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Toolbox Parts “Quick Search” Tip Sheet ev date: 10 o« 2012 Decision Logic | c What information is available? ronme | e (EEE (1) Partum ‘Use he RevDes 2. ResDes _ ‘Use the AMM Task ‘A isan Tsk | —v — (“Soe Ueethe ATIPD |- Part name! Description uae te ‘Use he Location LocatoniZone Salpdens no S {0 wins No oS Gotopart Yes mame search itn ne (lick Link to GW Part Found? No ¥ Partial Part Number eaarch -Shorten part number ength e.g. search 1234867 instead lor tasaser-8 denity parts by: Hover cursor ovorth| ei Tico to view tha thumbnail graphic ‘Search resus |. Sort by zone |- Son by Descrp/ito ¥ {Go back to search |-Enter ATA Click Find Zones | Giek Find Supplier Check usta Paris Data box -check Wraing Diagram box Yes > 1PD resuts? “Ey No won Locate Part Number In WOM parts ist ee ‘Toolbox “Part -Soarch for Part Numbor found in WOM Ist Rosute? m a ‘avn tash ‘Does one exist? 299. Replacement instalation Serving : | Yoo rt Name / Description ©) (“Location /Zone “pane Tab Select "Visual Navigation” Pee Search “ANIED. ane le —¥es aa |: E10 iyi es ae || apa pate aa Peers | Clk Find Supplier | No Wildcard Search Not Je Task Card © AMM ATA chapter 6-30 contains zone diagrams \MIM ZONE is not always where the partis, but where the pat ean be accessed, [© Example: Common Computing Resource (CCR) Cabinet Right is accessed fiom forward EE bay zones. 117/118 (LR), yet the cabinet sits above the Nose Landing Gear wheel well zane 114. | Note: Task ZONE is not always where the part is, but where the part can be accessed, will begin with | Multiple words in Multiple words in ‘Textual Search Logic WAND seareh. 787 AND tank AND "wiring harness" — the systom only returns rests that contain ‘77 and tank and the exaet phrase wiring Ingemess; it does not return results that ‘conan only wiring oF only harness, 787 wiring harness — the system only Fetums resilis that contain al dhe terms centered: 787 and wir al harness, Note that even though the AND operator Is not used, the systom considers spave between terms an implicit "and", as if AND were sed harness” — the system ‘only returns resus that contain Fuel and tank and the exact phrase wiring harness, ‘ring harness” ale* — the system only retumsfesulls that contain the exact phrase \iring harness and terms such as nieplane, alreraf, artrame, te. ORsearch, 787 OR wiring OR harness — the system retums reli that contain any ofthe terms entered: 787 or wiring or harness. 787 OR “wiring hneness" — the system retums results hat contain ether of the terms entered: 787 ortho exact phrase wiring, Innemess; it does not return results that contain only wiring or only harness. wiring harness" OR ale? — the system retums resilis that contain the exact phrase wiring harness or the terms airplane, era alrframe, ete. ‘Use an asterisk at the A minimum of 3 characters are needed when using ‘fa wildcatd is used there is no implied wildcard at end of search term If ildeards are used, no tect is highlighted inthe data for that search term. ‘There isan implied wild card atthe end of each search term ul ofthe search string e.g form® ) Use an asterisk in the middle ofa scarch string (e.g. pre*ed). Matches “pre” and end /* Usca asterisk a the beginning of a search string, (c.g. *636-3). ‘Matches will end with 636-3, like 65622636-3 or 45024636-3, ih “ed”, like preformed, or prepared ildcard (c.g. 736%)

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