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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Subject/Specialization: Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Grade/Section:

Subject Teachers: Ronel D. Loticio
Name of Student:
Joanne G. Mostoles
CS_RS12-IId-g-2 Third Quarter
MELCs/Code Date Duration:
CS_RS12-IId-g-3 Week 3

What I Need To Know (Objectives)

At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. present and interpret data in tabular and graphical forms; and
2. use statistical techniques to analyze data.

What I Know (Pre-Test)

Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Which graph uses vertical bars to represent data?
A. Bar Graph C. Pie Chart
B. Line Graph D. Pictograph
2. The table number and title are placed above the table.
A. True B. False C. Maybe
3. The data in pie charts are expressed in percentage.
A. True B. False C. Maybe
4. What is the arithmetic average of a set of data?
A. Mean C. Mode
B. Median D. Percentage
5. It refers to any proportion from the whole.
A. Mean C. Mode
B. Median D. Percentage

What’s In (Review of the previous lesson)

Before you proceed to the new lesson, let’s try to review the previous lesson. State the definition, advantages and
disadvantages of using of questionnaire.

What’s New (Introduction of the new lesson)

Look at the latest figures gathered by the Philippine Statistics Authority from a conducted census. Try to answer the questions
that follow on how you are going to interpret the data.
1. How is the data presented?
2. If you will be asked to present again the data, how will you arrange and label it?

What Is It (Lesson Proper)

Presentation and Interpretation of Data
The next step after editing, coding, and tabulating the data is to present them into graphical or visual presentation
called non-prose materials. The purpose of presenting the data in this way is to make the outlined of the results more
presentable. Non-prose materials are composed of graphs, bars, tables, charts, diagrams, illustrations, drawings, and maps.

Tabular Presentation of Data

Tables present clear and organized data. A table must be complete, clear, and simple.
A good table should include the following parts:
 Table number and title. These are placed above the table. The title is usually written right after the table
 Caption subhead. This refers to columns and rows.
 Body. It contains all the data under each subhead.
 Source. It indicates if the data is secondary and it should be acknowledged.

Table 1: Distribution of the Respondents

Sections Total Population Sample Size

11- Leibniz 26 24
11- Pearl 43 24
11- Mark 40 24
11- Matthew 39 24
11- Ohms 37 24
11- Alacarte 29 24
Total 214 140

The table shows the distribution of the respondents from Grade 11 Senior High School students. Out of 214 total
populations, the computed sample size is 140 respondents. Then, they will be chosen using the purposive sampling technique.

Graphical Methods of Presenting Data

A graph or chart portrays the visual presentation of data using symbols such as lines, dots bars or slices. It depicts the
trend of a certain set of measurements or shows comparison between two or more sets of data or quantities.
A. Bar Graph
A bar graph uses bars to compare categories of data. It may be drawn vertically or horizontally. A vertical graph is
best to use when comparing means or percentages between distinct categories. A horizontal bar graph may
contain more than 5 categories. Example:


20 26.43%

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Mathematics Achievement

Figure 9. Distribution of the Respondent’s Score of Post-Test in General Mathematics

The figure 9 presents the distribution of the respondents according to Mathematics achievement. Out of 140
respondents, 26.43 percent or 37 respondents got a very satisfactory results in the post-test of General Mathematics and
21.43 percent or 30 respondents got a fairly satisfactory as a result. Meanwhile, 20.71 percent or 29 respondents have a poor
result in their post-test and 20 percent or 28 respondents got a satisfactory result. On the other hand, only 11.43 percent or 16
respondents who got an outstanding result in post-test in General Mathematics.
B. Pie Charts
A pie chart is usually used to show how parts of a whole compare to each other and to the whole. The entire circle
represents the total, and the parts are proportional to the amount of the total they represent. The amount going
to each part is expressed as a percentage.

33% STEM
17% GAS


Figure 8. Distribution of Respondents According to

Strand and Track

The figure 8 indicates the distribution of the respondents according to their strand and track. In STEM and
ABM, there were purposively chosen 17.14 percent or 24 respondents. Meanwhile, 32.86 percent or 46 respondents belongs
to the GAS and TVL.
The data presented above showed that majority of the respondents belong to the GAS and TVL.

