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Skill 1 – Knowledge and understanding

Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives.
1 C. To transport oxygen to body cells
2. A. Alveoli
3. C. glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
4. B. I and III
5. A. tar

Q2. a Rice
b chicken
c corn oil

Q.3 a) A. red blood cells

C. platelets
D. white blood cells
(b) Part B that is plasma helps in transportation of different dissolved substances, like
glucose, proteins and hormones.
Part C – platelets helps in clotting and sealing of the wound



Respiration Breathing

1. chemical process 1. mechanical movements of ribs

and diaphragm

2. releases energy 2. lets air move in and out of the


Skill 2 - Logical reasoning

1. vitamin A
2. iron
3. protein
4. vitamin C
Q.2 (a) i) fixed joint (skull)
ii) movable joint (vertebral column)
(b) Movement in the skeleton can only take place where two bones meet one another.
These places are called joints.
(c) The joints in which bones cannot move or bend are called fixed joints. Examples -skull
bones, teeth in sockets of jaw, etc. Other name for these types of joints is immovable joints.
(d) i) bone: hard
ii) cartilage: smooth
iii) ligaments: flexible

Q.3 a) B – red blood cell C – alveolus

b. capillary
c. i – carbon dioxide ii – oxygen
d. diffusion e. Entry and exit of gases in the alveolus.

Q.4 Choose the correct alternatives.

1. C. reduced number of red blood cells
2. C. Alveoli have thin walls and a large surface area.
3. A
4. B
5. B. carbohydrates, fats and proteins

Q.5 a. There is no mention of oxygen in the equation.

b. During anaerobic respiration, lactic acid is produced which in excess causes muscles
pain and eventually cramps.
c. carbon dioxide
d. The rate of reaction decreases.
e. Production of breads, vinegar etc
Q.6 a) Cereal, bread, rice and pasta contain carbohydrates and it is required in a large
quantity as it proves energy to perform our task.
b) Meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts provide proteins.
c) Vegetables
d) Diet rich in iron is required to stay fit as it helps in building of haemoglobin in the red
blood cells which transports oxygen to the cells to perform their function.
e) calcium.

Skill 3 - Practical investigation

Q.1 a. Proper points plotted joint by a smooth curve.
b. 0.7 minutes/42 seconds
c. 35° C
d. As temperature increases from 5° C, time for blood to clot falls; 1 blood clots fastest at
35° C/optimum clotting temperature is 35° C; above this temperature, time for blood to
clot increases; blood does not clot at 55° C;
e. blood clotting is controlled by enzymes; enzymes are destroyed at high temperatures.

Q.2 a. 140;
b. i. It decreases to 100; ii. It decreases to 44;
c. 10 years;
d. Death rate drops very quickly; provided they don’t start again they have a much better
chance of living;

Q.3 a. All points properly plotted Bars drawn of equal width and at equal distance
b. 1600/4; = 400 kJ;
c. the more vigorous the activity the more energy used;
d. (i) in the lungs/alveoli; (ii) playing tennis;

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