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Chapter Conten Page. No.






1. Executive summary :-
The Schooling sectors of the Aurangabad are run by AMC abbreviated with the
Aurangabad Municipal Corporation while the private sector schools are run individuals or by
Aurangabad Educations biggest pillar is Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University that
is abbreviated as BAMU. The University was founded on 23rd of August 1958. The name of the
university was taken by Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Ambedkar who is Indian jurist,
academic, political leaderand was the Indian Constituent’s Chief architect.
Initially, the name of the university was Marathwada University which was renamed after Dr.
B. R. Ambedkar in 1978. while again renamed with Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada
University on 14th January 1994.
The university is situated in the Aurangabad city and many colleges are affiliated by BAMU.
This project study states about the quality of education as wellas the education system of
Aurangabad . It is detailed report of the merits and demerits of the education system here . There
are so many problems faced by students and parents as well which are need to be sought out .
Also there is proper explanation of the problem in the system and I have also come up with the
most practical solution as possible

2. Introduction to the concept education system and[Quality education]

The meaning of a Quality Education is one that is pedagogically and developmentally sound and
educates the student in becoming an active and productive members of society. A quality
education provides the outcomes needed for individuals, communities, and societies to
p Education systems encompass all institutions that are concerned with educating students who
are in K-12 and higher education. For students, the education system encompasses
elementary school, middle school, high school and then college or university.
PART 2:- Objectives

Objective of the study :-

1. To understand people’s expectation to the current education system.

2. To find whether good education institutions in Aurangabad are pocket friendly

3. To find people’s personal views on education system of Aurangabad

4. To come up with possible solutions to solve various problems related to education

System of Aurangabad.
The Schooling sectors of the Aurangabad are run by AMC abbreviated
with the Aurangabad Municipal Corporation while the private sector schools are run individuals
or by trusts. Aurangabad Education’s biggest pillar is Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar
Marathwada University that is abbreviated with BAMU. The University was founded on 23rd of
August 1958. The name of the University is taken from Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Ambedkar
who is Indian jurist, academic, political leader and was the Indian Constitution’s Chief
architect. Initially, the name of the University was Marathwada University, which was
renamed after B.R. Ambedkar in 1978, while again re-named with Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Marathwada University on 14th of January 1994. The University contains the Campus,
Library, Student halls of residence separately for girls and boys are available with many other
facilities. The University is situated in Aurangabad City and many colleges are affiliated with
BAMU. The University has 42 departments. NIELIT stands for National Institute of
Electronics and Information Technology, Aurangabad that is situated inside the university
campus named Dr.
B.A.M. NIELIT is a central government engineering institute, under
Ministry Communication and information Technology, Government of India. NIELIT
provides the courses such as Electronics Engineering, Electronics Design Technology,
P.hd as well as the short term courses. BAMU has an official website to know more about the
courses which are offered by the university.BAMU has an official website to know more
about the courses which are offered by the university.

The education system in Aurangabad does not emphasise enough on the importance of sports
and arts. Education system in here faces a lot of problems that do no let it prosper and help
other children succeed in life. T Students are always asked to study all the time where they get
no time for other activities like sports and arts. They only strive to get good marks not paying
attention to understanding what is taught. In other words, this encourages getting good
marks through mugging up and not actually grasping the concept efficiently.
Education system focuses on theory more. Only a little percentage is given for practical.This
makes them run after the theoretical knowledge and not actually applying it to the real
world. This practice makes them perplexed when they go out in the real world due to lack of
practical knowledge. The biggest problem which it has to face is the poor grading system. It
judges the intelligence of a student on the basis of academics which is in the form of exam
papers. That is very unfair to students who are good in their overall performance but not that
good at specific subjects.


A classic case is that of a shortage of teachers. The Student-Teacher Ratio is not balanced. Some
of the rural schools have the faculty which is not qualified enough which further degrades the
quality of education. For example – if a classroom has 1 teacher and 50 students, the ratio is 1:50.
This ratio is improper, for a single teacher to educate 50 students collectively is ineffective
because it burdens the teacher and every student will not get equal attention . iron defeats the
objective of school. The reason behind the shortage of teachers is that a job Education System is
a road filled with bumps and depressions. Teaching field is itself challenging and if more
challenges are thrown in front of the struggling teachers, they will not only fret and fume, they
will advise others to abstain from this field. The pay scales are low in many regions which
discourages even the most motivated. Why would anyone go for a career like this? Only, the
desperate ones or those whose main objective is to earn money; the objective of providing
quality education takes a back seat. Financial factor, lack or absence of incentives and
opportunities keeps even the efficient educator away from this field. Top up these with poor or
inadequate facilities at the school level breaks the spirit of the educators, making them
selfish and restricting their creativity and talent. Also noteworthy is the inadequate funding
by the government, which is only enough to provide basic education at the primary level. A
large number of teachers refuse to teach in rural areas and those that do are usually are under
qualified. Many teachers lack enthusiasm due to their merger salary. Another obstacle faced by
the schools is that obtaining more teachers because of state guidelines that approve of high
student-teacher ratio. Lack of books and learning materials seem to be a widespread problem.