Statistical Techniques
1. Percentage is any proportion from the whole.
p= x 100
Where: p= Percentage
f = Frequency of Respondents
n = Total number of Respondents
Example: Here’s a data gathered by Purok A City High School administration regarding the number of Grade 7 parents who
opted to receive digital copies of the learning modules
Table 1: Percentage of Parents who Opted to Receive Digital Copies of Learning Modules
Total Number of Number of Parents who opted to received
Sections Percentage
Parents digital copies of learning modules
7-A 30 24 x 100=80 %
7-B 25 25 x 100=100 %
7-C 32 16 x 100=50 %
7-D 30 11 x 100=40 %
TOTAL 117 76 x 100=64.96 %

2. Mean or arithmetic average is the middlemost value of your list of values and this can be obtained by adding all the values
and divide the obtained sum to the number of values.

Where: x = Mean
f = Sum of all values
n = Total number of Respondents

A. Ungrouped Data. Refer to Table 1 above, to get the mean or average number of parents who opted to receive
digital copies of learning modules, do the following:

Example: x=

B. Ungrouped Data. Here’s the data gathered from the survey on Study Habits conducted by the Grade 12 students to
the 150 Grade 7 students of Purok A City High School.
Table 2: Mean Distribution of the Study Habits of Students
Strongly Strongly
Agree Undecided Disagree
Agree Disagree Mean
(4) (3) (2)
(5) (1)
I study where there is 600+40+ 0+30+5
good lighting. 120 ( 5 )=60010 ( 4 )=40 0 ( 3 )=0 15 ( 2 )=30 5 ( 1 )=5 150
¿ 4.5
I study in a room where 100 ( 5 )=50020 ( 4 )=80 5 ( 3 )=15 10 ( 2 )=20 15 ( 1 )=15 500+80+15+20+15
the temperature is cool. 150
¿ 4.2

There are two methods to interpret the mean of a five-point Likert scale.
A. First, if we treat the Likert scale as interval/ratio, the usual way is to calculate the interval by
computing the range (e.g. 5 − 1 = 4), then divided it by the maximum value (e.g. 4 ÷ 5 = 0.80).
Ultimately, we get the following result:

From 1 to 1.80 represents (strongly disagree).

From 1.81 to 2.60 represents (do not agree).
From 2.61 to 3.40 represents (true to some extent).
From 3:41 to 4:20 represents (agree).
From 4:21 to 5:00 represents (strongly agree).

B. The other way is to treat the selection as the range themselves, and so we get these results:

From 0.01 to 1.00 is (strongly disagree);

From 1.01 to 2.00 is (disagree);
From 2.01 to 3.00 is (neutral);
From 3.01 to 4:00 is (agree);
From 4.01 to 5.00 is (strongly agree)
Here’s how it will appear in your research paper.
Statement Mean Verbal Interpretation
I study where there is good lighting. 4.5 Strongly Agree
I study in a room where the temperature is cool. 4.2 Agree
What Is More (Lesson Activity)
Do the following tasks.

A. Use a graphic organizer to present the data given and interpret .

Gas- 35 STEM- 20 ABM- 25 TVL- 65

B. Get the mean and interpret each statement.

5-strongly agree
4- agree
3- neutral
2-strongly disagree

Statements Respondent Respondent Responden Respondent Respondent

no.1 no.2 t no.4 no.5

The school is very clean. 5 5 4 5 5

It is a child-friendly school. 5 5 4 4 4

It offers quality education. 5 5 4 5 5

It allows learners to explore other 3 5 4 3 4


The school helps the learners to be a good 4 5 4 4 5

abiding citizen.

What I Have Learned (Generalization)

Write an essay on a separate sheet and fasten it in your portfolio. Use the guide questions below.
My Reflective Journal No. 3
What have you learned in this module?
How this lesson will improve your current study?
Share your experiences in answering the module.
What I Can Do (Application)
After administering the questionnaire, tabulate each data and interpret.
Worksheet no. 18- Presentation and interpretation of data
18.1 Profile of the respondents such as sex, strand and section, age (if asked) and the like.
18. 2 Results of the questionnaire.

Note: A hard copy should be submitted during the retrieval of modules as soon the MECQ is lifted

Additional Activities (Enrichment or Assignment)

Submit your output in the google classroom if possible.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Subject Teacher

Checked by: Noted by:

SHS Focal Person/Master Teacher II Principal III

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