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V-Belts Component Generator (Version: 2023 (Build 270158000, 158))


Project Info (iProperties)

Belt Properties
Display name V-Belt DIN 2215
Size 10 x 898
Number of belts z 1,000 ul
Wedge angle α 40,00 deg
Width b 10,000 mm
Height h 6,000 mm
Datum width bw 8,500 mm
Datum length Ld 920,000 mm
External length Le 935,699 mm
Internal length Li 898,000 mm
Length correction factor c3 1,020 ul
External line offset Hw 2,499 mm
Pitch line offset a 0,000 mm
Minimum recommended pulley datum diameter Dwmin 50,000 mm
Maximum flex frequency fmax 60,000 Hz
Maximum belt speed vmax 30,000 mps
Specific mass m 0,060 kg/m
Base power rating PRB 0,106 kW

Grooved Pulley 1 Properties

Display name Grooved Pulley
Size Custom
Type of pulley DriveR
Datum diameter Dd 70,000 mm
Pitch Diameter Dp 70,000 mm
Datum width bw 8,500 mm
Groove angle α 34,00 deg
Height c 2,000 mm
Groove depth h 11,000 mm
Radius External R1 0,000 mm
Radius Internal R2 0,000 mm
X coordinate x -100,000 mm
Y coordinate y 0,000 mm
Span length Lf 321,604 mm
Number of grooves ng 1,000 ul
Distance from edge Se 8,000 mm
Distance between grooves Sg 12,000 mm
Power ratio Px 1,000 ul
Power P 0,000 kW
Torque T 0,000 N m
Speed n 200,000 rpm
Arc of contact β 173,77 deg
Force on input F1 0,042 N
Force on output F2 0,042 N
Resultant axle load Fr 0,084 N
Static tensioning force Fv 0,084 N
Friction factor fg 0,350 ul

Grooved Pulley 2 Properties

Display name Grooved Pulley
Size Custom
Type of pulley DriveN
Datum diameter Dd 105,000 mm
Pitch Diameter Dp 105,000 mm
Datum width bw 8,500 mm
Groove angle α 34,00 deg
Height c 2,000 mm
Groove depth h 11,000 mm
Radius External R1 0,000 mm
Radius Internal R2 0,000 mm
X coordinate x 222,080 mm
Y coordinate y 0,000 mm
Center distance C 322,080 mm
Span length Lf 321,604 mm
Number of grooves ng 1,000 ul
Distance from edge Se 8,000 mm
Distance between grooves Sg 12,000 mm
Power ratio Px 1,000 ul
Power P 0,000 kW
Torque T 0,000 N m
Speed n 133,333 rpm
Theoretical transmission ratio iT 1,500 ul
Transmission ratio i 1,500 ul
Arc of contact β 186,23 deg
Force on input F1 0,042 N
Force on output F2 0,042 N
Resultant axle load Fr 0,084 N
Static tensioning force Fv 0,084 N
Friction factor fg 0,350 ul

Strength check
Power P 0,000 kW
Torque T 0,000 N m
Speed n 200,000 rpm
Efficiency torque factor ηt 0,980 ul
Efficiency η 0,980 ul
Belt slip s 0,000 ul
Arc of contact correction factor c1 0,986 ul
Service factor c2 1,200 ul
Resultant service factor cPR 1,200 ul
Length correction factor c3 1,020 ul
Number of belts correction factor c4 1,000 ul
Number of pulleys correction factor c5 1,000 ul
Modify friction with speed factor fmod 0,012 s/m
Tension factor k1 1,300 ul
Belt Speed v 0,733 mps
Belt flex frequency fb 1,594 Hz
Number of belts required zer 0,000 ul
Effective pull Fp 0,000 N
Centrifugal force Fc 0,032 N
Belt installation tension Ft 0,042 N
Maximum tension in belt span Ftmax 0,042 N

Summary of Messages

22:30:11 Calculation: Belt tension is computed with respect to Pulley 1.

22:30:11 Calculation: Calculation indicates design compliance!

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