The dropout rate is very high in primary and secondary level. Most of the students in 6-14 age
groups leave the school before completing their education. It leads to wastage of financial and
human resources.

Using a language that children are familiar with eases their transition from home to school.
They are more easily engaged in the classroom because they understand what is going on, and
are able to link it to their everyday lives. This helps them easily develop literacy skills and general
cognitive abilities. The medium of instruction particularly in science subjects is English. So
rural students who are not well versed in English, cannot study science properly in English.
They suffer a lot . Standard publications are not available in Marathi language.
This simple-minded link between job opportunities, economic success and the
English language has an increasing number of urban working class and lower middle-class
parents investing their hard-earned money in private English-medium schooling— often of
uncertain quality .It’s a no- brainer.



Our primary education is ridden with an excessive number of issues. A vast number of
elementary schools have no structures, fundamental facilities like drinking water, urinals
and power, furniture and study materials and so forth. Substantial quantities of grade schools
are single educator schools and numerous schools are even without instructors. So the drop
rate is high and a reason for concern. Finishing up, we can say that there is a quantitative
extension of training yet in subjective improvement we are as yet falling behind.


College, expert and specialised instruction have turned out to be exorbitant in Aurangabad
. It is past the range of the regular man’s expenditure-limit. Privatisation of advanced
education has prompted the development of benefit hungry business people. Presently
advanced education is much exorbitant undertaking.


1. Creating More EmploymentOpportunities

Finding a job is not easy, especially in times of economic turmoil. You often need to
compete with hundreds of other candidates for a vacant position. In addition, the lower the
education level, the greater the number of people applying for the same low-paying entry-
level post. However, with the right qualifications and educational background, you will
increase your chances of landing a fulfilling job. Would you like to find a way to stand out
from a pool of applicants? Learn, educate yourself, graduate and get as many qualifications,
skills, knowledge, and experience as possible.

2. Developing Problem-solving Skills

One of the benefits of education is that the educational system teaches us how to obtain and
develop critical and logical thinking and make independent decisions. When children become
adults, they are faced with a lot of challenging issues – pay off your student loans, get a
job, buy a car and a house, provide for your family, etc. However, if one has spent years
educating themselves, they should be able to make sound decisions on these various
quandaries. Not only are people able to form their own opinions, but they are also good at
finding solid and reliable arguments and evidence to back up and confirm their decisions.

3Introducing Empowerment

Education is the key to turn a weakness into a strength. It offers different tools and ways to
understand problems that lay ahead of us and helps resolve them. More importantly, education
provides us with considerable mental agility to make the right decisions and spring into action
when needed. Many types of research show that educated women can more easily stand up
against gender bias and marital violence as they have improved their decision-making

Whether it is about respect, a higher position in society and a professional

environment, financial security, family stability, education provides all of these and much
more. Home stability provided by owning your own home helps children who grew up in their
own houses or apartments become more successful. They are more likely to graduate high
school (25%) and finish college (116%). “Education is the most powerful weapon which you
can use to change the world,” as Nelson Mandela said. It helps people become better
citizens, get a better-paid job, shows the difference between good and bad. Education shows
us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop. Thus, we are
able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and
regulations. Learning languages through educational processes helps interact with
different people in order to exchange ideas, knowledge, good practices. It teaches us
to live in harmony.
4. Improving the economy

People with good academic and educational backgrounds tend to get well-paid jobs. The higher
their education and accomplishments, the better employment options they get. People
who grew up poor but educated themselves have high chances to transform their lives,
thus contributing to a decrease in society’s poverty rates. Education helps countries
grow economically since it is about getting knowledge and being able to apply it wisely to
our lives and, at the same time, improving other people’s lives.

5. Creating modern society :- Education is of key essence for modern society. One needs to learn about
culture, history and other important aspects so that they would be able to contribute to modern society.
Education mole people into leaders not only with knowledge about (college) subjects, but it also shows
them how to lead with emotions and true values. Educated people can easily differentiate between right and
wrong, thus education helps reduce the crime rate. Bad events are happening around the world Creating equal

The importance of education in society has always been great as it is irrespective of caste, race, gender,
religion. Educated people are treated as equals on the basis of their knowledge and competence.
In addition to this, educated people are open-minded and are able to listen and accept other
people’s views regardless of the fact of how different they are. Education offers a possibility to live
independently and thus be free. It is our shelter against financial storms and wrong decisions.

