Caballero, Krizah Marie C. Bsma 2e Pe 3 Preliminary Activity

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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus

Name: Caballero, Krizah Marie C.

Section: BSMA 2E
Cycle Number: 2
Date Submitted: October 22, 2021

Gender Issues in Physical Education

By Sarah Smiley E. Evaluate

1. How does the work relate to issues in today's world? (20 points)

Physical education is a school-based program that encourages physical activity among growing
children, both boys and girls. The children are allowed to become physically fit and active while also
experiencing the benefits of those activities. Many countries are concerned that girls are becoming less
aggressive than boys. Physical Education programs in schools are designed to cultivate deep-seated
proclivities for active work by providing children with both the opportunity to be truly diverse and
positive experiences with that active work. Furthermore, it teaches children the benefits of physical
activity and allows them to see how good it can make them feel. Equality in physical education
programs is a simple concept to understand. However, it will not be an easy road. Educators have a
significant responsibility to be more proactive in promoting gender equality. Gender equality must be
integrated into physical education learning from the beginning.

2. How does the content relate to your life, experiences, feelings, and thoughts? (20 points)

School should be an institution for males and females. However, it is not powerful enough to
fight the rapidly growing issues about gender inequalities. Physical Education is a school program that
focuses on physical activity for boys and girls to keep them physically fit. Since grade school, I'm not
into sports. I prefer studying my lessons than running around in the field. Our school often choose
boys to be an athlete and be the representative of the school. It may not be fair for others, but for me, it
is kind of fair because they did not force those who don't want to engage in sport or any physical
activity. On the other hand, I realized that it is not fair to those other girls who want to participate in
athletics. That is why schools and universities must create a more equal environment for both males
and females. Also, some girls are confident, skillful, and talented in sports they love and find
enjoyable. I agree with the suggestion of that article that the institution should give opportunities to the
students, especially girls to show off their talent and that they (institution) should provide physical
activities that both boys and girls can enjoy.

PHYSED 3 – Preliminary Activity

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