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Who translated plutarch’s line from the French

revolution in 1579
2. Who was the writer of ‘the civil wars’
3. What type of work is mainly Samuel pepy’s ‘’dairy’
4. Hopkin was mainly a
5. Maria edgeworth’s novel Belinda is mainly
6. O’ henry wrote his stories when
7. War poets are
8. Who was the inventor of spring rhythms
9. Who wrote ‘’they also serve who only stand and
10. In which poem is melancholy presented as
pensive noun ‘’devout and pure…. With even step
and musing gait’’
11. Who speak the following words in paradise lost
‘’what though the field be lost all is not lost’’
12. Uriah heep is a character in
13. Which play is said to be written by shakspear in
collaboration with marlow
14. In which play of shakspear king is assisnated
15. Louka is a character in
16. In one of whose sonnet the following lines
appear ‘’shall I compare thee to a summer’s day’’
17. When did kippling die
18. On which of the flower is one of wordsworth’s
poem captioned
19. In which year paul hyse receive the nobel prize
20. Who receive the nobel prize in year 1995
21. Members of the theatre of absured
22. When was wordsworth made the poet laureate
of England
23. When did rushdie’s midnight children appear
24. When did rushdie’s the moor’s last sign appear
25. Who is the writer of essay of the elia
26. In which of shaw’s drama a character says ‘’ let
us sit and talk comfortable over it like friends’’
27. In which shakspear’s play the following spear ‘’
times are out of joint’’
28. When did marx die
29. When did Dylan Thomas die
30. ………………………………………………………………are
associated with surelism movment
31. Frued died in
32. Who wrote Agincourt
33. In which poem the following lines occure
‘’where youth grows pale scepter thin and dies
34. Who was the largest contributor to the
35. Marlow is a character in
36. In which novel is major scobie the main figure
37. The writer of uncle toms cabin is
38. Mrs Dalloway is mainly a
39. Who according to geoarge b smith is
‘’…………………………….the shakspeare of novelists’’
40. Who published shemela anonymously in 1741
41. When was joseph Andrew published
42. Byron was born in
43. Byron was not a …………….
44. In which poem the following lines appear ‘’but
the triumph of love are sung in poems of wifehood
and motherhood’’
45. In which work the character pompila exist
46. In which poem of the keats the following lines
exist ‘’and can I ever bid these joys farewell
47. Yes I must pass them for a nobler life’’
48. In which work the following lines occure ‘’my
whole heart rises up to bless
49. Your name in pride and thankfulness’’
50. In which work the following lines occure ‘’for
who would trust the seeming signs of wife or
paramour ‘’
51. The first edition of leaves of grass was published
52. Who wrote the following line ‘’ I am the poet of
the body and I am the poet of the soul’’
53. In which work does the character umbrial exist.
54. …………………. Character bears the same name in
the rape of lock and the tempest.
55. …………………..are the writes of augustan satire
56. Who wrote culture and anarchy
57. Barbarian, philistine are Hebraism are terms
present in …………………..
58. Who was the so called touchstone method in
59. What was the of name of the girl whom keats
60. Chanson de Ronald is a………….epic
61. Methuselah is a ……………………character
62. Who wrote imitation in latin
63. Who wrote love’s riddle
64. In which book of paradise lost the following
lines appear ‘’ and never to submit or yield’’
65. Which poem did Milton write in memory of his
second wife Catherine woodcock
66. Mr. whittier was
67. John kable was a writer of …………….verses
68. Pindar was a great ……………..lyric poet
69. Who wrote ‘’ecclesiastical sonnets’’
70. Ernest renan was
71. Who said the following ‘’the greatness of a poet
lies in his powerful and beautiful applicationof ideas
to life’’
72. According to Arnold Chaucer is
73. Who called poetry the mother of lies
74. Aristotle defines the ridiculous as
75. Who wrote ysteries of udolpho
76. Who among the following is known as
Christopher north
77. By what name was shelly called by the boys at
78. In which of shelly’s poem do the following lines
exist ‘’while yet a boy, I sought for ghost and sped
through many a listening chamber cave and ruin
79. Who wrote heroes and hero worship
80. What can be called ‘’a tale of adventure’’
81. Who says, ‘’a book should help us either to
enjoy life or to endure it
82. Who is known for his prejudicial meaning of oats
83. Who wrote; ‘’but trailing clouds of glory do we
come from god, who is our home’’
84. Which poem of wordworth has emrson called
‘’the high water mark of poetry in the 19th century’’
85. Malroy’s d’ Arthur is a collection of
86. In which work does the following line occur ‘’
the voil, the violet and the vine’’
87. Who has said ‘’all that we see or seem. Is but a
dream within a dream’’
88. In which work does the following line occur. ‘’he
whom the gods favor dies young’’
89. Who said; ‘’ye gods! Annihilate but space and
time and make two lovers happy’’
90. Who said ‘’to famous men all the earth is a

1. In which poem the following lines appear ‘’in a
land of anonymity don’t look for signposts?
2. Learn hence for ancient rules a just esteem to
copy nature is to copy them’’ who wrote these
3. Name the writer of the descriptive sketches
4. ‘’nature ne’er deserts the wise and pure’’ which
poem is this
5. In which canto of don juan does the following lines
occure ‘’ men love in haste but they detest at
6. Whom does shelly call ‘’the pilgrim of eternity’’ in
his adonais
7. Who wrote the following lines ‘’oh lift me as a
wave a leaf a cloud I fall upon the throns of life
8. In which poem of shelly do the following lines
occure ‘’that the free would stamp the impious
name of king into the dust
9. In which poem does keats write ‘’their lips
touched not but had not bade adieu
10. Which poet is associated with the style ‘’to load
every rift with ore’’
11. In which poem does the following line occure ‘’
twas roses, roses all the way
12. Who is the writer of the line ‘’to see the world in
a grain of sand
13. Who says ‘’we murder to dissect
14. Who talks of sick hurry and divided aims in his
15. In which work do we find the words ‘’ I grow old,
I grow old
16. In which play of shakspear do we have the lines
‘’ most friendship is feigning most loving mere
17. In which play of shakspeare do the following
lines occure ‘’ present mirth hath present
laughter, what to come is still unsure’’
18. In which work does the following lines occure
‘’the mountain nymph, sweet liberty’’
19. Who speaks the following words ‘’my fifth
housebande , god his soule blesse which that I
took for love and no richesse
20. In which of spenser’s poems does the following
line occure ‘’o helpe thou my weake wit and
sharpen my dull tong
21. Who said ‘’india is simply my environment’’
22. In which poem of nissim Ezekiel do we have the
lines ‘’ only the monkeys are sad anticipating time
for payment the crowd dissolves’’
23. In which poem of shiv k kumar do the following
lines occure ‘’patiently they sit like empty
24. Which of the following plays of Wycherley is
comparatively a satire than a piece off mere
25. Who said ‘’man not afraid of god but afraid of
26. In which of shakspeare’s play is Margaret a
27. Who among the following was least affected by
French revolution
28. Which of austen’s novel begins with the lines ‘’it
is a truth universally acknowledge that

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