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Systems Description Section

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Pitch Control - Description of Function

Data Module (DM): DMC-B787-A-27-30-00-00A-042A-A Issue 001, 31 May 2015
Publication: PMC-B787-81205-B0702-00 Issue 006, 21 Oct 2015


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Issue 001, 31 May 2015

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Systems Description Section

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Pitch Control

Description of Function

1. Power
The power conditioning modules (PCM) in the flight control electronics (FCE) cabinets supply power for
the operation of the elevator remote electronics units (REU). The PCMs supply power to these related
elevator REUs:

● PCM in FCE R - REU at right outboard PCU

● PCM in FCE C1 - REU at left inboard PCU

● PCM in FCE C2 - REU at right inboard PCU

● PCM in FCE L - REU at left outboard PCU.

2. General
Each control column attaches to a torque tube assembly. Each torque tube connects to a mechanical
feel unit by a control rod. Mechanical stops put a limit on column movement of 10.5 degrees forward and
11.0 degrees aft of neutral. A feel unit supplies elevator feel force back to the flight crew. The 2 feel units
connect together through a bus shaft that permits an override if a column assembly has a jam. A damper
on each column assembly decreases vibration.

Column movement turns 2 rudder position transducer clusters that contain rotary variable differential
transformers (RVDT). Each column has 3 RVDTs. The RVDTs in each cluster send analog signals to
the actuator control electronics (ACE) in the FCEs. The 3 captain RVDTs each go to 1 of these FCE

● FCE C1

● FCE C2

● FCE L.

The 3 first officer RVDTs each go to 1 of these FCE ACEs:

● FCE C2


● FCE R.

The ACEs supply excitation for the related RVDTs in each cluster.

A force sensor on each column gives analog signals in proportion to pedal force for input to the ACEs
and the flight data recorder. The captain force transducer goes to the ACEs in FCE L and C1. The first
officer force transducer goes to the ACEs in FCE R and C2. When the force on the column is less than
2.5 pounds, the column force transducer sends a near-zero signal. The ACE logic sets this as the
column at neutral. The command logic then supplies a zero position signal to the elevator column
control. When the force transducers sense no force on the column, the elevator column control function
uses the zero position signal. This zero position signal causes a reset in the calculation of the control

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Systems Description Section

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In the primary fight control function (PFCF) normal and secondary modes, the ACEs change the analog
input signals to digital data. The ACEs send the data on the intermodule buses to the flight control
modules (FCM) in the FCEs. The FCMs use the column position input data to calculate control surface
commands. The FCEs send the command data back to the ACEs that put the data on buses to the
REUs at the elevator. The ACEs control these related elevator REUs:

● ACE in FCE R - REU at right outboard PCU

● ACE in FCE C1 - REU at left inboard PCU

● ACE in FCE C2 - REU at right inboard PCU

● ACE in FCE L - REU at left outboard PCU.

Each REU uses the data from the ACEs for servo control of 1 of the 2 power control units (PCU) at each
elevator surface. Each REU attaches directly to the related PCU. The elevator PCUs operate
hydraulically and have these modes of operation:

● Normal - normal operation

● Damped - 1 PCU at a surface has a failure

● Blocked - 2 PCUs at a surface have failures.

In the damped condition, the related REU sets the PCU with a failure to a damped condition to give
some passive resistance to its movement. The good PCU can then move the surface. In the blocked
condition, the related REUs set the 2 PCUs with failures so that the surface stays near a neutral
position. Each PCU also has a manual bypass valve that lets the PCU move freely during maintenance.

The left outboard elevator PCU receives hydraulic pressure from the left hydraulic system. The right
outboard elevator PCU receives pressure from the right hydraulic system. The left and right inboard
elevator PCUs receive pressure from the center hydraulic system.

Pitch rate data supplies a feedback signal to the pitch command for pitch damping. The FCEs get pitch
rate data from the pitch rate sensors. Rate limiting does not let the FCMs give an elevator command at a
rate more than the actuation system can supply.

Elevator command logic does not operate during autopilot operation.

There are position limits to prevent loads that are too large for the airplane. These position limits are in
relation to airspeed. At low speeds, the PCUs can move to their mechanical stops. At higher speeds,
FCM software sets the position limits.

3. Elevator Feel
The elevator feel and centering units on each column assembly include an actuator that adjusts the
column feel force in relation to airspeed. The ACE in FCE L controls the actuator at the captain column,
and the ACE in FCE C2 controls the actuator at the first officer column. As the airspeed changes in the
PFCF normal mode, the FCMs give actuator commands to extend or retract the actuator. RVDTs in the
actuators supply servo feedback for control of the actuator position. In the PFCF secondary and direct
modes, the ACEs set the actuators for a high force with the flaps retracted and a low force with the flaps

When 1 of the 2 elevator feel actuators has a failure, the related ACE sends a command for more force
from the good actuator for compensation. To prevent the effect of an elevator feel actuator failure at
takeoff rotation, the actuator disengages during takeoff and the feel force stays at the low level. The feel
actuator disengages at a set speed and engages again 5 seconds after takeoff.

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Systems Description Section

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4. Elevator Trim
When the pilot moves the alternate pitch trim switches, the switches cause the stabilizer to move and
cause the trim reference speed to change. The new trim reference speed is in relation to the speed at
the new the stabilizer position.

The pitch trim switch signals go to the FCMs from the ACEs. The alternate pitch trim switch signals go to
the FCMs from the common data network (CDN). The alternate pitch trim switches signal can also go
directly to the electric motor control units (EMCU). When the EMCUs receive a valid input from the FCE
cabinets, this direct input does not have an effect. When a pitch trim input is in a nose down direction,
the trim reference speed adjusts to a positive direction, and the speed increases. When there is a nose
up input, the trim reference speed adjusts in the negative direction.

When the autopilot is in control, the pitch trim switches have no effect.

5. PFCF Normal Mode of Operation

During manual flight, the flight crew controls the pitch of the airplane with the column. Column
movement forward gives a nose down command, and column movement aft gives a nose up command.
The ACEs control a feel actuator on each feel unit in relation to airspeed data from the FCMs. This
increases the necessary column force as airspeed increases.

During autoflight operation, the FCMs use the autopilot pitch commands to calculate the elevator
position commands and a backdrive actuator command. The ACEs send the position commands to the
elevator REUs. The ACEs send the backdrive command to the backdrive actuator that moves the
columns on the flight deck.

In the PFCF normal mode the FCEs calculate pitch control commands in relation to these control laws
(27-02, PFCF - FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION gives a description of each control law):

● C*U (C star U)

● Elevator command synchronization at hydraulics on

● Elevator feel

● Elevator force fight equalization

● Elevator offload

● Elevator rig position

● Flare compensation

● Horizontal tail load alleviation

● Overspeed protection

● Stall protection

● Tail strike protection (TSP)

● Turn compensation

● Vertical modal suppression.

6. PFCF Secondary Mode of Operation

These are the only pitch control laws that operate in the secondary mode:

● Elevator command synchronization at hydraulics on

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Systems Description Section

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● Elevator force fight equalization.

7. PFCF Direct Mode of Operation

The PFCF direct mode pitch control is almost the same as in the PFCF secondary mode, but the control
path does not include the FCMs. Control laws in the ACEs make position command calculations.


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