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International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 2019

Designing an IoT system for monitoring and

controlling temperature and humidity in mushroom
cultivation fields
Tigor Hamonangan Nasution Muhammad Yasir
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara
Medan, Indonesia Medan, Indonesia
tigor.nasution@usu.ac.id muhammadyasir@students.usu.ac.id

Fahmi Soeharwinto
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Sumatera Utara Universitas Sumatera Utara
Medan, Indonesia Medan, Indonesia
fahmimn@usu.ac.id soeharwinto@usu.ac.id

Abstract—In recent years, technology in agriculture has Mushrooms are heterotrophic organisms which are
grown and some of them have used information technology often used as a variety of processed foods, medicines and
based on Internet of Things (IoT). The general objective of others. Mushrooms generally grow at the location of 800
this study is to combine cultivation on agriculture using IoT meters above sea level with the optimum temperature range
technology based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). This
study will focus on oyster mushrooms as cultivation objects
of 16-22 oC and RH (Relative Humidity) 60-90%[6], [7].
because they have good selling values and require special Even so, the possibility of cultivating mushrooms in the
conditions, namely a humid environment at a temperature lowlands is not impossible if the climate and storage space
range of 16-30 oC. The system designed is remote monitoring of the mushrooms are designed to fit the actual mushroom
using the internet and wireless communication. The habitat. One of the challenges in cultivating this mushroom
monitoring system is designed using a microcontroller and is the lack of skills so that the quality of the mushrooms
sensors that will read the temperature and humidity of the produced is not good. Therefore, we need a mushroom
oyster mushroom growing media. Then the parameters from cultivation system that is integrated with technology that
the sensor will be sent to the ThingSpeak Cloud System. This can monitor and maintain the environmental conditions of
system also allows to control the temperature of the oyster
mushroom growing media when the environmental conditions
the media to grow mushrooms to always be per their
are not as expected. Then the monitoring process will be habitat.
monitored from web pages in graphical form which is a There are some researchers who have done research in
feature of ThingSpeak. From the results of testing the entire the field of agriculture including mushrooms. The studies
system, the system successfully sends temperature and were carried out to improve the quality of crops because the
humidity to the Cloud every 30 minutes. The system also system implemented by farmers is still not optimal. One of
managed to control temperature up to 25-29 oC. From the them is the implementation of Wireless Sensor Network
experiments conducted it can also be concluded that the (WSN) on monitoring in the field of agriculture[8], [9].
cultivation of oyster mushroom with temperature control will There is also research on controlling smart mushroom
be more effective than the oyster mushroom field without
temperature control.
home environments[4].
In this study, designed several sensor nodes in the form
Keywords—Agriculture, Cloud System, IoT, Lattepanda, of miniature mushroom cultivation land measuring 70 cm
Oyster Mushrooms, Temperature and Humidity Sensors, x 30 cm x 40 cm equipped with sensors to measure
ThingSpeak, and WSN. temperature and humidity. Each sensor node will send data
to the Lattepanda minicomputer that acts as a sensor node
I. INTRODUCTION as well as a bridge to the cloud system. Then the data is
To meet food needs, humans continue to strive to meet forwarded to the cloud server so that it can be monitored
food needs by researching various aspects of the agriculture from the monitoring web page. This system also controls
sector. With the development of increasingly advanced the temperature of each sensor node so that the condition of
technology in various fields, it encourages people to the mushroom cultivation area is always maintained in the
integrate agriculture and technology[1]–[3]. Technology in range of 25 oC - 28 oC.
agriculture is now using an integrated automation system
based on the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology is II. METHOD
considered suitable to be applied in this field because it can A. System overview
improve data collection, automation, monitoring, etc.[4],
This system is divided into three, namely the sensor
[5]. One object that is currently being developed in this
system (node), control system and monitoring system. The
field of study is mushroom cultivation.
sensor system and control system are on mushroom

International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 2019

cultivation. The sensor node consists of sensors that will

read the temperature and humidity of the mushroom
cultivation land, while the monitoring system is carried out
using web pages.
The sensor system and controllers use the Arduino
Nano microcontroller as the control center. Arduino has
been widely used in designing monitoring and control
systems[10]–[13]. The sensor used in this system is the
SHT11 sensor. SHT11 is a single chip temperature and
relative humidity sensor with multi sensor modules whose
output has been digitally calibrated[14], [15]. The sensor
value will be read and sent to the bridge device
(Lattepanda) using the Bluetooth communication device
HC-05. Then the data will be sent to ThingSpeak
(thingspeak.com) which acts as a cloud using the POST
method. For the control system, Peltier modules are used as
a component of temperature control. This module will be
activated by Arduino Nano using a relay when the
temperature value is above 28 oC so that the temperature
can be lowered again.
Monitoring the sensor readings can be seen from the
webpage provided by ThingSpeak. On the web page the
values of temperature and humidity will be displayed in
graphical form. In addition, the system controller
conditions will also be displayed with number 1 when the
cooler works and number 0 when it doesn't work. The block
diagram of the system can be seen in Fig. 1.
B. Sensor system design
As seen in the flow chart in Fig. 2, the sensor system
uses several nodes to measure air temperature, air humidity
and humidity of the mushroom husk. Each node will be
placed in a different place. At each node used a
microcontroller, SHT11 sensor and soil moisture sensor to
monitor the environment of mushroom cultivation. Each
sensor will send reading data to Lattepanda. Lattepanda
will send data to the cloud system every 30 minutes.
Fig. 2. Sensor system flow chart

