanks.

1. The Internet is ……………. slow that you sometimes have to wait more than ten minutes to
get a reply.
2. It’s ……………… easy to keep in touch with people those days, isn’t it?
3. The curry was ……….. hot that I had to order a large glass of water.
4. It’s…………….. a hot day, isn’t it?
5. Leopards have ………… fast legs that few antelopes can escape them.
6. We had …………….. a wonderful time in Bozcaada that we decided to go there again.
7. She had ……………. many things to tell me in a very little time.
8. He has had …………. an interesting life that he has decided to write a book about it.
9. I have never had ………………. fun before. I will always remember the party.
10. She always looks well-dressed. She wears ………………… nice clothes.
11. I think I am working too hard. I always feel …………..tired.
12. The food in the hotel was so awful. I have never eaten ………………awful food .
13. I couldn't believe it. It came as …………… a shock.
14. I must go now. I didn't realise it was …….... late.
15. I really like your parents. They are …………….. nice people.
16. You didn't tell me that you lived in ……………………… nice house.
17. The weather was ………………… good that we spent all day in the garden.
18. She looks incredibly well although she has been ……………….. ill recently.
19. The trouble about going on holiday is that you put on ………….. much weight that when
you get back home all your clothes are too tight.

Use the following phrasal verbs either in their literal or idiomatic meanings in the
correct form.
look after - break down - look up - put off - give up - put on - try on -
look for - turn off - throw away - lie down - look at - go back -
get something out - pick something up

1. It’s such a warm day of October. You don’t have to …………………………….. your coat.

2. What are you going to do after you ……………………. to your home country?

3. I’m not a beach person- I hate ………………………………………. on the beach and

sunbathing all day long, I’d rather do some sports on the sea.

4. The view from the window of my flat is lovely! …………………………………….. that

spectacular view of the sea!

5. Honey! Please remember to …………………………………… the meat ………………..! I’ll grill it

for dinner in the evening!

6. Do you usually …………………….. your old clothes ………………………….. or do you give them

7. Shop A: Sorry madam, we don’t have that size; would you like to………………………...
the blue one?
8. Don’t worry about the kids, sister! I’ll stay in and …………………………… them; you just
try to have fun, all right?

9. Oh no! We’ve …………………………………………. gas, and there isn’t a station near here!
What are we going to do?

10. Our regular journey to the countryside would be nice if the car suddenly didn’t
………………………………….. whenever we set off!

11. Student: Teacher, what does “put off” mean?

T : Have you ………………….. it………………………….. in your dictionary?
S : Yes, but I still don’t understand it properly.
T : It means to postpone something until an uncertain date.

12. Son! Don’t leave your socks on the floor! …………………. them ……………….!


Where do you think you will be in ten years? How about in fifteen or twenty years? It is difficult to
know exactly where you will be, and what you will be doing, but everyone dreams about the future.
You might imagine the job you will get when you finish school.
You may daydream about meeting your life partner, or living in a big house by the sea.
As a teenager, my friends and I looked forward to the year 2000. By the turn of the century, we
would be in our mid-forties ― that seemed so old! I told my friends that I would be a rich lawyer. I
would have twins – a boy and a girl – and everyone would tell my beautiful wife and I how smart our
children were.
In my dreams, we lived in a large two-storey house with floors and a staircase made of wood. I
imagined that, every year, we would have the tallest Christmas tree. My dream house had a guest so
family and friends could visit at any time. Now, at the age of forty-six, I look back on those dreams
and smile. Things haven’t turned out exactly as I imagined, but I wouldn’t change what I have now
for that imaginary world.
In college I studied international business, and planned to enter law school. In my third year of
university, I realised that I didn’t want to become a lawyer. Instead, I chose to become a language
teacher. The more I taught the language, the more I realised that I wanted to teach future
language teachers. Today, I am a university professor who trains teachers to teach English as a
foreign language.
I did get married, but had more than two children. My wife and I initially talked about having a
large family- perhaps eight to ten children. In the end, we had five. Do I live in the dream house
with wooden floors? No, I don’t, but I love my home and I wouldn’t want to live in any other place.
I believe that as a young person, it is important to dream and make plans. However, it’s also
important to realise that not all of your plans will turn out exactly as you wish. One of the biggest
lessons I have learned in life is this: be happy with what you have.


…………… The writer thinks it is stupid to dream about future.
…………… The author is now in his forties.
…………… As a teenager, the writer wanted to be a teacher, and have two children.
…………… As a young man, the writer lived in a large, two-storey house.
……………Today, the writer is a professor of English teaching.
……………The writer thinks it’s important to be happy with what you have.
……………The writer always knew that he would become a language teacher one day.


A For each group, circle the word that does not belong. The words in italics are
vocabulary items from the reading.

1. daydream imagine fantasize make real

2. remember look back on forget recall
3. education hope lesson experience
4. turn out happen not happen develop into
5. understand know unaware realize
6. at last initially originally at first
7. expectation hope belief doubt

B. Complete the sentences using the words in italics from A. Use the correct from
of the word.

1. Tony didn’t ……………………………… that it would take ten hours to drive to Los Angeles
from San Francisco. He thought it would take six hours.
2. When I …………………………………. my childhood, I always remember the summers I spent
with my grandmother.
3. ……………………………………… we planned to go to the Starlight Room for dinner, but we
decided to go to the Sunny Café instead.
4. We can learn important ……………………………………… from this disaster.
5. Yoshi, are you ……………………………………… about your trip to Europe again? Please try to
pay attention in class!
6. It was my ……………………………………..that Angela would pass the test, but in the end,
she didn’t.
7. Don’t get disappointed if things in life ……………………………………… (not) as you wish.

Task : Think of a film you have recently seen at the cinema.

Tell about the film following the cues below.

- The last film I saw was ……

- The name of the film was ………..
- It starred ……………………………
- It was a detective/ horror/ science-fiction …………………story
- The main character was …………………….
- The story was about ………………….
- I thought it was a ………………………………….film at the end.
- I felt ………………………………………………………….just after the film
- You are free to add more comments and detailed information on the film!


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