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##Chapter 12 Heavenly Divine Hall

In the courtyard of the lake house, Xian Tiance hung up the call as his body
subconsciously emitted an ice-cold killing intent. The rain poured down like a
shower from the sky as Zhou Jie — soaked in mud water — continued
struggling in the pigsty.

At this moment, the corners of Tian Qi’s mouth curled up into a chilling
smile. “Hehe… Hall Master, it has been such a long time since every
single one of us deities have gathered for a meeting. To be honest, I
have already forgotten the last time everyone came together. Even when
we previously annihilated the Dark Heavenly Group, we only needed to
gather half of our full force to defeat them. Besides, Hall Master, aren’t
we giving the Zhou Family too much face by asking everyone to be
present? Surely, such a small matter dealing with the Zhou Family isn’t
worth the time and effort of gathering everyone, right…?”

Smiling, Xian Tiance replied, “Indeed, such an insignificant family truly

isn’t worth the time to gather the entire force of the Grand Hall of Deities.
The main purpose for doing so is rather to show some people from the
Combat Division of the Dragon Country our full force. Even if it hadn’t
been for this matter, I would have come back sooner or later. After all, I
still have many affairs to deal with in the Dragon Country. This time, I
asked everyone to gather in order to prevent any difficulties and trouble
that might occur in the future. Right, after dealing with this matter, I will
be returning to the North River immediately. Has everything been set up
on that end yet?”

Speaking in a casual manner, Xiao Tiance obviously did not care much
about the insignificant Zhou Family whatsoever. Frankly, he only saw the
Zhou Family as a mere second-tier family in the Dragon Country that he
could destroy with a flick of his fingers. The gathering of the deities in the
country this time was simply to declare his return as the king. Still
bearing the same hatred from six years ago, he had intentions of settling
everything once and for all.

##Chapter 2 Release That Witch

Looking in the direction of the beauty, Su Yue’s eyes lit up immediately.

Never before had he ever laid his eyes upon a woman that gave off the
presence of a raging flame.
Her smooth fiery-red hair hung loosely around her waist like dancing
flames, complementing the wheat-colored skin on her exposed back.
Her voluptuous figure, tightly wrapped in a layer of snow-white cloth,
further emphasized the heavy mountain ranges of her ample bosom.
Even with such a breathtaking appearance, she nevertheless found it
difficult to conceal that imposing manner of hers.

Contrasting the slender appearance of her waist and abdomen — seemingly

lacking any traces of fat — she nonetheless possessed great physical prowess.
From the looks of it, she appears to have undergone regular training,
completely different from the average person in this modern society.
Furthermore, there were even a few eye-catching scars on her waist and back.
Though it may have destroyed her perfect appearance, they had, on the other
hand, gifted her with a different kind of beauty!
Further down, her clothes were sewn with a layer of tiger skin, the hems
of her skirt flowing down to her knees. From there, her slender legs
stepped out as her thighs remained partially visible to the naked eye. As
she stood tall at the height of nearly 180cm, Su Yue couldn’t help but
gulp down a mouthful of saliva as his eyes gaped towards her sylphlike
So hot and so wild.

## Chapter 1 Global Catastrophe Starting With The Construction of Noah’s Ark

The first design was round and divided into two layers. The outer layer was
reinforced by a sturdy layer of steel and possessed sufficient anti-impact
capabilities. However, the setback was that it would give up on more flexible
mobility. Thus, it would serve to be more passive when the time comes. After
careful consideration, it was immediately rejected.

The second design focused heavily on strengthening the hull. By doing

so, the ship would have relatively strong abilities to break through the
vicious waves, in addition to an increase in mobility. However, the upper
levels of the ship would inevitably be lacking in terms of defense. While it
may be sturdy enough to withstand tsunamis, it will nevertheless fall to
solid objects that stand in its path. In that case, the ship would have a
high chance of getting destroyed.
As such, this design was also rejected.
The third design was to cover and reinforce the entire ship. This
particular design was similar to the U.S. Navy’s Zumwalt Class
Destroyer, a warship that looked very much like the vessels usually seen
in sci-fi movies.
In this design, the ship has a sharp triangular head and gradually expands from
the narrow front into a wide hull along its width. Closer to the back stands the
island or upper bridge of the ship. While the front deck appears as a sharp
triangle — long and narrow — the aft deck was, on the other hand, a large
square that served as parking spots for aircrafts to land. Furthermore, there
was also an elevator built into the ship in that area.

The particular design would ensure the safety of all the cargo that they
planned to bring onboard the ship. Furthermore, while the sharp head of the
ship gives it the ability to break through the endless series of waves with the
utmost ease, the wide hull provides enough stability so that the ship wouldn’t
topple onto its side.

Even in the face of a tsunami, the ship would still be safe as it possesses the
ability to dive underwater for a short period of time — another safety measure
checked off the list.