C. Cloud configuration
The cloud used in this study is ThingSpeak. This cloud
is a free service if only for visualization. ThingSpeak has
several features that can be used to analyze data such as
features in MATLAB[16]–[18]. Data will be stored in the
cloud using the json file format so that the user's application
will retrieve json data. The configuration is to create a
channel on ThingSpeak to accommodate the data sent by
Lattepanda. Channels are made as many as the number of
sensors on each node.
D. Design of temperature control systems
Temperature and humidity control systems are designed
using hardware that consists of Arduino, Lattepanda, DC-
DC step-down regulator, and relay. This system will
control temperature and humidity using a Peltier circuit and
DC fan. The cooling system will work when the
temperature and humidity of the air has decreased. This
Fig. 1. System block diagram
system uses a relay to activate the Peltier and a fan that
serves to moisten the environmental conditions of the
mushroom cultivation land. The system block diagram of
the temperature controller is shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 4
shows a schematic image of a temperature control system.

International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 2019


Arduino Nano Relay DC fan
A. Testing sensor nodes
During testing, Lattepanda sends data from all node
sensors to ThingSpeak every 30 minutes using the POST
Peltier method. Data sent is air temperature, air humidity and soil
moisture. We can see the graph of the results of sending
Fig. 3. Temperature control system block diagram
data in Fig. 6.
In Fig. 6, there is a range of data sent to the cloud. The
range of temperature data seen is 25 oC to 34 oC. The range
of data for air humidity is 80% to 84%. While the range of
data for soil moisture is 50% to 80%.

Fig. 4. Schematic image of the temperature control system

E. The design of miniature mushroom cultivation fields.

In this study, the mushroom fields themselves were
designed to facilitate the experiment. Mushroom house
consists of several sensor nodes. The size of each
mushroom house is 70 cm x 30 cm x 40 cm and is designed Fig. 5. Mushroom Cultivation Miniature Design
using wood with a wire or iron floor so that the water flow
is not hampered. The design of mushroom houses can be
seen in Fig. 5.

Temperature Humidity

Soil moisture

Fig. 6. Graph on Sensor Node 1

International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 2019

Temperature Humidity

Soil moisture

Fig. 7. Graph on Sensor Node 2

For node 2, the data received can be seen in Fig. 7. The The status of controlling the temperature control system
range of temperature data seen is 26 oC to 30 oC. The range is also monitored on the web page so that it can be seen
of data for air humidity and soil moisture for node 2 is the whether the temperature control system works within the
same as node 1, which is 80% to 84% for air humidity and specified temperature range. When the temperature control
50% to 80% for soil moisture. system works the graph in the application will show
number 1, while when the cooling system is not working
B. Testing the temperature control system
then the numbers in the graph will show the number 0. Fig.
The temperature control system used is using Peltier 9 shows the temperature control status.
and DC fan. The temperature control system uses a 1
channel relay which will be activated by Arduino and
Lattepanda. Control and reading of sensor data in this
experiment is carried out every 1 minute. The temperature
control system will be activated when the temperature
exceeds 29 oC. The test results data will be displayed on the
serial monitor on the Arduino IDE. The temperature control
Control status

system model can be seen in Fig. 8.

Fig. 9. Temperature control status

Fig. 8. Cooling system

International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS) 2019

C. Experimental results V. FUTURE WORK

After conducting an experiment for approximately 20 days, In further research, a monitoring system will be
the results of the growth of oyster mushrooms were seen. developed by designing mobile-based applications for
Oyster mushrooms in cultivation fields with temperature remote monitoring. This is supported because ThingSpeak
control grow faster than compared to mushrooms in provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to
cultivation fields without control. At week 1 there was no get monitoring data.
significant difference between the oyster mushrooms in the
control cultivation field compared to the untreated ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
mushrooms. Then in the 2nd week in the cultivation field The authors are grateful to the Universitas Sumatra
with control, the oyster mushroom has begun to show signs Utara for supporting this research. We also thank all the
of growth because in general baglog is already white and lecturers and staff of the Computer Laboratory and the
the mushroom part is still very small. Whereas in the Arrangement of the Department of Electrical Engineering
cultivation field without treatment it has begun to turn at the Universitas Sumatra Utara who have helped this
white at the top of the baglog but there is no visible part of research.
the mushroom body. Then at week 3, oyster mushrooms
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