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What is speaker credibility?

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not something speaker has or does not have in any objective sense speaker may be ignorant or immoral...but what is important is what audience believes -- the speaker has high credibility if audience believes Ingrid Bergman said, "It's not whether you really cry; it's whether the audience thinks you are crying" Credibility is important to advertising -is Michael Jordan credible shoe sales person? Credibility is also important to politician


COMPETENCE -knowledge and expertise the audience thinks the speaker possess CHARACTER- the intentions and concern of the speaker for the audience CHARISMA- the personality and dynamism of the speaker CREDIBILITY AND CULTURE
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what makes up credibility varies from culture to culture one culture may say competence important in choosing a teacher another culture may say morality, goodness or reputation

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knowledge and expertise speaker thought to have the more knowledge one appears to have the more believable -e.g. doctor/lawyer has perceived competence through experience/study competence is subject specific we may assume if person competent in politics, person is competent in general-halo effect however there is also a reverse halo effect-not competent in one field-not competent generally one must demonstrate competence to audience-be seen as expert METHODS TO DEMONSTRATE COMPETENCE

1. Tell listeners of your competence -tell your experiences related to topic education/experience, etc. 2. Cite a variety of research sources (credible sources) 3. Stress the competencies of sources-what have they done? 4. Demonstrate Confidence -be comfortable at ease-be familiar with visuals-what ,when, how 5. Avoid Apologizing-don't call attention to inadequacies

we perceive speaker credible if he/she is of high character -honest can we trust this person? Ask what motives or intentions does person have-- Determine if intentions are thought to be good vs being paid DEMONSTRATING CHARACTER

1. Stress Similarity -emphasize the way you are similar to audience - the more similar, the more credible 2. Stress Fairness -if persuasive speech, stress that you have looked at both sides -don't omit parts of other side as audience will bring them up 3. Demonstrate Long-term Consistency -we become leery of those who flit from side to side -say how long you have believed your point of view 4. Stress Concern for Audience -make audience aware of your interest in them -don't be out for yourself
Stress Concern for Enduring Values -demonstrate concern for lasting truths and general principles -your beliefs are related to higher order values

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a combination of speaker's personality and dynamism as seen by audience you are perceived as credible if you are liked, friendly pleasant we prefer dynamic vs hesitant shy may be perceived as hiding something -doesn't believe in self HOW TO DEMONSTRATE CHARISMA

1. Demonstrate a Positive Outlook -stress pleasure in speaking 2. Act Assertively -stand up for what you believe 3. Demonstrate Enthusiasm -be absorbed in speech-learn all you can about subject -ask yourself how it related to you 4. Be Emphatic -use emphatic vs colourless language -use clear gestures

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