After deciding to go with the third design for the ship, Qin Binn immediately
downloaded an image of the Zumwalt Class Destroyer and sent it over to
Android Number One.

## Chapter 10 The Unparalleled Boxing Champion

Luo Tao sent a ferocious jab flying towards his target. Whoa! His attack
certainly packed quite a punch — certainly nothing to scoff at or
underestimate. If one were to receive the punch head on, they would
definitely be in complete agony. Thus, one would have no choice but to take
things seriously.

Who would have thought that the punch just now would actually have so
much strength behind it? With intentions to test his strength, Rexis charged up
his first and threw out a flurry of jabs that gradually increased in both speed
and power!

Under the barrage of fists, Luo Tao realized that his opponent was starting to
set the tempo of the match. At this point, it would only be a matter of time
before he gets overwhelmed, especially by those knife-like jabs. If he were to
bring up his guard now, he figured that his opponent would charge up an even
more powerful attack and swing a hook to the side of his exposed ribs, not
giving him any time to react.
However, when he focused on minimizing his exposed areas, his opponent
immediately sent a barrage of straight jabs towards his front.

Rexis’s heavy punches were indeed beginning to overwhelm him. Even though
he was wearing boxing gloves, which reduced the impact of his attacks, Luo
Tao could nevertheless feel the great force behind his fists. Facing such
ferocious attacks, he was slowly but surely being pushed back.

Just as he subconsciously raised his guard, his opponent instantly reacted and
caught him by surprise with a rear hook to his jaw.
With a resounding thud, Luo Tao collapsed straight onto the boxing platform!

As his head began spinning out of control, he felt like a computer that had
been infected by a virus. At the same time, the sound ringing non-stop around
him felt as if they had come from another world.

Please rename file to "Your name + Test X-ray"
Subject Title : "Your name + Test X-r
Example : Wendy Suharto + Test X-R
zed. Example : All names must be localized to
an Common Names. Not Chinese.
Indonesian (Target Language)
##Bab 12 Aula Surgawi

Di halaman rumah danau, Hadi Prasetyo menutup telepon saat tubuhnya secara tidak
sadar memancarkan niat membunuh yang sedingin es. Hujan turun seperti pancuran
dari langit saat Budi Kurniawan — basah kuyup dalam air lumpur — terus berjuang di
kandang babi.

Pada saat ini, sudut mulut Ilham meringkuk menjadi senyum dingin. “Hehe… Penjaga
Aula, sudah lama sekali sejak kita semua para dewa berkumpul untuk rapat.
Sejujurnya, saya sudah lupa kapan terakhir kali semua orang berkumpul. Bahkan
ketika kami sebelumnya memusnahkan Grup Kegelapan Surgawi, kami hanya perlu
mengumpulkan setengah dari kekuatan penuh kita untuk mengalahkan mereka. Selain
itu, Penjaga Aula, bukankah kita terlalu memberi wajah Keluarga Kurniawan dengan
meminta semua orang untuk hadir? Tentunya, masalah sekecil itu berurusan dengan
Keluarga Kurniawan tidak sepadan untuk menghabiskan waktu dan upaya untuk
mengumpulkan semua orang, kan …? ”

Tersenyum, Imam Bonjol menjawab, “Memang, keluarga yang tidak penting seperti itu
benar-benar tidak sepadan untuk menghabiskan waktu untuk mengumpulkan seluruh
kekuatan Aula Besar Dewa. Tujuan utama melakukannya adalah untuk menunjukkan
kepada beberapa orang dari Divisi Tempur Negara Naga kekuatan penuh kita. Bahkan
jika bukan karena masalah ini, saya akan kembali cepat atau lambat. Lagi pula, saya
masih memiliki banyak urusan untuk ditangani di Negara Naga. Kali ini, saya meminta
semua orang untuk berkumpul untuk mencegah kesulitan dan masalah yang mungkin
akan terjadi di masa depan. Benar, setelah menangani masalah ini, saya akan segera
kembali ke Sungai Utara. Apakah semuanya sudah diatur untuk itu? ”

Berbicara dengan santai, Imam Bonjol jelas tidak terlalu peduli dengan Keluarga
Kurniawan yang tidak penting sama sekali. Terus terang, dia hanya melihat Keluarga
Kurniawan sebagai keluarga tingkat kedua di Negara Naga yang bisa dia hancurkan
dengan jentikan jarinya. Pengumpulan para dewa di negara kali ini hanya untuk
menyatakan kembalinya dia sebagai raja. Masih memiliki kebencian yang sama dari
enam tahun yang lalu, dia memiliki niat untuk menyelesaikan semuanya sekali dan
untuk selamanya.

##Bab 2 Lepaskan Penyihir Itu

Melihat ke arah keindahan, mata Su Yue langsung menyala. Belum pernah dia melihat
seorang wanita yang memancarkan kehadiran api yang mengamuk.
"Your name + Test X-ray" and email to
e : "Your name + Test X-ray"
Wendy Suharto + Test X-Ray"

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