3. Creating a prosperous and happy life

Education has always secured respect from society. In order to ensure a comfortable
lifestyle, people should educate themselves and obtain a well-paid job to be successful and
satisfied. It helps gain a better reputation and increases the chances of climbing the career
ladder more easily and faster. In turn, it provides financial resources for stable lives– people
can afford to buy their own house or apartment and thus secure their children’s
happiness and success. Furthermore, being able to own your own home provides stability and
increases self-confidence. It leads to creating a positive environment for families and
communities. “Children of homeowners are 116% more likely to graduate from college than
children of renters of the same age, race, and income. They are also 25% more likely to
graduate from high school and have higher math and reading scores, with fewer behavioural
problems,” according to research at the University of Tennessee.
5. Developing problem solving skills

One of the benefits of education is that the educational system teaches us how to obtain and
develop critical and logical thinking and make independent decisions. When children become
adults, they are faced with a lot of challenging issues – pay off your student loans, get a job,
buy a car and a house, provide for your family, etc. However, if one has
spent years educating themselves, they should be able to make sound decisions on
these various quandaries. Not only are people able to form their own opinions, but they are
also good at finding solid and reliable arguments and evidence to back up and confirm their

The main conclusion of the project is the importance of individual student needs. Effective
senior secondary pathways and curricula are linked to how well schools have responded to the
individual learning and career pathways of their students.

This evaluation identifies the need for schools to be more innovative to meet the needs of all
their students. It signals that the future success for secondary school students is dependent on
schools identifying and responding to the aspirations, strengths, culture and needs of
their students. The most responsive schools put considerable effort into ensuring teachers
understood the goals for each student and designed programme that encouraged students to
increase their own self awareness and self management to monitor progress towards achieving
their goals. The question that remains is – how can such leadership and self managing skills be
developed in all schools help students fund out about their future opportunity and what
they need to do to achieve them ?

The innovation required in secondary schools should be supported by robust self review that
can determine whether new approaches are making the intended improvements for students.
Many of the schools ERO identified as responsive to the individual pathways and strengths of
students are relentless in the development of their curricula, careers and pastoral systems.
When new approaches are developed they are examined in terms of how they support
individual students, and changes are made to ensure that they can respond as necessary.

The pattern of underachievement across the schools in this evaluation reflects the central focus
on designing a school curriculum and having systems that work for each student enrolled at
the school. However, while responsive schools had systems that tended to work for
individuals, most of these schools did not have high numbers of students with challenging
social needs. Many of the schools that had limited responsiveness tended to have significant
areas to develop in their curricula, careers or pastoral care systems. They also had higher
proportions of students who were already well behind when they started in Year 9 and
brought with them challenges associated with their socio economic status.

An increasing response to the individual pathways of students necessitates the need for greater
coordination between the educational, social and business programmes available for students
and their families. Almost all schools in this evaluation had students who did not achieve
national qualifications. Improvements cannot be achieved by schools working in isolation.
Schools need to have families and community businesses, along with other government
agencies and education providers, working together with them to support the diverse
interests of each student.

To achieve greater numbers of students succeeding across the education system more
coordinated social support is needed for some students to complement the curriculum
improvements that are required in some secondary schools. Further work is needed to highlight
and introduce good practice related to how schools with high numbers of priority learners,
in particular, can work with families, outside agencies and other educational institutions to
meet the educational and social needs of learner

Education is key essence for modern society. Education has always secured respect from
society. In order to ensure a comfortable

lifestyle, people should educate themselves and obtain a well-paid job to be successful and
satisfied life. An increasing response to the individual pathways of students necessitates the
need for greater coordination between the educational, social and business programmes
available for students and their families. People with good academic and educational
backgrounds tend to get well-paid jobs.
The primary schools should get well furnished buildings, proper sanitised washrooms,
clean playgrounds. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time,
helps us grow and develop at the same time.

The questionnaire was sent to 31 people out of which 12 people agree that UG and PG can preferred in
Aurangabad and also 12 said that UG and PG can be preferred but they do not strongly agree or
disagree about there preference and 7 people disagree to prefer UD and PG in Aurangabad.
13 people are satisfied with teaching staff in Aurangabad. 3 people dissatusfied with teaching staff of
Aurangabad and 15 people and neutral about the teaching staff in Aurangabad.
18 people are satisfied with the education system in aurangabad. 5 people are not satisfied with the
education system in Aurangabad. 8 people are not sure about the desigion with the education system in
27 people out of 31 people who responded to this particular google form are students and 4
people are others. No parents and teachers responded to this google form.
16 people agree that education in aurangabad promotes democracy. 1 person did not agree that
education in aurangabad promotes democracy. 9 people are not sure about that education in
aurangabad promotes democracy.
Out 31 people 5 people strongly disagree that good educational institutions are pocket friendly. 4
people disagree that good educational institutions are pocket friendly.
18 people are neutral about their decision disagree that good educational institutions are pocket
friendly.4 people agree disagree that good educational institutions are pocket friendly.
13 people agree with the decision that should be more private colleges and school in Aurangabad
2 people disagree about their decision that there sold be more private school and colleges in
Aurangabad. 16 people are not sure about there decision that there should be more private schools
and colleges in Aurangabad.
29 people out of 31 people agree that education is an important element of society and 2 people
are not sure about that education is an important element of society.
20 people out of 31 people agree that distance learning is a good way to provide education to
student living in rural areas of aurangabad. 11 people disagree that distance learning is a good
way to provide education to student living in rural areas of aurangabad.
I had a very great experience while doing this project .
I got to study Various aspects of the education system of Aurangabad and
also got know more details about the city .
I studied all the defaults of the education system here in detail which made
me understand what's coming between the development of the study .
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